The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 25, 2002, Image 6

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Monday, February 25, 2002
the batta.
Israel withdraws from Arafat hotr
Palestinian leader still restricted to Ramallah
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel decided
Sunday to draw tanks back from Yasser
Arafat’s compound but continue restricting
him to the West Bank city of Ramallah — a
halfway measure that led angry Palestinians
to cancel planned cease-fire talks with
Israeli security officials.
While the Palestinians had hoped that
last week’s arrests of three top suspects in
the October killing of Israeli Cabinet minis
ter Rehavam Zeevi might end Arafat’s
almost three-month-long confinement,
Israel on Sunday demanded again that they
be handed over and that other suspects be
arrested as well.
But an Israeli official, speaking on con
dition of anonymity, suggested Sunday’s
was only a preliminary decision, and also
that Israel expected the security meeting to
be delayed by only one day and held
Monday. The Defense Ministry, mean
while, said the army would exercise
restraint in hopes of enabling a truce.
Arafat has been restricted to Ramallah
since early December, shortly after a wave of
suicide bombings in Israel, and tanks moved
steadily closer to his compound, eventually
surrounding it.
Israel’s Security Cabinet, made up of
senior ministers, said in a statement Sunday
that such pressure caused last week's arrest
in the West Bank city of Nablus of the three
members of the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine, which claimed
responsibility for Zeevi’s killing in October.
Raanan Gissin, spokesperson of Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon, said Israeli tanks
would soon be pulled back from Arafat’s
compound to unspecified new locations.
But Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb
Erekat maintained that this “changes noth
ing” because Arafat had been able to get
around Ramallah already; in recent days he
prayed at a mosque about a mile away and
A Palestinian police officer inspects part of Pal
the West Bank town of Ramallah after an Israe
attended the opening of a play.
“This is a very terrible decisi
Erekat. “Why is it that every time
proceed with the peace process ...
such decisions? We expected to he
sion that will revive hope ... Enoi
to humiliate us!”
Dovish Israelis noted that Aral
amine had not succeeded in low
violence that has raged since S
2000. killing 992 people on the P
side and 283 on the Israeli side.
In announcing the decision
Sharon appeared to leave options
said “the closure around Arafat's
ters in Ramallah will be lifted’
“Arafat’s departure from Ram;
decision that would te
a forum according «o the;
me minister.
Araf it hopes to attend an Arab,
summit at the end of March in Beiia-
Israeli officials are concerned A
t h at s ummit into a show
return with redoubled support for
month-old uprising.
There is also some appre
Sharon's circles that the sum
momentum to emerging Sail
ler Middle East peace in
essentially complete Israeli]
West Bank and Gaza —an id
. fiercely opposed but Israeli
v to embrace.
| ech
in Lubt
Colombian presidential candidate
abducted by leftist guerrillas
CAGUAN, Colombia
(AP) — A presidential
candidate who is a
severe critic of
Colombia's leftist guer
rillas was abducted by
the rebels as she headed
into a zone they once
controlled, her cam
paign spokesperson said
Ingrid Betancouil disappeared after setting
out for San Vicente del Caguan, a former rebel
stronghold that was seized by government
troops Saturday in an offensive to retake a
large swathe of rebel-controlled territory.
Betancourt and her campaign manager
Clara Rojas were kidnapped Saturday by
rebels with the Revolutionary Armed Forces
of Colombia, or FARC, spokesperson Diana
Rodriguez told The Associated Press.
Rodriguez said the rebels released two
journalists — one French, the other
Colombian — and a campaign coordinator
who had been accompanying Betancourt
and Rojas. The three returned safely to an
army base in the city of Florencia, where
Betancourt began her trip, Rodriguez said.
Colombia’s government said it had
warned Betancourt, a former Senator, not to
make the trip to San Vicente because it was
too dangerous.
Interior Minister Armando Estrada called
on the rebels to release Betancourt. “We ask
those who are holding her to respect her life
and release her quickly so she can resume
her advocacy work,” he said.
Estrada said the government was search
ing for her and was doing what ii could to
establish security in the war zone.
Betancourt was one of a number of can
didates in the elections set for next month
who had planned to enter the former rebel-
run territory to show their support as the
government moves to retake the area.
President Andres Pastrana had ceded the
zone, an area tw'ice the size of New Jersey in
southern Colombia, to the FARC three years
ago in hopes of brokering an end to the
country’s 38-year war. But last week he
declared the peace process collapsed, citing
They were waiting for
orders about what to
do with Ingrid.
Estrada said.
Betancourt and her group wett
in a volatile area just outside thez
highway that gi>es through a sirin.
lets, some dominated by rebels,}
right-\A ing paramilitaries.
Adair Lamprea, the campaign
tor later freed, told The Associt
that the candidate and her group',
rebel roadblock' constructed of r»
packed with explosives and other,
soon arrived in several trucks.
“They were waiting for orde
what to do with Ingrid,” Lamprea.
"There was a Red Cross truck (alt
block) when we arrived, but they t
to go back.”
Eventually, the rebels orderedBi
exas Te<
20 win se.
1$96 after
AfcM men':
74-53, on !
Hlhe Aggii
11) scored
the first ha
early to the
6, 9-5). Te
lead at half
Bech wa
Clavis' 18
wnich can
Kasib Pc
points. The
four player
^Junior gt
led the Agg
and junio
Bean chipp
| The win t
gave therr
—Adair Lamprea
campaign coordinator
repeated FARC attacks on military and civil
ian targets, and on Friday thousands of
troops began moving into the area.
The troops moved into San Vicente, the
main town in the region of 100,000 people,
before dawn on Saturday.
Estrada urged other candidates not to
visit the area for the moment, and two can
didates postponed planned trips.
“It is good that politicians are doing what
they can to draw support for their campaigns
and their causes ... but it was not necessary
to make that trip in those conditions,”
into one truck and Rojas into °V er the A
Lamprea said. “When (Betancourt time since
that truck, she appeared strong,jusi season anc
always is. but nervous,” he said. straight wii
“They freed the rest of usatuii Tech wor
told us that they had the person the; between th
and that we weren’t part of thepr in College 5
Lamprea continued. “They droppo .
somewhere and we walked and walb r ~~
a truck came by and picked us up.
there was bombing, and we co
strongly. It was horrible.”
Betancourt had planned to meet
Vicente Mayor Nestor Leon
member of her political party,
reporters she was determined to stagel
in San Vicente for “respect forhumaij
Betancourt’s husband, Juan
Lecompte, said Betancourt felt shell
to be w ith the people of San Vicentel
the good and the bad.”
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