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Opportunities exist in the fields of business, health, education, environment, agriculture, community development and information technology. Find out how you can earn a graduate degree while serving. Apply now to be abroad next summer! • 1-800-424-8580 Does your student organiza- ^ on enjoy the benefits of be- p mz**** 0 ^ ing a recognized student group at f Texas A&M? Do you want these benefits continue? If you answered ‘yes!’ please see im portant deadlines below! Pre-recognition seminars will end on October 1, 2001. Dates of upcoming seminars: Friday, Sept. 28, 2001, 4:00-5:30pm, Koldus 144 Sunday, Sept. 30, 2001, 5:30-7:00pm, Koldus 144 Monday, Oet. 1, 2001, 5:30-7:00pm, Koldus 144 You must register in advance of attending the seminar. See the Student Activities webpage for registration information. All student organizations who have attended a pre-recognition seminar must have the required documentation completed by October 1,2001. For more specific information about recognition requirements see and click on recognition information, or cal 1 845-1133. Mon-Fri 9 to S^gg^gBSIZg^Salurday 9 t° Z BrazosNaturalFoods "Serving the Brazos Valley since 1988" Daily Grind got you down? Outta Sssssteam? g£ eda .boOSt ? One Natures Plus Month **wsr*’SACK? Supply Reg. $20.59 On Sale in October for $18.49 4303 S. Texas at Rosemary, Bryan, 979-846-4459 News Page 2 THE BATTALION Monday, October Fish by R.DeLuna Walesa Cot i tin u ed from f&i >IA.\ T I UATIOV MATT the country. The labor movem became known as “Solkkr and began a social revolution Former President Gel Bush! ing him as a “great intemati hero who lifted the nation strong shoulders and hel shape the fate of his country “Polish people don't strikes, but there was no option," Walesa said. Walesa negotiated with government and fought for right to form indepeni unions and grant legal reco; lion to Solidarity, but in the government declared tial law, outlawed Solids and arrested Walesa. Walesa was soon relei and Solidarity continued as underground organization was celebrated as a symbc hope and freedom. W received the Nobel Peace in 1983, and was Poland's democratically-elected presii in 1990. Walesa was The 0-3 dete. re Dame ft for re-election in 1995, andis ^r^b Cancer Continued from Page 1 Men also are susceptible to breast cancer, with about 1,400 new cases reported annually. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. The effects of breast cancer cause difficult sit uations for those in the commu nity, but support and education are the best combatants of breast cancer, Dettwyler said. Gale G. Hannigan, director of informatics for medical edu cation at the Texas A&M College of Medicine and the Medical Sciences Library, had breast cancer and is at high risk for recurrence. She promotes awareness through her work as a medical librarian and wrote an article, “Librarian as Patient: A View from the Other Side,” pub lished in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics. “As a medical librarian, 1 had the confidence and skill to ask and help answer (»estions” Hannigan said. “Even though I am experienced in finding med ical information, 1 had to build a personal knowledge base and incorporate one fact at a time. “Because of the way technol ogy has changed, resources are readily available for students, so if you, or someone you care about, is diagnosed with breast cancer, one of the most impor tant things you can do is find and use good, current information.” Dettwyler and Hannigan both express the importance of being educated about breast cancer. The five-year mark is exciting to reach, but cancer frequently recurs, they said. Complications may hinder the five-year mark, even with early detection. The American Cancer Society rec ommends that both men and women become educated about breast cancer. Geoff Spahr, a senior market ing major, spoke about his expe rience with his mom, Mary Jo Spahr, and her battle with breast cancer. She died a year before Spahr began school at A&M. “My mom was diagnosed in 1994 with breast cancer,” Spahr said. “They found it early so ini tially we tried not to worry too much. But complications arose and my mom died in 1996. Any kind of cancer is scary, so it’s important to be educated.” Other students in the A&M community have been affected by breast cancer. Sharon Derrick, a graduate student at A&M currently work ing toward a doctorate in physical anthropology, was diagnosed with breast cancer in November 1999. “Initially, after I was diag nosed, it turned everything upside down for a few weeks,” Derrick said. “But then my fam ily and 1 got in a routine with things. You have to enjoy life, especially in these situations. A breast cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence. “Don’t be afraid of a diagno sis and not go to the doctor. It is not disfiguring either, so don't be afraid to go see your doctor if you find anything unusual.” Derrick. Dettwyler and Hannigan all said that a positive attitude and early diagnosis are very important in dealing with breast cancer. “It is important for young women to begin now with a good diet, with daily exercise,” Derrick said. "Start going to the doctor for yearly check-ups, and do your monthly self-breast exam. Always ask about unusual things — doctors aren't going to think you are weird.” A.P. Beutel Health Center is promoting breast health aware ness this month to help educate students about the risk and the symptoms of breast cancer. Beutel will sponsor Breast Health Awareness information tables at the Memorial Student Center and in die Commons lobby Oct. 5, 10, 18 and 20. leads the Lech Walesa Instill which works to advance ide; democracy and free-mr reform throughout the world "This (Communist) histff over, and what matters is to and tomorrow,” Walesa said. Walesa said the struggle democracy and a just soa j through tre Dame game Satu Texas A. all the luc ninated on The Aggie on their lined up ion and 1( must continue as the u enters an era of globalize and new opportunities. “So many generations struggled for what we have.i we must have confidence ino selves and listen to the voice the leaders and defend demo.' ith Joseph cy,” Walesa said. “We n 1 ran aroui make more effort to disc, ning three things, and opt for values." Farm Aid Continued from Pag “Well, it’s again, let's bring wartim s hnng it back, Nelson said. Farm Aid organizerscalW this year’s event a “Conctn for America,” and pitied money to rebuild fatmeis' markets that were destroy near the World Trade Cenier. Along with Matthews the founders, Saturday's formers included Ma McBride, Arlo Guthrie. Doobie Brothers, Acouslii Syndicate, Susan Tede Jimmy Ryser, and YGVvgYn. re they hi us short-yi iter-to-quai fumbled. Re s gies. Aggies th< The Irish si e this fc luding pa> )ted after b. 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Attn Ad# 1 394 200 Quality Circle College Station, TX 77845 UCS hires non-tobacco users only UCS s*' Steamboat. with Pat Green Cross Canadian Ragweed • Roger Creager • Dub Miller • Doug Moreland and more Live CD Recording by Jason Boland Cross Canadian Ragweed and others “Live in the Rockies” For more information USKITHIS.COM or call I -88U-SKI-THIS COLLEGE WEEK jan.3-8 BATTALIO] Brady Creel Editor in Chief Ihi Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is publislied® Monday through Friday during the fall and sel semesters and Monday through Thursday du!i«S ,il summer session (except University holidays f exam periods) at Texas A&M University. PeW<* Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. ftf MASTER: Send address changes to The Betti# Texas A&M University, till TAMU, College State' 1 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is mmfi- students at Texas A&M University in the Divis#' • Student Media, a unit of the Department* Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed McDoisj Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: P 2647; E-mail:; IM # Advertising: Publication of advertising does noti r - sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion '' campus, local, and national display advertising5 'Come On cise cauti Center. 0 system to Rec Centf Reed Are the most at 862-P/ 'NEW!!! Gc tion to ou sions, the particular All-U-Lea Residence and get ii maintain ■ Don't haV gram that 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845# P t Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald/'? office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday ttw# Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services f* entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a #| copy of The Battalion. First copy tree, additional W*; 25t. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year,^ for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 forthesufflf? and $10 per month. To charge by Visa, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611. rogram Volleyball Horseshoes Table Tennis Wk Meet ^utt Putt Go football Bov