The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 15, 2002, Image 2
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The week of April 14 - April 18 Acct 209 Billy's Video Acet 209 Fine Statement Analysis Acct 209 K rate liman Acct 209 Strawser Acct 229 Cassidy Acct 230 Allen Client 107 Math 131 Chen Billy's Video Feb Trans Sun Apr 14 6pm-!2am Practice Problem | Wed Apr 17 6pnt-10pm and avoid standing ticket lines Test Review TueApr 16 5pm-9pm Test Revehv Mon Apr 15 5pm-9pm Tart I of 2 W ed Apr 17 5 0pm-12am Part 1 of 2 Mon Apr 15 9pm-12am Test Review Sun Apr 14 6pm-10pm Part 1 of 3 Sun Apr 14 j 9pm-12am j You can now buy tickets online at 4, m Next Week Acct 210, Econ 202/203, Chem 101, Math 151/162/251, Mgmt 209/211 Part 2 of 3 Mon Apr 15 9pm-12am Part 3 of 3 Tue Apr 16 9pm-12am Math 142 Part 1 of 3 Sun Apr 14 6pm-9pm Part 2 of 3 Mon Apr 15 6pm-9pm Part 3 of 3 Tue Apr 16 6pm~9pm Practice Tests Wed Apr 17 6pm-9pm Math 151 Part 1 of 4 Mon Apr 15 9pm-l 1pm Part 2 of 4 Tue Apr 16 9p«n-l 1 pm Part 3 of 4 Wed Apr 17 9pm-l Jpm Part 4 of 4 Thu Apr 18 6pm-9pm Math 152 Part 1 of4 | Part 2 of 4 Mon Apr 15 j Tue Apr 16 llpm-lam j Hpm-lam Part 3 of 4 Wed Apr 17 II pm-i am Part 4 of 4 Thu Apr 18 9pm-12am Phys 201 Part 3 of 3 j Test Review Sun Apr 14 | Mon Apr 15 6:15pm-9:l5pm 6:l5pm-9:15pm Phvs 202 Part I of 3 Mon Apr 15 9:15pm- 12:15am Part 2 of 3 Tue Apr 16 9:15pm- 12:15am Part 3 of 3 W ed Apr 17 9:15pm- 12:15am Tickets go on sale Sunday at 6:00 p.m. 4.0 & Go is located on the comer of SW Pkwy and f x Ave, behind KFC next to Lack's. Check our web page at or call 696-8886(TUTO Fish by R.DeLuna Ze Y Hello, I'd luce t° MAKE A DfAJA/fE kESERVA7fO/0 FoP The might ^R)/U6 DAaJC E IJHY -iou LAUGHIMG, AT m ? 'iES, Z Kajouj IT'S LESS lHA/0 A UEEk ZBFoRB. , Z Just assumed The«e'D se opea)iajG$! Hi. X ^53 c IcaJo\J UHA7 happens UHEA/ you 'ASSuase"' I To Ll> You AJoT To wait Tct The L As7 Ai|/dL»r£ T should PP°8A8L) SHIFT /M y ATTE/OTioa) To GBTT/mG a DATEj First A/oyuAY$ HELIo, uJoulD You Like Rwo Daa/le ? L/HY ABE You LAuGHiMb at * 'Vou STARTING To SEE A Pattern 2 Here ■J > www.rctelijnalcom 7? NON MIA C U L P A BY B-MIBrn THE PEKFECT SCHEDULE. CHOICE CLASSES, NONE BEFORE 10, SOLID BLOCKS, NO FRIDAY CLASSES! IL EXELLENT. BUT THATS ON PAPER. NO! LISTEN TO ME YOU CRAPPY PHONE REGISTRATION DEMI-GOD, I NEED THOSE CLASSES! LIKE I SAID. Ag Continued from page 1 tillage, horticulture, arboricul ture and the care of stock in the senior year. “It was a lot of hard labor,” Kunkel said. “Enrollment crashed because people didn't want to work.” He said students in agricul ture wanted their college educa tion to relieve them from hard labor, not prepare them for a life of it. In 1884,change came as George Washington Curtis was appointed pro fessor of agricul ture. He reorgan ized the curriculum to emphasize pro fessional develop ment of the agri cultural specialist, Kunkel said. “Throughout the years, the curriculum has changed, but the structure and heart of the College was estab lished by Curtis,” Kunkel said. In the years that followed, the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station was organ ized, distant substations were sited, short courses were estab lished and a Farmers Institute was organized. By the turn of the centu ry, Kunkel said agricultur al research emphasized the best varieties of cotton, corn, vegetables, fruit. SdUftA concepts. forages and grasses. The School of Agriculture was officially established in 1911, and E.J. Kyle was named dean. During Kyle’s 33 year tenure as dean, the diversity continued to grow with new Departments of Agricultural Engineering, Dairy Husbandry, Poultry Husbandry, Genetics, Rural Sociology, Agricultural Economics, Fish and Game, and Accounting and Statistics, Kunkel said. After World War II, the School of Agriculture saw remarkable changes. In 1946, the Board of Directors required uni- — fication and of the School of Agricultural Station and Qualitative approaches are beginning to emerge into undergraduate and environmental >9 — H.O. Kunkel dean emeritus coordination Agriculture, Experiment Agricultural Extension Service. New academic depart ments were created such as range and forestry, plant physiology, and nutrition. Graduate research assistant- ships were awarded, and for two decades, departments in the School of Agriculture accounted for more than half of the doctoral degrees awarded by Texas A&M. “In some of these ways, the School of Agriculture began to HAIR DESIGN Time is growing short Formal Up Do styles Book now for your convenience 118 Walton Dr. Diagnostic Medicine and Treatment Center Nalini M. Dave, MD - Serving Brazos Valley since 1980 Board Certified Doctor for Adults Complete Physicals, Diagnosis and Immunizations Treatment of Cough, Cold, Asthma and Allergy Heart, Stomach, Lung, Kidney and Intestine Disorders Arthritis, Diabetes, Blood pressure, and Hormone Disorder Pap Smears, Carpel Tunnel Testing, EKG, Holter Monitoring PMS, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Weight Loss Management Mahesh R. Dave, MD - Serving Brazos Valley since 1980 Board Certified in Adult, Addiction, Child-Adolescent and Forensic Psychiatry Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, Panic and Substance Abuse Disorders Adult and Child Attention Deficit Disorder Students receive s 10.00 discount on first visit with this advertisement! Welcoming new patients. Major Insurance Plans and Private Pay Office 979-776-5600 I20I-D Briarcrest Drive, Bryan cMofae Psieotussusu, (2e**tend. 9 * * OF BRAZOS VALLEY YOU THOUGHT ABORTION WOULD SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM... but the emotional pain is still therp. Regret, guilt, sleep problems, depression, anger, emotional numbness, broken relationships, painful "anniversary" remembrance Please call us...we care 1 6 years of personal and confidential care 695-9193 205 Brentwood College Station I CAN GET A 7:30 BADMITON CLASS IN UPSTATE NEW YORK. V YOU GOT PUT * ' f IN THAT CLASS TOO? WE CAN CARPOOL! lead.” Kunkel said. In 1963. when the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas was renamed Texas A&M University, the School of Agriculture became the College of Agriculture and was later designated the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in 1989. During the 1970s and 1980s, research began to flourish and academics in agriculture emphasized the sciences, Kunkel said. This trend continues today. “Quantitative approaches are beginning to emerge into undergraduate and environmen tal concepts,” Kunkel said. “Major trends in science and management are taking over.” Along with the overwhelm ing changes in the college dur ing the past 90 years, Kunkel said the personalities and expe riences of current faculty and students are different from those 50 years ago. “The faculty is changing because most of the people being trained now are being trained in the sciences,” he said. “Most of the faculty now don't have close ties to the old fann ing techniques.” Kunkel said students also are emphasizing the sciences more. “Students have changed enormously,” Kunkel said. “They are clearly more sophis ticated, mature and stronger in the sciences. They’re more widely experienced in life.” Continued from Bryctn-College Station Sunday’s editions. “Hu* ing to see what the Univeiv going to do in deciding proceed with the lawsuit' Zey is countersuing pJ a defamation claim. A&M spokesperson i Lawson said it was the fij Bowen had reversed a dej by the provost to fire at faculty member. Dismissal of a tenuredfel member should be resenl the “most offensive ande®| actions.” Bowen saidinthef But he said Zey’s contribuM six iology, her mentoring oil •oral students and her piorri work as a woman at A&M a her to a second chance. She will remain onsusprJ with pay until July 15. Zey has been on thel A&M faculty since 1982. married to state demognj Steve Murdock, who rurj Texas State Data Center at aJ Another of Zey’s attoi Andrew Golub of HoustonM 0 f traditions Bowen should have accept; jaiiy recognize findings of the panel that i diversity, ring mined she was not at fault. Jmost as much “This administration Aggie ring, tarred and feathered her,” Gt i Kathy Thom said, echoing Zey’s claim ptijor, said alth she was targeted in a veifflcited about t “She has been labeled in2 Ised to see ho negative way, and now ifstvlen she got he for the administration to 2? "It was excit gize and clear her name." lially made it ; The Zey case sparked ms I 31 1 needed to debate among the faculr :| f 1 ' 0111 !' K)Vi I s called into question the p | tc ! iers °* I' )cei his I whip cream p ! gdunking as Thompson, ; nked their 1 Swenson’s bee B' IThere are no m to see som Jdiving face f ierge with a M, however Idition rich ,gie ring is or [ditions, ring governing A&Ms post-te:. review process. A committee the early stages of discussion proposing clarifications to i policy, said Dean of Faciilti Karan Watson. Grants Continued from engineering and computer > ence. This consortium m established through Texas bill 353, also known life Technology Workforce i' 2001. This bill was calldf in Gov. Rick Perry’s Staler State address in Jtuwaty - 1 ’ Perry called on granl progMO' to increase the number degrees in the two department Each computer science & engineering department in- public and private university the state of Texas were submit proposals. Out ot t e ; proposals received, the top proposals were selected receive the grants gi ven I' Texas Engineering Technical Consortium. earn would ta te experience Peered on by ug into their b “They put th re bowl of ice c only got fou lidn’t really m; ;ot eight scoop: eeling really s town when he 1 Although Th ienced brain fi University Libraries Poor Yorick*s Trivia Contest Question of the week: His wackiest artisitic genre was Bulletis" 1 ' in which he filled a 16''' century blunderbuss with graphite and P it at etching plates. Who was this flamboyant 20 ,h century Spaniard most associated with surrealism? ^ Instructions: Entry forms are available at the Circulation Desks in Evans,Annex. PSEL. One winner will be drawn from all correct entries submitted by 5 p.m Winner will receive a PoorYorick’s coffee mug. MEET ME AT SATCHELS $ 1 — Longnecks all day / every day Across the street from Traditions Dorm 260-8850 FREE PARKING BEHIND SHADOW CANYON 1 ' ' THE BATTALION Mariano Castillo, Editor in Chief The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday exam r ters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except Un ' v ®^' ty pn cTMASTER: Sentl ^ Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, TX 7 '°2: 77fi4 o nil, changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, 1111TAMU, College Station, ia oivisi on0 ^ ^,: ■ News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M Unive^ih in^ Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reea , . //wWW theb^tt. col, ’ phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail:; Web site: rnip.// ^ Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endor5 ^® nt L 845-0569 pus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For cla ^ ssi ^ cl ^^ a y ^fough Friday W ^ offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer or $10 a month. American Express, call 845-2611. To charge by Visa, Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to P| $30 fo'- The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 251 Mail subscriptions are 3 P Mas t e rCafd. 0® ' H •join app up ; *Pers< roo •Crcn 'Mar •Gra en< vWi