The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 14, 2002, Image 6

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Monday, January 14, 2002
Bush was not informed
of Enron’s plea for help
Bush cabinet members said Sun
day they never considered inter
vening in Enron’s spiral toward
bankruptcy, nor informed Presi
dent Bush of requests for help
from the fallen energy giant.
“Companies come and go. It’s
... part of the genius of capitalism,”
said Treasury Secretary Paul
O'Neill, when asked if he vcis sur
prised at the sudden collapse of
Enron. The company’s failure has
left the one-time energy trading
behemoth's stock virtually worth
less and thousands of workers’
pension funds in disarray.
Last fall, a month before de
claring bankruptcy. O’Neill re
ceived two telephone calls from
Enron's chief executive, Kenneth
Lay. Lay also called Commerce
Secretary' Don Evans at the time,
reaching out for lie Ip to harness iIk*
energy company’s financial slide.
O’Neill’s view of Enron’s col
lapse was characterized as “cold
blooded” and reflective of “the
18th century, but not the 21 st cen
tury” by Sen. Joseph Liebennan.
D-Conn., whose Committee on
Governmental Affairs is leading
Senate investigations into the
Enron debacle.
Separately. Liebennan said
that an internal Arthur Andersen
LLP memo on Oct. 12 directing
that all but basic Enron working
papers be destroyed “raises very
serious questions about whether
obstruction of justice occurred.”
Andersen this past week re
vealed that Enron documents had
been destroyed. But Liebennan
said most troubling was that the
Traveling together
has never been better
% „
memo, disclosed in a report in
Time magazine, “was specifical
ly about Enron” and not a gener
al directive to clean out files.
Congressional investigators want
to find out w hy Andersen did not
raise flags about Enron’s business
Liebennan and Sen. John Mc
Cain, R-Ariz., said on CBS’
“Face the Nation” the adminis
tration may have been rieht in
McCain, a longtime voiaj
campaign finance reform
Cain acknowledged
$9,500 in Enron contributH
two Senate campaigns.
Liebennan, who saidhel
ceived $1,000 from Enron i
1994 Senate campaign, saic |
focus of his committee’sin\:
gatum ns ill lx* “whetheramt
influence” from Enron m«*|
fectcd the administrations
Contributions from Enron
I to hi • C 1T>p1 MM.) o(fn
not intersening to try to save En
ron. But they said the govern
ment ’s response — as well as ear
lier federal monitoring of its
business practices — may have
been hampered by the energy
company’s freewheeling floss of
campaign contributions.
“We re all tainted by the mil
lions and millions of dollars that
were contributed by Enron exec
utives. which ... creates the ap
pearance of impropriety.” said major beneficiary.
dling of the Enron colla;\ e
oversight by federal aeencif u
“I don’t feel at all co
miscd.” Liebennan adde. j,
ferring to his committed
s ion B
Since 1990. Enron and it
ployees contributed $5.77
lion to political campi
about three-fourths of it lo
candidates. About half a
money w as spent in the
election, with President B
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