NATION battalion :dto ists ops in ines S. troops are ie Philippines tc merit efforts m. Mindanao " . 'v'l i ..^-0 yr* fstond NEWS THE BATTALION 7 A I00n I 0 10 Luzon ' O " itt ilUi - ■ - 'b !; i ’ t'O+ij iuhl Sea -* v. ‘ MinT Background checks inadequate in Texas AUSTIN (AP) — Background checks failed to prevent more than 1,100 guns from being sold in Texas to felons or other people prohibited from buying firearms over a 2 1/2- year period because of incomplete records, according to a study released Wednesday. The “Broken Records” report by the Washington-based Americans for Gun Safety Foundation graded states on the quality of records used for federal background checks. Texas and 21 other states were graded an “F” because the states had not fully automated reporting of felonies, domestic violence and mental disability records. According to the group, 1,142 ineligible gun buyers were able to purchase firearms in Texas. The state has auto mated only 55 percent of its felony records, the report said. The report studied gun sales from December 1998 to June 2001. In Texas, all background checks required by federal law are conducted by the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Tom Vinger said that local governments report felony convic tions to the state agency, which then makes it available to federal officials instantly. Texas officials conduct background checks for con cealed weapons licenses but not gun sales, Vinger said. Under federal law, if a background check cannot be completed within three business days, a gun dealer may turn over the firearm to the buyer. Nationally, the report says 9,976 prohibited buyers obtained a gun because of faulty records over the past 30 months. “The dirty little secret is that the records for almost every state are in terrible shape, and our front-line defense necessary to keep guns out of the hands of crim inals is full of holes,” said Jim Kessler, director of the foundation that wrote the report. The National Rifle Association agreed Wednesday that the system is sloppy but said the blame should fall on an out-of-control bureaucracy, not lawful gun owners. sen Cartoon Continued from page 1 same day tfe who organize Jocuments Iz- had requeue- icrgy compar partners in £ ied of manap three audits leave. at ion could ^ ig firm becati< i the largest ef executive which helf y exposure. IN BRIEF nors hero DN (AP) - New Jersey rial to a hero he would welcome a meeting with the group to discuss his concerns. I Texas A&M President Dr. Ray M. Bowen submitted a letter to The Battalion expressing his disapproval of the cartoon, saying it “clearly played on negative stereotypes ol African-Americans.” 1 Racist messages conveyed by the cartoon help cast doubt on whether A&M is a truly wel coming place for all people, Bowen said. I Megan Mack, vice chair of the Black Awareness Committee Equipment Continued from page 1 and a senior psychology major, said she found the stereotypical images in the cartoon deeply offensive and said The Battalion should apologize. She added that the cartoon is part of a pat tern of insensitivity to blacks and other minorities by the newspaper. “I might be outraged if this was the first time, but they (The Battalion) have made it a habit. I just don’t know why the editors let such things run,” Mack said. This is not the first time that cartoons appearing in The Battalion have stirred contro versy. Castillo said that he has been careful to exercise good judgment in deciding which Thursday, January 17, 2002 Olympics Continued from page 1 medical and hazardous materials will undergo an additional eight hours of more specific training. “Our doctors and medical team will be taking along nar cotics that they have never cov ered or carried before. They are going to be instructed how to use them in the case of contamination or contact with hazardous materi als, to keep our team members healthy,” Donoho said. Nick Pappas, rescue squad officer for the team and a lieu tenant with the Bryan Fire Department, said TX-TF1 will be stationed at a military base near Salt Lake City. “We will be on standby the whole time. If we are not called in, then we will spend our time train ing in our cold weather gear and becoming accustomed to the dif ferences in that gear,” Pappas said. TX-TF1 is one of only six national task force teams that are being sent to cover the games. They will be paired with California Task Force-1 from Los Angeles and will serve 11 days in the area. Members of TX-TF1 were deployed to the World Trade Center in New York City to assist in the rescue effort after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Even though the FBI has not reported any terrorist threats against the Olympic Games, Donoho said such a high profile and international event could be a target. “While this type of event has always had tight security, after the Sept. 11 tragedies, national awareness is even higher,” Donoho said. cartoons are published in the newspaper. “I’m certainly aware that race is a sensitive issue on cam pus, and I thought this through carefully before making a deci sion,” Castillo said. “We’re not in the business of offending people, but we do want to make people think and make them question things, even if it may be a little uncomfortable.” Bisrat said the AASC is working with the University to help recruit more black stu dents to A&M, but that inci dents like the cartoon in The Battalion perpetuated A&M’s reputation as unwelcoming to minorities. omore Thomas Tamez. “I like the fact that you can do other things on them.” 1 One weight room attendant will be designated to the new racks during each shift in an effort to familiarize users with the new equipment, Wilson said. The Rec Center will also offer free ush signed lei weight room orientation every Saturday, exclud- nesday namir ing school holidays, at 11 a.m. Reservations can N.J., post offc be made at the Member Services Desk in the -earner, a pai Rec Center. ■ hijacked plar “We’re trying to get as many people using [the n Pennsylvan new weights] as we can,” Wilson said. ered the nov Women also are being encouraged to famil- ds Lets rc j ar j ze themselves with the new weight equip- ls believe MWgnt. The Rec Center’s Women on Weights pro- n ^ e S § ram gives female students a chance to work . ' With personal trainers and learn how to use the !, was one( . , different equipment. engers aboai UTT g 1 ,, r , , t , , s Flight 93 wf Hopefully (the new racks] wont be as calls to relative ^ aunt * n S to wornen because the machines are alerting the ^ or their bodies. They are very easy to ing was takif rnove ’ an ^ I think it’s a lot safer to lift,” said ying they we to fight Arnold d wWzmrm Texas (ap) •r with a histoa||HgMMj3a&3Bjj|j|M^B^ f shooting a k during a ago ^ mayhem in 1 a speaker for the 1 y for attending / sorry for Advertising Manager Angela Stanton- Anderson. More free weight equipment will be added to the weight room by March. Hammer Strength machines are designed to match human move ment, making the motions easier for joints, as well as conforming to accommodate any body size from 5 feet to 7 feet, Wilson said. The Rec Center added treadmills, cross trainers and abdominal machines this fall. Wilson said that between $60,000 and $80,000 is spent on improvements each year to stay on the cutting edge of equipment and facilities. Student suggestions are part of the formula that determines what equipment needs to be pur chased, Wilson said. A Student Advisory Committee and a Participant Advisory Committee meet to review the ideas and make suggestions. Funding for improvements and additions made to the Rec Center comes mostly from the Student Recreational Sports fee, which also cov ers the center’s maintenance, wages and utility bills. These fees are currently $78 per student for the semester, up from $50 in Spring 2001, when the increase was approved by a student vote. We Feed People. 506 Sulphur Springs • Bryan • (979)779-6417 (One block behind Long John Silver's) Dine-ln Only. Offer Expires 5/31/02 I Introducing the Tradition at Northgate. College life. On the edge...of Campus. Living on the edge has never been more convienient, more comfortable or more affordable. The Tradition at Northgate features one- and two- bedroom units with microwaves, cable TV and entertainment centers. All on the edge of the A&M campus in the popular historic Northgate district. Become part of Aggieland’s newest Tradition and live on the edge...of campus. Visit The Tradition at Northgate’s leasing office at 301 Church Avenue, or take a virtual tour at radition AT NORTHGATE 301 Church Ave., College Station,Texas 77840 Phone: 979.268.9000 Toll Free: 866.268.DORM Fax: 979.691.2949 >** > * ' ,>’■ • * ^ argiveness alHi members of ^ Class of ‘79 oved one. I can answers. I d 1 thing. I givef a for a life, 313 B. South College Ave jc V] College Station, TX 77840 | (979) 846-8916 p Since 1972 1 If You Have Something To Sell, Remember: Classifieds Can Do It Call 845-0569 The Battalion WORSHIP LED BY ROSS KING Sponsored by Compass College Ministries