The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 25, 2002, Image 4
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Hilton College Station 801 University Drive East • College Station, TX 77840 693-7500 ext. 57 tmw.' c . c i i b cJ fpen Jfc ouse Saturday January 26 10 am to 2 pm 979 690-1919 1500 Nantucket Drive College Station Call for directions we invite you to meet the leading wedding studio in BCS Mark Sykes Certified Professional Photographer fbrtrait Designs I <11*1 I« rue I ! Wear ^cur 1<5 nieces ctf A4SC Spring OPEN liCESE Sunday, January 27, 2002 2-6 pm Free! Free! Free! Showing of OFFICE SPACE At 6:30 p.m. in Rudder Theater Tickets Available At Open House MSC Marketing Table - First Floor Main Hallway MSC Questions? Call 845-1515 , S-VUD^ Sponsored by ^ MSC Marketing Team ^ ’ ^ <CVf Friday, January 25, 2002 AGGIE! THE BATTAll f ^ REEL CRITIQUE 1 The Royal Tenenbaums Directed by Wes Anderson Starring: Gene Hackman, Ben Stiller, Gwyneth Paltrow Touchstone Pictures ihis even more unusual is most of them wear the same outfj the length of the film. Royal (Hackman), the family’s failed patriarch, is aw. up lawyer who feels sorry for himself. Years after lea\r. wife and children, a shameless Royal uses the excuse ofstor! cancer to return to the family house and make up for lost* Royal’s wife Etheline, (Houston) begrudgingly welcome estranged husband into the house, where their three ch | have gathered during the winter by coincidence. Each of the kids has a unique set of idiosyncrasies, p^f ably a result of their dad’s past mistakes. Stiller is hilariou' & performance as the irritable Chas whose fretful anticsleaci number of amusing events, including several spirited argu-J with family members. Luke Wilson plays Chas’ brother.R.•. the ex-tennis pro who quit at the peak of his career dura:| important match. Luke Wilson does a Fine job portrayr ? brother whose fixation on his adopted Mster. Margot, drivel to the point of insanity. Margot, a gifted playwright play! Paltrow, suffers from a lifelong bout with depression duct I dad's alienation. Margot’s husband, writer Raleigh St. Clair, is plate:I \Aggi* \goiw By I . TH PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF TOUCHSTONE PK I UR! S Wes Anderson’s third feature-length effort. The Royal Tenenbaums, plays like a spin-off from the director’s last film, 1998’s sensational Rushmore. Though in no way related to its now cult classic predecessor, there are a number of immediately noticeable similarities between the two. Like Rushmore, the film was co-written by Anderson and Owen Wilson. Another obvious parallel is the painstaking design of every scene, placing particular emphasis on the costumes and settings that retlect the director’s highly stylized, retro approach. A remarkable ensemble of actors, including Gene Hackman. Anjelica Houston, Gwyneth Paltrow. Ben Stiller, Bill Murray and Luke and Owen Wilson, supplements the film's distinctive look and allows the movie to narrow its focus to the characters and their quirks. The Tenenbaum family is a group of oddballs, and nowhere is this more apparent than in their attire. What makes ). A leery > ite w hose pro •cm. Dann\ veil as the be His spat mall). (I Murray (another Rushmore holdos Raleigh's suspicions are justified by £ ity is a reflection of her low self e makes an entertaining appearance a; Henry Sherman. Etheline’s love inters in the kitchen will have audiences in Wilson, executive producer of the ftln ily friend Eli. His televised intervie movie's funniest moments. W'hile udr plot. /he Royal Tenenbaums and their the film interesting from beginning t< half-hour is somewhat overwhelmin expository scenes soon gives way to the story, and tk are not far behind. A worthy follow-up to his prior e Wes Anderson's latest creation is worth the price of adir (Grade: B+) -Gate to very tunny ej ene is one o' lly not thefc lical behavior 1. Though if the imti Orange County Directed by Jake Kasdan Starring: Jack Black, Colin Hanks MTV Films Orange County succeeds in being both funny and uplifting. The plot revolves around the main character, Shaun (Hanks), who is trying to get into Stanford to study with the writer who inspired him to pick up the pen. Unfortunately, his guidance counselor sends the wrong transcript, sinking Shaun’s efforts. With the help of his brother, (Black) Shaun sets off to make a personal visit to the dean of admissions to correct the situation. Black’s performance is hilarious, not to mention immodest, as he spends an enormous amount of film time in his under wear. Black manages to steal the scene whenever he appears; however, Hanks garners quite a few laughs himself. The film manages to amuse without detracting from the plot or relying entirely on slapstick humor. Unlike many comedies of today, the funniest parts are not shown on the previews. Despite the numerous mishaps that threaten to derail Shaun’s efforts, the voyage becomes one of self-discovery, as The Te: B ketball teai I to savor \b I the Uni I Wednesda; I home to h I Jayhawks ■ Reed Aren The I 12) are coi I tory over tl I which w as I Austin sine The vi< I game losin I ing back I A&M’s fir I against a r I 1982, also Junior ■ scored a si ■ to lead tht I hot shootii I percent of 158.3 perc< ■ 3-point lin Sophon I Anderson land eight I Aggies, wl By J moiOGKM’H < Ol K I I S’! Ol l’\U \SUH M 1‘K he ends up face-to-face with his mentor. This conversanV Shaun's heart at ease, and manages to evoke a response the audience with a few subtly portrayed messages abot The viewer should not be expecting a treatise on the f way to live, but Orange County will leave you crying laughter. (Grade: A-) Mike \\\. Make ■ A&M mt I playing a Even I Aggies 1 I both Rice [they feel ■home. ^ lished wi PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Jay-Z and R. Kelly collaborate for upcoming album NEW YORK (AP) — Two heavyweights of rap and R&B are teaming up for a joint album and tour. Rapper Jay-Z and singer R. Kelly, both Grammy winners and multiplatinum artists, have collaborated on the disc "The Best of Both Worlds," which is scheduled for release March 26. They announced the project Thursday at a grandiose, rambling news conference JAY-Z at The Waldorf-Astoria hotel that featured introductions by Johnnie Cochran Jr. and testimonials from Sean "P. Diddy" Combs and Ronald Isley of the Isley Brothers. Members of their entourages sat nearby, dressed in fur and sipping Cristal from gold-encrusted goblets. They have previously collaborated on two hits: R. Kelly's "Fiesta" remix and Jay-Z's "Not Guilty." "It's like mad scientists in the basement," R. Kelly said. "Jay is real creative, I'm real creative, and you wan!:: together and mix potions." Jay-Z is on Def Jam Records while R. Kelly is or Def Jam will promote the disc in the United State Canada, while Jive will do so in the rest of the world. While R&B and rap stars fre quently do guest spots on each other's records — such as Jennifer Lopez and Ja Rule, and City High and Eve — a joint album is rare. The first single is the sexually explicit "Honey," which played at the news event as Combs, Cochran and others bobbed their heads to the beat. When a reporter asked what the album's message would be fory: people, R. Kelly said: "This album is not Disneyland up to the parents to bring the kids up the way should." Besides the album and upcoming tour, the twe announced they would headline an all-star Urban Aid cert for LifeBeat to raise funds for AIDS charities.The 9 event will air live on BET from New York's Be Theater, representatives said. record a Saturday Texas P A&M-C( Trinity is "That [to play i said. “It I One of c R. KEli l: PizzaworksJ All you can eat Peproni Rolls ,TM $ 3.99 6pm-9pm Dine in only k add salad bar & drink for $ 'l.99 or *domestic longnecks $ 1.59 3505 Longmire Dr. 919 Harvey Woodstone Cener SSS-iD£\\I7[I 2002 E. 29th Next to Blinn 2©©~[IMI7[! Northgate SMART AGGIE PARKING College Main Parking Garage (309 College Main in Northgate) ONE Block from Campus!! Walk to class or take the A&M shuttle. Leases available: $175/semester or $55/mont! (No deposit, parking Monday - Sunday 6 am - 9 pm; 24-hour leases available) HouRly Rails: 2 AM ' 7 pM: Z’OC; 7 pM - 2 AM: SI.00 /7?££ Sui\idAys: 6 am ' 2 pM For more information call 764-3565. * Prices good through January 25,2002 Res Ha cas Ha dis A ( the Sh A i SOI I'll w: