^Jay, July 10, 2001 PINION THE BATTALION his rate applies additional 5 end to quai aterialism leads to early life crisis fc^Wj-WIRE) — You may ' sale, maiesv^ave heard of or witnessed h r^o,? 111 crisis of count- p—-^less forty-somethings, hut Occasional‘I’ll bet you haven’t heard ars. Brazos* abjout the new trend in nerv- ous breakdowns that may 7/9/01 272- : a ’'f’ ait; y ou in your immediate s Blue-ey M :P 0St - Colle ? e y ears: the Si95. 979-Huarterlife crisis.” Despite the slogans you Har from professors and etines for at pt rabies aneri 2bth, new Ik $350+ 1/3 backyard, o i-8952. ASAP, 3bd~. Bbills. Almee ). is-mtn. from about “economic op- ■^■■■■■flirtunities” and “living in best of times,” many ie for HOfli y Clu ng adults fresh out of ck out this 4t»; college are hitting one ot the ‘S.e b s ar ta:H ost depressing moments of s Robies, cs= their lives at earlier ages, leaity. Betty| A J une 25 New York Times >735 or tAled “Is This the of a Midlife Crisis?” ex- ATES {lores'the lives of many indi- niies from^Bduals in their late 20s to bie modem iBirly 30s. These people • Mraduated from Ivy League jhools and established ■lemselves as successful citi zens and major players in the llobal corporate market with ■x-digit salaries. I Yet as the article points lut, many of these successful people are beginning to ques tion the direction of their dives and even the point of heir existence. It describes ivhat people are now calling he “quarterlife crisis.” The quarterlife crisis is lasically a midlife crisis ex- Berienced at an early age like 8. Usually, when people hink of the midlife crisis, Jthe “American Beauty” im age of a sedated Kevin [Spacey sitting in his.yail ,cell- like ^ubitle at work of a frantic Annette Banning breaking down because she Failed to make a real-estate ale may immediately come to mind. I But hardly anyone expects fo find thefnselves faced with he.prospect of an unfulfill- eded, 3Mm® ihomes. S40C': 255-6885. August irof-: i30/mo. +1. ! 3 " ntemet. 973# 'F, 3bd/2bltiW| -nished excest" rd, Paul822 ! ie I for 4c* +utilities, 1*t call Josb 83i ,; share 3WrS lley, Wcr* $3N vsT (S>