The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 2001, Image 9

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    sday, November:
Thursdaj^November 1^2001
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are ihefr reasons for getting tattoos
and the stories behind them
i I.indsey Fielder
me years,
and got
i” Crlgjow said,
that’s gonna be
• Graham Crtgfow, a junior wiidUfe and fisheries sci
ences major, lias been getting it
Crigiow said he ha* more than -
his first tattoo when he was 16.
I “i've always liked art and
“It’s like having a piece |
yitti me forever."
Each tattoo represents different times in His
life, he said. ^
“1 have every type of tattoo,” Crigiow said, "They
reflect different things that remind me of times in my
We and things that make me happy."
People react to the tattoos in different ways, he
said. Some people will ask questions and are realty
open, but others turn away when they see the tattoos,
Crigiow said.
“I sometimes forget i have [foe tattoos],” he said.
“Other people notice them more than I do.”
Crigiow said his parents are accepting of his tat-
js, but his grandparents are thrown off by them.
For older generations, tattoos have a stigma about
jtftem, he said.
"Only criminals and Harley guys used to get tat-
>os, so my grandparents aren't as accepting as
finger people are,” Crigiow said,
Crigiow said he thinks younger generations are not
appalled by his tattoos because more students are
open to getting tattoos than previous generations.
Joker, a tattoo artist at Aggieland Tattoo, said most
of his clients are students.
“The majority ot people that come in here are
Undents," Joker said. "Seventy-five percent of
are female.”
The most popular tattoos are butterflies and tribal
is. Many students also want the A&M block let
ter logo, he said.
"I try to get people to change it up and do some cus
tom work to make their tattoo unique," Joker said.
"Most of the time, they want the block letters in plain
black, though."
Members of the Corps of Cadets are also part of
Joker’s clientele. Cadets often bring in the logo for
their outfit, Joker said. The fish usually come
together and all get foe design together.
Vve always liked art and draw
ing. It's like having a piece
of artwork thafs gonna
he with me forever
— Graham Crigiow
> junior wildlife
and fisheries sciences major
Patriotic tattoos have become more
since Sept. 11. Joker said he had never
American flag before the tragedy
nine or 10 since.
The busiest time for a
Saturday nights. Joker said the
people start to show up. Mo
planned to get their tattoo until that
However, tattoo bearers must deal
Joker said most students seem to think foe
"While it ’$ going on, it’s the worst pain e*
he said. “Once it’s over,
Crigiow said a shot hurts worse than getting a tat
too. To deal with the minor dis
comfort, he said he sometimes
takes a friend to distract him.
“I concentrate on relaxing,”
Crigiow said. “I kinda psych
myself out."
Matt Morrison, a junior recre
ation, park and tourism sciences
major, has two tattoos.
Morrison’s first tattoo is a drag
on on his lower back he got when
he turned 18. He said his motiva
tion for getting this tattoo was to
rebel against the norm.
Morrison said the dragon took an
hour and a half to complete.
“I could feel the pain all the way
from my teeth to my feet because it was
on my spine," he said.
A year and a half ago, Morrison and
some of his buddies in the Corps got the old
AMC symbol on their legs.
"We had planned it ahead,” he said. “A
bunch of us wanted to get together and get
g to symboltee the accomplishment of our
>resents his commitment to his bud-
... janization he got it for, Morrison said,
said several steps go into planning a tattoo,
must be made to the art, the tattoo
If and
^ I would tell someone getting a tattoo to have a
weli-thought cut plan,” he said.
Crigiow said sterilization Is also a major concern
when planning a tattoo. Look for a place that opens
ih front of the customers, he said.
Crigiow ppdLhendoes not regret any of his tat
toos, The pain Is worth it and they are there for
Tife, he said.
■ D
vie#. It-'
.. to register for classes?
Next week registration for Spring 2002 starts,
and in addition to the phone, you'll also be able
to register over the Web.
That’s right. Besides using your phone, you’ll
be able to use your computer and a Web
browser this semester to search and register for
classes, add and drop fees, and calculate your
tuition for the Spring semester.
But to make sure you’re ready, you’ll want to:
-Know your start date/time. Your registration
start date and time has been sent to your
Neo e-mail account and has also been
posted on screens 801 and 803 of the
BONFIRE system.
-Make sure you’re not blocked. You can’t
register (by Web or by phone) if you have
been blocked. Blocks may be checked on
BONFIRE screen 805 or through the
telephone registration system.
-Check the Web registration instmetions. Read
up on instructions for using the Web
registration system as well as browser
versions and settings. Instructions are posted
If you need more information or have
questions about registration for Spring 2002 (by
Web or by phone), contact the Registration
Help Desk, Monday through Friday, from Sam
to 5pm at (979) 845-4374 during published
registration periods.
WIN $1,000
The Center for New Ventures and Entrepreneurship
and Our Corporate Partners Announce the
Open to all Texas A&M University Students
Free workshops are offered to help you through the process of
developing your business idea. The topic of our next workshop is
“Analyzing Competition and Competitors” and will be held
Monday, November 5, 7:15-9:15 PM, Wehner 118
Tuesday, November 6, 7:00-9:00 PM, Zachry 102
Awesome door prizes!
Three $50 gift certificates from
Outback Steakhouse.