The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 18, 2001, Image 1

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Recent developments
related to attacks
• The New York Stock
Exchange reopened for the
first time since the terrorist
attacks, with the Dow
Industrials dropping 671
points and putting the index
3 belc 9000 for the first time
since December 1998, before
recovering somewhat. White
House says economy is basi
cally sound.
An hour before NYSE
opened, the Federal Reserve
cut its key interest rate to try to
keep the economy from plung
ing nto a recession. It was the
eighth rate cut this year.
• Senior Pakistani officials
travel to neighboring
Afghanistan and ask the
Talban’s supreme leader to
haiid over Osama bin Laden
ori risk massive retaliatory
assault from the West.
' • President George W. Bush
pledges “crusade” to “rid the
world of evil-doers,” brushes
off reported bin Laden denial;
Via President Dick Cheney
warns that those who harbor
tewonsts face “the full wrath
of the United States"
• Number missing at World
Trade Center reaches 4,957;
190 confirmed dead, 115
identified, though not all
names made public.
Confirmed Pentagon death toll
On the ground 6: unaccounted
for, 118. Identified victims on
two planes that struck World
Trade Center: 145. On plane
that struck Pentagon: 59. New
York Fire Department pro
motes 168 firefighters to fill
void left by nearly 300 fire
fighters still missing.
• The IMF and the World
Bank, both in Washington,
cancels Sept. 29-30 annual
meetings out of respect for
families touched by terror
attacks and to let law enforce
ment officials to focus on
issues raised by attacks.
Fall 2001
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Texas A&M University — Celebrating 125 Years
Volume 108 • Issue 18
College Station, Texas
President wants
Osama bin Laden
‘dead or alive’
President Bush said Monday the
United States wants terrorism sus-
pect Osama bin Laden “dead or
alive.” The Federal Reserve cut
key interest rates, but nervous
investors sent Dow Jones industri
al stocks plunging to their largest
point loss ever.
Faced with a faltering economy.
Bush met with top domestic policy
advisers late Monday to consider
legislation to bail out hard-hit U.S.
airlines. And aides said he is
weighing a new economic stimu
lus package that might include
new tax cuts.
“I’ve got great faith in the econ
omy. 1 understand it's tough right
now,” Bush said. “Transportation
business is hurting.” He suggested
that stock markets, closed since last
Tuesday's attacks, had been “cor
recting prior to this crisis.”
Even though the Federal
Reserve slashed its benchmark
federal funds and discount interest
rates by half a percentage point,
stocks plummeted as markets
opened for the first time since the
devastating attack in the heart of
New York's financial district.
Airline, insurance and entertain
ment stocks were hit particularly
hard. The Dow Jones industrials
suffered their biggest one-day
point drop. 684.81, to 8,920.70,
dropping below 9,000 for the first
time since December 1998.
Bush balanced attending to the
weakening economy with prepar
ing the military — and the nation
— for possibly prolonged conflict
in the battle against international
“We will win the war and there
will be costs,” Bush said during a
visit to the Pentagon, badly dam
aged when hit by one of the
hijacked airliners. “The U.S. mili
tary is ready to defend freedom at
any cost,” he said as the Defense
Department readied call-up orders
for an estimated 35,000 reservists.
The FBI, meanwhile, said it had
detained 49 people for questioning
in the jetliner attacks that left
5,000 or more dead at the
destroyed World Trade Center in
New York and the Pentagon.
Attorney General John Ashcroft
announced that numerous federal
agents would fly on commercial
airliners to provide safety and
urged Congress to act quickly on
anti-terrorism legislation.
“We need these tools to fight
the terrorism threat which exists in
the United States and we must
meet that growing threat,”
Ashcroft said.
At the meeting on the airline
industry’s problems. Bush directed
his staff to develop a comprehen
sive package to help the carriers,
said White House spokeswoman
Claire Buchan. She did not elabo
rate. The airlines are seeking a $20
billion package.
See Bush on page 2.
Red, White and Blue Out
Collin Korenek sifts through boxes Monday to find the right size T-shirt during the sale for the Red, White
and Blue Out. All proceeds will be contributed to the New York City victims' families. By noon, the expect
ed amount of T-shirts sold was 6,000. T-shirts will be sold all week in front of Kyle Field for the OSU game.
Fall 2001 enrollment
up, minorities down
By Melissa Sullivan
Overall enrollment at Texas A&M has
increased this fall, but the number of students in
several minority groups has declined.
After the state-mandated release of 12th day
enrollment figures, A&M's enrollment for the Fall
Total Faul 2001
2001 semester is 44,701 students, an increase over
last year’s record of 44,026.
A&M President Dr. Ray M. Bowen said the
increase in student population is due in part to the
Blinn TEAM campaign, in which 362 students on
the waiting list for admission into A&M enroll
part time on both the A&M and Blinn College
The 12th day figures are considered prelimi
nary until the 20th class day. University officials
said usually only minor changes in enrollment fig
ures are seen after the 12th day.
A&M’s enrollment experienced a slight
increase in the number of African-American fresh
men, graduate students and American Indian stu
dents. In all other minority groups, the trend point
ed to declining enrollment.
Overall, A&M has a total of 3,675 Hispanic
students enrolled for the fall, compared to last
year’s figures of 3,686. African-American
enrollment figures total 1,069 this fall compared
to 1,071 last year. The Asian-American student
population declined to 1,339 from last fall’s total
of 1,377.
American Indian students were the only minori
ty group to experience an increase in enrollment, up
14 students to 205 this year from 191 in Fall 2000.
“It’s a significant jump (of American Indians),
and it is steadily increasing, which is a good sign,”
said Dr. Rodrick Moore, coordinator for student
retention in the Department of Multicultural
See Numbers on page 10.
Princeton Review ranks Kyle Field No. 8
By Eric Ambroso
Texas A&M ranked No. 8 in the “stu
dents pack the stands” category and 15th
in “jock schools” in an unofficial survey of
college students conducted by the
Princeton Review.
The online survey allowed students to
rate their university’s professors, academics,
residence halls, dining hall food, financial
aid and campus social scene. The Princeton
Review annually reports the top 20 colleges
in more than 60 categories in The Best 331
The most recent edition of the book, pub
lished in August, was based on surveys of
65,000 students at the nation’s top 331 col
leges. An average of 200 students were sur
veyed at each campus.
The Princeton Review survey Website,, described A&M as a
“huge, tradition-happy main campus.”
According to the Review, “The best thing
about A&M ... is being an Aggie.”
“The survey is clearly not scientific, but
interesting nonetheless,” said Miles Marks,
director of the 12th Man Foundation. “Their
description of A&M as ‘tradition-happy’
tells a lot, and I think those traditions cause
our students to be more active in support of
See Review on page 10.
$3 million
Groups to help
with education of
victims’ families
(AP) — An education foun
dation pledged $3 million
Monday to provide college
scholarships for the spouses
and children of those who per
ished or were disabled in the
terrorist attacks.
The effort is among several
intended to look after the educa
tion of victims’ families.
The Families of Freedom
Scholarship Fund was created
by the Indianapolis-based
Lumina Foundation for
Education to aid undergraduate
education of financially needy
“The devastating loss of
Sept. 11 will affect thousands of
families for years to come,” said
Lumina Chairman Edward
McCabe in a statement.
“Education is a vital way to tri
umph over life’s obstacles.”
Lumina is giving $2 million
outright and another $1 million
in matching funds to encourage
individual donations. The organ
ization also hopes to raise
money from corporations and
other groups.
A private organization,
Lumina sponsors research and
projects to encourage education
past high school. It was created
with sale proceeds when Sallie
Mae, a leading private lender of
student loans, bought most of
loan-servicer USA Group, at
that time a nonprofit company.
Last week, the Marine Corps-
Law Enforcement Foundation
said it would give $10,000 in
scholarship bonds for children
whose parents were killed in the
terrorist attack on the Pentagon.
Lindsey Roberts, a student at
Juniata College in Huntingdon,
Pa., is leading a fund-raising
drive to one day provide full
tuition to the child of a rescue
worker killed when the World
Trade Center was destroyed.
The school of medicine at
Marshall University in
Huntington, W. Va., is creating a
scholarship in memory of a 1995
graduate. Dr. Paul Ambrose,
who died in the plane that
crashed into the Pentagon.
UPD, FBI stress
caution about
charity scams
By Tanya Nading
In the aftermath of last
week’s terrorist attacks in
Washington, D.C., and New
York City, numerous charity
organizations were set up to
gather funds to help support
the rescue workers, victims
and families that were affect
ed by the tragedy. However,
the validity of some organiza
tions should be questioned
before money is donated,
officials say.
Bob Wiatt, director of the
University Police Department,
said students, faculty and staff
should “constantly be aware”
of all people who may
approach them asking for
donations, and the prolifera
tion of “scam charities” are no
“Scams have always gone
on,” Wiatt said. “Never give
out money or information to
strangers. Constantly be
aware. Don’t fall for it.”
Larry Lightfoot, spokesman
for the Better Business Bureau
See SCAMS on page 2.