Vour Pills Try TKe. B>irtK corrtrol you irKiok asout jusT *4- x a year. Depo-Provera is 99.7% effective. Not only is Depo-Provera 99.7% effective, but you need just one shot on time every 3 months to stay pregnancy-protected. So, unlike the Pill, Depo-Provera isn't your every day birth control. Depo-Provera doesn't protect vou from HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases. Some women using Depo-Provera experience side effects. The most common are irregular periods or spotting. Many women stop having periods altogether after a few months and some may experience a slight weight gain. You shouldn't use Depo-Provera if you could be pregnant, if you have had any unexplained periods, or if you have a history of breast cancer, blood clots, stroke, or liver disease. When using Depo-Provera, there may be a possible decrease in bone density. Ask your health care professional about prescription Depo-Provera. Birth control you think about just 4 times a year. See what Depo-Provera is all about. Call toll free 1-866-519-DEPO or visit www.depo-provera.com. corvtrol ^ou asou-t jus-t 4- •< a ^ear. i Please see important product information on adjacent page. © 2002 Pharmacia Corporation UX0019947.02 2/02