The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 14, 2002, Image 8

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A New Year, A New Website!! Play Everyday With Intramurals | Explore With TAMU Outdoors
•RECSPORTS.TAMU.EDU—Everything you need to know
about recreation can always be found at http://rec- We are very proud to launch our re
designed website and get the information you need
quickly and with ease. You can find everything at our site
from Rec Center news, operating hours, job listings, our
exclusive Intramural Headlines link, Fitness & Classes
schedules, Natatorium hours, golf prices. Walk of
Champions information and much more!
Welcome Back Aggies
• FREE Week of Rec Aerobics—Now through Saturday,
January 1 9th, ALL of over 90 group exercise classes are
FREE for you to try! Visit us online for a complete class
schedule or pick up a NEW Rec Fitness & Classes
brochure in the Rec Center lobby.
• MSC Open House—Visit us at Open House on Sunday,
January 27th starting at noon. We will have all the infor
mation you'll need to get involved with Rec Sports
through Intramurals, Outdoors, Fitness & Classes,
Aquatics, Sport Clubs and the Golf Course. Information
on job opportunities will also be available.
• E-Z ACCESS!!!—NEW Westside Entrance—Rec Members
may enter the Rec Center through the Backyard West
Side Entrance (facing Reed Arena), Monday—Friday from
11:30am—11:00pm. Parking—Valid parking tags are still
required, the closest yellow/blue lots to the Rec are now
lots 103 and 104. Commuter students are advised to
park in Olsen lot 63 or Reed Arena lots 101, 102N,
102S, 102E and 102W. On—campus students are
encouraged to utilize the bus system for Rec Center
access. For the most up-to-date campus parking infor
mation call PTTS at 862-PARK.
Get A Iob With Rec Sports
•Maintenance Assistants—Help maintain Rec Sports facil
ities. Applications available in room 202.
•Personal Trainers Needed—Help shape healthier Aggies!
Applications are available in room 202 and current
Personal Trainer/CPR Certification is required.
• Intramural Officials—No experience necessary. Make
money working flexible hours, meeting new people,
and receive paid training! Attend an orientation clinic
to be hired.
Orientation Clinic Date/Time/Location
Basketball Jan. 22/7:00pm/281 Rec
Slow Pitch Softball Jan. 28/7:00pm/281 Rec
Sand Volleyball Feb. 11/7:00pm/281 Rec
4/4 Flag Football Feb. 1 8/7:00pm/281 Rec
Find Your Passion In Sport Clubs
•Get Involved!—Visit us at Open House to find out about
Spring Sport Club opportunities or visit our link on the
web for a complete listing of sports and their home
pages with additional contact information.
•Need a Competitive Outlet?— t -Our Intramural offerings
include several classes of play for all skill levels. It has
never been easier to play with our 'Free Agent Program'
or get a group together and form a team!
Racquetball (tourn. only)
Pre—Season Basketball
Outdoor Soccer
Jan. 14—Jan. 22
Jan. 22—Jan. 29
Jan. 22—Jan. 29
Jan. 28—Feb. 5
Slow Pitch Softball (M&W) Jan. 28—Feb. 5
Table Tennis
Team Bowling
Jan. 28—Feb. 5
Jan. 28—Feb. 5
Feb. 4-Feb. 1 2
$4 0/team
$4 0/team
$ 40/team
Please register for Intramurals at the Intramural Counter next to Member Serv ices.
Get Fit With Fitness & Classes
• UNLIMITED Aerobics Passes—On sale now at Member
Services for $50. Have unlimited access to our always
convenient, always fun classes. Over 90 classes are
offered each week! Please note that new and replace
ment ID cards cost $55.
• Instructional Classes—Elevate yourself to a new level of
Wellness with one of our unique Instructional Class offer
ings. Registration runs from January 7th-21st. Most class
es begin the week of January 21st and 28th. For more
information please go to the Member Services D€:sk.
Spring 2002 Offerings Class Cost
Yoga $50
Salsa Dance $25/$35/$45
Pilates $50
Country Western Dance $25/$35/$45
Power Yoga $50
Tai Chi $50
Swing Dance $25/$35/$45
Merengue $25/$35/$45
Unless specified, most programs are for Rec Members only.
•FREE Healthy Living Lectures—All lectures are held in
the Student Rec Center room 281 at 5:30pm. First lec
ture is January 30th—Triathlon Training.
•Personal Training Sessions—Your goals can become a
reality with our help! Check out our competitive rates
starting at $30 for two sessions for one person. We also
offer competitive partner rates. Please drop by Member
Services for more information or to sign up.
•RELAX With Massage Therapy—Swedish massage is
offered through Rec Sports. The massage consists or long
strokes, kneading, friction and percussion techniques.
One full hour of therapy is $35 for Rec Members, $45 for
affiliates without a Rec Membership. Please visit
Member Services to make your appointment.
•Triathlon Training Program—This 8 week program is
geared to the novice and fitness enthusiast that wants to
train for a 'sprint'distance triathlon that includes a 500
meter swim, 18.6 mile bike ride and a 3.1 mile run.
Registration opens January 30th at 8:00pm. There is an
informational meeting January 30th at 6:30pm in room
272. Sign up early, program limited to 50 people.
Upcoming Events
Intro Rock Climb
Late Nite Rock Show
Lead Climbing
Women's Rock Climb
Backpacking Trip
Caving Day Trip
Registra tion
Jan. 1 6—Jan. 24
Night of Event
Jan. 22~Feb. 4
Jan. 22—Feb. 14
Jan. 22—Feb. 19
Ian. 22 Feb. 19
Event Date
(an. 26
Jan. 29
FeJ). 5
Feb. 16
Feb. 22-24
Feb. 23
• Costa Rica Adventure—Attend the irfformation meeting
on Tuesday, January 15 at 7pm in room 281 of the Rec
Center for more details on this amazing all inclusive
travel opportunity.
•Rec Center Rock Wall—( ome climb to the highest point
in the Texas A&M University Rec Center. One of the
tallest climbing walls on any university campus is wait
ing for you!'
Hours Of Operation
Sunday—Thursday c lirpb from 2:00pm 10:00pm
Friday climb from 2:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday climb from 12:OOpm noon—b:00pm
In order to lake advantage 01 this resource, you need to ^ign up lor an orientation class or skills
check, depending on your climbing experience. Classes are taught Mondays Thursdays
3:(X)pm 7:00pm or on Fridays at 3:00pm. If you are an e
short skills chec k instead. Visit the Rock Wall Desk at Equipi
>erienced >
ent Etc.
limber, you may take ihe
on-site information.
•UNIQUE Spring Break Trips!—You will want to sign up
today for these unique and competitively priced vaca
tion packages. Spring Break 2002 offerings include: an
exotic Costa Rica Adventure, an intense journey to
Climb Hueco Tanks and a peaceful Horsepack Mexico's
Frontier. Visit TAMU Outdoors today for more informa
tion and to put down a deposit and reserve your spot!
TAMU Outdoors is located near the West Sides fcntronce, across from Olsen Field.
Get Value With A&M Golf Course
• It's A Great Time to PLAY!—Before tlie rusli of scliool
picks up, take some time to relax with 1 8 holes of golf at
Texas A&M Golf Course. Student and twilight rates are
available along with a full line of golfing apparel in the
Pro Shop. Come by tocJay.
Open to the public! We are located on the southside of
the A&M campus. Call the Pro Shop at 845-1723 & visit
us online at
Make A Splash With Aquatics
• Adult Learn To Swim—Learn to swim with an experienced
instructor in a safe and comfortable environment. Register
January 14th-March17th. Classes will be held March
1 8th—28th or May 1 3th—23rd from 7:30-8:1 5 p.m. Cost
starts at $25 for Rec Members. Appropriate swimwear is
requirecJ for all pool sessions.
•NEW & FREE!-Polar Bear Club—The 'Polar Bear Club' is
a” self-paced aquatics fitness program. It is designed to
motivate all levels of swimmers and water exercise enthu
siasts in a fun, supportive environment. To sign up ask
ANY aquatics staff member. After completion of 100
miles or 100 hours of workout—you will be inducted into
the club—great prizes will be given away in May.