The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 08, 2001, Image 11

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w ■
Continued from page 2B
Jld patio home, close to campus,
I ISOOsqft., fenced yard, $125,000.
179-260-0334 for information or ap-
jear in ad).This
Tier- Very nice 3/2/2 brick home in
iwood Valley. Large backyard, ask-
)r you get an adfe gsfis.soo. Can 979-575-8912, 28i-337-
;cheduled to er If) leave message.
ers, dancers, darrej
5. Silk Stocking g.'i
prestigious team-;
'enmgs SSaturda}! 1
ir's license 4+yean (
l\le train. Sfthf. B>5
1 available in nice 4bdrm/2bth home,
lenient to TAMU, $367/mo. +1/4utilit-
|male. Available 12/1/01. 694-0866.
eded after fall finals to share 3-2-2,
|hed house off Longmire. Great sub-
Approx. 3-miles from campus;
1/3utilities. Call Lindsey
[674-7784(cell), 485-0359(h).
bmmate Needed ASAP.
fi/2bath, $320/mo, includes utilities.
Cara 485-0765
needed for Ditto
i Group. Sing in
es Experience tKa
formation call 690-li
rs needed, e*f
squired, will work*
arpets. Experience
Part-time.' luUrr
Immate needed before 1/1/02.
|n/2bth, $280/mo +1/3 bills. On shut-
Jute, w/d, ice maker, ceiling fans. 680-
bmmate needed for spring semester,
er Creek Apartments. 2bdrm/1.5bth,
+1/2bills. Call Melissa 691-
nmate needed for spring semester,
|+1/2bills, own bdrm/bth. 595-1217.
a income by deam
p.m. 823-5031.
r-C S. Help
limmate needed for spring semester,
tture Park Apartments. 2bdrm/2bth,
pdrm/bth. $300/mo. Sarah 774-4558
arn up to SIWx
A University
■ommate needed spring semester,
services comparisj
rson partlull tr; %
979-846-5591. Fan
■n/2.5bth new townhouse.
Rath. $375/mo. +1/3utilities.
Chicken Tinge's s
106-Walton. acrs
ance to campus
iff ice now hiring W
wmmate needed spring semester,
pi/2bth PepperTree Apts., on bus
L $300/mo. +1/2 utilities. Audrey
bmmate needed.
^Spring semester
Great expewxsj Rapt ° n shuttle route. No pets
lor medical scrL t i/mo. -.-utilities. 696-2496J
one year corr'-rBoirimate Spring Semesteh^own|
ery with expert':. -Bibih, $380/mo. +1/3 bills. Debbie
!979)776-42L : |q.8747.B
kllergy Associates
an TX 77802
ra holiday cash’
> & MSC is no* It
Applications avaitastj
vetennary technu
Experience preferrsl
Clinic. 690-7999
ale roommate needed for a
'3bth furnished Melrose Aparment.
Imo. 713-864-7522.
roommate needed on or before
p2 New duplex, 3-bedroom 2-bath,
nore info, contact Andrea at 979-764-
lale roommate needed. Private bed-
$10 sM"- 1 ~ :-Blti in brand new 4-bedroom home, 312-
r F-T. Call Nancy'-wighorn, $375/mo. 979-764-0760
sOO-keeca )79-574-3234.
teacher wanted lo is
nee a week. Must
lease call 764-7921
lale roommates needed, 4bdrm/3bth,
stians preferred, own bedroom. 695-
>f Bryan isaccepticgap iale to share nice 2bdrm/1,5bth CS
isition of Intern in Ws; mhome with busy male, $250-$400/mo.
MMARY: Performsrss ^spaid. Eric 832-752-2643,
upport the Water Sr ikinglorMale roommate for Brand New
)m/2btb duplex. Call asap 690-2923.
nductmg minor proves
iter Sra" EDUCMXM.
Hianscnooldiotofr* f ° r fr ° m
1 atechnicaUre^* u 9 h / u 9 ust ' 4 ; b c d :^ Q a P artment - Un '-
ram at a UrwH Commons. 764-6965.
e of engineer fcommate needed for sublease start-
adures TEB^ *} in January, $285/mo., on bus-route,
fhe employme r Ca 764-4103 ; ^B
002. SKILLS/fe®
Continued from Page IB
The departure of Jamaal
Gilchrist after last season left the
Aggies without a true point guard.
A&M brought in two junior col
lege transfers to handle the point.
Michael Gardener and
Bradley Jackson are both expect
ed to play at the point guard posi
tion, which will move senior
Andy Leatherman into his natur
al position of shooting guard.
The Aggies added a freshman
who is expected to make waves.
Daryl Mason from Bryan led his
team to the Class 5A state cham
pionship game last season.
“We think all three of those
young men are going to con
tribute,” Watkins said. “To some
degree, I think the season will
tell us a little bit as we get into it.
But surely the point guard was
one of our needs and we
addressed it by bringing two
players in and they have been
very competitive.”
The Aggies return two of
their big men after missing
them last season. Sophomore
forward Tomas Ress, listed at
7-feet tall, returns after missing
the majority of last season with
a staph infection.
Sophomore center Andy
Slocum returns after missing the
season because of surgery.
Slocum, who has bulked up
to 280 pounds, will give the
Aggies an inside presence they
have been lacking.
Sophomores Jesse King and
Nick Anderson along with
junior Keith Bean look to
improve on solid first seasons at
A&M and give Watkins a versa
tile mix of players who can start
or come off the bench.
“This year, I think we can now
start showing what this program
is going to become,” Watkins
said. “We’ve got the compliment
of players now. We do have some
that may be still young, but I
think because we will be able to
substitute and go to our bench,
we’ll be able to come up with
some strategies that we haven’t
been able to in the past.”
The Aggies begin regular sea
son play Nov. 19 when they host
George Washington University.
it oneself on a a
Dal instructions ot(
lures. Ability lo (S® 1
>n broad instmcfci'H
;ion. Ability to mala
tions andengineerto]
lity to create spread#
assing documents^
NSES: Texas Oasii
th a good driving ]
by the City's evaiuaP
city application is it I'l
y resume. Cityoli'Tj
), Bryan, Te*as
059 /Fax or visit W
loommate, Sublease available in 3/2
W/D, close to campus, $283/mo.
’needed spring semester. $300/mo.
lutilities, 3bdrm/2bth new trailerhome.
Il Clay 779-1870.
Roommate 2bdrm/2bth duplex. Own
ith. Must like cats. $315/mo. 268-
tl6- Karen.
: Roommate needed ASAP. $225/mo
futilities. Katy- 458-1234 (8-5), 218-
roommate needed for 3/2 house.
fO/mo. plus 1/3-bills. Master bedroom
Available 12/1/01. 696-3248.
Roommate neeed. Duplex, own
ith, on shuttle route, $375/mo. 693-
18-SI 0/hr average,
shier. Flexible W1133
day, 2-4pmatGc's-«| e roornmate needed spring semester,
irt-time student y al0aks Apartments, 2bdrm/2bth, own
’m/bth. No deposit. Call for price. Ne-
iable! 260-5094.
told maintenance, fe' 0
g. Salary/hours ne) ’
iple. Refs. Call ^
ic. 776-7149
du To Lose Weigti 1
ipply Today!
)ST & FOlM
r wallet Lostbetwf
and Francis Hal
ntification. S100-ie» !
ommate needed ASAP for 3-2 nice 2-
ry house; fenced-yard, pets ok, garage,
rage, great location (Lemontree); $280;
i-4308.420 please call.
ta Maxim 400. G^|
real. $1200/obo.
ommate wanted at Sterling University,
juced rates. Call (830)625-7548.
[A Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-
Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insur-
discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-
|6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm)
iat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm).
lide BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel-
$25/cash. Lowest price allowed by
111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117.
iw-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017).
CBR F4, 4,000#
ZX-6R, 3000 i#
ae Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy
Inters, College Station 695-9193, Bryan
6-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling
ided duck and goose hunts in Katy,
xas. Please call 281-382-2644.
idents seeking work. Professional ba-
house/pet sitters. Alison (713)208-
90, Julia (979)862-5506.
Jfoga Classes- Anusava Yoga- All Levels-
' trnings, Evenings- (979)268-3838
BHRU 1 I ins
itoring available, many subjects. Call
Continued from Page IB
196, and steals, 107.
At post, the Aggies return
28-game starter Lynn Classen,
who underwent knee surgery
during the off season.
Sophomore forward Janae
Derrick, who started sporadi
cally for the Aggies last sea
son, will also return to the
A&M squad. The Trotwood,
Ohio native started for the
Aggies the last 16 games of the
season and had double-digit
scoring outputs during four of
those games.
Junior forward Meg
Banahan will look to make a
mark for the Aggies after sitting
out most of last year with a
knee injury.
“[Meg] is playing a whole
new position this year,” Gillom
said. “She always came in and
gave us instant enthusiasm,
and she played hard in every
thing she did.”
On Jan. 17 against
Oklahoma, Banahan, who was a
force for the Aggies off the
bench, tore the anterior cruciate
ligament in her left knee.
“I haven’t played since
January, so just getting back out
there with the intensity is
important,” Banahan said. “It
feels good so far.”
Senior Celeria Washington
should see considerable playing
time at the post position. The 6-
foot-2-inch Karnack, Texas,
native missed most of the 2000-
2001 season with a back injury,
but played the final 19 games of
the season.
“Our defense is going to win
us a lot of games,” Gillom said.
“[Offensively] we just have to
feel comfortable with ourselves
and get used to playing with
each other.”
Graduating Seniors!
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PICKING UP your 2001 Aggieland is
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