MEET ME AT SATCHELS $ 1 — Longnecks all day / every day Across the street from Traditions Dorm 260-8850 FREE PARKING BEHIND SHADOW CANYON Wednesday, April 24, 2002 Fish by R.DeLuna \ Ail of- This "P/AySov ComiajG To A‘/T' 5ToFF Sounds FisHY Ask ^ e SECRET IMTER\/iE\J Locations. Pictures of 6ifls rfSsjs&L THE 1 & — X mean , If THEV'RE Going To g£ this 'JA&ue. tT's ANY 5CH/HUC ic u/ITH A CAMERA CAAJ SAY HE'S PHoTeGKAFHEt GJiTH PL ay soy April Fools Is Over Pint Night is back on Thursday 70 different beers $ 2 Don’t forget about Working Women’s Wednesday Call for details 846-02 I I the estate belongs to them. Robert Wayne Brown, the franchise owner of the Kettle Restaurant where Olsen fre quently dined and was featured in local commercials, said he and Olsen became good friends and that Olsen often spoke of leaving Happy Hour n cr> 4-8 pm 9 9 c Margaritas 9 9c Draft Beer Longest & Happiest Happy Hour In College Station Kona Ranch Hawaiian Grill 5 20 Harvey Road * Aggicland’s CONTACT LENS Headquarters * * Student Specials * Free LASIK Consultation * Greece / ^.oouup£efec10 entry t.akehoni S&^ylon N' - Hs," sai All o-f .April! 1“ " Sa-vrings slW arxd ETfects 1<5<55; S. Texas Avenue tamp! ginning itninoes gname amp ^ Ham pi Ilf " IK:I ' llitnd I enc viza-gogo 2002 works of students in m.s. visualization sciences Diagnostic Medicine and Treatment Center Nalini M. Dave, MD - Serving Brazos Valley since 1980 Board Certified Doctor for Adults Complete Physicals, Diagnosis and Immunizations Treatment of Cough, Cold, Asthma and Allergy Heart, Stomach, Lung, Kidney and Intestine Disorders Arthritis, Diabetes, Blood pressure, and Hormone Disorder Pap Smears, Carpel Tunnel Testing, EKG, Holter Monitoring PMS, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Weight Loss Management Mahesh R. Dave, MD - Serving Brazos Valley since 1980 Board Certified in Adult, Addiction, Child-Adolescent and Forensic Psychiatry Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, Panic and Substance Abuse Disorders Adult and Child Attention Deficit Disorder Students receive *10.00 discount on first visit with this advertisement! Welcoming new patients. Major Insurance Plans and Private Pay Office 979-776-5600 I20I-D Briarcrest Drive, Bryan exhibition of flat work. april 29 - may 4 (8:OOam - 5:00pm) rudder exhibit hall free live demonstrations. may 3. 4 (4:OOpm - 6:30pm) rudder exhibit hall screening of films | digital works. may 3, 4 (7:OOpm) rudder theatre, free admission THE SECRET TO FEEUNt GOOD ABOUT RETIREMEf being certain you’ll have enough mone|| long as you live. An ANNUITY is a taxi tool that can guarantee you an ' ncornee f ,'|j live to be 140. It’s a great way to help between what you currently have coming tt | through pensions. Social Security, savings what you’ll actually need to live. Ca// us to find out how to feel good about retire/n^j Ryan Holland Mike Southerland Insurance Agent/ 979.823.3759 - Office 979.82 1.2409 - Fax the bait/ Maria 110 Ojjj! 0 Editor inU 'l editorStM 1 * The Bx™ u0N (lS ^g trough lished daily, Monday Tste^J the fall and spnng * ^ through Thurs d 7 hol# i sion (except Unlvers M y UnW rt periods) atTexas A&M U^,! Postage Palda * r(1 address^ 1 , POSTMASTER: Se " d univ eRJ!> eatta//on, Texas A&U , hi College Station, TX 7« a mm n/UfS* V managed hy ■ j 0n of$t University in the JL^ent of a unit of the nepa^ ^ News offices ar done: Building. Ne ^ sr °°| newsrod 845-2647: Web site: http.//" ,, Adverilsia^ Pt) n!s ( |dp IO o rel,(l ° f not imply s P° ns !l h D ys lotf 1 ' Battalion. For caaip g45 , 2 display advertising'^ g45()5 sified advertising. Mc[)or offices are m 015 R e hours are Saitoh Friday. Fax: 845-2 Subscrifitlgn^APart f A& ^ Fee entitles eachTexa % WORSHIP LED BY ROSS KING yy Compass College Ministries