The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 27, 2002, Image 6

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Wednesday, March 27, 2002
Heading for a Wedding?
Compass College Ministries would like to invite
all engaged couples and those just thinking about
getting engaged to join us for a 6-week seminar
on how to build a lasting marriage.
civ civ ctko civ civ civ . Me . Aj cKs
Tuesday evenings beginning April 2nd
Rudder Tower Room 301, 8:30 pm
Sign up by March 29th
$75 per couple
For registration information please call 779-2434
Registration Includes:
Seminar Notebook • PREPARE Evaluation & Reading • Marriage Enrichment Material ^
WHEN: Wednesday, March 27, 2002
Noon to 1 pm (Pizza will be available)
WHERE: MSC Room 226
Can the United States be crippled by an on-line attack?
What research is going on to promote and advance the technology
surrounding the need to combat cyberterrorism?
Which prevention strategies will work, which technologies are efficient,
and which forecasting methods are the most accurate?
Come find the answers to these questions and more.
I.AMKN Stovi h
/vnanJAShgs LiSTesjeo...
Tl/Vv£ TO PAV teHiOT?
Here at University Commons Apartments, our first
concern is pleasing you, after all we live here tool
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We fiave everythdng' all the other great apartment
complexes have, except the high prices—that ’ s why
thc bcst neat unoeR thg sun!
950 Colgate Drive - Phone (979)764-8999 - Fax(979)764-1077
The Bombshell Manual of Style
Laren Stover
Illustrations by Ruben Toledo
Hyperion Books
In the ultimate handguide to
becoming a bombshell, author Laren
Stover dishes the scoop on every
aspect of a bombshell’s life, and
Ruben Toledo provides sharp illustra
tions of a bombshell’s stilettos,
panties and perfumes.
“She behaves as if all life’s a
movie in which she is the star, Stover writes.
Stover, editor-at-large of Contents magazine, describes the
tantrums of a bombshell and claims brunettes are prone to break
ing anything from glasses to windows.
“[A brunette] also has a sense of rhythm and will smash
in sync to whatever music is on, preferably something jazzy,
although Tchaikovsky and Strauss also work.”
Stover said a bombshell plays dress up everyday and refers
constantly to days-of-old bombshells such as Marilyn Monroe,
Jayne Mansfield, Dorothy Dandridge and Ava Gardner.
Stover describes a bombshell’s favorite perfumes, scarves,
favorite authors and books like Jack Kerovac, Thomas
Wolfe’s "You Can’t Go Home Again” and D.H. Lawrence’s
“Women in Love.”
Stover said a bombshell’s favorite music varies from Maria
Callas, Tito Puente and Brigitte Bardot and Eartha Kitt.
There is also a list of hotels for bombshells in New York
and Los Angeles.
One of the biggest bombshell tips is that weather is never
deciding factor in what she will wear.
Stover convinces readers that all girls were born with a
bombshell within and gives readers a wonderful pint-sizecj
book that bombshells everywhere can find handy. As Maris^
Tomei suggests, it is “the perfect little book for anyone who*
wants to fulfill her own bombshell aspirations." (Grade:^V
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Hare Krishnas plan garden to honor George Harrison
• , . r Puicufl ^"thinning ef
Mayapur is about 60 miles north ot '- aP li (;nl ,. i „ u
CALCUTTA, India (AP) — Hare Krishnas are
planning a garden in eastern India in the memory
of former Beatle George Harrison, a longtime
devotee of Hinduism who died last year.
“We are going to set up the George Harrison
Garden at Mayapur to commemorate his contri
bution in spreading the messages of Lord
Krishna through his music,” Dayaram Das, head
of the Calcutta chapter of the International
Society of Krishna Consciousness, said Monday.
Harrison, known as the “quiet Beatle,
long, intensely intimate relationship wit* 1
mysticism, music and Hinduism. The HareKn^
follower was beloved by Indians who a]
his respect for their culture and religion.
In one of Harrison’s most popular so
“My Sweet Lord,” he chants “Hare Kris ni'
he pays tribute to Hinduism’s most revere |
Harrison died of cancer on Nov. 29 at age
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Contraceptive Injection
medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable suspension
Esir-tK corvtrol ^ou -tKir-xk ae»ou-t jus-t •T-xa^ear
DEPO-PROVERA"’ Contraceptive Injection
(medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable suspension, USP)
This product is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against HIV
infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases.
What is DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection?
DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection is a form of birth control that is given as an
Intramuscular injection (a shot) in the buttock or upper arm once every 3 months (I 3 weeks). To
continue your contraceptive protection, you must return for your next injection promptly at the
end of 3 months (13 weeks). DEPO-PROVERA contains medroxyprogesterone acetate, a
chemical similar to (but not the same as) the natural hormone progesterone, which is produced
by your ovaries during the second half of your menstrual cycle. DEPO-PROVERA acts by
preventing your egg cells from ripening. If an egg is not released from the ovaries during your
menstruafcycle, it cannot become fertiTized by sperm and result in pregnancy. DEPO-PROVERA
also causes changes in the lining of your uterus that make it less likely for pregnancy to occur
How effective is DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection?
The efficacy of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection depends on following the
recommended dosage schedule exactly (see “How often do I get my shot of DEPO-PROVERA
Contraceptive Injection?”). To make sure you are not pregnant when you first get
DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection, your first injection must be given ONLY during
the first 5 days of a normal menstrual period; ONLY within the first 5 days after childbirth if not
breast-feeding; and, if exclusively breast-feeding, ONLY at the sixth week after childbirth. It is a
long-term injectable contraceptive when administered at 3-month (13-week) intervals.
DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection is over 99% effective, making it one of the most reliable
methods of birth control available. This means that the average annual pregnancy rate is less than
one for every 100 women who use DEPO-PROVERA. The effectiveness of most contraceptive
■methods depends in part on how reliably each woman uses the method. The effectiveness of
DEPO-PROVERA depends only on the patient returning every 3 months,(I 3 weeks) for her next
injection Your heafth-cane provider will help you compare DEPO-PROVERA with other
opntraceptive methods and give you the information you need in order to decide which
contraceptive method is the right choice for you.
The following table shows the percent of women who got pregnant while using different kinds of
' contraceptive methods. It gives both the lowest expected rate of pregnancy (the rate expected
, in women who use each method exactly as it should be used) and the typical rate of pregnancy
(which includes women who became pregnant because they forgot to use their birth control or
because they did not follow the directions exactly).
Percent of Women Experiencing an Accidental Pregnancy
in the First Year of Continuous Use
Implants (Norplant)
Female sterilization
Male sterilization
Oral contraceptive (pill)
Progestogen only
Copper T 380A
Condom (without spermidde)
Diaphragn (with spermidde)
Cervical cap
Periodic abstinence
Spermicide alone
Vaginal Sponge
used before childbirth
used after childbirth
No method
- 85
Source. Tfussell et ai. Obstet Gynecol 1990.76:558-567.
' "From Norplant 4 ’ package insert.
Who should not use DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive injection?
Not all women should use DEPO-PROVERA. You should not use DEPO-PROVERA if you have
any of the' following conditions:
• if you think you might be pregnant
• if you have any vaginal bleeding without a known reason
• if you have had cancer of the breast
• if you have had a stroke
• if you have or have had blood clots (phlebitis) in your legs
• if you have problems with your liver or liver disease
• if you are allergic to DEPO-PROVERA (medroxyprogesterone acetate or any of its other
What other things should I consider before using DEPO-PROVERA
Contraceptive Injection?
You will have a physical examination before, your doctor prescribes DEPO-PROVERA. It is
important to tell your health-care provider if you have any of the following;
• a family history of breast cancer
• an abnormal mammogram (breast x-ray),-fibrocystic breast disease, breast nodules or lumps, or
bleeding from your nipples
• kidney disease
• irregular or scanty menstrual periods
• high blood pressure
• migraine headaches
• asthma
• epilepsy (convulsions or seizures)
• diabetes or a family history of diabetes
• a history of depression
• if you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications
This product is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against
transmission of HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases such as
chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, and syphilis.
What if I want to become pregnant after using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive
Because DEPO-PROVERA is a long-acting birth control method, it takes some time after your last
injection for its effect to wear off. Based on the results from a large study done in the United States,
for women who stop using DEPO-PROVERA in order to become pregnant, it is expected that
about half of those who become pregnant will do so in about 10 months after their last injection;
about two thirds of those who become pregnant will do so in about 12 months; about 83% of
those who become pregnant will do so in about 15 months; and about 93% of those who become
pregnant will do so in about 18 months after their last injection. The length of time you use
DEPO-PROVERA has no effect on how longit takesyou to become pregnant after >ou stop using it.
What are the risks of using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection?
I .Irregular Menstrual Bleeding
The side effect reported most frequently by women who use DEPO-PROVERA for
contraception is a change in their normal menstrual cycle. During the first year of using
DEPO-PROVERA, you might have one or mote of the following changes: irregular or
unpredictable bleeding or spotting, an increase or decrease in menstrual bleeding, or no oleeding
at all. Unusually heavy or continuous bleeding, however; is not a usual effect of DEPO-PROVERA;
and if this happens, you should see your hearth-care provider right away. With continued use of
DEPO-PROVERA, bleeding usually decreases, and many women stop having periods completely.
In clinical studies of DEPO-PROVERA, 55% of the women studied reported no menstrual
bleeding (amenorrhea) after I year of use, and 68% of the women studied reported no menstrual
bleeding after 2 years of use. The reason that your periods stop is because DEPO-PROVERA
causes a resting state in your ovaries When your ovaries do not release an egg monthly, the
regular monthly growth of the lining of your uterus does not occur and, therefore, the bleeding
that comes with your normal menstruation does not take place. When you stop using
DEPO-PROVERA your menstrual period will usually, in time, return to its normal cycle.
2. Bone Mineral Changes
Use of DEPO-PROVERA may be associated with a decrease in the amount of mineral stored in
your bones. This could increase your risk of developing bone fractures. The rate of bone mineral
loss is greatest in the early years of DEPO-PROVERA use, but after that, it begins to resemble the
normal rate of age-related bone mineral loss.
3. Cancer
Studies of women who have used different forms of contraception found that women who used
DEPO-PROVERA for contraception had no increased overall risk of developing cancer of the
breast, ovary, uterus, cervix, or liver However women under 35 years of age whose first exposure
to DEPO-PROVERA was within the previous 4 to 5 years may have a slightly increased risk of
developing breast cancer similar to that seen with oral contraceptives. You should discuss this with
your health-care provider
4 Unexpected Pregnancy
Because DEPO-PROVERA is such an effective contraceptive method, the risk of accidental
pregnancy for women who get their shots regularly (every 3 months [I 3 weeks]) is very low.
While there have been reports of an increased risk of low birth weight and neonatal infant death
or other health problems in infants conceived close to the time of injection, such pregnancies are
uncommon. If you think you may have become pregnant while using DEPO-PROVERA for
contraception, see your health-cane provider as soon as possible.
5 Allergic Reactions
Some women using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection have reported severe and
potentially life-threatening allergic reactions known as anaphylaxis and anaphvlactoid reactions.
Symptoms include the sudden onset of hives or swelling and itching of the skin, breathing
difficulties, and a drop in blood pressure.
S.Other Risks
Women who use hormone-based contraceptives may have an increased risk of blood clots or
stroke. Also, if a contraceptive method fails, there is a possibility that the fertilized egg will begin
to develop outside of the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). While these events are rare, you should
tell your health-care provider if you have any of the problems listed In the next section
What symptoms may signal problems while using DEPO-PROVERA
Contraceptive Injection?
Call your health-care provider immediately if any of these problems occur following an injection
• sharp chest pain, coughing up of blood, or sudden shortness of breath (indicating a possible dot
In the lung) 6 ^
• sudden severe- headache or vomiting, dizziness or fainting, problems with your eyesight or
speech, weakness, or numbness in an am or leg (indicating a possible stroke)
• severe pain or swelling in the calf (indicating a possible clot in the leg)
• unusually heavy vaginal bleeding
• severe pain or tenderness In the'lower abdominal area
• persistent pain, pus, or bleeding at the injection site
What are the possible side effects of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Iniection?
I . Weight Coin ‘
You may experience a weight gam while you are using DEPO-PROVERA. About two thirds of
the women who used DEPO-PROVERA in clinical trials reported a weight gain of about 5 pounds
Hi irino firc+ \/<aor rsf i rc^s VXi i rsoow 4-,-. -.-.I-. '.—ui. . .. .c- . , ' .
! years, or approximately
average total of 13,8 pounds ov
- I years gained an
. - J ; over those 4 years, or approximately 3.5 pounds per year Women
who continued for 6 years gained an average total of 16.5 pounds over those 6 years or
anproximatey 2.75 pounds per year '
rtf '
2.0ther Side Effects
In a clinical study of over 3,900 women who used DEPO-PROVERA for up to 7 years some
tl ? e f °"p win 8 efferts that may or may not have been related to their use of
DEPO-PROVERA Ir tegular menstrual bleeding, amenorrhea, headache, nervousness abdominal
cramps, dizziness, weakness or fatigue, decreased sexual desire, leg cramps, nausea, vaginal
discharge or irritation, breast swelling and tenderness, bloating, swelfing of the hands or feet
e ^ n * SS,< ^ n ‘ *2®' P e,v ' c P a ' n . bo hair growth or excessive hair loss. rash, hot
a KTk ? ther were ?P orted b Y ver y few of the women in the clinical
tnafe.but some of these could be serious. These include convulsions, jaundice urinary tract
infections, allergic reactions, fainting, paralysis, osteoporosis, lark of return to fertility, deep vein
thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, breast cancer, or cervical cancer If these or any other problems
occur dunng your use of DEPO-PROVERA, discuss them with your health-care provider
Contraceptive Injection?" 3 ^ ,0 "° Wed dUrinS USC 0t D^°-PROVERA
1. Missed Periods
?, U ^ the tkTI J yOU are u ,^ DEPO-PROVERA for contraception, you may skip a period, or your
pen<xJs may stop completely. If you have been receiving your DEPO-PROVERA injections
regularly every 3 months (I 3 weeks), then you are probably not pregnant. However, if you think
that you may be pregnant, see your health-care provider. '
2. Laboratory Test Interactions
Dlpo a pROV^A le for f< ?-^S^co^? rat0r T' t t? ? * ^ y°, ur health-care provider that you are using
DEPO-PROVERA f corrtrace P tlon Certain Wood tests are affected by hormones such as
3 Drug Interactions .
Cytadren (ammoglutethimide) is an anticancer drug that may significantly decrease the
elfecWenessof^tPO-PROvE'RA if the two drugs are fven during the^mlT^e
A ~th9 u ^ DEPO-PROVERA can be passed to the nursing infant in the breast milk no harmful
effects have been found in these children. DEPO-PROVERA does not prevent the breasts from
SEPOpIovFRrthaTis"^ 6 'iT* d mothers. However to minimize the airrount of
6 to lnfant ln the first weeks after birth, you should wait until
6weeks after chikdbirth before you start using DEPO-PROVERA for contraeptkan
How often do I get my shot of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive injection?
The recommended dose of DEPO-PROVERA is 150 mg every 3 months (13 weeks) given in a
single intramuscular iniection in the buttock or upper arm. To make sure that you are noNaregnant
at !he hme of the first injection, it is essential that the injection be given O^ILY during P the first
DEP<0 PROVERA MuIstIs ' PenOCl the delivery of a child, the first infection of
r r i^i 179, S T be glven '' ,/,thin 5 da 7 s after childbirth if you are not breast-feeding or
fl T week-? hen h ' db ' rth ! yOU are l exduslv « | y breast-feeding If you wait longer than 3 months
♦' n)eCt ' ons '2. r k>nger th i?1 6 weeks after delivery, your health-care provider
ould determine that you are not pregnant before giving you your injection of DEPO-PROVERA
^ only
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