The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 27, 2002, Image 2
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Y0UK WILL TO H OWN DAKK HIMlT state perfon I Midway le^e and r ger/song The Hoi H</ ZeppeL m. !e the p< Hst heard I years ago. ■ He said I tl variety h; I “You ca ylu’re not Bt expand “Ivery kin has some11 thi people thi y wante wanted to j |; Morrow Texas draw his songs s hem of rod When v simple; the rlrratives ( he feels. I ’T add n ■ws and a Pk'pje that Barton Continued from page 1A Barton said. In addition to low ering income tax rates across the board. Barton said he wants to eliminate the estate tax. Although the government is spending more to fight the war on terrorism. Barton said the increased revenue generated by a growing economy will head off budget deficits. One of the district’s most pressing problems is inadequate transportation infrastructure, and Barton said he would ask to be placed on the transportation committee, where he will be in a strong position to fight for central Texas’ fair share of transportation infrastructure funding. Bryan-Coliege Station needs a four lane divided high way linking it to major traffic hubs, and alternative routes are needed in the Austin area to relieve the congestion on Interstate 35, Barton said. Although he resided in College Station for only four years as a stqdent and a few years as a child. Barton said he understands the needs of rural and suburban areas like'.: District 31 and feels at tai small town Texas. Barton, the son of’ Congressman Joe Barton.' represented Brazos Couf the 1980s, said his fair, with the ways of Wash will help him be an ml advocate for the district's! ests despite his lack of sen “I can make an impact' day l,” Barton said."! strong relationships Washington and l knovwc takes to be a great reptf' tative.” Asphalt Continued from page 1A The Stirred Air-Flow Test costs much less than the apparatus currently in use and test time is cut in half, Glover said. “It is robust, easy to use and compact in space,” Glover said. Glover worked on the project from Sept to Aug. 2001, with the help of Interim ProK Dr. Richard Davison and graduate sll Nikolai Vassiliev. Five prototypes of theap; tus were delivered to different laboratorie' are being tested to compare results. Peterson said, “Indications are right no" it is going to work really well for usTxDO Deir a A- March 2nd, 2002 at Central Park s c at central i arK A>/] for RonaVo Benefiting the Ronald McDonald House in Temple, TX. 5K Fun Run 9:00am 5K Wheel-a-thon 10:00am For event information and registration Logon to or email o c0t j6RATULflT/04^ Heather Vargo &: Rusty Pendleton January 2002 RA and HO of the Month The Department of Residence Life Residence Half Staff Council O O THE BATTALM Mariano Castillo Editor in Chief editor® The Battalion (ISSN #105 5-4726) C: lished dally, Monday through Friday'r' the fall and spring semesters and I- 1 ■ through Thursday during the sinnindfl sion (except University holidays aac ? periods) at Texas A&M University.^; Postage Paid at College Station, Tl POSTMASTER: Send address changes; Battalion, Texas A&M University, 111'' : College Station,TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news depart^ managed by students at Texas' University in the Division of Student*' a unit of the Department of Joan's News offices are in 014 Reed Mii Building. Newsroom phone: 845-331' \ 845-2647; E-mail: newsroom@thebaf ; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertisiri not imply sponsorship or endorsement: Battalion. For campus, local, and ns'-, display advertising, call 845-2696. ft : sified advertising, call 845-0569. AdsT offices are in 015 Reed McDonald,an^: hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday^ 1 Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student St ( Fee entitles each Texas A&M student: up a single copy of The Battalion. FiiS j free, additional copies 254. Mail snK| tions are $60 per school year, $30ftrt t or spring semester, $17.50 for the s.' ; and $10 per month. To charge b) | MasterCard, Discover, or American M call 845-2611.