The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 17, 2002, Image 11
SPORTS s (price must rsonal possess* ■m doesn’t sell jalify for the 5 tiled early. J i ROOMMATES needed, netidj hand toots afcj 1674-7784. ded, Koppt i available m 147f >urs are 9#m-2p'S tartmg at $74* The L>efe Agex- Surte 100. Cok ’assistant" tate othce Us l good comp* ures 15-20brsw ommate needed ASAP for V2bth, fenced yard, $250/mo. [jtilities. Andres at (979)694-9391. roommate needed ASAP! l Wn/2bth condo, $350/mo. -t-l/Zbills, d, I is-route. 485-8501. ^Boormnate, townhouse, 2bdrm/1.5bth, ^■'mo , $100 deposit. 695-7920. ^Bei~female to share 2bdrnV2bth fur- she : house. $350/mo. -futilities No Its. 776-4856 „ yiSMSa ^— T-2 roommates for 2bed/1 bath du- y a month A» ex through 8/13/02. 10 minutes by bike, en Realty. lOG mis v j move-in any time. 5225/mo, Kje Statwr T; i§Bary paid. 68-0748. roommate. 3bdrm/2bath house, mo W/D, +1/3-bills, shuttle route. 607. mate Needed ASAP. Move in now ‘H No deposit. Very nice 3bed/2bath. ••mo. 830-997-1607. 830-459-1194. ^■imateneeded for 3/2 duplex, close to ^Hus, w/d, $275/mo. +1/3utilities. Ke- 1/ Cat uble He 936 D 324-6487. oorpmate needed for spring semester ^^Bn/1 5bth condo, $300/mo, no bills, on Be route. 695-9316, Ryan. ;. part-time oorrmate wanted at Sterling University. Bilingual Sc^^g ced r ates. Call (830)625-7548. KMitive hourly pt'Sjed: Female roommate Cheap rent PPRI Survey ^oBase Available now. Call Kensey at ■324-2040 1,1 w "fj! SERVICES f lOi it ^ AA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- nessage lttAauQh-a-lot!l Ticket dismissal/insur- ts wanting -nee discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- 680-0527 h(6bm-9pm), Fri.&Sat- Fri(6pm-8pm) arter fee E^® at l 10am -2 30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). ^all Nancy tsidt BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel- nruirco rail mS25/cash. Lowest price allowed by iw. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. jhow-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). jate Students, Hy hmnq notr= ree Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy iter Apply a!' en,ers ' Colle 9 e Station 695-9193, Bryan ectlv across ‘- 16 ' 1097; Post Abor,ion Peer Counseling >n the A&Mca- )5 : 9193 - M TRAVEL lunch SdinrflBI Christophe Past! Save $$$, Get A Coupon... rille Rd and'ort 0 '° Or Call Bryan K^684 7502. >e job you will e oEkilng at Spring Break!! Luxury nc is hiringcotewnhouse sleeps 15. Ski Taos, Red Riv- jrested in eamriLBAngel Fire, Rio Costilla. $150- irking in CANO 150/night. Call John or Tommy 846- , successfully pH) rips on campus <1 STEAMBOAT: The most popular col- e trips to your» ge S kj destination. Call 1-88U-SkiThis or schools in youh ethe web at rATlirvYOL ’BING BREAK Cancun, Jamaica, South («nn\ enf 1 # and Florida. Best Hotels, Free Par- fl 3 '. s and Lowest Prices! 800-985-6789. :k @ sludenlexpi! vw breakerstraveLcom WANTED jb- Now hiring Apply at 2005 ^ F uversity Beach Club is looking for sales to post Spring Break flyers. Earn free Full/part-time. ■and extra cash. Call 1-800-Beach- 3end resume to im. 1 77808. or adult softball* me. Contact ^ PROFITABLE NUMBER! 845-0569 The Battalion Classified Advertising THE BATTALION 3B JAN. 17, 2002 isified continued from page 2B tek Russell Terriers for sale. Available 25. Litter of six. $200/ea. 693-1902. 3ats Cradle has fabulous felines for Ition with a difference! Student dis- tunt 15-mins south of CS. (936)825- "~'51fl (936)870-6295. Cuban tries hand as DQ manager house, t-1/3util. Ro mate needed, 3bdrm ■iwood Valley, $255/mo. ■ 693-4397. jneeded asap, 3bdrm/2bth house, ^@mo -(-utilities. No pets. 680-0576. pmmate needed ASAP! 3/2/2 fur- shad house Oft Deacon, $350/mo. WANTED Lindsay 485-0359 or mmate needed for 3/2/02. House, 'mo &1/3 bills. Furnished, w/d, large 693-1448 ^ yard Call Kristen 695-8074. Move in le roommate for 2bdrm/2bth, mo. -(-utilities, no deposit, w/d and k. 777-8549. ^le roommate needed ASAP! /1.5bth, $315/mo. +1/2bills, no de- 1 &KS Kit 694-7914. ^^•ie'roommate needed. $350/mo. all eluded. Call Alana, 777-9275. COPPELL, Texas (AP) — Trying desperately to perfect the curly tip on a soft-serve cone, Mark Cuban licked the remains of another failed effort from his fingertips and handed the messy treat to an excited 3-year-old boy. One lick later, the kid dropped it. That was about the only thing that went wrong Wednesday when the billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks worked two hours behind a Dairy Queen counter, making good on a promise to manage tne fast- food restaurant. The company’s offer came in response to Cuban’s assertion that he would not hire Ed Rush, the NBA’s head of officiating, “to manage a Dairy Queen.” The league fined Cuban u It y s not everyday you see a billionaire serving burgers. — Tony Newpower customer $500,000 for the comment, a record for an individual. For about $650,000, Cuban could’ve bought a startup DQ franchise. So, after doing the job him self, does he still think Rush could not do it? “It depends on how he treats the customers. That’s the hard part,” Cuban said. “Part of the point I was trying to make with the NBA is that you have to understand your customers and learn to get bet ter as a business.” Cuban, fined more than $1 million by the NBA in the two years since he bought the team, praised his boss-for-a-day, store owner Parrish Chapman, and took another shot at the league. “I’d love to send Parrish up to the NBA to have him give them a lesson in exactly how to communicate,” Cuban said. “When anybody needed to in teract with Parrish, he was right there to answer the ques tions. That’s the way you run a business. If Parrish just went up there and just took a look, we’d be a lot better off.” Cuban’s presence created a carnival atmosphere at the sub urban Dairy Queen and drew more than 1,000 people, many waiting close to an hour to place their order. The crush was so big the restaurant ran out of ice. “It was worth the wait,” Tony Newpower said. “It’s not often you see a billionaire serv ing burgers.” Wearing a navy denim shirt, a manager’s name tag and car rying a pencil in his right shirt pocket, Cuban actually spent more time signing autographs than taking orders. But he did take his temporary job seriously. He arrived at 6 a.m., after flying home from a Mavericks game in Atlanta, and began training by 6:30. Kim Skeffington, a regional field consultant whose duties include working with new' man agers, spent about twm hours teaching him the finer points of curling soft serves and mixing a frozen dessert. James Kelly, w ho w r aited about two hours to be first in line, or dered a strawberry version of the dessert — w'hich Skeffington made — then had Cuban sign a novelty $1 million bill. Cuban’s first cone for a cus tomer looked squished on top. “Be patient w'ith me, please. I’m new at this,” he said with a wink and a smile. “It might not be pretty^ but it works.” Lured by a “Mark Cuban Here Today” sign, customers were treated to inflatable play areas for children, portable basketball hoops for kids and adults and more than a dozen TV and radio stations broad casting live. One station even sent its helicopter. The line snaked around the building and up the street, with cars filling several vacant fields. Order w"as maintained even though only a few customers were allowed in at a time. It probably helped that the store gave away free ice cream bars. New Year New You Don't Miss This!!! You will be inspired & uplifted by the dynamic ministry of... Rev. 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See stores for details. Offer subject to change and ends 1/31/02 f Ibff'f/ < tfOCf/H/ This award recognizes students for their outstanding contributions to the quality of student life programs at Texas A&M. All students are encouraged to apply for this award. Leadership experience and excellence in achievement. Student life is "the other education. Spirit Award applications now available: On-line at Clayton W. Williams Jr. Alumni Center Reception Desk Office of the President, 8th Floor Rudder Vice President for Student Affairs Office, 1 Oth Floor Rudder Office of the Dean of each College Office of Graduate Studies Department of Student Activities, Suite 125 Koldus Department of Multicultural Services, Suite 137 MSC Office of the Commandant, 102 Military Sciences MSC Student Programs Office, 216 & 223 MSC Application Workshops Will Be Available: Thursday, January 17 5:30-6:30 281 Rec Center Wednesday, January 23 6:30-7:30 501 Rudder Tuesday, January 29 7:30-8:30 Clayton W. Williams Jr. Alumni Center Applications due at 5:00 p.m. on February 4, 2002 to the Clayton W. Williams Jr. Alumni Center Reception Desk Student Activities ) At Texas A&M University The Association OF FORMER STUDENTS Questions? Please e-mail: ETS razos Animal inued on | 3S MBER REEK edroorri rting a f 5520 iring Loop I The Hilton) i-2976 HdwtaHSaffl Want to Play in the North gate Music Festival March 21,22,23 2002 Visit for an Application and Other Info Deadline for Application is January 29th COMMUNITY CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE ASSOCIATES 1700 George Bush East, Suite 250 College Station, Texas 77845 696-9400 JUDITH S. MULLEN, D.C., P.C., FIAMA Certified Acupuncturist SANDRA N. SMITH, D.C., P.C. Efficient, effective and convenient health care for the entire family Providers for the following: Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna, Aetna/Prudential, Alliance Brazos Valley, BVPO, TML, PHCS, and many more Our primary goal is to fix your problem - not just treat your symptoms. 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