;jyL»€MMf Open 4:00pm to 1:00am Daily 305 University Dr. College Station, TX (979)846-4300 with Percival If you missed our College Station Mixer, please visit our Houston headquarters. Employment Open House Saturday, November 10, 2001 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. 6700 Hollister Software Support Software Installation Windows Development Technical Writing * Consulting * Programming * Spanish Translating Sales Training Networking Come by and meet with our employees to discuss these opportunities! UCS is a 31-year strong firm with over 1900 employees. We have never laid off or downsized and remain strong today. This is a come and go event and refreshments are provided. We offer salary plus full benefits including paid medical, dental & vision insurance, 401k matching, direct deposit and semi-annual performance reviews. For directions or more information, please call our Recruiting department or visit our website. Positions available in Houston, College Station and regionally throughout the United States. EOE. Universal Computer Systems, Inc. Ad # 1424 979-595-2609 www.universalcomputersys.com Excellence in Products & People Author Percival Everett talks about his latest bod, Erasure, and on being a writer TONIGHT Ladies Night All Ladies 18 & up are FREE ! $ 1.00 bar drinks 8-11 $ 1.00 pints and $ 2.00 Tap Teas ALL NIGHT LONG! Kitchen open all night for grubbing out 696-5570 Designate * Party Safe CONGRATULATIONS! Join the Celebration at the Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center NOVEMBER 8TH RING DELIVERY Tickets distributed throughout the day, beginning at 7:15 a.m. You must have a numbered ticket to get your Ring. Festivities begin at 2 p.m. Ring distribution starts at 3 p.m. and ends at 6 p.m. FREE REFRESHMENTS, PHOTO, GAMES AND MUSIC Texas Aggie Artist, Benjamin Knox ’90, personalizing the “Historic Aggie Ring” You must bring your pink receipt and driver’s license to pick up your Ring. If you do not have your pink receipt, please bring your student ID and driver’s license. SPONSORED BY ^V§Vrhe Association OF FORMER STUDENTS lA/ean&Tlte Aggie,/\/etuJo>tJcf By Kevin Burns THE BATTALION Fiction writer Percival Everett will visit Aggieland for a reading at 7 p.m. in Bernie’s Cafe Express-O. Everett is the author of 15 books, and his latest book. Erasure, was released in October. He is in his fourth year as the head of University of Southern California’s English department and teaches literary theory, fiction writing and an experimental workshop. in present- D.C., and character Everett was invited by Texas A&M-housed scholarly journal of African American Arts and Letters, Callaloo. Callaloo is a 25-year-old pub lication that began in Baton Rouge, La., and has been located in Kentucky and Virginia. “Callaloo is a great pub lication,” Everett said. “It’s my first choice of venue for publishing work because the work inside is always so good.” Erasure is set day Washington, around the Thelonious Ellison. “Basically he is an experi mental novelist, not unlike me, and he’s dealing with the fact that he’s often told by the publishing world that his work is not black enough — left to wonder what that means,” Everett said. Everett said that Erasure is not a book about him, but it is very personal and closer to himself than other books he has written. “It’s certainly not autobio graphical,” said Everett. “Although I certainly share more with [Erasure's, main] character than any other of my characters.” In the past, Everett has been accused of not revealing all the answers to his books in favor of making readers labor. “I suppose that’s true,” Everett said. “I think a reader needs to do some work too. After all. I’m working, so why not everybody else?” Everett, hesitant to say how his novel speaks to soci ety or what it should mean, said he, the novelist, is not the correct person to address its meaning. “The writer is always the wrong person to captrai Everett said. “If I could say it succinctly, then I wouldn’t have to write the novel.” Everett said his novel is a statement “against the ization of any art.” and as a novel, it does not haveanti “I have questions,” he said. “1 pose them, and writer is already evidence that I'm not somebodytolii It's there, what 1 think, what I see, and it’s uptothera figure out what they are going to figure out... I donik picture of the world that I want to impose on anyone Everett said ties Third The Can private local ro Outside the festi charge a : "De PHOTO COURTESY OF WWW.USC.EDU • THE BATTALION Basically [Ellison] is an experimental tin novelist... he's dealing with th efact that he's often told by the publishing world that his work is not black enough ... — Percival Everett author of Erasure countless hours oN during the novel-m process. He said tk ups and downs fori his writing comes bdi and hard. Research is primary support. “I always do a research,” Evereit “Things are slow a! points and not atol Writing is alwaysal a fight.” Beyond being a pi sor and novelist, Er is a painter. “It's another art ffl love — a completely dil way of expressing n than writing," Everett “It’s more immediate emotional.” His painting serves as the cover art foi Vol. 24 No. 2 editioi Callaloo. Everett's undergra! work was in bothphiloi and biochemist^, lold he said, “lack of good.tf caused him to stfL* and he also enj®at® and mathematical If'. Seemingly a Everett wrote and first novel before ing his graduate! philosophy. “It was exciting,”Ev said. “I was pretty to have sold the r before I graduated. I feel 1 tie guilty that I didn’lp 1 ) dues that we all talkaW For himself, enjoys reading all types books, but finds Markf' “hilarious.” In the end. he is “OK” during oralreai such as the one he will at Bernie’s Cafe, not to be in front B Tonight for the rock bar the piz2 the Upd by favi Modest and Bull no cover F Kitty Sf the outd p.m. Co\ determir Zap< Wide 0 hosted t begin or at 8:30 are invit career center career center career center career center career center career center Career Center Texas A&M University Salary Evaluation Learn guidelines for analyzing a benefits package and making g the best decision about a job offer. 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