The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 04, 2002, Image 8

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    like e-bay?
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Thursday, April 4, 2002
the battai
Tyson depressed workers’ pay in hiring schen
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Tyson Foods Inc. depressed workers’
wages by hiring immigrants known to be
illegal, according to a lawsuit filed by four
former employees.
The lawsuit was filed Tuesday in U.S.
District Court in Winchester by former
hourly employees of Tyson’s plant in
Shelbyville. The plaintiffs say they are U.S.
citizens and are seeking class-action status.
“The civil action is going to compensate
the innocents who have been devastated by
the illegal hiring scheme,” said John
McMahan, a Chattanooga attorney repre
senting one of the plaintiifs. It s the only
way to hold Tyson accountable.”
Tyson and six former managers, includ
ing a vice president, are accused in an
indictment of conspiring to smuggle illegal
immigrants to work at 15 company plants
in Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky,
Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina,
Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
Tyson spokesperson Ed }
declined comment Wednesda
The lawsuit accuses Tyson ofrelj
temporary employment service,
recruiters, who were paid for each
immigrant the company hired. Non
workers in the same communitiesas
plants received much higher wagft..
ing to the lawsuit.
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From thought to finish
By Mi<
issue in
court ca|
The Big U
o. 21 Texas
niversity of
iGwcase of t
en, as a pair
t home runs
beat the Ag
The game
■to the top o
■hen A&M
|ataper (14-6
plate that I
jmer slamrr
Id fence for
le season.
■ “I was more
|is at bat,” Tin
I for my pitch
A&M kne
jtpable offer
ley played e
■eld, Slataper
pth and was
ante out stroi
“We mainl;
ltd Wynter, bt
WACO, Texas
Attorneys argued before
Texas Supreme Court
Wednesday that state
mon law allowed the parent
child bom four months
turely to withhold treatmei!
But the attorney
Nashville, Tenn.-based
countered that a child k
right to life-saving trear
under the Texas Family 0
Sidney Ainsley Miller,
was small enough to fiti
palm of her father's hand
she w as born, is at the cent?
a legal dispute over whether
parents should havebeenp*. lV7 ‘
ed their wish ic,»i l hhoB« “ k l n » w .
ment or if the hospitalwasti ri 'i l ' ll " in
gated to do wtatit emi s » * he " th >
keep her alive.
Sidney was bom Aus.
1990, at Women's Hospital
Houston. Today she is blinds
mentally retarded, living in
painful world of contracts
limbs and seizures in which sfe
cannot walk, talk or feed herself
David Keltner./if
attorney, said the toty "p
told that resusduw w
result in severe
There was a chance thW
may have lived without
tat ion. he said.
The Millers issued a
decision that “no heroic
ures he done” to save hr
doctors noted it in the tile.
The hospital, however,
determined state and
laws required resuscri
attempts and that its own
required live-saving e o ]
any child born weighing at
500 grams, or about I Sou
An ultrasound indicated
weighed 629 g rarns ’
Hospital officials
child’s disabilities rest
“massive internal 1 J
unrelated to resuscitation
election in the
he team will cf
terback David
ment, unusual ii
two weeks bi
announced Wee
McNair, alt hoi
made by gene
Casserly and co
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cpteiback. Che
looked at this 1<
1 said. “IVeknow
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