The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 26, 2001, Image 5

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Tuesday, June 26, 2001
vant you to
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:iied by a mu-
M memorable
I bum is “Is-
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jamming out
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A/as born dur-
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Irish Times.
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(AP) — Some
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articular role,
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up, Scotty!
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as he signed
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up Sunday,
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fans in seared
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)oohan stood
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r services. “Wc !
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CPR, first aid i
is planned for j
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olunteers. Its|
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so help witb
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Up on top
Lorenzo Martinez, a construction laborer for more than 40 years, takes pieces of foam roofing and
sends them down a trash shoot on top of the Reed McDonald Building. Martinez and other workers
tore off the roofing and prepared a new foam one to prevent leaks.
Plea entered for
DALLAS (AP) — An innocent plea
was entered Monday for George Rivas,
the ringleader of a gang of escaped in
mates charged with killing an Irving
police officer.
Rivas appeared before District
Judge Molly Francis just before the
beginning of jury selection in the cap
ital murder case.
District Attorney Bill Hill read the
charge against Rivas, who wore a gray
suit and glasses, his black hair tinged
with blond from bleaching during his
escape. When Francis asked for Rivas’
plea, lead defense attorney Wayne
Huff said, “My client stands mute.”
The judge then entered a plea of in
nocent for the former escapee, who
said after his capture that he fired the
fatal shots at officer Aubrey Hawkins
during a robbery on Christmas Eve.
Jury selection began amid height
ened security measures. Additional
bailiffs and sheriff’s deputies were as- "
signed, and those entering the court- -
room had to pass through a metal de- „
tector. Rivas wore an electronic belt "
around his waist through which J
deputies could deliver an electric shock
if he tried to escape.
Francis plans to poll 420 potential
jurors this week, then spend about ^
three weeks individually questioning'‘ -
those who qualify. Two groups of 60
potential panelists received question
naires from Francis Monday. Five ad--
ditional groups of 60 also will be I
brought in this week.
“The media attention has been such \
that it might be difficult to find some- v
one who hasn’t heard something,
somewhere,” Francis told the group.
“Your verdict must be based on what
you hear in court and what witnesses
say, not what you may have heard on the
news of read in the newspaper,” she said.
Insanity defense
likely for mother
of five children
HOUSTON (AP) — An in
sanity defense will likely be used
for a Houston woman accused of
systematically drowning her five
youngchildren, her attorney said.
Andrea Yates, 36, was arrest
ed last week in what a prosecu
tor called “the most horrendous
thing that I’ve ever seen.”
Yates told police Wednesday
that she drowned her children
one by one in a bathtub in their
suburban Houston home. Dead
are Noah, 7; John, 5; Paul, 3;
Luke, 2; and Mary, 6 months.
Yates has been charged with
one count of capital murder for
Obviously, this
is important,
and the ultimate
decision is whether
or not to proceed
with the defense
of insanity.”
— George Parnham
the deaths of Noah and John.
Authorities said other charges
might follow.
Houston attorney George
Parnham, who represents Yates,
said in televised reports Monday
that he has met with psychia
trists treating her at the Harris
County Jail.
“My observation is that she
is still in a very deep psychosis.
We are having her treated and
examined by very professional
mental health experts who care
deeply for their patients,” he
said Monday in a round of net
work television news show ap
Parnham also said Yates, who
is on a 24-hour suicide watch in
the jail, may have been taken off
an anti-psychotic drug by her
doctors before the murder of
her children.
“We are in the process of ob
taining as many medical records
as we can,” Parnham said. “Ob
viously, this is important, and
the ultimate decision is whether
or not to proceed with the de
fense of insanity.”
Yates was a registered nurse
from 1986 to 1994 at the Uni
versity of Texas M.D. Ander
son Cancer Center, hospital
records show.
The youngest of her parents’
five children, she spent the most
time with her dying father as he
battled Alzheimer’s disease, a
neighbor told the Houston
Chronicle Sunday.
Parnham told the newspaper,
“I’ve accumulated evidence in
the last 24 hours that strongly
suggests that the mental status of
my client will be the issue, which
means entering a not-guilty plea
by reason of insanity.”
He said he is gathering back
ground on Yates’ mental health
history before making a final de
cision on her defense.
Parnham said Monday that
what happened in the Yates’
home last week “didn’t happen
in a vacuum.” He said potential
clues were “ignored, explained
away or misdiagnosed,” but he
said he will not blame others for
the deaths.
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