The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 29, 2001, Image 13
The Battalion Classified continued from page 4B FOR RENT ess (price mustaps iuaranteed resist the day the ad is is cancelled earl, DR RENT ;e Ibdrm/lbth ap< available Dec.Ja Wanted: sublease for apartment, Univer sity Commons, Dec. 17 -Aug. 1bdrm/own- bath, must be female. Ashley Vacek 979- 694-1787, 979-543-9056. Timber Creek Apts. Avail now or for spring semester- 2/2 or 2/1.5 starting at $540. Stop by to see us at 801-Spring Loop or call for early m/i specials & amen ities. 846-2976. WALK TO CAMPUS. No deposit/ Get our S500 deposit, December and January Free, 2bdrm/2bth apartment, w/d connec tions. 693-8765. >e available. Fu m. pool, etc. Large! S405/mo. CaliFji ,! Great 1/1 Ap paid. Call Grs a. 2bdrm/2bth. ar-'dra ute, S63amo. 69<-t$ e, 4bdrm/2btb acar jtihties. indudes able. Call Kevin WASHERS & DRYERS FOR RENT Don’t buy, rent a washer & dryer, S28/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better, 764-3902. FOR SALE 14x60' 2000 Oak Forest Mobile Home Park #136, 2bdrm/2bth, large deck, $21,000. 485-0746. >e. Enclave. Itxh rent paid 694-2372 15” subwoofers in sealed box, 2-6x9 speakers, 720 watt amplifier, un-opened car alarm -$450 O.B.O. (979)847-5569 or Lilleprechaun421 @ a- own bedroom aic: ration $3901110 29 gal. fish tank w/stand, pump, accesso ries & fish included. $100/080. 979-575- 0002 for info. i IbdmVIMi.SSSsT. tv. Call 324-0137 Irm apartment te act ends in May. $®i 4-drawer dresser $80; coffee table $80; 6 dining chairs $240; 3-shelf bookcase $25 2-shelf bookcase $15; desk $50, OBO. 255-6086. ew apartment. A! community, fitness s g balcony. 1/2t 85-0010. Byrold Iguana $175 everything included; Alpine Tracker Ski Machine $100/080. 680-9262, leave message. ■93 Fleetwood Mobile Home, 28’x56’, 3bdrm/2bth with deck, car port, on nearly 2acres, $35,000. 691-8775. Tlbth apartmert i-route. rent r*jS Couch for sale, great condition. Call 694- 2557. shuttle route, ASA?- Its paid. 960sq!t. r Full-size bed set (frame/ box-springs)- $175; solid wood round dining table w/4 airs- $120; 6ft folding table/ desk- $15. 575-2667. n/lbth Will Givef Great location. 1st yard TAMU liable pets ok. ar Futon -like new $60 Desk -$40. 268-0868 9am-9pm Getting married, must sell 2 mobile homes: 1984 14 , x71' $12,000, late 1970's 14 x60' $10,000 obo. 775-4491. i/2bth apartment, ra jttle route, launtty Apartments. 694-rZ bdrm/2bth location to campus 9-777-0493. Avails Graduation Sale: Coffee Send tables - $60; computer desk -$50; dresser -$20; small fridge -$30. All Negotiable. Call '3-7354. Large house & yard, Hearne. 279-2712. Good Buy! i/2bth spacious ra d, shuttle, $900/mc Need Extra Energy for finals week? In vigorate and revive yourself with Herbal Voltage. Buy at wholesale. Satisfaction guaranteed, able spring tin. from cat 291 or 956-994-0’ ed 4bdrm/2bth. fiiS tnter. full-service 0-meals/wk, murt 1 lester rent. Ca tifer 255-5506. Nintendo Game Cube: Brand new, nev- eropened, $275/0.B.O. Call 693-9596. 2bdrm/1bth, w/d (8 campus and bus sc. Lease endsM o/negot. (979)696-:' Neon signs “Hot Chili, Cold Bud” $300 0.8.0.; “Budweiser Country” with cowboy $250 O.B.O. 774-0250. Speaker system. Acoustic Research Model 303's and Mirage Subwoofer. Cost $2000, both for only $800. Kevin 458- 1489(W) 693-6735(H). Two gallon fish tank with accessories $10, Small kennel $15, Dressert $40, Micro- wave stand $10, floor lamp $10, negotia ble. 979-779-4519. ifficiency, $435/mo 779-8454. tathroom, Meltose olleyball courts, adypaid. Call 680-!' Two Pioneer 4-way 6x9 speakers with boxes $50, computer desk $50, two papa- san chairs $20 each, Entertainement cen ter $30. 979-779-4519. Apts. Will help»" >m, $460/mo. Two white leather couches $300/obo. En tertainment center $40/obo. Bass cabinet TV for Triflex system $75/obo. 324-4973 or 693-8 1 88 n. in 3/2 apt. S2/i 44 or (903)235-73* Wedding ring set, 7 marquise diamonds, paid $1950, asking $1000. 979-822-7876. HELP WANTED ible in December f i, fenced yard, hed 2bdrm/1bth, S5Sf SS$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. ble hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. only. Flexi- 18+ ►s center, g, 10-meals a wee* 000 off semester Call Nicole 696-56* fun, prestigious teaching position. Some evenings &Saturdays. Must have had driver’s license 4+years. No criminal record. We train. $8/hr. 693-9294. ■ tinued on page)! or over 18 yeafl G BREAK UN CO UNIVERSITY jflfy BEACH CLUE’ BRECKWIit i van Bum a) A KfYSTONlMI 300-232-242? itviieacliclyli.Eii Awesome Summer Job: Challenge yourself while exploring the Rocky Moun tains, be rewarded by making a difference in the lives of children, and make friend ships that will last a lifetime. Work at Che- ley Colorado Camps. A residential wilder ness camp for children 9-17. 6/10-8/13. Call us at 1-800-CampFun or visit our website at Babysitter- M-W-F 9-2 for 28t5 yr old, $6- $8/hr. 693-8636. Basketball instructors/ officials for youth league. Call 764-6386 or 764-3424 if in terested. Carpenters needed, experience helpful but not required, will work with schedules, $7/hr. 775-7126. Clean Carpets. Experience helpful, but will train. Part-time/ full-time hours M-F. 823-5031. eoo- 754 S-153 tile© n rica l\P com Deluxe Diner on Northgate hiring cooks and waitstaff for all shifts. Apply in person 203 University Dr. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M- F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. Fatburger-C.S. Help wanted all positions. Drivers earn up to $11/hr. Immediate hir ing. 725-A University. Hiring Immediately. Night courtesy officer lor weekends. The LaSalle Hotel. Holidays required. 822-2000. Ask for Tonya.. Medical office now hiring full-time Medical Assistant. Great experience for student applying for medical school. Position re quires a one year commitment. Salary commencery with experience. Please fax resume to (979)776-4260 or apply in per son at Allergy Associates, 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan TX 77802. OFFICE WORKER NEEDED Mon., Wed., Fri. 12:00-5:00. BUSY OFFICE! Must be: Organized, Responsible, and Dependa ble. Equity Real Estate, 696-4464. Part time front desk receptionist. Week ends, Sat/Sun 7pm-7am. Answer phones, monitoring doors required. 979-731-1300 Jack., Part-time job helping handicapped. Male student preferred. $270/mo., 12hrs/wk. 846-3376. Salesman needed PT. Retail experience needed. 260-4083. HELP WANTED PHP programmer DB exp. Full or part- time, non-smoker. Send resume to: jobs @ PT General Errand Runner- Lynntech, Inc. is looking for a dependable individual with own transportation and good knowl edge of the community. Up to 20hrs/wk. Hourly salary plus mileage. Send resume to Lynntech, Inc. Runner, 7610 Eastmark Dr., College Station, TX 77840. E-mail: EOE. Sell Avon, $10 starter fee. Easy/sells it self. P-T/F-T. Call Nancy 1-800-873- 6316 access code 00-free call. Seniors and Graduate Students, Notes-N- Quotes is currently hiring notetakers for the Spring 2002 semester. Apply at 701 University Drive, directly across for the Blocker building or call 846-2255. Texas A&M Bookstore in MSC now hiring for Spring semester. Applications availa ble in store. MOTORCYCLE 1997 Yamaha XT225, 8000 miles, good shape, $2700. Call 694-8076. 2000 Ninja ZX-6R, 3000 miles, $6000 O.B.O. Call 979-268-0507. 2001 Kawasaki Ninja 500. Perfect condi tion. 1200-miles, two helmets plus acces sories. $4685/obo. 694-6902. MUSIC Creative original Christian band seeking talented drummer and bassist. Call Dre 847-2948. PETS 2-kittens free to good home. Have first shots. 1-fluffy gray male and 1-tortoise shell female. Cute and sweet. 764-4497. Adopt Pets: Brazos Animal Shelter, 775-5755, AKC certified Miniature Dachshund pup pies, 1st shots, parents on site. 694-6723. AKC Chocolate Lab pups, shots, parents OFA certified and excellent hunters. Broad heads and strong built. $275. 693- 7555 or 492-6792. Boas- red tail boa babies, vet raised, $80; Umbrella Cockatoo w/large California cage, $9b0. 694-9091. Registered lab puppies, yellow Scwhite, males &females. Papers Sshots. 6- weeks old, $400. 979-695-8926 or 281- 851-8009, Codi. REAL ESTATE 2/1/1 2612 Todd St. Bryan. $58,900. Call 361-0492. Available January, 3/2/2 home close to campus, corner lot, 2-car garage, privacy fence backyard, W/D, refrigerator. $98,000. Call 695-7124. ROOMMATES 1-F needed for spring/summer sublease, $275/mo. +1/3bills, 3bdrm/1.5bth, w/d, on shuttle, ethernet, pets ok, fenced patio. 693-9650. 2bdrm/1bath duplex, furnished. Pets wel come. $300/mo +1/2 utilities. 695-7062. 3-F roommates needed. 4bdrm house. $325/mo +bills. 775-8941. 3bdrm/2bth duplex, 2bdrm/1bth upstairs available ASAP, $280/mo. Call Clint 696- 8225. 4bdrm/3ba house. $285/mo. +1/4bills. Call Chad. 822-9586. M-roommate. Great deal! Best Deal! 2-Females needed, 4bdrm/4bth condo, on shuttle, w/d, $310- $330/mo. 979-739-2369. Christian female needed for 3bdrm/3bth, no deposit, furnished, 01/02 thru 07/02, $419/mo. Courtney 696-5117. Christian M-Roommate, 12/01/01- 5/31/02. Duplex. Own room. TAMU <2miles. w/d-conn. $190/mo. +1/2bills. Jon @846-9500 or Cool roommate wanted, Nice house with fun girls. $275/mo +1/4-utilities. 823- 4495. F-needed for nice furnished 3-2 duplex; master with bath $325; on shuttle, w/d, pets o.k.; December half-off. Available now! 764-8521. F-roommate for 3bdrm/3bath in Melrose Apartments, $429/mo includes phone, ca ble, W/D, ethernet. With electricity about $465/mo. Call Lindsay for more info. 680-3323. F-Roommate for spring, $268/mo. +1/3bills, cable modem, fenced bkyd, w/d, on bus-route. LeeAnn 695-0655. F-roommate needed ASAP. Own bed room &bath in furnished 2-2 duplex off Navarro. $375/mo. +1/2 bills. On shuttle route. Lisa (832)928-7196. F-roommate needed for a 3bdrm/2bth house ASAP, $290/mo. +1/3bills. Call 696-0895. F-roommate needed to share w/Christian female, very nice 3bdrm/2bth mobile home, 3-miles from campus @ Rock Prai rie &Rolling Ridge. Available immediately. W/D, ceiling fans, $300/mo. +1/2bills. 1- month free. Must see to appreciate loca tion &value. 764-0797. F-Roommate needed, 4bdrm/3bth unit, own bed/bath, 3-swimmer roommates, $390/mo. +1/4utilities. 680-8067. F-roommate needed, duplex, $287.50/mo. +1/2utilities, starts Jan.1 or Spring’02. 695-6446. F-Roommate needed, spring semester, own bdrm/bth in 2bdrm/2bth apartment. 695-1934. F-Roommate Spring Semester, own bdrm/bth, $380/mo, +1/3 bills. Debbie 680-8747. F-roommate wanted. $225/mo. 2/1 town- house w/ patio. Pets allowed. 979-696- 4374. F-Roommate, spring semester, nicely fur nished, new carpet, own bedroom and bath, Treehouse-1, $320/mo., very low utilities. 695-1477. Female needed for spring, $300/mo. +1/2utilities, 2bdrm/2bth. Call Melissa 485-8479. Female roommate needed spring semes ter, $300/ month +1/3 bills. 694-1267. Female roommate needed starting Jan. 1st, $315/mo. +1/2bills. Call Janelle 694-7914. State Thursday, November 29, 2001 THE BATTALION Page SB Enron reduced to junk status, buyout canceled by Dynergy ROOMMATES Female roommate needed, 3-bedroom 2- bath house, $285/mo. plus 1/3bills. 779- 0093. Female roommate needed. 3bdrm/2bth. New Steeplechase Townhomes. $400/mo. 485-0869. Female roommate sublease, Rosewood Villas, Spring 2002, $350/nego. Elaine 696-6997. ’Private Bath* M-needed spring, 2bdrm/1bth, $225/mo. +1/2bills, walk/ bus route to campus. 847- 5909, M-roommate needed asap for 1600 sqft 4bdrm/2bth house in Bryan. $200/mo +1/4utilities. 694-1141. M-Roommate needed for nice 3bdrm/2bth house located behind Academy. Starts mid December or January. $333/mo. + 1/3bills. 695-2139, jtbivOI M/F roommate for spring semester sub lease, $300 + 1/3 bills, own 1/2 bath, fenced back yard. Call 260-8123. M/F roommate needed starting spring, own bed/bath, Sterling University Apart ments. 696-2019. M/F roommate wanted. Room available in a house; 1500sqft, w/d, fenced yard, central air/ heat, cable modem and automatic dishwasher. On Howdy bus route, near shopping and only 3-miles from campus. Rent $300/mo. Call 693- 7879 if interested Need f-roommate for spring semester, own bedroom/bath. Call Melissa 694- 4733. Need roommate beginning Jan.’02. 2bdrm/2bth, 1100ft., vaulted ceilings w/fireplace, w/d in unit, walk-in closet, pa tio &deck, wet bar, close to campus, fully furnished (optional), $290/mo. 979-764- 0460. Need roommate for spring semester. Move-in after December graduation, 2bdrm/2bth, $280/mo. Call Rory; 846- 7059. Room for rent, 3bdrm/2bth apartment, $316/mo., available 12/25, on shuttle. 764-4074. Roommate needed, spring, 2bdrm/1.5bth, furnished, close to campus, on shuttle, $305/mo. +1/2bills. Call Ben 260-0821, doneetaS @ aol .com Roommate wanted at Sterling University. Reduced rates. Call (830)625-7548. Roommate wanted, $400/mo. all bills paid, 3bdrm/2bth house, 1-mile from campus, M/F student preferred. Call Jamie 696- 3464. Spring semester, own bed/bth. No depos it, 1/2bills. 696-9320. Sublease M-roommate wanted for spring semester. 2bdrm/2bth, Arbors Apart ments, $355/mo. +1/2bills. Completely furnished -except bed. 694-2283 leave message. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lot!! Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. , Yoga Classes- Anusara Yoga- All Levels- Mornings, Evenings- (979)268-3838 WANTED Bass guitarist and drummer needed. Call Britt at 695-9572. IF YOU ORDERED a 2002 Aggieland and will not be on campus next fall to pick it up, you can have it mailed. To have your yearbook for the '01-02 school year mailed, stop by room 015 Reed McDonald Building or tele phone 845-2613 (credit cards only) between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and pay a $7 mailing and handling fee. Cash, Check, Aggie Bucks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express accepted. HOUSTON (AP) — Enron Corp. teetered toward bankrupt cy Wednesday after its smaller rival, Dynergy Inc., called off its planned $8.4 billion acquisi tion of the energy giant. Dynergy officials announced their decision shortly after two agencies downgraded Enron’s credit rating to junk status — triggering immediate payment of billions of dollars in debt that the once-mighty energy trader probably can’t pay. The dire situation left Enron facing almost certain bankrupt cy, analysts said. “It’s the end of Enron, no question about it,” said Gordon Howald, an ‘analyst at Credit Lyonnais Securities in New York. “I don’t know who else could step in.” Enron is the country’s top buyer and seller of natural gas, and the No. 1 wholesale power marketer. The company oper ates a 25,000-mile gas pipeline system, and markets and trades metals, paper, coal, chemicals, and fiber-optic bandwidth. In a series of explosive dis closures last month, Enron revealed that partnerships run by its executives had allowed the company to keep about half a billion in debt off its books and allowed the executives to profit from the arrangements. Enron’s dealings with those partnerships are now the subject of a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation. The company ousted its top financial officer, and several weeks ago restated its earnings back to 1997 — eliminating more than $580 million in reported income. In a statement, Dynergy said some aspects of the acquisition agreement had not been met, triggering its decision to end the deal. “While it is regrettable to see a leading industry player in dif ficulties, this does not reflect a failure of the energy merchant business, said Dynergy chair man and chief executive Chuck Watson. Two major credit rating agencies downgraded the Enron to junk status earlier in the day. In separate statements. Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investors Service both had cited a loss of confidence that the deal will be consum mated. They said Dynegy’s willingness to go through with the buyout had been compro mised by continued erosion in investor confidence and Enron’s core energy trading business. IFREE your wireless Get the wireless phone, price, features and technology you want. 10c Night and Uieekend Minutes Voice Mail Domestic Long Distance Included No Long-Term Contract No Credit Check UP Minute Meter 5 " For delivery, call toll-free 1.800.2 JOIN IN For business sales, call toll-free 1.800.505.5015 Digital Network By Lucent Technologies Also available at: Equipment offers & prices may vary RadioShack Donate you* tro-tongex-used phones at p«t)CJ(Mhnu Wctenit Wireless stores and jo«i m ayantsi donestn; vrotencc wireless VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS STORE College Station 1901 Texas Avenue South, Suite A (979) 696-3112 VERIZON AUTHORIZED AGENTS College Station Advanced Wireless 2230 S. Texas Ave. (979) 693-8888 Bryan Bryan 800 Communications 3100 Leonard Road (979) 775-4800 VERIZON PHONE MART 607 E. University Dr., Ste. 105 (979) 846-1271 BUSINESS ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Sally Penick (979) 268-1800 Subject to terms of Prepay Wireless Service Agreement & Calling Plan. Set up fee of $25 applies. Usage rounded to the next full minute. Unused minutes lost. CDMA phone required. Restrictions apply. ©2001 Verizon Wireless.