thursday Fighl Hunger with a Fork 5-9pm proceeds benefit ‘Tu tn ('ity Missions Wednesday Hunger Banquet 12:30pm Kolclus 110 proceeds benefit reftcf fundsforAfjfum children all week iv a Fork Jean Drive donate your old jeans at Rudder, Student it I ‘Programs Office (2nd' friday .//<>«•/ j/m , and Hunger Benefit Concert residence fmlTs 3pm-1am @ The Grove presented by MSC Town Half, MSC FISH and . t .. .. by MSC Hospitality s ,< t . i can tied goods or SS j donation benefits 'Praces dood ’Hauil, Page 2 Campus JL riTi E BATTALION Friday, Novemk: 1 Fish by R.DeLuna Starr Continuedjrotiil IVrv^m u»th tall 84fl5H to iitturm <»s of xnix Wc r^ucM noffttofk 1 uoriitig iljvx mkir to the event to roaWr its to avu*! vi»u tc the Ih'M «>4 t^tr aMhitfs. rr SoRW I HUD To Tbkl\ mi Call . J Hmti TALkEb To HI PI I/O , t ■ • Annual Exams • Birth Control • Breast Exams Pregnancy Tests • Treatment of Infections Excuse M£ Jost Date f No, J'AI Jvsr ///1VU76 / Lu/DCH uith /\ I [RIEMb . Bur X llWiy REfiLLV UAAJT mCT TAL\c To HEP r>i oaj the PHoaJE , bo Yoo ? TH REALLVjy i V UHo You T/H.ICIATN 73 There, WCT) jjfeL Safety Affordable, Confidential, Convenient Continued from Page 1 C. 1 -800-230-PLAN and be connected to the nearest Planned Parenthood Plantfeil»’. a did you get the memo? MSC Spring 2002 Open House Tables Are On Sale NOW! Date: January 27, 2002 Reserve space for a recognized student organization in 3 easy steps/ 1. Go to the MSC Box Office in Rudder Tower. 2. Complete a registration form and read the rules. 3. Pay a $30 registration fee. Cash, checks, Aggie Bucks, or credit cards are accepted. Hurry...First come. First served Sponsored By: MSC Marketing Team If you have any questions, £JUL contact Chris Carter, MSC Executive Director of Marketing at 845-1515. The planning group had previously been turned down by two safety firms during the negotiation process this year. Vallen Knowledge Systems Corp., selected in April, backed out in June after Cole said they asked for conces sions that A&M could not pro vide. Marak Safety Services ended negotiations Oct. I, citing lack of student involvement and money concerns. Cole said the planning group contacted Turner through CBM Engineers as soon as Marak ended its involvement. A deal was expected as soon as two weeks ago. Throughout the negotiation process. Cole expressed concern about the proceedings and the effect the slowdown would have on Bonfire 2002. “The longer this draws out, of course the greater the poten tial for Bonfire not to happen in 2002,“ Cole said in October. contacting Turner, but Cole said Bonfire was not their only project. Any estimates on how much Turner will be paid beyond its work for this semester would not be available until a design is chosen. Cole said. Turner will be paid on an hourly basis until the end of the semester, and then the terms of their We’re concerned of the amount it might be. We're talking about significant one-time up-front costs to a point, like for blue prints and manuals. be re-ev 'aluated, he said “We ’re concerned of the amount it might be. We’ Te talking about : significant one- time up- front o osts to a p K>int, , like for blueprints and m; anua Is.” Cole said. “> \fter that. how much a safety firm get: s p aid will change. — Bryan Cole Bonfire 2002 facilitator Bowen said the estimated $1.5 million price tag for Bonfire 2002 might force the University to reconsider plans for future Bonfires. Turner, which has regional offices in Dallas and Houston, will be responsible for reviewing the safety aspects of each design option, creating safety, training and risk-management manuals Last week, the planning group still had trouble for Bonfire workers, and working with student Bonfire leadership to ensure proper training. we are not immune to Starr worked witli reporters who expeneiKi and minor threats beca strove to tell the trui "It’s your job to tell it: Starr said. "The FirstAira tells us it is our sactedi report the truth. The pres only profession that's pi by the Constitution." The Public Relations of America accredited Sj public relations in lit l t Jd2 and elected hit! i College of Fellows in a tion of his achievements In 1998, The Assosi Former Students aus the Faculty Dist Achievement Award inlai He was also a FishG sake in 1996. "Fish Camp is important because the 2 gave me that,” Starr said Students and facultu have a pride. orieinatiG many traditions not fu other schools, he said. Starr said he isven to does not plan on leaving ing from his teaching a any time soon. He and® will be celebrating da wedding anniversary December, Starr said. “1 did everything!even to do: joined the Navy,* sea, got a college educaU ried the woman I lose ani loves me, had childra worked three jobs 1 liked" said. "Indeed, I feelasthoed been on vacation the whoki Salute Continued from Page 1 adults and $6 for students and children; however discounted tickets are available for $5 until the Arts Council of Brazos Valley, Sterling said. Along with the musical per- “Brazos Valley does an annual salute to Veterans either near Veterans day or Memorial day and for the past two years it has been Veterans day week end,” Sterling said. Partial proceeds will benefit the relief effort and be sent to the American Red Cross in Washington D.C. Current and former mem bers of the armed forces, mili tary reservists, firefighters and law enforcement officials will receive free admission and reserve seating. Tickets at the door are $7 for u This is the first time we have arranged the per formance in this way with so many other communi ty and campus groups and local vocalists as well. — Mark Sterling Brazos Valley troop artistic director 5 p.m. tonight at the Bryan- College Station Eagle, the MSC Box Office, Park Cleaners and formances. Troupe will honor its first group of inductees into the Ring of Honor. “This is made up of pi and organizations helped, beyond thecallof throughout Troupe's seven history,” Sterling said. Roger Barry and B Smith of KBTX-TV3's Morning” show will sen master and mistress of monies. “This is the first fit have arranged the perfi in this way with so community and canfijW and local vocalists a Sterling said. "It is exciting to have so Aggies involved. Asa student, 1 am very that.” Hwy. 30 ® E. Bypass 6 764-7592 Est. 1975 All shows after 11 pm only * STEREO SURROUND SOUND IN ALL AUDITORIUMS HARRY POTTER TICKETS NOW ON SALE! At the theatre or at We Buy & Sell Cla Late Model Used C* "sq VICTOR’S Quality Mens & Ladies Boot & Shoe Repair the monkey" Serving Aggie’s Since 1966 3601 Texas Ave. 1 mile north of campus Hours Mon.-Fri. 8-6:30 Sat. 9-3 846-4114 SHALLOW HAl(PG-13)* CNivcsaffie 11:352:10 4:557:45 10:25 1:00 1:00 4:00 7:00 9:40 12:30 HEIST(R)* 11:40 2:15 4:457:40 10:20 1:00 LIFE AS A HOUSE(R)* 12:553:50 7:10 10:00 12:50 BANDITS (PG-13) 2:15 725 12:40 BONES(R) 12:00 5:05 10:10 DOMESTIC OISTURBANCEpc-iS] 11:50 2:104:507:35 10:00 12:20 FROM HELL (R| 1:104:15 7:05 9:55 12:40 JOY RIDE (R) 11:35 5:15 10:30 K-PAX (PG-13) 1:054:10 7:00 9:4512:35 MONSTERS. INC. (G)*onm>sckB' 11:30 1:50 4:30 6:55 9:25 11:55 12:102:40 5:10 7:30 10:1512:35 RIDING IN CARS WITH BOYS (PG-13) 12:20 3206:509:5012:45 SERENDIPITY (PG-13) 12:05 2:204:30 7:209:3012:10 THE LAST CASTLE (R) 2:057:40 12:55 THE ONE (PG-13)* 12:45 3:05 5:208:0010:05 12:25 THIR13EN GHOSTS(R) 12:15 2:305:00 7:5510:3512:50 TRAINING DAY (R) 1:20 4:05 7:15 10:05 12:55 779-7063 2100 Texas Avenus Bryan Texas Members ol University < ' n ceiebratii "Missa Sole conductor. ! Daniel Belcl •l DAY ADVANCE TICKET SALES ♦ NO PASStS-NO SUPERSAVERS Showtimes and tickets available at While tfiere tegisiei to leceine TREE showtimes via email If You Have SomethingToS Remember Classifieds Can Dot Call 845-0569 The Battalios o you want to ! make a movie November 9-10 7 PM Halbouty 101 Call 845-1515 for more information brought to you by: MSC | Cepheid Variable ^ k. tv JJL If you missed our College Station Mixer, please visit our Houston headquarters. Employment Open House Saturday, November 10, 2001 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. 6700 Hollister Software Support Software Installation Windows Development Technical Writing Consulting Programming Spanish Translating * Sales * Training * Networking Come by and meet with our employees to discuss these opportunities! UCS is a 31 -year strong firm with over 1900 employees. We have never laid off or downsized and remain strong today. This is a come and go event and refreshments are provided. We offer salary plus full benefits including paid medical, dental & vision insurance, 401k matching, direct deposit and semi-annual performance reviews. For directions or more information, please call our Recruiting department or visit our website. Positions available in Houston, College Station and regionally throughout the United States. EOE. Universal Computer Systems, Inc. Ad # 1424 979-595-2609 Excellence in Products & People BEA1 the HEAT - shop on-line www. varsi tyford. net VARSITY FORD ‘01 MODEL YEAR END INVENTORY CLEARANCI Check out our specials on ALL trucks, Explorers, Mustangs and Focus College Grad and 1st Time Buyer Program for Internet IW Questions? E-mail us at Texas A&M University — Celebrating 125 Years THE BATTALI01 Brady Creel, Editor in Chief The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the (all andspimj^ tens and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and eiamp^ Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, 1111 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald Building. IW** phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail:; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. f( pus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569.Mf- offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax84$ Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single® The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 tot* ■ or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer or $10 a month. To charge by Visa. MasteiCard, Dsc* American Express, call 845-2611. C PICKII baseir youd year), Hours VISA,