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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 2001)
T I Repres Inforr Ja (71 I L-3 I The Battalion Classified The Battalion _ lassifi Continued f LOST & st Sheltie. Black ■ i markings. Answ s last seen on ti ;an Pedro on 10/f 31 or 575-2466. S5 To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day .Hi Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad).Thisrate only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additioi days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to pi the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTO EMPLOYMENT FOR RENT HELP WANTED HELP WANTED e black lab, Harle 1 in. 696-2267. MOTOR 99 Honda CBR60C i, oil &exhaust. $i 5-8302. DO Ninja ZX-6R, 3.0. Call 979-268- 00 Ninja-250, 71 rocket, Muzzy exh; rare. Runs perfec Day Hunt, San Saba County, Opening Weekend, $200/day then $150 Sat. &Sun. $125 Mon- Fri, Buck, Doe. 915-623-5439. AUTO 1991 300ZX, +250hp, New wheels/ rims/ CD-deck/ sound/ box, 60K, $13,850. 979- 229-8680. 2000 Red Mustang Convertible, V-6, auto, leather, Mach-stereo, 25,000 miles, $16,000. Nights/Weekends 979-885- 4542, Weekdays 281-240-8074. ‘94 Ford Ranger, 68K miles, $8000/ O.B.O. 690-0697. '98 Chevy pick-up, V-8, loaded, exellent condition. $14,000. 696-2362. '99 extended cab Dodge Dually, Drift wood. 58K, custom painted, Ranch Hand bumpers, & headache rack. $26,000. 817- 291-0956, cell. 979-696-9961 home. Police Impounds! Cars from $500. For listings, 800-319-3323 ext.3782. YEAST INFECTION STUDY Females, ages 18 and older are being recruited to participate in a research study to compare two research medications for the treatment of a yeast infection (vaginitis). If you are currently experiencing vaginal burning, itching or irritation, call for more information. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $150. TOENAIL FUNGUS STUDY Volunteers, ages 18 and older, needed to participate in an 18 month clinical trial with an inves tigational medicated patch for the treatment of an infection of the toenail called onychomycosis. Eligible volunteers will be com pensated up to $250. For more information, please contact J&S Studies, Inc. 979-774-5933 3201 University Drive East, Suite 475 Bryan, TX 77802 Ranch hand rear bumper for '88-'98 Che vy. Brand new. $425 or trade. 229-7682, Shell for mid-90’s Chevy. New Locks &windows. $500/obo. 696-7379. BED AND BREAKFAST Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,'70, 979- 696-0091. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY “Cash” Now that the semester has start ed and all your books are paid for, it’s time to spend all that extra money. Oh, you don't have any extra money? Well, it's a good thing you are reading this ad. I have a sure way for you to make GREAT mon ey while you study &work from the inter net. Find out how easy and fun it is to have cash to burn! Check me out at referral code 2895997 [very important]. Trust me, you’ll love it! COMPUTERS Computers: Close sale! All must go be fore 11/30! $59-up. Monitors $15-up. 324-0083. Need a computer? Then visit PCScream- 3809 Old College. 846-3672. Why pay thou sands? We have a Dell Latitude Pll 266, 4.3 Gig Hard Drive for only $599! Reach US at 800.805.0062. DJ MUSIC “Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693- 6294. EMPLOYMENT Attention Telemarketers: Earn up to $15/hr.+ Salary bonuses. Evenings &weekends. No cold calling. Lots of fun, lots of dollars. Fantastic schedules availa ble. Don't wait call now, space is limited. (979)694-2980. Ninfa's is now accepting applications for hostess and waitstaff. Inquire within, M-F, 2-4pm. Answer to previous puzzle cIaIrIb's P R E O P RIO M E O O R K JLN XP E R — OR E L F|M T R a OCTEIEID m— M A S SC | □□ M B U T T Hj A T s NIOIT A L L E N Y A ■ s E L □ 0 N E U P D c 1 l i He M U 0 a N A N E S H E L RS s G a a A P E D 10/20/01 mlLiere AGENCY INSURANCE Part-time customer service posi tion available in large insurance agency. Hours are MWF 11 am- 1pm and T, TH 9am-llam. Starting at $8/hr. GPA of 3.0 or higher preferred. Please send resume to: The Liere Agency, 1101 University Dr. East Ste 100, College Station, TX 77840. Newsday Crossword EXCEPTIONS by Mark P. Sherwood Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 62 Georgia of 11 Olympic 35 Take Her, 1 Wrath The Mary Tyler gymnastics Mine 6 Face part Moore Show champ 37 Satire 11 Frequently, to 63 Gorilla 12 Touchy- magazine “ a girl!” a poet 64 Closes in on (emotionally 38 14 Go away from 15 Soup server 65 Pert open) 13 Short-term 41 TV Tarzan Ron 16 Quarterback DOWN investment, 42 Florida Dawson 1 Jessica of for short speedway site 17 Groundwork Dark Angel 21 Life story, in 45 Recede 18 Willow twig 2 Tide type brief 46 Rotten people 19 “Earth” word 3 Struggle for air 24 -cone 47 Mothers of form 4 “Bad luck” look (frozen treat) Invention 20 Fruity bread 5 Turn over, as 25 Annoying child leader spread a property 26 Tip-top 48 Get on the 22 Model Carol 6 Platform for 27 Slot on a shirt wrist 23 Skips over the elated 28 Genetic letters 49 Politico Abzug 24 Actress lone 7 Undue speed 29 Grain beard 50 Pronounce 25 Ancient city on 8 Prepares for 32 Slow down, in 52 Actor O’Neal the Euphrates publication music: Abbr. 53 Hardy 28 Soap star 9 Gen. Robert 33 Wears out 54 Falls behind Linda 10 “Galloping Gourmer one’s welcome 55 Nights before 30 Carouser 34 Welles holidays 31 Foundry Graham character 56 Count (on) 36 Industrious insect 37 Automobile category 39 Scrooge’s word 40 Private chat 42 Beach feature 43 Buick rival 44 Gives an account of 47 Madcap 49 Restaurant worker 51 Fire residue 52 Gone With the Wind hero 57 Arafat’s group: Abbr. 58 1945 conference site 59 Italian wine 60 Chum 61 Back street CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 10/22/01 Bioorganic Research Assistant (#301). Ambion, Inc. is seeking a Bioorganic Chemist as a research assistant/ associ ate/ or staff chemist scientist for research & development to work on the develop ment of new products at the interface of Chemistry & Molecular Biology. Candi dates should have a B.S. or M.S. in Or ganic/ Bioorganic Chemistry. Experience in synthesizing nucleotides and working with RNA a plus. Candidate will be re sponsible for the synthesis, purification, and characterization of modified nucleoti des and triphosphates. Ability to effective ly participate as a member of a project chemistry team is a must. Candidate needs to be able to communicate ideas & experimental results in a timely manner and as required by the team. Must have experience in HPLC, ion-exchange chro matography, and modern bioorganic syn thetic techniques. Qualified applicants should submit their resumes (referencing job #301) to or by faxing to 512-651-0201. FOR RENT 1-2/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$325/mo. 696- 2038. Ibdrm near campus, cheap, available 11/1. 260-4069 Lei. 1bdrm/1.5bth w/study. large walk-in clos et, Royal Oaks Gardens, $730/mo. 777- 9531. 2bdrm/1bth duplex. 2616-A Pecan Ridge. Fenced yard and patio. No deposit. Pets OK. Lawn care provided. $545/mo. 776- 3868. 2bdrm/2bth apartment sublease. Fenced back-yard, I.OOOsqft., on shuttle. $545/mo. Available 12/1. 696-4558. 2bdrm/2bth fourplex, W/D connections, new carpet/paint, $550/mo. Available Now! 696-1176 3bdrm/1bth, $870/mo., walk to campus. 764-7880. 3bdrm/2bth, $850/mo., bike to campus. 764-7880. Attention: Polish your toenails, put that lit tle umbrella back in your drink. Relax, let Summit Properties do the work. $495 specials. No deposit. 777-3371. B/CS 1,2,3 bedrooms available. Great lo cations, All Prices. Summit Properties, 979-777-3371. Comfort- Convenience- Space in our 1//1 (studios) 2/2’s or 2/1.5 apts. Some w. fire place- all w w/d conn. Call us for our early m/i specials or come see us at Spring Heights 4-Plexes, 409-C Summer Ct.- 846-3569. Efficiency Apartment, $420/mo., most bills paid, right by campus. 979-255-4395. Free Locator. Apartments, Duplexes, Houses. Alpha Omega Properties, Brok er. 693-0868. Great 2bdrm/1bth apartment, walk to TA MU. No Pets. $450/mo. +$300 deposit. 764-1082 Lincoln Square Apts. Avail, immed or Jan- Ig Ibdrm. apts start at $430. Close to campus- call for early m/i specials or stop by 313-Lincoln to view. 693-2720. High speed internet conn, avail. Mill Creek Condos. Contemporary de sign in these 2/1 apts (loft style bdrm) w. high soaring ceilings & washer/dryer in ev ery apt. Call 846-2976 for early m/i spe cials or come by The Timber Creek Of fice. New 3bdrm/2bth duplex, W/D, . sprinkler system, ceiling fans, $950/mo. 696-1176. Nice 2bdrm/1bth Duplex, shuttle, good area, first month discount. 214-908-6260. Spacious 2-2 to sublease, w/d conn., great floorplan. Large balcony. Great deal! $610/mo. 268-7430. Spring semester sublease. 2bdrm/2bth, Treehouse-ll Complex, walk to campus, on shuttle route. For details, 696-6930. Sublease 3bdrm/2bth nice house, male or female, $330/mo. +1/3 bills. Contact Chip 979-324-2543. Sublease efficiency on or before 12/10/01. Furnished, CP Treehouse. 680-8157. December rent paid. Sublease Melrose 4 bedroom apartment for $389/mo. Lease starts 01/01/02, ends 05/20/02. Call Chris at 575-8830 for more details. Sublease. Available in December or Jan uary. 2bdrm/2bth, fenced yard, $555/mo. 774-1446. Subleaser needed for Ibdrm apartment for Jan.-Aug. Will sublease all 9mo. or spring/summer individually. On Tamu shuttle route. Call 693-2108. Fish. Timber Creek Apts. Avail now or for spring semester- 2/2 or 2/1.5 starting at $540. Stop by to see us at 801-Spring Loop or call for early m/i specials & amen ities 846-2976. WASHERS & DRYERS FOR RENT Don’t buy, rent a washer & dryer, $28/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better, 764-3902. FOR SALE IS" computer monitor, good condition, $40. Kenwood car stereo receiver motor ized face plate, excellent condition, man ual included. $150 O.B.O. 690-2423. 1979 Camaro Z28, 350 10.5:1 compres sion, no damage, yellow, new interior, needs parts, doesn't run, must sell. $1000. 695-2763. 1986 Chevy Truck V8, swb, a/c. $2,800, negotiable. Call Joseph 979-693-2786. 2 tickets for Tx A&M game at OU, $275 O.B.O. Call 255-7286. 27" Sony Trinitron Flatscreen TV. 4 year warranty. Used one month. $650/mo. Casi 694-9715. 3 A&M/ Iowa State tickets. Zone. $35- each. Call Brooke 806-698-8814. 4 Super Swamper 35x14.5x15 on alumi num rims, less that 1000 miles, fits jeep, $750 O.B.O. Call Todd at 693-2442. A&M vs. Texas sports passes wanted. $$$. 694-3665. By Owner- Very nice 3/2/2 brick home in Southwood Valley. Large backyard, ask ing $89,500. Call 979-485-0558, 832-385- 6203 leave message. Car stereo amplifier, Eclipse-3620e, 300 watts, never been used. Brand new 2/1- channel amplifier with channelflex, sell for $160. 764-0935. Desk and dresser, set, good condition, $75 O.B.O. Twin bed, $100 O.B.O. Call 690-2782. Original design Texas A&M towels. 280 for $560 ($2/each). 800-460-1847. Paintball Gun- SpyderTL, Big Daddy Bar rel, case and 20-oz. C02 tank. Excellent condition, $230 nego. 690-0559. Professional bicycle. Giant, 1yr.-old, brand new appearance, hardly ridden, kept in side. Paid $442, sell $260. Receipts. 764-0935. Three tickets to A&M football game at Tech. Call Travis at 979-218-0241 or 979- 847-3662. Three tickets to Tool Concert in Wood lands 10/28. Paid $130, will sell for $90. Call Chip at 979-324-2543. W/D unit, like new, $400 O.B.O. 104 Grove St. 696-5013 Matt or Brad. HELP WANTED $$$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Flexi ble hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. 18+ only. A fun, prestigious teaching position. Some evenings &Saturdays. Must have had driver’s license 4+years. No criminal record. We train. $8/hr. 693-9294. Cargill Turkey Products, A division of Car gill, Inc. We are currently seeking high energy, ambitious individuals for challeng ing careers as Production Supervisors, day and evening shifts, at our Waco facili ty. The successful candidate must have 1-3yrs of supervisory experience in the meat/poultry, packing industry, ready to eat/cooked products or smokehouse ex perience. Good communication skills, at tention to detail, bachelor’s degree in poul try science, food science, business, or other related field. Cargill offers a com prehensive benefit package including health, life, and dental insurance, 401 (k), Employee Stock Ownership Program, tui tion reimbursement and more. For more information on Waco positions contact: Ph.: 254-412-3416, Fax: 254-412-3429, Mail: Cargill Turkey Products, Attn: As sistant HR Manager, 2510 East Lake Shore Drive, Waco, Texas 76705. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Carpenters with some sheetrock and painting experience. Aggressive and dedicated. Some hand tools required. Will work with schedule. $7/hr. 775-7126. Clean Carpets. Experience helpful, but will train. Part-time/ full-time hours M-F. 823-5031. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M- F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. DO YOU HAVE SUN SPOT FUNGUS? If you are 12 years of age or older and have skin pig mentation changes with or without itching, scaling, and redness, you may qualify to participate in a med ical research study using an investigational skin shampoo for the treatment of fungal infection called Tinea Versicolor. Qualified participants will receive up to $100 for time and effort. .To find out if you qualify for this study. Please call 979-774-5933 J&S Studies, Inc. Environmental chemistry lab seeking part- time lab techs. Flexible hours. Contact Dr.Gregory Salata 693-3446. Full-Time Design Engineer: Responsi bilities will involve ail aspects of system design including: concept development, system level design, and detail design. The position will also include involvement with assembly, testing, refinement and production ramp-up. A working under standing of Pro/E and rapid prototyping is desired. The ability to work on multiple projects and to rapidly understand the pur pose, goals, and requirements of new projects is required. While experience in the following specific area is not required, projects will include fuel cells, power sour ces, analytical and test equipment, waste processing equipment. environmental sensing and monitoring equipment, envi ronmental remediation equipment, medi cal equipment, etc. A minimum B.S./M.S. in Engineering or Physics or equivalent experience in related fields. As an engi neer you will be expected to actively par ticipate in the development, testing, and documentation effort of prototype, demon- strational and commercial equipment. Candidates should possess supervisory skills as well as technical writing ability. Salary based on exp. See www.lynn- for detailed info. Send resume to or mail Lynntech, Inc., 7610 Eastmark Dr., Col lege Station, Tx 77840. Attn: Wanda Bleekman, fax: 979-764-5794. Full-Time Engineer. Software Develop ment: Lynntech is looking for an individu al highly skilled in software design and im plementation for Win32 systems in C++ with solid background in Active X/DCOM development using ATL and MFC. The candidate must have a background in pro gramming control strategies on embedded microcontrollers. Ability to troubleshoot circuitry related to microcontrollers, and implement PC- to- embedded systems in terface programming are required. A mini mum B.S./M.S. in Engineering, Physics or Computer Science or equivalent experi ence in related fields; As an engineer you will be expected to actively participate in the development, testing, and documen tation effort. Candidates should possess supervisory skills as well as technical writ ing ability. Salary based on exp. See for detailed info. Send resume to or mail Lynntech, Inc., 7610 Eastmark Dr., Col lege Station, Tx 77840. Attn: Wanda Bleekman, fax: 979-764-5794. Full-Time Research Assistant: Lynn tech, Inc. a technology development com pany has an opening for a Research As sistant with a Bachelor’s or Masters in Chemistry, Physics, Chemical Engineer ing, Mechanical Engineering, or Engineer ing Technology. The successful candi date will work with a technology develop ment team on the most electrifying tech nologies of the 21st century. You will de sign, fabricate and test electrochemical materials and structures. You will develop and fabricate fuel cells and fuel cell sys tems for testing. Salary based on exp. See for detailed info. Send resume to or mail Lynn tech, Inc., 7610 Eastmark Dr., College Station, Tx 77840. Attn: Wanda Bleek man, fax: 979-764-5794. Help Wanted. Part time work in Houston on weekends & holidays through January. Work is physically demanding. Pay starts $10/hr. Call 979-777-2762 after 9pm. Local business needs part-time ware house help/ delivery driver. Must have good driving record. Need to be available Mon.-Fri. Please call 779-7043 for appli cation. Lynntech, Inc. is always looking for full time and part-time positions in our Me chanical Engineering and Design Groups. These positions include; 1)Ma- chine Shop 2)CAD and Analysis 3)Proto- type Assembly and Testing. The CAD package we use is Pro/ENGINEER, Anal ysis package is Pro/Mechanica and the manufacturing package is Pro/Manufactur- ing. Our machine shop consists of a CNC Mill, Manual Mill and Lathe. The group works from 6am-12am, Monday-Friday, al lowing for flexible schedules. Motivated, hardworking individuals that can work in a team environment and are committed to continuous improvements of their own skills as well as the company are encour aged to apply. Lynntech EOE. E-mail re sume: Fax: 764-5794, or bring resume to: Lynntech, Inc., 7610 Eastmark Dr., College Station, Tx 77840. /CollegeDigz!corn\ Free Off-Campus Housing, Sublet & Roommate Searching c o u r\i t y\ i i\i ^! ANNUAL NAXIONAL COLLEGE WEEK Complete College Ski Package »nclu<Jes 5 IpdQmti. '* drfy lift prt*»s, «r»ncJ Exclusive Events.. — — «1 H«ft 7*4 B44;r> -l-SSU-SKJTHIS WWW- Uskithis -com Medical office now hiring full-iii Assistant. Great experience to applying for medical school. H quires a one year commitnw PE commencery with experience. Pi resume to (979)776-4260 or ap son at Allergy Associates, M Blvd., Bryan TX 77802. Bkitlens and two a< 5-6342. Kawasaki Vulcar iks good, runs gree 01. Part-time help at popular lool Breakfast weekends, some *>. Pay negotiable. 690-0073. Part-time job helping handicap!*: student preferred. S270/mo. 846-3376. Part-time office assistant neede:« real estate office. Must bedel:: eCats Cradle has Is & kittens for adc mplete health care people person with reliable trars and good computer skills. TtisL requires 15-20hrs/wk and occasei ' 936-870-62! urdays. Apply in person Coveq Realty, 1003 University Dr. East i Station. Part-time Research Technician tech, Inc.'s ideal candidate sia dave Apartments self-motivated and detail oner knowledge in Electrical Enginee' will be involved in light design wc and assisting in the departments;: ed. If you are interested please? sume to:, mal. search Technician, 7610 Eas lopl Pets: Bra; 5-5755, www.shel e llashy female B. It. $450. (979)57 ROOMf [nominate needed Hi. $397/mo. 693- Roommate neede drmCbth, w/d, Me >nts, S298/mo. +1/2 College Station, TX 77840ort 0017. EOE. Visit www lynntech .com bommate needec Part-time Research Technician male roommate AS tech. Inc. is accepting resumes iplex, fenced yard, hands-on candidate with knowfadj '8-8305 dustrial or technology design. Yu working in the lab building arc• ; F needed for 3bdr bling. If you are interested pleas* idroom, on shuttle resume to:, mai Research Technician, 7610 Easra College Station, TX 77840 oriar 0017. EOE. Visit www ^; ,im .!_^T De r el r rsandh mers wanted by local engineer'! ware firm. Flexible schedule, gr world experience. See more, or employment @ capsher.cpm '2bth house, $ ton. Call 695-68! ird. $280/mo. +1/3i f roommate neede is, S200/mo. +utili 16-5013. 420. brand new 4-be ronghorn, $375/mc 79-574-3234. tale roommate ASA Partner's now hiring. Apply sill ouse, $300/mo ton, CS or partnersfoodde'nery.gom Receptionist for busy medd praci Bring resume to 1605 RockMoa Ste.#312, CS 77845. tamate wanted, S 2M892. SER\ Receptionist needed for AeroBHeal#' 1 Fitness Center. Must be friendly a«ll an outgoing personality. Call David 8724 or apply in person at 4455 G ^ ex 3S Defensr Creek. 1A-8427 leave mess an, Laugh-a-loti! T we discount. Take A Semester Off! Ski For I ¥pm-9pm), Fri.E Come work at Aspen Skiing (M i Sat(10am-2:3Opm), 1-8® BankofAmeri 6200. The City of Bryan is acceptingappi* taw-up 30/min. ear for the position of Intern in Water ices. SUMMARY: Performs resftf Z work to support the Water SeivifflS sion by conducting minor by the Water Staff. EDUCATION flgt.gigV RIENCE: High school Student in a technical or engine? TR/ pring Break- Canci 435, 5-nights from 475- Dep. tax ext ,, - ogaClasses-Anus gree program at a University or togs Eveni . Knowledge of engineering compf and procedures. TERM OF MENT: The employment tenT)# May 31. 2002. SKILLS/ABILITIES: ty to orient oneself, on a map. M follow verbal instructions or ten procedures. Ability to perfoif based upon broad instructions and al supervision. Ability to make mad "n’t miss out- Lim cal calculations and engineerings* awn at MVP Travi tions. Ability to create spreadsW a '5pCst. word processing documents wM er software. SPECIAL REQUH®* AND LICENSES: Texas ClassCi license with a good driving re# measured by the City’s evaluate4 | ln g" to nego tI a C e APPLY: A city application istobe^ ed with any resume. City of Biya' Box 1000, Bryan, Texas (979)209-5059 /Fax or visit ouP Waitstaff, $8-$10/hr average, daytime cashier. Flexible hours Monday-Friday, 2-4pm at Goldenft sports pass ft _ in696-7494. Will me. $25/cash. Lc ». 111-Univ. Dr., tee Pregnancy Te enters, College Sta 1097; Post Aboi TUI rench/Math tutor WAf Classified Continued onp? SPRING BREAK 20i Cancun, Jamaica, Barbados, Bal*’' Acapulco, Padre and Florida FREE MEALS! Limited lime!' FREE Parties, Drinks & ExclusiveEf Organize small group and Travel W Visit 1-800-426-7710 BEACH & SKI Ttf www. sunchase.cj l*800«STmCHAS8. #7 CaUogg SU « Board Wj P« SUS Resorts, 20 Hamms torthephceotl % Breck Vail, ^ Keystone, Beavercreek & A Basin i r-Mi _____ i -eoa-75+o'_ iflLWw.Miitatfci.cgl Cli ( 2C Get your Portrait mar Aggieland yt AR Photog Texas Ave. S Corner in Terrace Sho or call 693- U:30 a.m. a