The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 27, 2001, Image 11
The Battalion Classified <1: Continued from page 2B PETS ealer Puppy, Red Male, $50. 822-0545. i r in ad). This rate 'oil get an additional eduled to end to ELP WANTED b helping handicappec ferred. $27Q/mo. le Cat's Cradle has a great selection of its & kittens for adoption! Fee includes implete health care. Student discount. C.S. 936-870-6295. ROOMMATES ‘TTENTION: M/F Roommate Needed SAP for 1600 sqft 4bdrm/2bth house in ryan, only $200/mo. +1/4utilities. 79)694-1141. acretary needed computer skills. Mus & Microsoft Office ft work with schedule Mease include web a :■ submitted. Rei.'M, ce intech@lynntech.eor ition, Texas 77K EOE. roommate needed, 2bdrm/2bth apart- ent, S375/mo. bills paid til January 2001. 16-2130. imale roommate ASAP, new 2bdrm/2bth jplex, fenced yard, w/d, $395 +1/2bills. 78-8305. ■needed, share 3bdrm/2bth townhouse, 100/mo. +util., nonsmoker, cable, w/d. ’9-731-8427. reb Page Designer ndidate who is excJ^ roommate needed ASAP! New self-directed, dead; idrm/2bth duplex, $300/mo. +1/3bills. a master at multi-tas'-; '5-2412. d organizing comer.; ;x) mma te Wanted, Sterling University, architectures, assist#- 9duC ed Rates. Call (830)625-7548. as, and manipulating; y for best web prest SERVICES id speed will be an responsibilities A<i® i,,ers For Critters) Pet care in your ie debugging and frf Insured &bonded. 979-776-1830 ive site so that iu:-, ^ Texas Defensive iving Lots-of- Laugh-a-lot!! Ticket dismissal/insur- discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- i(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) :h. Inc. 7610 Easr- Sat(10am-2:3Opm), Sat(8am-2 30pm). side BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel- kman^or via_f4x jme S25/cash. Lowest price allowed by w 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. how-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). w hiring. Apply at irtnersfooddelivery.ffl- [MEDIATE OPENING! enters, College Station 695-9193, Bryan / at: workforstudents: *6-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling J5-9193. achers wanted at. il. Apply at 403 Viu’Aping/ Word Processing- Save time, let meone else do the typing! Professional ENGINEER. 20-30 : or equivalent ced ditional training prow logies lople skills a must i to Applied CompuJi; HI or hreappcoi ith 20yrs experience! 281 -433-3680. Classes- Anusava Yoga- All Levels- Professiona •ornings. Evenings- (979)268-3838 SPECIALTY SHOPPING j To Lose Weight . ply Today! DELLANEOUS late On A Date ilight Ribeye Dinner re Night. $80/Persor )TORCYCLE Magna 750ce, 26,0CC ed, run daily. $1200 0. ■ee Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy he Re-sale Shop now taking clothes for ash or consignment, 2047 Harvey Mitch- College Station, 777-6812, 680-6815. TRAVEL "Spring Break- Cancun 2002- 4-nights from 435, 5-nights from S446- 7-nights from 475- Dep. tax extra. Join the action- 3ont miss out- Limited availability. Call lawn at MVP Travel at 1-800-223-1815, -5p Cst. TUTORS DOSC 422 Structural Concrete tutor need- ad ASAP! Call 693-0993. MUS\C ad for original is® ookout 847-7286 Germania Now! Need serious help with /our German studies? Call Sabine 574- ’||§48326 or email; Private lessons or group sessions available. <s bass, drums ifW ipleseed Cast, Tnpp : O arTle or ut tickets, ids, others. Cal 6^ , 13 . 294 . 54 3 2 ardion player, any stj'* Call 764-7619 ask7 issional Series B Fla! with case SmoutM heavyweight ediliw. Micah anytime, 97) totre Dame tickets wanted, former Aggie rill pay $200 for two tickets. 713-459- 1507, leave a message. PETS WANTED Call iXAS A&M vs. NOTRE DAME. Buying ill tickets. 1-888-301-8499. 'ill pay for bikes and bike parts. Cannon- iles, Treks, Giants and more. Email Politics Page 3B THE BATTALION Q&A Continued from Page IB Who is Osama bin Laden? Born in 1957 to a wealthy family in Saudi Arabia, bin Laden's childhood was any thing but remarkable. He was described as a moderately reli gious youth who joined the Muslim Brotherhood while in school. He came into contact with Afghan rebel leaders in 1979 when the Soviets invad ed Afghanistan. Inspired, bin Laden collected money and supplies for the resistance movement. He began to build camps for his followers who supported his fight against the Soviets. He named his group the al-Qaeda, Arabic for “the base,” thus creating an orga nized militant army. Ironically, the movement to drive the Soviets from Afghanistan was funded by U.S. dollars. The al-Qaeda is said to be unlike any terrorist group faced before. Instead of a tight infrastructure with a definite command structure, it has a very loose coalition and a wide range of groups scattered throughout the world. When did bin Laden begin to express his anger firmly at the United States and their Middle Eastern allies? Bin Laden has never been a whole-hearted supporter of the Saudi regime. He was expelled by Saudi Arabia in 1991 for anti-government activities. Bin Laden then spent the next five years in Sudan funding Islamic groups. The United States encouraged the Sudanese government to expel bin Laden, at which time he returned to Afghanistan, his resent hiding place. Bin aden’s ideologies became more radical in 1998 when he called for a global war against all Americans and Jews; he also released a for mal proclamation of war at that time. The embassy bombing in Tanzania and Kenya followed a few months later. Taliban Continued from Page IB Dr. Brian Linn, professor of history and director of the Military Studies Institute at Texas A&M, said, “If the enemy is cultural imperial ism, it doesn’t matter who the enemy is, so there is nothing the West can do that will convince these people that we aren’t a threat to them. “Part of the problem is that these fundamentalists believe that corruption and tyranny within Afghanistan is the fault of Western influ ences,” Black said. Islamic militants believe that the United States and their allies have corrupted their people and they must reclaim their moral beliefs by minimizing the power of the United States, he said. One argument proposed by Black was that bin Laden’s anger could be stemming from the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, which was his home land until he was exiled in 1991. Black emphasized, how ever, that the actions taken by the terrorists were not of a devout Muslim nature. He said, “Maybe some of these people just don’t know their own religion very well and therefore have behaved in such a misguided manor in the name of Islam.” United States Continued from Page 1 “However,” Linn added, “if Afghanistan refuses to turn over the people and groups responsible for the terrorist attacks, then our targets will broaden.” Despite, this seeming confusion about who the United States is now at war with and why this enemy has attacked, one thing can be determined: we have done nothing to deserve what has happened and jus tice will be served. < puppy. All shots, F layful! Call 696-8339 Terrier puppies. 6-l» live and easy to iady Sept. 27. 76*-'' Brazos Animal ^ n Bloodline Pil-Bd : w/papers and goo 229-7335. Schnauzer puppfe 175. 979-776-1136 S? gistered Labs. Wl $350/each. 764-6i Student Counseling Service Academic & Career Educators (ACE) Student Volunteers 845-4427 ext. 108 Croat Place to STVaYttl p U c.,.MEiT,n Need to Improve Your Study Skills? Are You a Procrastinator? Choosing A Major? Need Occupational Information? We Can HELP !!! Academic & Career Resource Center STUDENT COUNSELING SERVICE r... SI it Homes itchens hs :ing 5 Appliances Courts Denter iin College ;46-ni cm COFFEEHOUSE thtirsday Sept. 2.7 7*10 pm Rumours Deli LIV E MUSIG £eat u ring: Thanks for the i Lit Ben ^ twelve Lead SARA EVANS GARY ALLAN TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ALL 979.268.0414 Reed Arena Box Office The new album "Kenny Chesney Greatest Hits" in stores now. CCDVS Texas fivenue @ Southwest Pkwy, (Next to 4.0 & Go) 694*0018 7W I 4.1 I I INI * & till VI n.m. Over 21, KEVER a Caver win Callage I J. Under 21, NO CIVER till 11 F.M. $3 alter 11 with Callage U. X 103.9 COtmSV x l° 3 - 9 WE"PARTY ritll/m" yvE " mTY ^ S d d'dll V,/±WS) Sk TILL 11 P.M SATURDAY 75 cent BUR DRINKS & LONGNECKS TILL 11 P.M. Over 21, Never a Cover with College I.D. Under 21, No cover till 11 P.M. Under 21, $3 after 11 P.M. with College I.D.