The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 04, 2002, Image 5
AGGIE the batt* Sci Tech ermite attack Scientists warn springtime rings out termites By Mandi Vest THE BATTALION Aggies beware! There is a it-so-new predator in town, and eryone should be on the look- t. Texas A&M experts are laming the community to look " u 11 sv of siAR'If ( r s jgns of termites. 1 I Termites, though small and ' ll (1 oi t of sight, can be dangerous to V- VJllVBjjijing structures. Dr. Roger Gold, a professor the Department of tomology, said Texas weather conducive to these insects, he warmth and humidity, corn- lined with wood in the ground, provide optimal conditions for mites. Though termites can live in I building structure all year, fiey may not be seen until eir mating season, which is ^ithe spring. “Swarming season is when idult termites, or kings and peens, come out of the ground o reproduce," Gold said. In the spring, residents may itart to notice black swarms, which can be thousands of ter mites. The tennites come above ground and move up a mud tube along the side of a structure. They stay in contact with the soil by moving the soil with them. Seeing soil along the base of a s music and wh ■rogant l.Q. to [hey come and\ oack and say'( lid. "In Americ: rwhelming and y a bit more ove or has been linh Coldplay and Tro Walsh, vocals: Jai West head, keybo own identity de? bands. nked to those ban er people interesli ands,” Byrne si our music throii! melody-based, wei aid. “I think we’re : Travis is kind of uise they sing ate itinues to pin)’ * vc Is Hat. n its Deluding [Ik T/H uou.s hitstti^wd t surrow^k^ add fresh tort. ents home could be a sign that ter mites have invaded. The insects eat wood and take it down to the colony underneath the surface. Dr. Bob Wharton, a professor in the Department of Entomology, said it is always termite sea son. If termites are noticed on the side of a home, the insects may have been living beneath the structure for some time. There are also ter mites that live above the surface and eat wooden structures that are higher off of the ground. These insects, called dry wood termites, may be harder to see. In the past, Chlordane, a com mon pesticide, was used to treat building structures and would last for up to 30 years. But Chlordane was banned by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1978. Since then, other chemicals, called termiti- cides, have been developed to prevent termite infestations. Termiticides such as Dursban can be found at home CHAD improvement stores or other shops, but Gold recommended that people hire professionals to spray homes and businesses for termites. “The major problem with self-application is that the aver age person does not have the equipment needed for the amount of spraying needed,” Gold said. Treating buildings for ter mites can be quite expensive. Gold estimates that A&M spends several thousand dollars a year on termite treatments. Proteins cause disease i (AP) — New research suggests Besses as diverse as Alzheimer’s, ^eutzfeldt-Jakob disease and M-onset diabetes are caused by pteins that fold themselves into pective shapes, rather than pro- Ps that have undergone harmful pfmical changes. [ As they develop, these aberrant Pein forms can in principle. pump together and pk molecular Nc on healthy Ns, according to studies in hursday’s issue of pjournal Nature. Previously, sci- Imists believed N misfolding r as an unusual ^currence limited ’Perhaps 20 or more protein types. Instead, the effect may be com- P 0n t0 any protein in the body, the Searchers reported. Why it Incurs remains unclear, but the l r °cess is believed to be associated pth diseases that take decades to pelop. There is lots of evidence that 7 Protein can form these structures Principle,” said Christopher r°bson of the University of pmbridge in England, who helped pd one of the studies. Thomas Sudhof, a Dallas-based investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, called the paper a major advance because it demonstrates the particular stage at which the toxic effects of the mis- folded proteins can be gauged. Proteins are the agents of change and chemical messengers in cells, and they carry out the instructions encoded in genes. . The specific roles There is lots of pi a y are jig. evidence that any protein tated by both their can form these structures makeu P and the U — Christopher Dobson University of Cambridge 99 three-dimensional shape they take on when folded. On occasion, that folding can go awry. Accumulations of these rogue proteins are common in what researchers cate gorize as protein deposition diseases. In Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease — a degenerative brain disorder that resembles mad cow disease in its effects — a type of misfolded protein known as a prion may replicate itself and spread to other cells to cause progressive neurological damage. In diabetes, protein misfolding may be responsible for the blood vessel damage, blindness and other debilitating effects of the disease. NASA gears up for new missions CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — NASA is taking more heat for space station spending as it gears up for another major phase of high-flying construction work. Space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to lift off Thursday with the newest piece of the international space station, a 44-foot girder. The elaborate, wired- up beam will form the foundation for a framework that ultimately will stretch longer than a football field and support a dazzling collection of solar wings and radiators. Under new anti-terrorism precautions, the 5:13 p.m. launch time was kept secret until late Wednesday after noon, 24 hours in advance. Until then, NASA had said only that the launch would take place between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. There was a 40 percent chance that rain or thunder storms could force a delay. While technical successes continue to mount in orbit, the latest flap on Earth is over how NASA buys spare parts for the space station. A report by NASA’s inspector general office says the space agency has no assurance it is paying a fair price for these parts. NASA spent $334 million on station spare parts through 2000. But because the space agency did not negotiate for separate prices and did not adequately keep track of what it paid in the past, it had no way of knowing whether it paid too much, according to the inspector general’s report, released Tuesday. In addition, primary contractor Boeing omitted cer tain associated costs and, as a result, NASA ended up understating in its annual financial statements the value of space station parts by $39 million from 1995 through 2000, the report said. ATTENTION-OWNERS WHO PURCHASED HOUSES OR OTHER STRUCTURES AFTER m AY 3,1999, WITH LOUISIANA-PACIFIC EXTERIOR INNER-SEAL SIDING INSTALLED BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1996. this NOTICE MAY AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. a PP’Y 10 you. you maybe eligible to opt out of the IP national siding class action settlement °“tof tlv i filing an 0pt 0ut Re 9 uest form with the LP Siding Litigation Claims Administrator. If you do opt Lf- ,s c ass action settlement, you will no longer be eligible to receive any benefits under the settlement i ant You would be pennitted, however, to pursue whatever legal remedies may be available to you. ^ 0r an Opt Out Request form is June 17, 2002. To request additional information leither "- ’ , ° 11 can determine whether you are eligible to opt out of the class action settlement or to request ntainist < '^ rn Forrn or an 0pt 0ut Request form, you may contact the LP Siding Litigation Claims aq ree rator ' 'f V°u have damaged LP siding that is eligible for compensation under the settlement i„. ant and desire to file a claim, you must complete a Claim Form and return it to the LP Siding Claims Administrator postmarked on or before December 31, 2002. Tor information contact: LP Siding Litigation Claims Administrator P.0. Box 3240 Portland, OR 97208-3240 Toll-Free: 1-800-245-2722 AGGIELAND VISITOR CENTER Student Worker/Tour Guide Positions Available at the Aggieland Visitor Center First Floor, Rudder Tower Applications are available and accepted March 19- April 12, 2002 For more details, call 845-5851 MEET ME AT SATCHELS s 1 — Longnecks all day / every day Across the street from Traditions Dorm 260-8850 FREE parking behind shadow canyon m -5 'EMAGIN MUSIC and BECOME A STAR" national talent search Record Label Searching For Unknown Artists & Groups To Receive Record Deals Searching for. • Female Pop/R8iB Groups & Soloists • Female & Male Rappers (alt ages & nationalities welcome) To Audition Submit Your: Deadline for submissions May 3, 2002 * Demo CD/Tape Bio Photo J ~ ’ Fa more details: Short essay about Toll free: (866) 239-8321 "Why You Want To Become A StaY' - -(Limited Time Offer} CfC? V„ P*Z2A Happy Hour”. Free Drinks ^ uiCtL BuuffdfrPuhduHb. Moiutai] - Fnidto) ★ 2-5/i.u. »- Ufa Aaaie. Burk Acceded! 4 1713 S. Texas Ave. at Harvey Rd. in Culpepper Plaza J 1 Hey kids, it is time... 694-CICI12424) Ck’s w/Approved I.D. ^ ^ MSC - vise UanaySltaw Parents' Weekend ** April 12 Rudder Aud. 7:30pm TICKETS ON SALE NOW MSC Box Office ** $8 MALLAM • THE BATTALION and he said about $350 million is annually spent in Texas on treatments. He said the aver age household spends about $ 1,000 a year. For those who want a more environment-friendly approach, Gold recommended termite bait. In this method a bait, laced with poison, is planted for the termites to find. The termites consume the bait and take it back to the colony where it will be shared with the other insects. But Gold said this method takes much longer than others to be effective. Th e J oH n Marshall Law Scm oo l In the Heart of Chicago » Rich 102-year history • Day and evening options • J.D., LL.JVT. and joint J.D./LL.M. degrees i Excellent downtown location i Nationally recognized intellectual property and trial advocacy programs th f John M a r s h a l l Law S c h o o l ** 315 S. Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois 60604 800.497.3299 www. jmls. edu/undergrad TENACIOUS D PgARRIL 17 IN STOtttS HOW! OBEY' THE wrww.tenc»cf»vs<f.<«*m Kids In The Hall April 28 HoustoPress ES SOUTHWEST' submit your demo material lo: EMAGIN MUSIC GROUP. INC. • 2617-C W. Holcombe Bvd., #226 • Houston TX 77025 • Attn: Talent Search Cel Tickets At