The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 08, 2002, Image 2

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Sat., March 16"'
The Cowboy Western Club
(S. Hwy 14, Mexia)
Deryl Dodd
Painted Desert
*8.00 - Advance *10.00 - Door
Doors open @ 7 PM
in College Station
arsenal Touch
2807 S. Texas Ave • 1862 Rock Prairie Rd. • lexas at Harvey Rd. • P«a Oak Mall • harl Rudder Frwy. at Hwy. 21
Across the street from Tradition’s Dorm
Monday/Tuesday Lunch Special
Monday Noon • Tuesday Noon
Chicken Fried Steak
w/ French Fries
& Salad
your choice
5 Vegetable Plate
w/ *1.30 longnecks all day, everyday
Aggie Card welcome! Free Parking behind Shadow Canyon.
Free Food!
B Wnoyy
lOO Lucky Students Will Be Selected
To Have Free BBQ
At The President's Home With
Ray and Sally Bowen
April 1, 2002
6:00 p.
Students sign up at:
Winners will be notified via e-mail
on March 22
For more info call
the Office of University Relations
V 845-4642
(Rain site: 226 MSC)
Friday, March 8, 2002
by R.DeLuna Marking
£\/££y YEAR Z
UlAAWA t)o SoAM-
TUimO Cool-
5PRW6 SRMk , BiiT
Ajooo o , r ALulArt
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First Notional Bank has been here since IS76 when TAhlC
began classes, and is still going strong offering complete
banking services for you.
Aggies doing business with Aggies!
Our long history of working with Aggies qualifies us as your
best choice for financial services.
UlHo 8R//06S
oa/ ICE'
ToiJaJ AaJYtdAY$ ?
KEEP l T .
t>oWV, YooFE
^polilnlG The
FU/0 ‘
tkft Wuss Cook.!*
Monday, March 18
TAMU Roadrunners are having daily runs M-F 5:30
p.m. Meet in front of the Rec Center. All skill levels wel
come. Contact Chad at 764-8637 for more information.
Wednesday, March 20
Project Sunshine is having
MSC 226 at 8:30 p.m.
a general meeting in
Thursday, March 21
TAMU Roadrunners are having daily runs M-F 5:30
p.m. Meet in front of Rec. All skill levels welcome.
Contact Chad at 764-8637 for more information.
Sunday, March 24
Project Sunshine is having a children's carnival at
the Exit Teen Center from 12:30-6 p.m.
Continued from page 1
Schuyler Houser said she
vetoed a bill passed two weeks
ago that would have added
responsibilities to the job of
student body president. Linder
the legislation, the student
body president or his or her
appointed representative
would have to attend a
Northside and Southside stu
dent forum every fall.
Houser said she was afraid
the bill would bind future stu
dent body presidents to a
schedule they may not be able
to keep. [
Continued from page 1
special at Reed on April 15. Reed Arena will hold
Muster on April 21 and the Franklin Graham
Ministries May 2-5.
Along with the A&M commencement exercis
es in May, some high schools have booked gradu
But with all the events planned for spring,
expenses involved with maintaining the building
are also expected to rise, Hodge said.
Hodge said operating expenses for Reed
Detainees’ hunger
strike continues
BASE, Cuba (AP) — Twenty-one
detainees refused lunch at this
remote U.S. base Thursday,
the ninth day of a hunger strike
that is on the wane.
Twenty-three captives declined
breakfast and 21 refused lunch
— down from a high of 194 who
refused food a week before, said
Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Jeff
Carter, a spokesperson.
Brig. Gen. Mike Lehnert,
the camp commander, has
called it a “rolling hunger
strike," saying detainees take
turns not eating. Three men
have not eaten since at least
Friday, when the military
began keeping count.
The military has administered
intravenous drips to 20 at the
camp to treat them for dehy
dration or undernourishment.
The hunger strike began on
Feb. 27 after guards stripped an
inmate of his turban, but partici
pants have told their captors
their primary concern is what will
happen to them.
increase each year with employee raises, utility
costs and other miscellaneous expenses. The
expected operating expense for 2002 is $2 mil
lion, up from $1.7 million in 2001.
Hodge said the expenses spent for operating
Reed Arena are very common for A&M’s market
size. Big shows like “Disney on Ice" bring in
revenue, but until the deficit is lowered. Reed is
still in trouble.
“A deficit for an arena the size of Reed is to be
expected," Hodge said. "The goal is not to neces
sarily make money, but rather break even.”
“The arena business is cyclical and spotty, but
this is no surprise," Hodge said.
( -ontinned from;
parking for all con®
denis. Neuman said
Penberthy Road
extended from Reec
George Bush Drive
with West Campus a
PI1S is doingwk.
accommodate siudent
the changes. Bisorsaii
“Even (hough
t hanges are conver
isn’t convenient forsii
change," he said.
I he l Diversity hi'
ed with the City o
Station to lease 25l
spaces in the Colli
parking garage. The
are being offered tot
residents, mid taeuln
members u ho are cur
garage waiting list.]
are leased at the sai
other on-campus gan
tinue to be made t
the next few sememe
Monday. March 25
TAMU Roadrunners are having daily runs M-F 5:30
p.m. Meet in front of Rec. All skill levels welcome.
Contact Chad at 764-8637 for more information.
Wednesday. March 27
Project Sunshine is having an executive meeting in
Koldus at 8:30pm.
Thursday, March 28
TAMU Roadrunners are having daily runs M-F 5:30
p.m. Meet in front of Rec. All skill levels welcome.
Contact Chad at 764-8637 for more information.
Monday, April 1
TAMU Roadrunners are having daily runs M-F 5:30
p.m. Meet in front of Rec. All skill levels welcome.
Contact Chad at 764-8637 for more information.
:m. The repair
eet. New Main!
ss Street is cunr
y and is not
npietion until
>3. Bisor said.
Additional pro*
g in May and ]
I create a ten®:
K atlile
ad expei
‘ Strait, c
K.iad to
im back b
isane,” St
eoble juir
(fidn't thi
Jg^trait s
otibed he
ecause sh
ier pocket.
“1 used
After that.
ence Spring
(Continued fr
and w e
ueh at
Gift certifica
restaurants and g
were given out a
every hour w ith <
prize at midnight
an MSC
is a proposal for an 1
lents evei
■eas Reg
irec autio
irett'' I req
A p.ni11
•'jontams s
\cc< a dm
)f their in
Uggage in:
ilcohol u I:
fin C
even eom
about high
U.S. Emba
local law e
those go im.
major at HI
Of Padre I si
during spm
“Be can
Nights Committe
said. That idea h:
approved by the M
The second f
Nights program
place from 9 a.®
April 26 in the\!SC over there
We will ii.M stria.'' Me
111 e sume 1 hine Mm me
iiii." Salmon - they eoim
will be free bowline g|'
and crafts — wln.'j^g
surprise went venj
w here students cams
own key chains, brtl
sun catchers.” 1
Other activitiesf
midnight pancake a
held in the MSC i-1
dining facility.
“Instead of live |
are going to try toi;J
notist who will pe r!
Flagroom." Salmon' j
If Aggie Nightsj
goes as well as the j
program, the idea r : j
organizers to hold * I
Nights every Friday fe
tali, said Chris DukeJ
political science nji
member of MSC0M|
“This is a greatPJ
free entertainment^
place to comejianp-
your friends,”
“Aggie Nights is a?
gram, and I hope tna
dent body will come.
A I Nlentors
Texas A&M faculty, staff and administrators helping students.
College of Business
Execuiive Development
Dr. Ben Welch
Ms. DeRenda McGee
Dean \s Office
Ms. Lara Zuehlke
Dr. Lorence Bravenec
Dr. Stanley Kratchman
Dr. L. Murphy Smith
Dr. Robert Strawser
Mr. Ed Elmore
Dr. John Groth
Dr. Lawrence Wolken
Info and Operations Management
Mr. Paul Anrmons
Ms. Louise Darcey
Ms. Amerika Grewal
Dr. Michael Abelson
Mr. Ed Elmore
Ms. Kristi Mora
Mr. Keith Swim
Dr. Stephen McDaniel
Retailing Studies
Mrs. Cindy Billing ton
Undergraduate Programs
Dr. Linda W indie
Ms. Myra Gomez
College of Education
Dean's Office
Ms. Debi Buckley
Mr. David Byrd
Dr. Jane Conoley
Ms. Shannon Fite
Ms. Amy Klinkovsky
Dr. James Kracht
Ms. Vida Wilhelm
Educational A dministration
Ms. Joyce Nelson
Educational Human
Resource Development
Dr. Paulette Beatty
Dr. Larry Dooley
Dr. Kenneth Paprock
Dr. Jim Woosley
Center of Distance Learning
Ms. Jan Fernandez
Educational Psychology’
Ms. Angela Albrecht
Dr. Linda Parrish
Ms. Carol Wagner
Health and Kinesiology-'
Dr. Paul Batista
Ms. Cynthia Davis
Dr. Maurice Dennis
Ms. Mary Beth Isenhart
Dr. Sandy Kimbrough
Dr. PJ. Miller
Mr. Mark Reinberg
Ms. Rose Schmitz
Mr. Frank Thomas
Dr. Ping Xiang
Ms. Tiffany Zgabay
Teaching, Learning. & Culture
Dr. Cindy Boettcher
Dr. Lynn Burlbaw
Dr. Frank Clark
Dr. Jack Helfeldt
Dr. Gerald Kulm
Dr. Charles Lamb
Dr. Dawn Parker
Dr. Patrick Slattery
Dr. Millie Martin
College of Science
Dean's Office
Dr. Nancy Magnussen
Dr. Karl Aufderheide
Dr. Nina Caris
Ms. Trisha Hinnen
Dr. Rita Moyes
Dr. Timothy Scott
Mr. Steve Simcik
Mr. Josh Weerasinghe
Dr. John Hogg
Dr. Wendy Keeney-Kennicutt
Ms. Marilyn Warren
Ms. Julie Wilson
Dr. G. Donald Allen
Dr. Arthur Hobbs
Dr. William Bassichis
Dr. Nelson Duller
Dr. Larry Ringer
Scientific Computation
Mr. Lewis Wynn
The ATMentors Program
consists of approximately
370 Texas A&M faculty,
staff, and administrators
who volunteer extra office
hours to make themselves
available to students.
Mentors names will be
appearing in the Battalion
throughout the week.
Mariano Castillo,
Brian Ruff, Managing Editor
Sommer Bunce, News Editor
Brandie Liffick, News Editor
Rolando Garcia, News Assistant
Lizette Resendez, Aggielife Editor
Kendra Kingsley, Aggielife Assistant
Lycia Shrum, Aggielife Assistant
Cayla Carr, Opinion Editor
Richard Bray, Opinion Assistant
Editor in Chief
Mandi Vest, Sci|Tech Editor
True Brown, Sports Editor
Doug Puentes, Sports Assista«
Kate Siegel, Copy Chief
Chad Mallam, Art Director
Guy Rogers 111, Photo Editor
Sayeda Ismail, Radio ProdiV
Diane Xavier, Radio Assistin'
Rees Winstead, Webmaster
THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday
ing the fall and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday dunng ^
session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas M
Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER,
changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, 1111 TAMU, Colleg
News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at ^
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News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone.
845-2647; E-mail:; Web site: http://www.theM •
Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or e |X 26 g6.
The Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, can» ^
classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in OD ^
and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax. 8
Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M
pick up a single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies ^
scriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester,
summer or $10 a month. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discove,
Express, call 845-2611.
For more information on these and other Mentors cheek out the ATMentors website at: http://nientors.tamu.eclu