ay, March 26,;: (price must sonal possess;-! n doesn’t sell alify for the 5 led early. 3 RENT f/Aug 2/1 four-pie r TAMU. 609 8. ug. Four-plexes fuplexes: 2/1, re 7-5477. n/1.5bth, w/d re 3drm/2bth large S8-1074. I fwt or August, 3bon xes. Picket !50 sq.ft., large inth. Comerstore 307 or (979)820-3 DR MAY ANC May. Aug, or no* REE LOCATOli or help in findn; ex, fourplex, d for Summei nfversity s, includes cade I:- AKS 4-PLEXES AY. Recently is jiet complex in ' ncludes: w/d ghting, shuttle as, fenced yard 764-3902 jsing.com bth in 3bdmv£ 'mo. +1/3bills, isa at 832-465-' da 691-0139 r to mid-August +bills. bus roue 696-5605 n, W/D, busroiK rrie 695-0466. Classifieds continued from pg. 8 FOR RENT University Place condos, 4/4 with all appli ances. No smoking/ pets. Available Aug. 690-0545. Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don't buy, rent a washer & dryer, $28/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better! 764-3902 www.universityleasing.com Why pay rent? Stop throwing $ away. Buy and rent the other rooms out. Live for free! Broker Century21. www.AndrewSmithOnline.com Wow! Brand new 3bdrm/3ba duplex! 1400sq.ft, Maytag app& w/d, security/ sprinkler syst. $11 OO/mo. Yulin, Coventry Glen Realty. 846-2894/ 764-9021. FOR SALE 3bdrm/2bth homeplex, end of cul-de-sac, on bus route, close to everything, $90,000, (817)645-6097. OOmhz laptop, very nice, $1000. I79-492-3337 for details. Call Computer HP, 15" monitor, 333mhz, 160MB RAM, 3.2gig HD, 32X CD-ROM, Speakers w/ sub, Epson Stylus 400 Print er. $600 731-1233. Get S300 AT&T Wireless will pay to end our current contract and give you $300. Call Kyle 979-574-8780 or kylestolarski @ hotmail.com Matching gold wedding bands, 14K gold, “ D.4mm and 0.6mm in width, brand ^ new/original cases. Paid $550, asking $220. Call 694-9273. Mountain bike for sale: 2000 Raleigh M60 upgrades, $350 o.b.o. 690-2423. ool table, 4x8, slate top, excellent condi- $500 o.b.o. Call (979)777-7302. Must tedman 14x65 mobile home, 2bdrm/2bth. | see! Must be moved, $8,000, 512)455-4033. HELP WANTED iSSDancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Flexi- >le hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. 18+ mly. om/1.5 bath, $55 'Shift Supervisors & Cashiers** wanted. iexible time around class schedules. Ac- spting applications at Burger King, 1719- rXAve., Culpepper Plaza. M508418Deluxe Diner on Northgate hir- ng waitstaff and cooks for all shifts. Ap- sublease. IW' ,,yin P erson 203 University Dr. 30/mo. Bus rats !9-People wanted to get paid $$$ to lose 44R13L@yahooi ipto 30 pounds in the next 30 days. Nat- emale needrti ral- guaranteed. Call 1-800-311-5925. i00 Summer Jobs/ 50 Summer Camps/ ou Choose! NY, PA, New England. IN- EASES! Weia 'TRUCTORS NEEDED: Tennis, Basket- all, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La- rosse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa- irskiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, It. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano 1 bdrm in 3Mrffl ccompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood- rery close to * rop Nature, Nurses. Arlene Streisand, 600-443-6428; 2bdrm/2bth~i<* ww.summercampemployment.com no. 680-1136.^ t fun, prestigious teaching position. 3/3.5, partially‘f evenings &Saturdays. Must have ad driver’s license 4+years. No criminal Kord. We train. $8/hr. 693-9294. Profit is looking for individuals with WSI @MelroseAp? wLife 9uard Certifications. Apply in per- »nat Aerofit on Carter Creek, 4455 Car- srCreek Parkway. m/bth apartine- ee@tamu.edu Mweise ^iiiibiTtoy« fcH 1 bdrm/1batti. 3 area. Women Of Big12 Swimsuit Models, Photographers, De- *s i ® 1ers Wanted, ucalendars.com, 785- d ®-0367. Wld care worker needed. Weekend/ Gening/ daytime available. Apply in per- ^900 Harvey Road#13. toise line, entry level, on board positions bailable. Great benefits. Seasonal or 7—r, . J :,ear ' r °und. (941)329-6434, www.cruise- $326/mo, W’Jtareers.com. University I ied room &"■ ,/mo. Call Et 1 Call -W furnished M 0 i 693-8843. Northgate) individual sew bdrm, indivW' lS . Located .9000, ww* 1 ' 2 ! ental office seeking energetic, enthusias- 84647'^ ass ' stan '’ ex P er i ence helpful. , sell Avon, $10 starters fee. Call ” anc y, 1-800-873-6313-00 (free) or 1^2)784-86 38. ^ af h extra income by cleaning offices M- ' “ter 5p.m. 823-5031. Edl-time painters needed for summer. No "Penence required. $7.00/hr. Call (^9)695-' 7787. Elleguard® Needed!!! In Houston/Katy. ,, 281 '376-6510 or visit us at: ea utifulpools.com HELP WANTED Learn to be a manager! Great resume builder! On Campus Positions April 1st - May 30th. Excellent pay and short hours. www.csstorage.com 888-621-9680 Little Caesar’s Pizza now hiring delivery drivers. Apply at College Station location. Medical office now hiring full-time Medical Assistant. Great experience for student applying for medical school. Position re quires a one year commitment. Salary based on experience. Please fax resume to (979)776-4260 or apply in person at Al lergy Associates, 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan TX 77802. Ninfa’s is now accepting applications for all positions, inquire M-Th 2-4pm. Part-time cooks needed. Koppe Bridge, 764-2933. PC Support. Full & Part-Time. UCS currently has full and part-time opportuni ties for the Internal PC Support Depart ment. This position configures, installs, and troubleshoots all computers in the College Station office. Full-time positions offer salary plus benefits including paid medical, dental and vision insurance. Part-time positions start at $7/hr. All posi tions offer direct payroll deposit, free on site gym and semi-annual performance re views. UCS promotes a healthy environ ment by sponsoring a variety of sports events and hiring non-smokers only. EOE. To apply, please call our Recruiting hotline or visit our website. To apply, call us at: 595-2609. Attn ad# 1546. universalcomputersys.com Pride Cleaners is hiring part-time counter help. Tuesday/Thursday 3-7:30 and Sat. 8-2p.m. Please Call Heather 255-6324 Retail sales help wanted. Job starts April- 1. Call toll free 1-877-902-9112 for info/application. STUDENTS APPLY NOW! Part-time dur- ing the semester and Full-time in the Sum mer. HAPPLY NOW!! Fun atmosphere, great resume experience, no telemarket ing! Others are welcome to apply. 695- 1386 or apply online at workforstudents.com Summer Jobs Available carpet cleaning technicians wanted full and part time posi tions. A good driving record a must. Asure Carpet Cleaning call 693-4474 The City of Bryan is seeking qualified can didates for the following seasonal posi tions: Pool Cashiers, Lifeguards, Water Safety Instructors, Camp Counselors, Camp Coordinators, Lead Counselors. Position hours will vary. For a detailed job description or to obtain the required City of Bryan application form, visit us on-line at www.bryantx.org or call or visit us in per son at 300 S. Texas Ave. (2nd floor), Bry an, TX 77803, 209-5060. EOE. Two part-time sales assistant positions available in large insurance agency. Each starting at $8/hr. M/W 1pm-6pm and ev ery other Saturday from 10am-2pm, the second position would be T/TH 1pm-6pm and every other Saturday from 10am-2pm. Duties would include helping the sales staff with marketing and insurance propos als. Please submit resume to: The Liere Agency, 1101 University Dr. East, Ste. 100, College Station, TX 77840. WANT A GREAT SUMMER JOB? DeT manding, highly- rewarding summer camp jobs available at oldest camp in the south west. Come teach sports and outdoor ac tivities while helping kids to grow. Top pay. Work on beautiful, cool Guadalupe River near Kerrville. Download an appli cation at www.vistacamps.com or give us a call at 1 -800-545-3233. LOST & FOUND Lost cat: tricolored- black, brown, &tan. Long bushy tail, 7-months-old. Reward. Call 485-8585. MISCELLANEOUS Teeth whitening systems. Same as dentists use. Gels rated #1. Save up to 100’s. From $68.95-$129.95+S&H. Toll Free 1-888-48-white (94483). MOTORCYCLE 1986 Suzuki VS700 Intruder. Runs great. Ready to ride. 979-775-4807. 2001 Honda Shadow, garage kept, excel lent condition, 4000 miles, two helmets in cluded, $4900. FUN, FUN, FUN- ‘00 KE100, low miles, excellent condition, $2000/negotiable. 696-1220. MOTORCYCLE Scooters +mopeds from $800 at www.giz- deals.com Tor email galbino@gizdeals.com. MUSIC Experienced drummer needed. Start gig ging immediately for Texas Music. 979- 492-7140, Geoff Spahr, www.geoffspahr- band.com. PETS Adopt Pets: Brazos Animal Shelter, 775-5755, www.shelterpets.org Australian shepard puppies, registered, 1 st shots, merles and tris, parents on sight. Must seel! $200-$300. Call (281)328-8818, or (713)913-1672 (pager). Black Lab/Weimeraner, 7 months old, fe male, spayed, all shots/vaccines, large dog house/ auto feeder -$100. Call Nick 694-7039. Boxer pups, akc-reg. Shots, wormed, dewclaws, Stalls cut, brindle and white, and flashy fawn, ready to take home. $400/ea. 919-229-5384. For sale, registered rotweiler puppies born Feb-11, $350- females, $400- males. Ready for sale Easter weekend. 979-773- 4373. Rabbit, cage & accessories - $25 or best offer. Call 696-6625. The Cats Cradle has fabulous felines for adoption with a difference! Student dis counts. 15-mins south of CS. (936)825- 8610, (936)870-6295. Weimaraner puppies. Full blooded, not registered. D.O.B. 1-21-02. Docked, wormed, shots. Red with blue eyes- Beautiful! $200.00 979-279-3359 REAL ESTATE 1804 Southwood, CS- 3/2, many up grades. 979-694-7127. $115,900. Must sell in Bryan! 4bd/2.5ba 3 living great entertaining. See to appreciate $164000 777-5322 Thinking of selling your home? FREE, quick, over the net market analysis of your property. www.AndrewSmithOnline.com Broker, Century21. ROOMMATES *F-roommate for summer. Nice 2bdrm/2bth duplex; own bed/bath, w/d, fenced yard, bus route, $375/mo. Call 694- 6996. Available now! Summer sublease. Fe male roommate needed. 3/2/2 brand new house, $375/mo. +1/3bills. Furnished, ca ble modem, w/d, on shuttle. Call Kristen 695- 8074. F-Roommate needed for summer and fall semesters. 2bdrm/2bth, w/d, bus-route, $339/mo. Call Terra 680-9990. F-Roommate needed for summer, fall, and spring. 2bdrm/2bath apartment $375/mo Call 696-2130. F-roommate non-smoker needed for sum mer and/or fall. 3bdrm/2bath house, fur nished, security system, w/d, fenced yard. Close to campus. $450/mo, bills included. Jamie 695-7898. F-roommate summer sublease, University Commons, furnished, w/d, 1bdrm/1bath. $375. 764-7945. Female, non-smoker roommate needed starting summer or fall. Furnished 2bdrm/1.5bth condo, on shuttle, w/d, fenced yard, pool, no deposit. $375/mo. + 1 futilities, call 693-8978. M-Roommate needed. 2bdrm/1.5bath apartment starting May 15. $300/mo. Call Mike 492-3807. M/F rommate needed ASAP for 2bdrm/1bt duplex in CS. On bus route. $275/mo, +1/2bills. Call Jarrod 485-0420. M/F roommate needed for 1-year lease. University Place Condos $330/mo +1/4 bills. W/D, on shuttle route, own bath room. 696-6956. M/F roommate needed for April pre-lease, May move-in. 4bdrm/2.5bath house, 2800 sq.ft. $375/mo +1/4-bills. 696-4876. Leave message. M/F Roommate needed, $J 75/mo. +1/4bills, clean, pets ok. Call 779-0530. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. SPORTS 9 THE BATTALION Tuesday, March 26, 2002 Wrecking Crew dominates offense at chilly practice The Texas A&M football team continued its spring prac tice on Monday in less than spring-like conditions. The Aggies practiced in full pads for about two hours in cold, windy, drizzly weather. Among the players not prac ticing were running back Joe Weber, who pulled a hamstring during Friday’s scrimmage, and defensive lineman Marcus Jasmine, who sprained a shoulder also in,the scrimmage. Linebacker Jarrod Penright also did not suit out for practice. One former member of the team braved the weather to watch practice as Ja’Mar Toombs was on hand to watch the Aggies. Defense rules the day The Wrecking Crew definitely got the upper hand on the day as the defense dominated the 1 1 - on-1 1 scrimmages the team had toward the end of practice. The first part of the scrimmage the Aggie offense worked on simulated third-and-two plays and had mixed results. Dustin Long and Mark Farris completed passes to Jamaar Taylor for first downs, but the offense went nowhere running the ball. The first six running plays, the Aggies had a fumble and no first down. On the seventh run, Dwain Goynes finally got the offense a first down as he hit the corner for a 30-yard gain. If the success was mixed for the offense on the third-and-two drill, it was non-existent on the goal-line drill. Both the first and second team offenses had five shots to score from the 3-yard line and they failed on all 10 tries. The failure for the offense was the defense’s gain as they left practice on time while the offense had to stick around to work its Perfection drill. “We had a goal-line scrim mage and it’s all about winning and losing,” said A&M head coach R.C. Slocum. “Today, I thought the defense got the upper hand and so the offense got some extra work.” Bringing the wood There were two candidates for hit of the day on Monday. In 7-on-7 drills, tight end Thomas Carriger caught a ball over the middle and turned and plowed over safety Ronald Jones which drew “oohs” and “aahs” from the players. The second hit came in the goal-line drills as Long tried to run an option to the right but was immediately met by defensive lineman Johnny Jolly who knocked Long back and buried him. The numbers game The number jumping by A&M players con tinued on Monday as more players switched jer sey numbers. Safety Terrance Kiel, who had switched from 48 to 8 to begin the spring, switched back to his original number of 48. Wide receiver John Roberson took Kiel’s num ber 8 and quarterback Jason Carter, who was number 13, took Roberson’s old number 7. Among the other changes were safety Jaxson Appel who switched from 36 to 19 and offensive lineman Dominique Steamer who went from 70 to 74. Doug Puentes Hitting Continued from page 7 Gregory Continued from page 7 turn it around and get it going again,” Johnson said. “I think some of it is the opponents. If their pitcher is struggling or gets behind in the count or can’t establish a breaking pitch, that mat ters. A lot of slumps in baseball happen because of what your opponents have done.” Scoring runs early in games has also been a key ingredient in Aggie wins. A&M is 11-2 when owning the lead after the third inning, and the importance of that is twofold. Jumping ahead early allows the pitchers to be more relaxed when they throw. “It’s really good to get runs right off the bat,” said junior first baseman Travis Wong. “The pitchers really like that too. They get a little bit more comfortable and can pitch better. Whenever we’ve got a lead, with our pitching, we are confident that they will keep us in it.” at the plate, but she has also played errorless ball in the out field and stolen eight bases for the Aggies. Expected to contend for the Big 12 Newcomer of the Year, Gregory is shining in every aspect of her game and looking to make a mark for herself in the college softball world. “She has both the intangibles and the physical ability to be a great player,” Evans said. “She is a great athlete, and she always battles at the plate.” Softball hosts Northwestern State on Tuesday The Texas A&M softball team plays Northwestern State in a double header Tuesday starting at 5 p.m. The Aggies (24-8, 0-2 Big 1 2) are trying to bounce back from a two game sweep at the hands of Oklahoma last weekend. The Demons (24-17) took two of three games from Southland Conference rival Southwest Texas State over the weekend. The Aggies own a 9-0 all- time record against NSU and SPORTS IN BRIEF defeated the demons twice last season. A&M will return to Big 12 play this weekend when it travels to Ames, Iowa, for a two-game series against Iowa State. Tyson-Lewis to face off on June 8 (AP) — Lennox Lewis and Mike Tyson will meet June 8 in Memphis for the heavy weight championship, under a deal wrapped up Monday night after weeks of on-again off-again negotiations. Promoters were set to for mally announced the agree ment, which was finalized just before a deadline by the International Boxing Federation. Showtime cable network spokesperson Marina Capurro confirmed the fight was on. The major stumbling block — a $12.5 million site fee — reportedly had been resolved earlier in the day but some details were still pending. Among those details was an agreement from the champi on himself that he would fight Tyson on the new date and location. Lewis reportedly agreed orally, but fight pro moters were waiting for his signature before announcing the bout. Lunue< jnselo^ lew Engl 311 ' re ick & g energetic jnd coactieS' competi tiv ® •front camp ng su^ 61 jmpgrey 10 *' lomaca^ 888-2-^ ampro^' ■ THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY STUDENT MEDIA BOARD IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR The Battalion — Including radio and online editions Summer 2002 tall 2002 ou— ilifications for editor in chief of The Battalion are. • Be a Texas A&M student in good standing with the University and enrolled in at least six credit hours (4 if a graduate student) during the term of office (unless fewer credits are required to graduate); • Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) and at least a 2 00 grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) in the semester immediately prior to the appointment the semester of appointment and semester during the term of office. In order for Sis provision to be met, at least six hours (4 if a graduate student) must have been taken for that semester; • Have completed JOUR 301 (Mass Communication, Law and Society), or equivalent; • Have at least one year experience in a responsible editorial position on The Battalion or comparable daily college newspaper, — OR — Have at least one year editorial experience on a commercial newspaper, Ha 0 ve completed at least 1 2 hours journalism, including JOUR 203 and 303 (Media Writing I and II), and JOUR 304 (Editing for the Mass Media), or equivalent. dSiior Aggieland 2003 Qualifications for editor in chief of the Aggieland yearbook are: • Be a Texas A&M student in good standing with the University and enrolled in at least six credit hours (4 if a graduate student) during the term of office (unless fewer credits are required to graduate); • Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) and at least a 2.00 grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) in the semester immediately prior to the appointment, the semester of appointment and semester during the term of office. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (4 if a graduate student) must have been taken for that semester; • Have completed JOUR 210 (Graphics) and JOUR 301 (Mass Communication, Law and Society), or equivalent; • Have demonstrated ability in writing through university coursework or equivalent experience; • Have at least one year experience in a responsible position on the Aggieland or comparable college yearbook. . r I | I i - i j in nnc j re f urnec ) to Francia Cagle, Student Media business coordinator, in Room 014A Reed McDonald Building. Deadline for submitting application: noon Wednesday, April'^ZOOZ Applicants^wS beinterviewed during the Student Medic, Board Meeting beginning at 2 p.m. Friday, April 5, 2002, in room 221F Reed McDonald, An Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer Committed to Diversity