The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 08, 2001, Image 8

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Texas A&M University Yearbook • 100 Years of Excellence
Page 8A I ThI
Thursday, Novemk
A&M research team travels to Antard
By Eric Ambroso
Depending on the season, any
where from 200 to 1,000 people
inhabit McMurdo Station, the
largest and oldest military base in
Antarctica. Since 1955, scientists
and military personnel at
McMurdo have trampled over the
snow near the barren South Pole,
leaving bootprints in places pre
viously untouched by humanity.
The activity near McMurdo
has led to side effects: environ
mental damage as a result of
human intervention. Texas
A&M’s Geochemical and
Environmental Research Group
(GERG) will send six scien
tists to McMurdo next week for
a month’s stay, concluding the
team’s three-year research into
the effects of human activity in
“Our hope is to minimize the
impact of research teams in
Antarctica," said Chuck
Kennicutt, director of the GERG.
“McMurdo Station is the largest
U.S. base in Antarctica, serving
as the main staging area for
research in Antarctica. The loca
tion has been occupied by people
for 50 years, and the effects of
our interaction with the environ
ment have begun to show.”
A&M has a history of
research in Antarctica since the
1960s, said Kennitcutt, who has
been to Antarctica five times to
participate in similar environ
mental studies, leaving his own
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footprints behind.
The research team will work
to analyze environmental dam
age in Antarctica to prevent fur
ther ecological damage because
of the disposal and wastes of
people in Antarctica.
McMurdo was built as a
research base for the U.S. Navy.
Attracting up to 1,200 researchers
in the summer, damage to the
environment McMurdo is show
ing, researchers said. Sponsored
by a National Science Grant,
researchers from A&M have
worked to alter the impact of this
Guy Denoux, laboratory
manager for the GERG, said the
group is trying to develop a
process for monitoring the area
and training research teams.
“Our purpose is toils
the damage that has
to the environment a
ways to prevent more
Denoux said. "We'll a
of divers to collect
water in order to
samples for contame
Diana Alsup, a
dent from Texas
Department of G
been to McMurdo Static
last two years. Wofol
A&M’s GERG.Alsupiii p
develop a long-term
program for Antarctica
“The base itself is
town; it’s an old mill
and still feels like
said. "However, the
lying areas are quite
Driver advocatt
look to Bus 0ps|
for help, solutioi
By Amanda Smith
A recent complaint by a
Texas A&M bus driver and a
handful of other drivers disgrun
tled with the 12-hour minimum
work-load rule have prompted
the student-led driver advocacy
team (DAT) to further consider
Bus Operations' employment
Gary Jackson, Bus
Operations manager, said the
group has not been previously
very active but has become more
involved this semester.
“This year, a couple of driv
ers wanted to make a difference,
so they have become very active
trying to drum up more interest
among the other drivers,”
Jackson said. “The only serious
issue raised by the DAT so far is
the same one already raised, that
of the 12-hour-policy.”
Last month, A&M bus driv
er Matt Rooney, a junior man
agement information systems
major, claimed mismanage
ment had led to him being
unfairly reprimanded for the
hours he has worked. Rooney
also complained of favoritism
for some students working in
the department.
PTTS officials countered,
saying the procedures for
required hours had been made
clear to student workers and
other employees in Bus
Operations, which hires more
than 300 student employees per
semester as bus drivers, dis
patchers and trainers.
Bus Operations manage
ment recently implemented a
new rule requiring drivers to
work a minimum of 12
Jackson said DATani
unteer committee, ate
Bus Operations man:;
are examining the ei
of the 12-hour-minimui'
"The major issue no*
the way we enforce the I
minimum as well as the;
in which the schedule is
ized,” Jackson said. “Wer
ing to get the students t(
We will try
work with those
cannot make tk\
minimum for
some reason.
— Ga.ssJ'
Bus Operations';#
some feedback on the
design but doubt sen«
can make major chanffitt
fall. Rather we have 10U
that we will maintain ie
hour-minimum in effect
the spring, along withlh
ule as is and continue to* 1 ;
“We will try to wotb
those who cannot make tie!
imum for some reason."
At a recent DAT me®
committee of volunteeti
organized to further reve*
12-hour rule.
DAT, organized
ago, has worked (
another group, the Asset!
of Texas Aggie Bus Du
iy as a .service organiza®
The Texas A&M University
Student Media Board
is accepting applications for
The Battalion
— Including radio and online editions-
Spring 2002
(The spring editor will serve from Jan. 7 through May 10, 2002|
Qualifications for editor in chief of The Battalion are:
• Be a Texas A&M student in good standing with the University and enrolled" i
least six credit hours (4 if a graduate student) during the term of office
credits are required to graduate);
• Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate stafe'- :
at least a 2.00 grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) in the semesle*
immediately prior to the appointment, the semester of appointment andsen^
during the term of office. In order for this provision to be met, at least six
a graduate student) must have been taken for that semester;
• Have completed JOUR 301 (Mass Communication, Law and Society), ora*'-
• Have at least one year experience in a responsible editorial position o
Battalion or comparable daily college newspaper,
Have at least one year editorial experience on a commercial newspaper,
— OR —
Have completed at least 12 hours journalism, including JOUR 203 and 303F
Writing 1 and II), and JOUR 304 (Editing for the Mass Media), or
Application forms should be picked up and returned to Francia Cagle,
Media business coordinator, in room 014A Reed McDonald Ed:'
Deadline for submitting application: noon Monday, November 12,
Applicants will be interviewed during the Student Media Board Met"
beginning at 10 a.m. Friday, November 16, in room 221F ReedMcDr
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