Celebrate Easter March 31 REED ARENA lOA.M. Free Admission Free Parking Casual Dress Hosted by your friends at Central Baptist Church Tuesday, March 26, 2002 ■ ■ * ‘-"“'ll HLIUN Pie In Your Eye IF VOU ORDERED a 2002 Aggieland and will not be on campus next fall to pick it up, you can have it mailed. To have your yearbook for the '01-02 school year mailed, stop by room 015 Reed McDonald Building or telephone 845-2613 (credit cards only) between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and pay a $7 mailing and handling fee. Cash, Check. Aggie Bucks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express accepted. nd 2002 Prince Eye Care R. Michael Prince, O.D. TAMU Class of ‘94 • Eye Exams • Consultations • Glasses • Contact Lenses Now accepting TAMU Cigna Vision Plans Walk-ins welcome or call for an appointment 201 N. Main Bryan 822-2020 fax: 822-2021 ( A Sul Ross Elementary school student, Peter Olsen, smothers a whipped cream pie in the face of Kyle Raney. Nine-year-old JOHN I IVAS Olsen took part in more than 25 booths sponsored and held at the College Station Teen Center Sunday afternoon. ALL MALE REVIEW! Le Bare and Chippendale's: LOOK OUT! The Silk Stocking Male Dancers are BACK!! To the All New Silk Stocking! LADIES ONLY Federal Internet screening law opposed Libraries challenge Internet porn filtering for patrons 8 p.m. permitted for the performance WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 2002 *7 cover charge Must be 21 with a valid ID Come early to assure seating! Men: Call 690-1478 for audition information 4075 Hwy. 6 South PHILADELPHIA (AP) —A trial over the constitutionality of a federal law requiring libraries to screen out Internet pornography opened Monday with librarians complaining the government is trying to turn them into the “thought police.” The case is being heard in federal court by a three-judge panel. The trial is expected to last for nine days. Leading the challenge to the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000 are the American Library Association and the Multnomah County, Ore.. Public Library. They contend the law puts unconstitutional restraints on free speech. They want to offer patrons a choice between filtered and unfiltered Internet access, con tending that parents and children should be the ones who deter mine what content they find unacceptable. “There are some S-year- Texas A&M Basketball and The Aggie Angels Present... The Wells Fargo $1000 Fans At each men's basketball home game this season, Wells Fargo awarded $100 to a student organization showing support and school spirit. Each winning organization was later eligible to win the $1000 Grand Prize at the end of the season. Congratulations to this season's $100 winners: Company C-1 Kappa Kappa Gamma Omega Delta Phi Voices of Praise Aggie Ambassadors Sports for Kids Aggie Fish Club Aston Hall Squadron 2 Pi Kappa Phi Haas Hall G.U.I.D.E Fish Aides CARPOOL Head Men's Basketball Coach, Melvin Watkins, and Aggie Angel President, Kalynda Grant, present a check to the Wells Fargo $1000 Grand Prize Winners, CARPOOL WELLS FARGO olds whose parents do not want them to know where babies come from and there are some that do,” testified Ginnie Cooper, director of the Multnomah County library, which serves 500,000 people. “We don't try to presume the values of parents.” Libraries stock numerous materials, ranging from sex edu cation manuals to Playboy, that would probably not get past fil tering software, testified Video Continued from page 1 We really got some of our best sound bites that way,” he said. Shailen Singh, a senior speech communications major, was one of the students recruited to be interviewed. “1 got a call one day asking if I’d like to be in the video. It was an honor to be asked to do something like that,” he said. But Singh said his interview was not what was used for the video. “There were prompts for us to talk about, but the part they actually used in the video was when me and the other guy were talking between takes and that’s what they wanted, two students just talking,” he said. Wright said that is what high school students want to see in a recruitment video. “We were expecting to have a formal voice-over, but during the editing process we realized the students were telling the story themselves. We learned from several high school focus groups that prospective college students want to hear stories Candace Morgan, a Washing!® state librarian for 37 years. The law requires libraries receiving certain type of federal technology fundini use filters to block access® objectionable Websites Opponents say the software can also block access to site providing valuable informatics on topics such as breast cance and sexually transmitted ^ ease while failing to pornographic sites. and experiences from curreni college students,” Wright said To be selected a winner ofa Telly Award, an entry must rated at least a 9.0 on a 10-poi scale by a panel of judges. “The entries are not judg against each other, but arc judged on how they are together,” Wright said. “A Legacy of Excellence, a video introduction to ® University aimed at a broa range of campus visitors, was also honored at the Telly Awards as a finalist. Both videos wereia the motivational non-broadcas film, video and television grams category and produce and directed by Kristen president and CEO of 1 * Productions and co-produce Brian Wright. HD Vision han dled all production and post pro duction functions. The two Texas A&M were chosen from more t 1 1,000 entries. Last year’s ^ ners in this category in ^. 11 Sony Pictures, Walt DN 1 - Studios, Universal Stu > The History C» Microsoft and Johns Hop Medical Center. In a field c dents to vote body preside to effectively University ad ticularly impi cation betwe and administ Coventry 1 achieve and has held a v of Cadets an and integrity, high persone accurately a administratoi In addition, attractive pre creation of a tions and ens ‘Aggie 10T’ c An informatic detailed oper ideas that set a positive sigi Coventry sh the marks of a sonal stand an form are mon ment outsider better able to dents. The th( into actioi administration THl Managing Edito Opinion Edito News Edito News Edito rile Battalion encoi delude the author to edit letters M4 Reed McDonal McDonald, MS 111 M5-2647 Email: m feuxted NEWS IN BRIEF Fire damages city hall, police station RED OAK, Texas (AP) ' small town’s city hal a police headquarters sustains severe damage when a swept through the building Monday morning. , Fire officials say the h apparently broke out at) ° l f p.m, Sunday in a closet »t headquarters b tea Ho not eli Wquene: Response to Di worthy's March police , ... room in the Red Oak City tnurn »uwi ■! mm o your destination EXPERIENCE THE t/ j> THRILL OF WINNING r .ir.F Non-Smoking """