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With its second full-length album The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most, released in March 2001, Chris Carrabba has created 10 tracks that are honest, revealing anger, sadness, hope and love. This album undoubtedly justifies Carrabba’s capability to take the solo route. Dashboard Confessional’s music allows fans to take his words personally and incorpo rate them to their own life. A lot of what Carrabba sings about is love or the lack thereof, which is something most people can relate to in one way or another. Lyrics such as “As for now I’m gonna hear the saddest songs and sit alone and wonder how you’re making out. But as for me I wish that I was anywhere with anyone making out,” from his song “Screaming Infidelities” reveal sincerity in the words he sings. With his haunting lyrics that carry deep meaning, it is a refreshing change of pace from the bubble gum pop music heard >m the Dubble gum ww often on the radio. If you have been fortu nate enough to see Dashboard Confessional perform live, it may be easier to understand the emotion behind the CD. Carrabba is able to get the crow d singing his lyrics w ith a passion as if were telling a story from their own life, charisma behind this man cannot be ignored With the CD’s title track “The Places Have Come to Fear the Most,” the strait Carrabba’s voice is a sound that is able to ci a chill to the very core of the listener’s sou! the album’s most up-beat song, “Again I Unnoticed.” Carrabba exhibits the rawnev his guitar and the emotions w hich are evidei every note and word. Listeners will not be to help but sing aloud w ith the entire CD Although Carrabba has several stri dow n acoustic numbers on this album, he also managed to incorporate some bass drums to add just enough flavor to songs needing it. The album holds a punk edge that is dent in his vocals, his raw aggression and passion. The emotion in his music isencc to draws listeners in and leave them war; more. (Grade A+) —LyciaSki 2\velve 1 Choosir bny’s a here is v Dashboard Continued from page 3A friends and fellow musicians on stage with him to contribute their musical talents to the band. “One misconception about Dashboard Confessional is that it never was just me,” Carrabba said. “It was always me and the crowd and me and my friends that were on stage with me. As far as I’m concerned, it is a band and I’ve been saying that for months and months but it doesn't seem like anybody wants to hear it.” The name Dashboard Confessional started off to detach Carrabba from being sin gularly identifiable as Dashboard Confessional. Carrabba said by not using his name to identify the band, he feels he is not excluding his fans from being a part of the band. *i love the fact that the kids feel like a part of (the band) and they are,” Carrabba said. "I mean they are a part of the band — as much a part of it as I am.” Carrabba said aside from the press and fans, touring has been a key factor helping Dashboard Confessional’s rise in popularity. “[Touring] is the real deal.” Carrabba said. “The press in the magazines and on the radio has only happened within the past month, but I’ve sold nearly 100,000 records. That doesn’t Kitty S itzwill mean 1 'm counting, bu;!: proud of the fact thai :!:> ■ Dumlvrs m re..- without the help ot'ihep: SATU1 only because of the m come out to my sb. spread the word. So make it or don’t make s,i mind I \e already made With two full-length, two FP's and another one; way, Carrabba is bring as much D - | Tc C onfcssional music to tho he can create. Summer: the neW EP expected i March or early April. Dashboard ConfessKs be playing shows March 1 in Ft. Wonh.M. Houston and March 3b FRIPA [Thanks Big Paul Johnny Spah r Hu trie fine TwoSpy Tony’s is a $5 Kissing ^ead ony's £ i $5 co\ Phys 20 MSRP-$14,154 11,525 FHEfl 877-BOSSIER 979-823-8111 j O 1 Zj ’ Y Pictures lor llluslratlvc Purposes Only LIA.—ML4l_T_K~~l...l J ‘301 INJ Frirl RiiHrlf«r FVnownw R Phys 203 Pictures l or Illustrative Purposes Only Phys 213 301 n. E ar j Rudder Freeway, Bryan FIVE STAR J J gSSr gS*r g£5? gSSr Chrysler • Dodge • Jeep • Daewoo ^ WWW.BOSSlERAUTOWORLD.COM • WWW.B0SS1ERAUT0W0RLD.C0 Mon-Fri Saturday 8:30-8:00pm 9:00-6:00pm