The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 2002, Image 6

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    Golden JCey jfationaljlonour Society
General Meeting
Wednesday, April 3rd
7:00 p.m. KoldusllO
Tuesday, April 2, 2002
Continued from page 1
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another in Qalqilya, a military
source said. The bodies of two
Palestinian police were found
in a park in the city’s center,
Palestinian military intelli
gence said.
Among the fugitives being
hotly pursued by Israeli forces
in Ramallah was Palestinian
militia leader Marwan
Barghouti, a senior Israeli secu
rity source said, speaking on
condition of anonymity. Israeli
officials have said Barghouti
was involved in numerous dead
ly attacks on civilians.
Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat, whom Israel blames for
one of the worst waves of sui
cide bombings since the start of
the conflict 18 months ago, was
trapped in Ramallah headquar
ters for a fourth straight day,
pinned down by Israeli troops
and tanks within the walls of
his compound.
President Bush called on
Arafat to put a stop to anti-
Israeli attacks. “There will
never be peace so long as there
is terror, and all of us must
fight terror," Bush said.
Israeli soldiers set up more
barricades in Ramallah’s
streets, turning cars already
smashed by tanks onto their
sides to form roadblocks.
Pressing ahead with searches,
Israeli soldiers broke down the
Israel intensifies
Israeli troops and tanks
executed more raids
throughout the West Bank
on Monday.
Israeli troops conducted door-
to-door searches for
Palestinian militants.
Tanks entered but pulled
out later in the day;
several nearby villages
were occupied.
> Tulkarem
play like Man
p Terrapins £
An 11-year-old
Palestinian boy
was killed by
gunfire from
Israeli soldiers.
suspected of
collaborating witii
Israel were killebf wuh'Sl-A
Palestinian millitan:lapping out <
Rue. Mary I an
Yasser Arafat
remains confined!
his offices.
L A car bomb
exploded near the
Old City, injuring
one policeman an:
killing the attacker
SOURCES: Associated Press; ESRI
doors of homes in Ramallah
and Qalqilya. Palestinians said.
“They smashed pictures that
were on the wall and looked
everywhere, emptying closets
and throwing around our
clothes,” said 26-year-old
Nafiza Rouf, who said soldiers
spent about two hours in her
Ramallah house.
Her 24-year-old brother
Niad was made to kneel
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motionless while sol
shouted questions and ate
him, the family said.
Israeli military official:
the Operation “Proiec
Wall” could be lenethy
Continued frompagel
Hurnament r
onday night.
This was th
|n a national c
nior-laden lii
ial 9:42, pull
hi become the
Id eighth in tl
® Coach Gary
later from the
jo to the pin
he man consic
i the game w<
am, which fe:
arted at least
“We had tc
id. “It took u
e really ran 01
Dixon scorec
le first five toui
the semifina
lansas. He start
:oring 11 point
le did not score
When he hi
lay, it gave M
;ood at 45-44 a
ivenasmall lea
'was trying
About 900 resenM'
National Guardsmen have to rastrying to let
processed through Fort
since the Sept. 11 attacks, pc
officials said. About 650
big shot.”
Dixon finish
tnd fellow seni<
Fort Hood, the counln tor all the point
largest military post with ate
42,000 soldiers.
Perry said the real story til
needs to be told is hownudill* Tien
started with the
tk that made
Indiana (25-1
reservists and national guari
members have helpedad/V/fya!
Fort Hood.
Lt. Gen. B.B. M cm '
manding general of|cl^ r P s
at Fort Hood said tte
could not do their
the Guard member
ivsoia ists. -
1 le said military official#
to say that life has not ch.)
too much for them since Sj
11. “I think it’s changed lot*
bad guys,” he said.
Before his speech. Perry 5
updated by Fort Hood c
on homeland security r
Afterward, he shook hands
made small talk with some
the troops. „
■■ You'iv an Aggie tan.
asked one soldier who said'
was from College Station
Perry attended Texas AS
University, where he was an j
mal science major, a nieniw
the Corps of Cadets andaj
and senior yell leader
joining into the Air Force,
Most of the soldiers m
crowd were from Texas,
when Perry found one w 0
he was from New Jersey,
said, “You just wish you
from Texas.”
Oklahoma in t
come up with ar
The team thi
for Ladie.
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