The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 23, 2002, Image 2
VIZA-GOGO 2002 works of students in m.s. visualization sciences exhibition of flat work. april 29 - may 4 (8:OOam - 5:OOpm) rudder exhibit hall free live demonstrations. may 3, 4 (4:00pm - 6:30pm) rudder exhibit hall screening of films | digital works. may 3, 4 (7:00pm) rudder theatre, free admission Personalizing Prints! Graduation Weekend Friday, May 10th 12PM-6PM Saturday, May 11th 12PM-6PM Fine Art Prints and Diploma Framing 979/691-2787 405 University Drive East Congratulations Kappa Alpha Theta Seniors! We will miss you! I Julie Johnson Amy Evans Ginger Duncan Jordan Adams Angela Cazalas Natalie Smith Alicia Thomas Nancy Turner Cindy Elizondo Michele Crain Mary Catherine Paup Elizabeth McKay Jill Helgren Melissa Hammit Margaret Whitehurst Claire Bailey Amanda Wheat Martha Stiver Molly Morris Lauren Vrooman Leah McNery Melissa Williams Marci McClellan Nicole Mitchell Meg Hickman Candice Bouton Julie Bosworth Elizabeth Ambrose Diana Ward Lindsey Eubank Abbie Conlee Laurie Chidlow Erin Clark Whitney Gunn Carrie Jones Erin Castleberry Emily Johnson Katherine Ashworth Kacey Ross Jessica Miller Lauren Merrill Jessica Mullins Lindsay Rumohr Casey Dyer Andrea Rod Kim Monroe Pam Warren Sara Shumate Kristen Herlocker Brittany Teller Jessica Miller Jennifer Atkinson Abbie Fuchs Ashlie Lasley Amber Lemley Jill Balez I Tuesday, April 23, 2002 Fish .Mo , rJo. yvloj l —JH| • ^ por 7^AT Ticket X'M W Car! 5oRRV ) Looks l\k£ y<>o'LL- Have To F/ajD -5oA1£ OTHER PooZ STuDEMT To Sock: IS B^cxs °oT of! by R.DeLuna Too Hate To see That. HoiO AWCM Too Tut/JK THAT'LL Co%T To Fix > funny side u p t WHAT ARC 'iOO D0IW6i j 6AC\t WCRe . BV7 Z3 I'M G*ONNA SQUIRT lionew And win THE GtCrtt. by Josh Darwin GET OFF OF MC, Too FfceAK? 254 by J. Gold flute CAMPUS CALENDAR Thur. April 25 The Program on Conflict and Dispute Resolution and the George Bush School of Government is host ing a lecture: “Afghanistan - A Study in Neglect" by Hank Brown, former U.S. Senator and Chair of Middle East Subcommittee on Foreign Relations. It will be held in the Presidential Conference Center at 7 p.m. Call Rebecca Royer at 862-1079 for more information. Mon. April 29 Project Sunshine will be having an executive meeting at 8:30pm in Koldus. Tues. April 30 The Aggie Texas Trophy Hunters will have their end of school meeting at Fuddrucker’s (Texas Ave.) at 6:30 p.m. There will be a raffle and guest lec ture. For more information call Brent Muehr at 680-8899. Wed. May 1 Project Sunshine will have a closing meeting at 8:30 p.m. in MSC 226. TH E BATH Bike Continued frompaj Parking, Traf f lc I ransportation Servicer , UPD officers al4| dents to be aware of tW release tire on neweij bikes. Students oftetl their bike with a case] ened lock through tire only, but bikettuej easily slip the fronuf and take the trame. There has been an id in on-campus car burl with many of the in rPTf occurring in residenn I CCL lots 61 and 88 behind! Dining center, with I trucks and SUVs air] most highly targeted' cles, Baron said. Stude® encouraged to remove] _ able items from then:.* -. L cars and remembertoliu° osl " Jr doors. A newly targeted,] by the UPD is an are:: phone scam that recent!; been reported in the; This hoax is carried phone messages answering machines er,. Chacon, aging unknowing cor-, the agg to return a call toani code located in Dominican Republic. Unlike charged calls rUw .-— U.S., there is no brief gracrisupports od at the call's beginnin;|| "1 ha 1 would allow aconsumerii 1 able to s mine the nature of the u Nowlan they have reached. Qiarg pat be?' these calls begin immedai choo mid may cost several dote » cor( jed minute, Baron said. is ui is about jjband pk Jngth C Durii ted the opular i play i §y the ’1 jut the ! upid," Irowd p “If iren't e ie sho' /yatt ; broken thoosinj I As group is I recugnizt NEWS IN BRIEF Ry lander accepts j campaign pledge! HOUSTON (AP) -f campaign pledge againsttd ing money from people r:I companies contesting collected by her office, Comptroller Carole to Rylander has repo© I received nearly one-halfmifcf dollars in such contriMons Rylander, according to Houston Chronicle review, taj taken more than $223,0W»f donations from five firms »»j represent hundreds of to*W] ers in disputed tax cases, r, EPICURES CAEE f 2319 Texas Avc. South * College Station (979) 695-0985 * Fax (979) 696-3322 Administrative Professionals Day (Formally Known as Secretaries Day) April 24, 2002 A Special Place to Say Thank You Reservations arc Welcome (979) 695-0985 Mon. - Fri: 1 1 am - 2 pm Sunday: 10 am - 2 pm Weekends & Nights Closed for Private Parlies R.A.D. Presents: (Responsible Aggie Decisions) Hook, Line <& Sinker Don’t Be /A Stinker Free Koozies? Games! FUN!!! Snow Cones! Prizes!! Fish Lips Contest 4- "Raffle!! Make Responsible Decisions! April 23 @ MSC Rudder Fountain 9:00 - 1:00 Tutor] olin Spring Finals Schedule: May 1-2 May 3 May 4-5 MayM Math 141 4-8 p.m. 6-10 p.m. jTpJi Math 142 8-12 p.m. 3-6 p.nF 7-10 Math 131 lOpito-l^ I’hysics 201 ll:30iun.-230pjn. Physics 202 6-9 p.m. 10:30 iun. Go to or tall 485-855# for more information Before you donate your unwanted clothing, consider consigning with... l^eAaie \AJearltou5e for Ladies and Children for Men 3800 S. Texas Ave. 3808-B S. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77802 Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-3679 (979) 846-4868 Call or visit online for details Store hours: 10am - 6:00pm Monday - Friday 10 am - 5:00 pm Saturday Major credit cards accepted ■ Layaway available ■ THE BATTALION Mariano Castillo, Editor in Chief Brian Ruff, Managing Editor Mamli Vest, Sci| Tech Tdi True Brown, Sports Editor Doug Fuentes, Sports Actant Kate Siegel, Copy Chid Chad Mallam, Art D.recto Guy Rogers HI, Photo ^ Sayeda Ismail, Radio Pro Diane Xavier, Radio Assistant Rees Winstead, Webmaster Sommer Bunce, News Editor Brandie Li flick. News Editor Rolando Garcia, News Assistant Lizette Resendez, Aggielife Editor Kendra Kingsley, Aggielife Assistant Lycia Shrum, Aggielife Assistant Cayla Carr, Opinion Editor Richard Bray, Opinion Assistant h Friday THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Mon ^ ay the sunn 116 ' ing the fall and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday ^ univeisity session (except University holidays and exam periods) at J®* R . Sen( j addre^ Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. pos [^| rnllege Stati 0 '’,'* changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, HU TAMU ' u 77843-1111. at Texas A&M News: The Battalion news department is managed by stU( ^ e ' 1 ! 1 s , 0 f journali 5111 ; University in the Division of Student Media, a unit of the Depa g45-33l3; F® 1 ' News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroo, T 1 pn ° th 845-2647; E-mail:; Web site: http://ww enc j or sementW Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply s P ons ? rsl, ' P p a |l g45-2696 F® The Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, ^cDona 1 > classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are "l ul g45 _2678. and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, rax. stu dent t0 Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entltles . eacf | l r ^ es 254- ^ ails l C p pick up a single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additions $i7.50fo ft scriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or s P" ng f^icrover, or Am enca summer or $10 a month. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, Express, call 845-2611.