The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 28, 2002, Image 12
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In*led kne offei ends 3/1S/ We Fix Everything * Up To 5 QIs. 10W30 Oil. • Most Cars & Lighf Trucks. ► Diesel Cars Excluded • Synthetic Oil Extra Coupon must be ptesenkid at tine ol pun Inse Nor good wth any oltKi | offer. At pnitkipntinu shops only Untfed tiriBoffer ends 3/ LEXICON Representatives from Lexicon Genetics Incorporated will be hosting an informational meeting on Monday, March 4 at 5:30 pm in Rudder Tower, room 510. Life Sciences and Veterinary Medicine graduates and undergraduates who will be available for full time employment in 2002 are encouraged to attend. Lexicon Genetics Incorporated is a bio-pharmaceutical company located in The Woodlands, Texas. Through the combination of Lexicon's novel in vivo validated drug targets, and the innovative drug discovery chemistry at Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, we have established a superior position from which to rapidly implement an integrated gene-to-lead drug discovery platform. Presently, we have career opportunities for Scientists, Research Associates and Research Assistants in several departments. For additional information on our company and available full time opportunities, please visit our website at www.lexicon- Students interested in attending this informational meeting are encouraged to RSVPto Break $150 giveaway! 979-680-8475 Leasing Center: 1619 S. Texas Ave. (Culpepper Plaza) Yes, that’s right, you will receive $150 for SPRING BREAK spending money, if you come in NOW to Crossing Place apartments and immediately finalize a lease for your bedroom for next year. Call 680-8475 or come by the Crossing Place leasing center at 1619 S. Texas Avenue in the Culpepper Plaza. Crossing Place apartments, where student residents are important! This offer is subject to change without notice. EgSCrossing Place real living, real learning. 4B Thursday, February 28, 2002 INTERNATIOj THE BATM Permanent detentioi center being built GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba (AP) — Navy workers hammered and hoisted wooden planks Wednesday, building the first units of a pemianent detention facility at the U.S. base for hundreds of prisoners in the war on terrorism. “The good news is that we have received...con gressional authority to proceed on the detention and security facilities,” Marine Brig. Gen. Michael Lehnert, who is in charge of the detention mission, said Wednesday. Naval construction workers w'ere building 16- by-32 feet wooden huts. The permanent prison will have 75 of them for military guards; a large white recreation tent and nine facilities w ith show- will be ventilated, but not air conditioned will also be a concrete deck where inm; stretch and exercise. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rums!: 4 Tuesday U.S. interrogations of al-Qa Taliban prisoners have begun focusing0 — if any - of the detainees being held Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay ma\ he a U.S. military tribunal. “Some may very well be,” he said, was to get ready and be prepared," RunK adding that he would be ready soon. Up to now, the interrogators have sous mation that might h By Aim THE BA nn ers, toilets and sinks. attacks ; or that mi; ght shed light on the u While the huts are being built. Is tnd x vill be the al- Qaida neb work or the whereabt cleared for the detention facility, and cell blocks leader. Osama bit i Laden. — 48 in all — will be built at another 1 ocati on and The ‘ next step. now under w ay, is to then trucked to the prison. whetht ;r and ho\ \ to prosecute. Rum It will have 408 separate cells and n lore; imeni- Those not tried b; y a military tribunal w< ties that the hastily built Camp X-Ray, , whe tc 300 be pro secuted in a U.S. civilian or mili prisoners of the war in Afghanistan are bein g held. returru ?d to their home country for pr At Camp X-ray, inmates sleep on foar n mat- release :d outright . or held in U.S, cusit tresses in cells with chain-link walls open to the nitely. of. Mi elements and a corrugated iron rc guards have to escort them to toilets or Each new cell will have a toilet, > metal bed. Individual cells will be se| w ire mesh so inmates can “see each oth to one another,” Schulman said. The blocks will have an area for showers and nd ik : irau r ant ml ; d b) I tali rt. T nal. Hie 494 prisoners come from more countries. Some, including Saudi An: asked that their citizens be returned forpr: Afghanistan still a supplif of heroin despite opium ba| ■ On Saturday B:arbon copy (c Bnly does this ; list of cloned ar nizes Texas A& ■lone a com ■Tese developn ing hot topics ^ and the mpt future ; niany wonderii ■ally is. I Cloning is a to create a new genetic constii Hie replica of individual. Hvolved have ! hot necessarily stons of that means the clor exactly like its I The principl all organisms Hatter how bi organism may ism develops fi Hiat divides tc H'pes of cells, \ form differen jgrganism. I Animal clot substituting the Contains the DP i individual’: ■ucleus of a Thus, the nude ;req adir UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Despite a ban on cultivation of opium poppies by Afghanistan's new' interim government, poppies have started blooming every where and the country remains a key supplier of heroin, the U.S. member of the International Narcotics Control Board says. Herbert Okun said Afghanistan’s leader Hamid Karzai is not to blame because Afghan farmers need to grow something to survive and at the moment there are not any alter natives to poppy production. “We need to wean the peas ants of Afghanistan away from growing the opium poppy so crop substitution is required,” he told a news conference on Tuesday. “It has to be serious and it has to be sustained. We hope it will happen soon, and we hope it will be successful.” The Vienna-based board has called on the U.N. Security Council to promote U.N. pro grams that would substitute crops like wheat, cotton and sorghum for poppies, and to assist Afghanistan in preventing production and trafficking in opium and heroin. We need to wean the peasants of Afghanistan away from growing opium poppy so crop substitution is required. — Herbert Okun International Narcotics Control Board Afghanistan became the world’s leading source of opium, from which heroin and morphine are produced, in the early 1990s and remained so under the Taliban that took powtnl and was ousted by IM forces late last \c,ir. AiH edict in 2000 banning^ ti vat ion reduced produ about 10 percent — tv cent as some claim. (X. “It was a con job and the drought did Li for them." he said. While banning pop. Taliban held on to 2: six-year supply of hs continues to make Y markets primarily Okun noted. “Under the Talfek never a drug stizs Afghanistan — not ok case of a recorded < heroin,” he added at t' conference to launch ik annual report. In the report, thete “large quantities ofopu: made available frotri stocks” in Afghanis® ing the Sept. 11 terrori>i on the United States. Suspect may he handed to United SM I SEATTLE( Cine that is perl H watched ex AIDS research in early hut Researchers cat years away froi The appro: (fboost, is highl; keys. Until nc Unsure whether true in people. [ Results rele; 9th Annual Rei in Seattle suggt tern response it to that in new keys, which ar exposure to the [ Experts beli only way to 5 AIDS epidemic killed 20 millic ed 40 million r has been frust virus has evo ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistan does not object to handing the chief suspect in the abduction and killing of Wb// Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl to the United States, but certain legal issues must be resolved first, a high-ranking Pakistani diplomat told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “We have no objections” to confessed kid napper Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh being hand ed over, said the diplomat, who spoke on condi tion of anonymity. The diplomat said Pakistan is considering whether to first try Saeed here before to him over. He said Saeed could be transfe' American custody by classifying him ass batant fighting against the U.S. war on ter: thus allowing the two countries to hyps issue of extradition. The United State Pakistan have no clear extradition treaty. Pakistani Interior Minister Moinuddin: vowed Wednesday to bring Pearl’s killer tice, and said allegations about a link to Saeed and Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intel! agency were “malicious and wrong propas- Th ere's Something About Miche' Funnyman Michel Lauziere That something is comic genius! Equal parts musician, inventor, acrobat, juggler, and, of course, comedian, Lauziere will delight OPAS JR audiences this Saturday with his hilarious one man show. In addition to the stunt you see in this photo (yes, his body is inside a balloon), one of Lauziere's many other gags includes performing classical and popular music with his famous suit of horns. If that doesn't entice you to get a ticket, nothing will! FUNNYMAN MICHEL LAUZIERE Sun, March 3 • 2 PM & 4 PM Rudder Theatre T I C K E T S : Call 845-1 234. Online at O p aS jr FOR THE YOUNG AT ART! The OPAS Guild Supporting the art* since 1973. 2001-2002 Season Media Partners i\l -3r\ tzj vmmSmTMh dapayfc sss-i! M.S'.KORA 1805 Briarcres! 1 BRYAN “ 979-776-099? Lamar Pmss Com* loin th® Come One! Com Ail! CV Tues 6:45 — STARTINC Tim' Wed-Thur-Sat Friaw 6:45 & 9:00 7:15 & 9:00 EXPERIENCE THE I THRILL OF WINNING * Large Non- Smoking W* Over $30,000 WonEac- # IN THE AFTERNOON Radio News from the newsrooto THE BATTAI) campus and community 1 ^ 1:57.p.m. Monday through Frida) on KAMU-FM 90 s College Station / Bryan