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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 2001)
The Battalion Classified Friday November 30, 2001 Page 8 To olace a classified ad: Business Hours Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Office: Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building JZ™.\ Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). Itiis rate applies only to non commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualifyl] the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTO BOOKS 30% Off Everything Saturday, December 1st -Friday, December 7th. Joe’s Books, corner Texas Ave/ George Bush. Open Mon.-Sat. 10-9, Sunday 12- 6, 693-4499. More books added daily. Duck and Goose Hunts, Day Hunts, Indi viduals, Groups, Student Discount. Call Craig 847-0583. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Texas State Of Mind Concert- Cory Mor row, Reckless Kelly, Doug Supernaw, Seth James and Django Walker. $19 each, December 4th, 8:00pm, Lake Con roe, Tx. Phone: 936-582-1801. AUTO 1976 Cadillac EIDorado Convertible. Red and white, new tires, inspection. Excellent condition. $3500. 690-0822 Craig 1995 Honda Accord Lx. Tinted windows, spoiler, power windows, power locks. $9500. Excellent condition. Laura 696- 9019. GIVE LOVEI Gift certificates available. A perfect holiday gift. SEVEN-F LODGE. Romantic, Secluded Cabin Suites. Beau tiful two person jacuzzi tubs. Spa on site. 690-0073. 1996 Mazda Protege LX. 4-door, manual, good condition. $3,950 negotable. 695- 7062. CHILD CARE 1996 Mustang, 45,000 miles, automatic, CD, new tires. great condition. $8400/080. 696-5495. KVJ Kids. State Registered. Food Pro gram. Home Daycare. Meals Provided. Renee ©694-7788. Across from TAMU. '94 Mazda 626. 93,000 miles. $5000. 775-1545, 229-1849. Nanny/ Personal Assist., certified teacher, light cooking/ cleaning, clerical. 846-9225. COMPUTERS ‘96 Cavalier, standard, excellent condition, $6200. Call Jessica at 680-3275. ‘96 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4, tint, cruise, CD, 80K, e-lift with 35" tires. Must sell by break. $14,500 O.B.O. 680-2419, leave message. Need a computer? Then visit 3809 Old College, 846- 3672. Best Prices In Town. DJ MUSIC '96 Mitsubishi Eclipse, dark green, 93K, $5,500 negotiable. 764-8758 or 574-4881 '98 Suzuki Esteem, Automatic, Airbags, Power windows, A/C, cassete player. $4200. 979-268-9848. ••Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693- 6294. EMPLOYMENT Wanted: Students For Holiday Help $15.00 BASE/APPT. Special 1-5 week work programs. Local Co. hiring friendly, outgoing individuals for the holiday rush in our retail sales and service dept. Flexible hours and friendly atmosphere. May remain part time in spring or secure summer position. Apply now, start immediately or after finals. Houston (713)781-4181 Clear Lake (281) 480-0434 N. Houston (281) 587-8204 B/CS (979) 695-1386 Attention Telemarketers. Earn up to $15/hr.+ Salary bonuses. Evenings &weekends. No cold calling. Lots of fun, lots of dollars. Fantastic schedules availa ble. Don’t wait call now, space is limited. (979)694-2980. Gymnastics coach needed for A.M.&P.M. classes. Contact Kathy at 823- 0971 ext. 111. FOR RENT 1-2/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$325/mo. 696- 2038. 1-bedroom. Large room in beautiful home. Kitchen, w/d, private entry, in country set ting near Research Park. Available Jan- 1st. Horse ok. 224-2825. 1-M/F roommate needed for nice, new 3bdrm, 2-story house, 5-min. from cam pus, $330/mo., $250 deposit +1/3bills. Contact Chip 979-324-2543. 1250sqft., 2bdrm/ 2ba/Bryan townhouse. Patio, balcony, fireplace, w/d, skylights, carport, walk-in closets. $700/mo. 979- 779-0790. Answer to previous puzzle N E S Sfj#E T H 1 C E 1 N eMt R A C E A T A d P|n 1 G E L T H R e|w1a V 1 E ■4- L E E RlYll 1 N uM Lh 1bdrm apartment. Signature Park, Bryan, low utilities, sublease Jan.1st, SOOsqft., patio. 774-1123. 1bdrm in 2bdrm duplex, sublease begin ning Jan.1,2002. $300/mo. Mark 693- 4636. Y R □ N □ Dl ST E anna u|t □ OIIIHHI Ibdrm loft sublease.. Jan-May, Treehouse 1, no deposit required. 575-5275. □ □□□□Ban ClHCinClH F3EIE] T 0 Ibdrm sublease. Jan-Aug, available mid- Dec. 700sqft. $440/mo., no deposit. 764-1889. Ibdrm/lbth sublease, Plantation Oaks. Cable and ethernet included. $440/mo 979-485-8561. 11/30/01 2/1 duplex, 604 San Mario, pets, shuttle, Dec.15, $725. 764-0910. Newsday Crossword ACROSS 1 Native Israeli 6 Member of a Hindu trio 11 Owl’s query? 14 Buenos 15 _ WORK 16 Heed the coxswain 17 Aviation pioneers’ scheme? 19 Linguistic suffix 20 good example 21 Training ground for Its. 22 California volcano 24 Lie in the weeds 26 Spanish simoleon 27 Leafy 30 Former Nicaraguan president 31 Adds grease to 32 Touched the tarmac 33 Carpet layer’s calculation 36 Give whirl 37 Moroccan or Sudanese 40 Building add-on 41 Det. Sipowicz’s employer 43 Post-fall reassurance 44 Obliterate 46 Supermarket sections 48 Acts the coquette 49 Attractive 50 Left at sea 51 Parlor piece 52 Paulo 53 Totally absorbed 57 chi 58 Laundry room supervisor? 61 Overhead trains 62 Like Poe’s work 63 Act part 64 Animal friend 65 Mild oaths 66 Keyed up DOWN 1 Fellers’ needs 2 River of Leeds 3 Cockney, e.g. 4 Wined and dined 5 Shade of blond WRECKLESS ABANDON by Fred Piscop Edited by Stanley Newman 6 Kiss sound 7 Brooding birds 8 Gerund ending 9 Malta’s capital 10 “Relax!” 11 Prime places for takeovers? 12 Book after Daniel 13 Author Wister 18 Conservative 3 Down 23 Nintendo rival 25 Heavenly bear 26 Thorn mishap 27 Russian pancake 28 Like Cheerios 29 December temp? 30 Hodgepodges 32 House Democratic leader 34 “If all __ fails ...” 35 Tavern stock 38 Impurity remover 39 -do-well 42 Eat less 45 Daily grind 47 Cooked slowly 48 Screwdriver or gimlet 49 Norman Vincent 50 Congressional gofers 51 Plan part 52 Foul mood 54 Yemeni port 55 Closes in 56 Sloth’s hangout 59 Author Levin 60 Guess: Abbr. CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 11/30/01 FOR RENT Honda Civic LX, 4dr white sedan, pristine condition, 32,000-miles, $10,500. Call af ter 4pm, 776-0733. Police Impounds! Cars from $500. For listings, 800-319-3323 ext.3782. 2bd/2ba mobile home, w/d, fenced yard, pets allowed, $550/mo. 268-6474. Mobile mechanic- automotive repair on the spot. Class of '01. 694-8908 Wes. BED AND BREAKFAST 2bdrm/1.5ba w/central air/heat, w/d, 15- min from campus. Upto 2-horses. $600/mo. w/horses $250 deposit. (979)272-2309. Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,’70, 979- 696-0091. 2bdrm/1.5bth house with garage, new car pet. appliances, $825/mo. 458-2216. 589- 3648. 2bdrm/1bth $4l5/mo.; 1frdrm/1bth $385/mo. On A&M shuttle route. Availa ble January. 846-1413. 2bdrm/1bth 4-plex, 1601 Brentwood, CS. W/D, on bus route, $500/mo. 695-9646. 2bdrm/1bth condo in College Station, shuttle, w/d, fireplace. $675/mo. 575- 7295. 2bdrm/1bth fourplex unit. W/D, 3-blocks from campus. Semester lease available, $400/mo. 823-8282. 2bdrm/1bth, SOOsqft., w/d. available 12- 15-01, $499/mo. Call Jake 694-8745 2bdrm/2bath duplex, fenced yard, w/d connections, 2311 Pintail. $750/mo. 693- 6865. 2bdrm/2bath sublease. Melrose Apart ments. $494/mo, all bills included. On bus route, close to campus, available now. 680-3391. 2bdrm/2bth in Melrose. Anxious to sub lease. Will make great deal. Call Jenni fer. 260-3523. 2bdrm/2bth, kitchen, living room, $479/mo., w/d, on shuttle. The Exchange. 696-7401. 2bdrm/2bth. spring sublease. 926sqft , new, in Aug.'01. Rent negotiable. 979- 774-4254. 2bdrm/2bth. sublease apartment for Spring'02 at TheArbors with pool/volley ball view, second floor, w/d. new carpet, car-port. Call 694-0620 Tony. 3-2 duplex, like new. Pre-leasing for spring. 1250sqft, large kitchen w/applian- ces. On shuttle route. No pets. $850/mo. 775-4225. 3bdrm/2.5bth townhome, available Dec.17th, Rent Negotiable, 5-min. from campus. 693-6633. 3bdrm/2bth 4-plex in central CS, full-size w/d included. $525/mo. Call Laurie Follis, Ashford Square Realty. 260-7653. 3bdrm/2bth duplex, w/d, lawn mainte nance included, close to campus, availa ble January. 324-2887/ 693-6699. 3bdrm/2bth duplex. Excellent location. Dexter at SW/Pky. Full-sized w/d, availa ble January. $995/mo. 845-7454. 3bdrm/2bth Rockhollow Duplex, large backyard, shuttle, extra parking. $1000/mo. 361-3353. 3bdrm/2bth. 2yr old duplex, new applian ces. w/d, $850/mo., on shuttle. 693-0980. 3bdrm/2bth, fenced, pets ok, w/d, on bus route, Legacy Lane, off 2818 &Holleman. 764-6712. 4-plex, cozy 2bdrm/1bth, large living area, six blocks from campus, 4311 Boyett, no laundry on site, $325/mo. 1-800-521- 3988 or 254-542-6030. 4bdrm/2bth house, $925/mo., 3 miles from campus, available Jan. 1st. 775-6312. 4bdrm/2bth house, 1850sqft., everything new, 105-Sulpher Springs, $1200/mo. Available now. 979-361-0492. 4bdrm/4bth, subleasing Ibdrm &bth unit, Melrose Apartments, available ASAP. $400/mo. +1/4utilities. Marta 713-468- 5960, Apartment for rent, 2bdrm/1bth, new appli ances, $425/mo., 3-blocks from campus, available Jan. 1st. 690-6520. Attention: 'Polish your toenails, put that lit tle umbrella back in your drink. Relax, let Summit Properties do the work. $495 specials. No deposit. 777-3371. YEAST INFECTION STUDY Females, ages 18 and older are being recruited to participate in a research study to compare-two research medications for the treatment of a yeast infection (vaginitis). If you are currently experiencing vaginal burning, itching or irritation, call for more information. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $150. DO YOU HAVE ATHLETE S FOOT? If you are 18 years of age or older and have itching, scaling and redness on your feet, you may qualify to participate in a 6- week long medical research study using investigational topi cal medication for the treatment of athlete’s foot. Eligible volun teers will receive up to $80 for their time and effort. For more information please call: J&S Studies, Inc. 979-774-5933 3201 University Drive East, Suite 475 Bryan, TX 77802 FOR RENT FOR RENT 2/2 Apartment to sublette. I.OOOsqft, very nice. Must see to appreciate. 774-9415. Attractive large Ibdrm 4-plex apartment, built-in bookcase, w/d, large covered deck overlooking woods, 1.5mi from campus, $475/mo. 1-936-273-2479. 2bdrm house for rent. CH&A, fenced yard, pets OK, Available Dec.15. Close to campus, $625/mo. 822-5848. Awesome sublease! Spring 2002. 2bdrm/2bth, Treehouse-ll, walk to cam pus. on shuttle route. $745/mo.. will pay Jan. rent. Call (979)694-9574. B/CS 1,2,3 bedrooms available. Great lo cations, All Prices. Summit Properties, 979-777-3371. Callaway sublease for Spring semester. Own bdrm, shared bath, will have 3 fe male roommates. Meal plan and garage included. 575-1310. CS 4-plex. 2bdrm/1bth studio style, $440/mo., no pets, 2409 Bosque. 731- 8951. Duplex for rent. 3bdrm/2bth. w/d connec tion, $320/person. available Dec/Jan. 691-0957. Efficiency Sublease. S295/mo., no de posit necessary. Move in date anytime af ter Fall semester. Lease ends 5/15/2002. 361-0971. F-roommate. 3-2 Rockhollow Duplex $311/mo. Available asap thru May/Au gust. Call 575-3475. F-sublease asap. Ibdrm/lba in 4bdrm/4ba In Melrose, furnished, $459/mo. Kristal 680-3202/281 -748-5747. F-Sublease. January. ibdrm/lbth. $295/mo. ■♦•1/2bills, w/d connections. Alexis 691-8564. Grad or Vet Students. Pre-leasing for •Spring Semester. $475-$600. 979-696- 1444 Great 2bdrm/1bth apartment, walk to TA MU. No Pets. $450/mo. +$300 deposit. 764-1082. GREAT 3bdrm/2bath duplex, full kitchen, w/d conn., large closets, fenced yard, pets ok. TAMU shuttle. $975/mo. 324-2902. Great sublease. walk to TAMU, 2bed/1bath, $660/mo. Large rooms/clos ets. pets ok. 1st month discount. Availa ble now. 846-3572. Grove Apartments. 2bdrm/1,5bth, all elec tric, w/d. microwave, convenient to A&M & Blinn. $200 off 1st month. 979-776-6622. Huge Duplex New 3bdrm/2bath, fenced, W/D, Security system, lawn care, $950/mo, 696-0616. Large 1-bedroom sublease in Treehouse Apts., spring semester, 817sqft., loft. I will pay deposit, application fee and $225 cash. Call Anytime 979-764-2064 or 832- 721-3667. Large 2bdrm/1 5bth, fenced yard, pets ok, available mid-Dec. or Jan., $585/mo. 680- 1099. Large 3/2 duplex on Dominik. $850/mo, walk-in closets, big back-yard, near cam pus, pets OK. Must move, need sublease. NO DEPOSIT+ 2-MONTHS RENT FREE. 764-1492. Lincoln Square Apts. Avail, immed or Jan- Ig Ibdrm. apts start at $430. Close to campus- call for early m/i specials or stop by 313-Lincoln to view. 693-2720. High speed internet conn, avail. Mill Creek Condos. Contemporary de sign in these 2/1 apts (loft style bdrm) w. high soaring ceilings & washer/dryer in ev ery apt. Call 846-2976 for early m/i spe cials or come by The Timber Creek Of fice. New 2bdrm/2bth, $750/mo., w/d, all other appliances, spring occupancy, patio, 301- E. Nimitz. 822-1196, afters. New townhome unit, 2bdrm/2bth, w/d, walk to campus, $750 +utilities. (713)978- 6630. Nice 2bdrm/1bth Duplex, shuttle, good area, first month discount. 214-908-6260/ 696-3107. Nice 3bdrm/2bth in CS. Garage, fenced yard, pets ok, $1100/mo. Available 1/1. Call Laurie Follis, Ashford Square Realty, 260-7653. Off 2818, Villa Oaks West, Cozy Ibdrm/lbth condo, fireplace, balcony, laundry and pool on site, $340/mo. Call 1- 800-521-3988 or 254-542-6030. One bedroom apartment, all bills paid, $550/mo. 846-2913. Parkway Apartments, 1600 Southwest Parkway, 693-6540. Now available 2bdrm/2bth w/study, 3bdrm/2bth. Special $50 deposit. Sublease 1/1 new apartment. All new ap pliances, gated community, fitness center, 628sqft with big balcony. 1/2off 1st. mo. rent. $595/mo 485-0010. ^^ Free Off-Campus Housing, Sublet & Roommate Searching Eastmark Apartments Great Winter Savings! No Deposit $200 off 1st months rent Free Cable 7600 Central Park Lane College Station 979/693-8066 Mon.-Fri. 8:30 to 5:30 Sat. 10:00 to 3:00 Room for rent close to campus on Milner S300/mo 979-680-8822. College Station RV-Park. Daily- Weekly- Monthly. Students Welcomed. Close to A&M. (979)229-9925. Comfort- Convenience- Space in our 1//1 (studios) 2/2’s or 2/1.5 apts. Some w fire place- all w w/d conn. Call us for our early m/i specials or come see us at Spring Heights 4-Plexes, 409-C Summer Ct.- 846-3569. Room for rent, across from campus, his torical district. $350/mo +bilts. 485-0760. Room for rent. Call for details. Call 979- 823-2026. Roommate needed. 4bdrm/2bth. very flex ible price. Call Eddie 695-6404 Small 2bdrm/1bth In Bryan on Bnarcrest. Extensive remodel in progress. New car pet. tile, windows, mini-blinds, stove, dish washer. large refrigerator with ice-maker, disposal $420/mo.. S300/depostt No pets. Credit check required. 775-6852. Spacious Ibdrm apartment across the street from campus. S55Q/mo. (979)575- 5007. Spring sublease Ibdrm/lbth apartment, Treehouse I. walk to campus. $400/mo 695-0073. Spnng sublease Ibdrm/lbth apartment, on bus route, available DecVJan. 680- 8634 Spring Sublease! Great 1/1 Apartment. $325/mo, water paid. Call Greg 778- 3619. Spring sublease. 2bdrm/2bth. w/d connec tions, on bus route. $630/mo. 694-1332. Spring sublease. 4bdrm/2bth apartment, $325/mo. +1 futilities, includes furniture, w/d, ethernet. cable. Call Kevin 696-6853. Spring sublease. Enclave, 1bdrm/1bth, w/d. December rent paid. 694-2372. Spring sublease- own bedroom and bath room. Good location, $390/mo. +1/3utilit- ies. 680-8902. Spring sublease. 1bdrm/1bth. 533sqft, bal cony and cable tv. Call 324-0137. Sublease 1-bdrm apartment. Dec/Jan move-in. Contract ends in May. $425/mo. 696-4102. Sublease 1bdrm/1bth apartment. The Ridge, w/d, bus-route, rent negotiable. 695- 2925. Sublease 2/1.5. shuttle route, ASAP-Aug. $620/mo. All bills paid. 960sqft. pets OK. 696- 5513. Sublease 2bdrm/1bth Will Give $1000 To Move In. Great location, 1st floor, fenced backyard, TAMU shuttle, S510/mo. negotiable, pets ok, available now. 764-9749. Sublease 2bdrm/2bth apartment, close to campus, on shuttle route, laundry facili ties, Treehouse Apartments. 694-1208. Sublease 2bdrm/2bth apartment, $525/mo., great location to campus, new a/c unit. Call 979-777-0493. Available im mediately. Sublease 3bdrm/2bth spacious new du plex, w/d included, shuttle, $900/mo. 695- 8627. Sublease available spring semester, 1bdrm/1bth, 5-min. from campus, very cute, w/d. 268-2291 or 956-994-0777. Sublease furnished 4bdrm/2bth, first floor. Pool, fitness center, full-service dining, housekeeping, 10-meals/wk, much more. $1000 off semester rent. Callaway House. Call Jennifer 255-5506. Sublease great 2bdrm/1bth, w/d connec tions. Close to campus and bus route. Available mid-Dec. Lease ends Aug/re newable. $600/mo/negot. (979)696-3163. Sublease Jan-Aug 2bdrm/2bth, $620/mo. Hunnington Apartments. 680-1608/ 255- 2271. Sublease large efficiency, $435/mo., w/d, close to campus. 779-8454. Sublease room/bathroom, Melrose Apts, next to pool&volleyball courts, August rent&deposit already paid. Call 680-3161. Sublease Sevilla Apts. Will help with de posit. 1-bedroom, $460/mo. Lonnie- (713)557-8893. Sublease. Ibdrm. in 3/2 apt. $276/mo. +1/3bills. 764-1644 or (903)235-7399. // / Callag a SMI a. Board VUttok I tot me price of 1 \ Brack Ball, Keystone, Beavercreek t41ft m Basin *1/9 & m oa»in lit) md-SKI-WllB O O - £3 FOR RENT Pre-leasing for January, new 3bdrm/3bth duplexes in the Sun Meadow subdivision of College Station. Ready for occupancy 1/4/2002. Pre-leasing now for $85Q/mo. Call Mike Caldwell at Coventry Glen Real ty today for more Information. 979-777- 5446. Sublease. Available In Decembeni uary. 2bdrm/2bth, fenced yard, lij/ [TV-console $1 fss $70, ex€ |o Call 229-f 774-1446. Reduced Rate. Spring semester Universi ty Towers sublease, female only, 5 pay ments of $400/neg. Incl. room, 19- meals/week. activities, security parking. (979)696-5065. Sublease: furnished 2bdrm/1btli, closet, pool, fitness center, lull mf: mg, housekeeping, 10-meals aw® much more. Si000 off semes:? Callaway House Call Nicole 696-5(: io gallon fish tall kennel live stand $1 Ible. 979-779-4E Super-Duper Duple* for sue! $595/mo.. 2bdrm/2bth, fenced yas lawn maintenance, available 12/20 0303 jo Pioneer 4 |xes $50, con chairs $20 !terS30. 979-77 Room for rent. $350/mo.. Woodbrook Condominiums. Call Tenley 713-823- 7701. Timber Creek Apts. Avail nowa spring semester- 2/2 or 2/1.5 sla' S540. Stop by to see us al 601 Loop or call for early m/i spedalsin dies. 846-2976. ro white leath tainment cen ■ for Triflex s 1693-8188 dding ring s |idS1950, asti HEL iDancers, da Townhouse Sublease Hawktree OS * al gem' 2bdrm.2bth. Large 'ivmj r. Jncurs 10min dnve campus, 2mm wait, “4 Ry shuttle, Imin drive Albertsons' fenced patio- yard w picnic table tree N ' un ' P re car parking, water paid. Only evenir Contact 695-0106 <iwao0neoti Hurry! [(driver’s II lord We tr University Towers Dorm Avate eludes meal plan, parking. 24 lion and much more Call lor r $2900 268-3431. nbion, Inc. logy compan ■ lor the follov ■turing depart I tan: I/ll Job#3 No depcs! * Moratory p OS jt WALK TO CAMPUS DecemDer ar ' d Productii Free. 2bdrm/2bth apartment w/d an R. tions. 693-8765 Wing pre mac n jr Nucleic Wanted: sublease for apartment 0" srty Commons, Dec. 17 -Aug. Ibdm: bath, must be female. Ashley Vac? 694-1787. 979-543-9056. WASHERS & DRYERS FOR B9 Don’t buy, rent a washer 4 4 $28/month (plus tax). UniversitytM Local. Faster. Better, 764-3 > pmg and test! at opportun m multiple t< luire a BA/B: two years s at $28K/ n experienci itant I/ll Jot y position i FOR SALE 14’x60' 2000 Oak Forest Mobila Park »136, 2bdrm/2bth. large $21,000 485-0746. 2-15" subwoofers in sealed box. speakers, 720 watt amplifier, un-offl car alarm -$450 0.8.0. (979)847-5*! Lilleprechaun421 @ 29 gal. fish tank w/stand, pump, a( ries & fish included. $100/080. 97 0002 for info. 4-drawer dresser $80: coffee fable S dining chairs $240: 3-shelf boote 2-shelf bookcase $15; desk $50, 255-6086. Syr old Iguana $175 everything Alpine Tracker Ski Machine $i( 680-9262, leave message. -H-higher dep< iWSh provide ^salaries ployees. A hpany and '93 Fleetwood Mobile Home, 28^ 3bdrm/2bth with deck, car port, onS'owth and £ 2 acres, $35,000. 691-8775. Bduals. Sene Affordable Florida Spring Break ^'^vambion'c 680-9749. Jiodward Strer Couch for sale, great condition. Ca 2557. sesome Sur brself while e Foosball table for sale. Excellent copis, be rewarc lion! $150. Call Chris&Wes 774-44S8J the lives of c Full-size bed set (frame/ box-spr-'iw 55 ^ at wil1 $175; solid wood round dining tableiP^ 0 ' 01 ^ 3 ^ 0 C £ chairs- $120; 6ft folding table/desk-S':! 58 cam P ,or 575-2667. Futon -like new $60 Desk -$40, 268-Cis 9am-9pm us at 1-8 bsite at www Getting married, must sell 2 irct bysitter- M-V\ 'hr. 693-863( homes: 1984 14’x71’$12,000,late 19Jl sketbal1 instr 14'x60'$10,000 obo. 775-4491. Cal1 7< Graduation Sale: Coffee &end tables $60; computer desk -$50; dresser -U ir P enters nei small fridge -$30. All Negotiable. C: 1 not required 693-7354. 'ested. GREAT UNIQUE CHRISTMAS GR ean Carpets Colorful g'S” by 4' hammocks handroi Part in Ecquador. $40. Call Caroline 6? 0422. Large entertainment center, nice SS Kenmore electric dryer $50. obo. 2662 Large house & yard, Hearne. GoodB.v 279-2712. dburger-C.S. ivers earn up Mattress and box spring, $50; gKfSJ, 725-A Univ Chair, $50. 680-9749. Need Extra Energy for finals week? • d 822 vigorate and revive yourself with He'd H Voltage. Buy at wholesale. SatisfacT guaranteed, ttle Caesars ivers and pizz e Southwest F Neon signs “Hot Chili, Cold Bud'® O.B.O.; “Budweiser Country” with hat $250 O.B.O. 774-0250. Classified continued on i )cal company CS area. M cord and able ■ & ! Ww.MicroAge 7/7 Choice tor over 18 yeml SPRING BREAK CJBfrCUN JeCJM/PiMKCO ~ T/NivEfism nntnznTMAN -^ HauB - BBEcmm if VMBumcm KEYSJOHEkW "I -000-232-2428 wwMMiniversilybeaclicluli.coi Cf?ncuD Acapulco eD T» 9 i e s> SPRING break; from $429 Ik Student Travel America call (800) 235-TRIP #1 Rated by Students for over 25 Years 775-712( 3-5031. Huxe Diner c d waitstaff for 3 University C i:n extra inco after 5p.m. 8 lung Immedial weekends. T FFICE WORK 12:00-5:00. fganized, Re: He. Equity Rea art time front {Sat/Sun 7 storing door ack. art-time job h< udent preferr 46-3376. HP programrr He, non-smo !bs@motherbc T General Er 'c. is looking f ith own transi dge of the coi lourly salary pi iLynntech, lm r., College St: HynntechOlyn 'alesman neec meded. 260-40 *11 Avon, $10 elf. P-T/F-T. 316 access co *niors and Gr: Quotes is curr he Spring 200: diversity Drivi liocker building 'exas A&M Be lor Spring semi ^e in store.