-I the BATTa. ^ Paign ied from page] absolutely ]yi n o rd as a conser n, and I think votet the desperate cair ? it is, Wareingsail a former stale t Williamson Com Wareing for beings and a closei Is eing’s contributii •>, including ouisp; Migresswoman SS ee. lefended the attacl arcing’s suppon ■i. which is pul -‘•h contra claim to be acons' lican. have a right to i candidate’s r tes what they 1. ilso said Wareini own clean camp ' employing "i which anonyu ler the guise off ■ad negative ink n opposing candi; dslinging was jo: I nemisis Rep. j; K-Texas, \ Wareing in i nomination ft ised congressin ). Wareing spent i uch of it his o le unsuccessful t rch 25 letter to! ege Station Ea riticized Wareing I time support pointing out that mg gave 55,000 ate comptroller non obby while Wan® iding GOP fund-mi* i Harris County, said 95 percent o n contributions haw ublicans and he hi' shore up his conser- cntials by touanz ts from ftp. Pete -Texas. 0 Re P' R-College Sw,