The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 29, 2001, Image 6
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Continued from Page 1A Under FERPA, educational records that can be withheld from public scrutiny if they contain information directly related to a student and are maintained by an educational agency, Morris said in the letter. “We agree that this informa tion must be withheld from dis closure in its entirety under the federal law,” Morris wrote. Rowan himself was not informed of what occurred dur ing the closed session, though he said he reviewed the sum mation of findings from the investigation. FERPA also identifies who should have access to private student records. The federal law dictates that the staff and administration of educational agencies may have access to the student’s records. But in the case of the Sept. 3 meeting, student members of the council also examined the University investigation into Rowan’s activities, which, according to the attorney general’s opinion, could be prohibited by FERPA. Kelly said the students were acting in a capacity for and on the behalf of the University. “Being employed by the University isn’t a factor,” Kelly said. “Colloquially, we decide these cases on a need-to-know basis. I’m speculating here, hut student leader, andstai part of any academic j Creel said. “Thecouncrj more right to those e than we do. The MSC \,ontinuec. fiscal a spend the students’fe outherland w hut doesn’t want n- ecision regain It seems like they're trying to have it both ways. This was unfortunate. FERPA is used as a way to hide things more than it should be. held accountable loth body. I’m deeply that ice fee bud yard merr the attorney itestions fra ling the f ir reasoning tiding the in |3f we wouli — Donnis Baggett publisher of B-CS Eagle somebody may make a deci sion that it’s important for oth ers in this community to see (student records].” Brady Creel, editor of The Battalion and a junior journal ism and management major, disagreed with the Llniversity’s claim that the information falls under FERPA. “Those documents are not an indicator of Rowan’s per- fonnance as a student, but as a office chose lo lie! University hide thing" Providing docume: people other than thosei tied by FERPA-sic:||nillion sur] the MSC Council - ■ been nece diets the University’ll^ l-86, Bo sion of the release of iB thou g h th< motion to the puuB (K,r< d s rec I )onnis Baggett, p#® uc tent serv the Bryan-Collect Eagle and an expen in of Information Act isa “It seems like the; to have it both ways" said. “This was uni FERPA is used as a kj things more thanitstK Records related to I )rt the He pi Year 2< Id increa [ter fee frorr loPGOO mg that ended in fo|l lting Ca< removal should be a, y, enora | f h the puhlic, Baggett' per cadets," s An individual lalons office records are one I 7oSTOA* ru ' a SWEAT^IRTS* 0 (excludes embroidered designs, while supplies last) yors us and said, "but an electedir Jpe. He is v< the student body ha.'y us new an pul himself in the ta^yiversity o Tlam by mandaut 1- fill in as ii |opgood ob- degree fro s a cadet, y ned to A& IR iontinuea Itry blami |s for the a remarks Iricans as professor ; THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, & SUNDAY ONLY (assachusei : Americt irrorism an Hestruction see you at buybacki neMEMBER to ReSERVE NOYI t "A Tracbtum of Friendly Sendee Smc* 1932 " WOLF PEN PLAZA 1907 TEXAS AVE. S COLLEGE STATION, TX 77840 (979) 693-0838 r. Charles cience pre NORTHGATE 335 UNIVERSITY DR. COLLEGE STATION, TX 77840 (979) 846-6312 ysA SOUTHGATE 308 GEORGE BUSH DR. COLLEGE STATION, TX 77840 (979) 693-2278 a: 0 * fa. v\o^c>^V SV\° V , ¥ " - wwvv.loupots.coni -A Tnm/UMm of SrrrtKm Smew f9S3 J that a Ion otest by stud Sts in both t I Europe, the Katie in An pirn War. In response ins said, “ pposition pign excur: |rally fre ^ins said, jyiggins sai etnam, the to the w hough is ha ed into a fnpaign. ne Univen newspaper rted that p e UT stude |y their libe fear givin; 8s. A UT jot is quoted in | that the ten o more des Issive acts ol jU.S. govei fed during n Portis said I bsition ante rs at A&M i tion seems ji e Ameria complishes i adds that tht A&M may lerally conse r. Christo ilitical scier &M, is Herica’s obje Venge but sai the war e •mts out that £ report s •TITZi '•4 rrmtuum nfFnrmav .Vr»n« ShM 111) • I pversity I Ikeley, and I [own as liber [Students at 20% OFF T-SHIRTS; SPORTSWEAR; GLASS WARE 335 UNIVERSITY DR. 308 GEORGE BUSH DR 1907 TEXAS AVE. SOUTH VOID 12/31/01 10% MORE CASH FOR USED BOOKS si 335 UNIVERSITY DR. 308 GEORGE BUSH 1907 TEXAS AVE. SOUTH VOID 12/31/01 him if Ar of the attt l^er any cl recher said While The! erized the I arrel betwet dents and Portis sa fenot black a before Wo lonist move s mostly vement, no “I don’t 1« s. at 1 ^’ ca l issue.