The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 18, 2002, Image 5
agq| the BATlJ low 1( -i began negoi quickly •Bassett cusio uid Bassett, 'omen under .' who go toGf;: iurniture." ritt Beenier'v, he idea of aF ■ of Elvis ng about thee 'Center. "But j branding experl I'rademark of Elvis fui Parting withPtJ it ion after his vant to stock ti he said: "Thej ou in the i try of three act rectors. His nnounced ear ith STONi designing )rm and ild Bldg. on the lo you position aggielife THE BATTALION Destiny’s Child releases book, asks ladies to “put some clothes on” NEW YORK (AP) — Destiny's Child's new (single "Nasty Girl," which chastises scantily Idad women and tells them to "put some clothes on," may seem contradictory com ing from a trio known as much for their [bare midriffs as their soulful sound. The group says there is a difference (between dressing sexy and dressing nasty. "A classy girl can wear something classy [and still be sexy," singer Beyonce Knowles told The Associated Press on Tuesday night, [dressed in a short miniskirt. "It doesn't mean you can't wear your j stomach out or wear a short skirt. That does- j n't mean your nasty, because you dress sexy. It's how you carry yourself," she added. Knowles, Kelly Rowland and Michelle | Williams were dressed casually as they celebrated the release of their book, Soul Survivors: The Official Autobiography of Destiny's Child, at a party in midtown Manhattan. In the book, they discuss some of the turmoil that has engulfed the group — three former members left under PEOPLE IN THE NEWS acrimonious terms — and about their childhood. "We got a chance to put all the rumors to rest. I think it gives people the chance to know Destiny's Child on a personal level," Williams said. "Like us growing up — how some of us dealt with bullies, and self esteem. I know for me, I had no father fig ure ... it's a lot of things people will know and learn about." Angelina Jolie begins filming in Thailand for new movie BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) — Location filming on a romantic adventure movie starring Angelina Jolie is scheduled to begin Thursday in northern Thailand. Beyond Borders, about idealistic relief workers, is being directed by Martin Campbell, whose previous films include GoldenEye and Vertical Limit. Clive Owen, who most recently appeared in Cosford Park, plays JOLIE 5A Thursday, April 18, 2002 Jolie's love interest. Co-producer Lloyd Phillips said Wednesday that about five weeks of shooting in Thailand will wrap up main filming on the movie, which began pro duction in December. Previous shooting was done in Namibia, standing in for Ethiopia, and Montreal, standing in for London and Chechnya. The film's Thai locations will stand in for Cambodia, the site of an extended human itarian crisis throughout the 1980s as it struggled to recover from the devastating rule of the communist Khmer Rouge. Phillips said he expects the film to be released around Christmas. The story, which covers a 10-year period, takes its protagonists from London to Ethiopia to Cambodia and Chechnya. Jolie plays a married American socialite in London who falls in loves with an idealistic doctor played by Owen. In real life, Jolie serves as a goodwill ambassador for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees and has visited relief camps in Cambodia, Pakistan and Africa. The star of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and her husband, actor Billy Bob Thornton, recently adopted a Cambodian infant. * Aggieland’s CONTACT LENS Headquarters * * Student Specials * Free LASIK Consultation * Now Two Locations!!! Drs. 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Limit 2 people. 504 Harvey Road 696-7383 Valid thru May 31,2002 • Rudy’s accepts the Aggie Card I I m I I -<&NA LAJbJCH Thursday Night Special Steak for Two Top Sirloin wrapped in bacon, fresh corn on the cob dr mashed potatoes with ranch dip dr 2 Shiner Bocks *19.95 ■ I -/ 520 Harvey Rd. (979) 694-4618 Hours: Mon-Thurs 11 am-10pm Fri 11 am-11 pm Sat 9am-11pm Sun 9am-9pm 506 Sulphur Springs • Bryan (One block behind Long John Silver’s^ (979) 779-6417 Dine-in only. Offer Expires 12/02