The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 31, 2001, Image 4

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Thursday, May 31,2001
The Battalion
Thursday, May 31,
To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building
Business Hours
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day
Private Party Want Ads
$10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This
rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you
get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad
is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is
cancelled early.
Pearl Harbor
Starring Ben
Affleck, Josh Hart
nett and Kate
Directed by
Michael Bay
1995 Mitsubishi Galant. Auto, 60k, a/c, power
windows. Call 694-8614.
Bryan. New duplexes for lease. Ready for
August, 2bdrm/2bth with w/d connections, fenced
backyard, energy efficient, next to Freeway,
$700/mo. 219-1131 or 589-2087.
3bdrm/2bth 16x84 trailer. Excellent condition.
Assume note. Contact Brian 775-4882 or 324-
Wait Staff, $8-$10/hr average.
Friday, 2-4 at Golden Corral.
Apply Monday-
‘86 Oldsmobile Station Wagon, 3rd-seat, runs
good, 1st $1700 takes. 846-8295
Cozy, large 2bdrm/2bth townhouse, 6-blocks from
campus. 506 College Main #C. Available Now,
Unit D available August 16th. $565/mo. 1-800-
Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for
A&M events (home games, parents weekend,
graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways. For
information/ reservations call Rebecca Sicilio
Lewis,'70, 979-696-0091.
CS 3bdrm/3bth duplex, 1300sqft., all appl., fenced
yd. Available Aug., $1200, no pets. 604-B
Southwest Parkway West. (206)937-3777.
**Shift Supervisors &Cashiers“ wanted.
Flexible time around summer &fall class sched
ules. Accepting applications at Burger King,
1719-TX. Ave., Culpepper Plaza.
Would you accept $20 to save kids' lives?
Donate your life saving blood plasma & receive
$20 TODAY (for approx. 2-hours), Call or stop by:
Nabi Biomedical Center, 2701 Morgan Ave. #400,
Corpus Christi
361-883-5106 Fees & donation time may vary
CS: Large 2/2.5, w/d connections, patio, prelease
fall, $900/mo. 690-3771.
10hrs./wk., $6/hr. Yard work, new house clean
up. 1st summer session only. 846-6211.
CS: Spacious 3/2, all appliances &w/d, prelease
fall, $1125/mo. 690-3771.
Compaq Tower, 3G, 64M, CD, 56K Modem,
Network, Speakers, USB, K&M. Win98, Office97,
Internet ready. $195. 15/17in. monitors
$70/$120. (979)324-0083.
Garage apartment, located on Plantation grounds,
w/d, pool. Call 696-0091.
Administrative Assistant: Record maintenance,
appointment scheduling, prescription refills.
College degree or extensive experience required.
Excellent Pay and benefits. Fax resume to
(979)776-4260'or apply in person at 2706 Osier
Blvd. in Bryan. (979)776-7895.
Lost: Grey &White Siberian Husky puppy on 5/28,
Cash Reward! 693-9199.
1992 Kawasaki KLR250 Enduro. Water cooled,
excellent shape. Cheap, fun transportation.
“Party Block Mobile DJ“- Peter Block, profes
sional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings,
TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Mobile to any
where. Book early!! 596-2522.
House- 1 bdrm/1 bth, new carpet, new tile, fenced
yard, central heat/ac, $500/mo., wtr/gas/utl includ
ed. 846-8295.
Aggieland Rent-A-Wreck, part-time rental agent,
flexible hours, auto rental experience is a plus.
New 3bdrm/2bth Duplexes available in August.
W/D. yard maintenance included. On A&M shut
tle route. Call 324-2887 or 693-6699.
Computer Draftsman, COGO a must, help set up
CAD. 255-9416.
Earn extra income by cleaning offices M-F, after
5p.m. 823-5031.
New townhome unit, 2bdrm/2bth, w/d, walk to
campus, $750 -t-utilities. (713)978-6630.
Full-time surgical assistant needed for oral sur
geon's office. This position is for permanent
employment, not for summer only. Please call
776-7101 for information.
Pre-leasing for Aug., near new 3bdrm/2bth Rock
Hollow Duplexes, fenced, minutes to A&M, no
pets, $1000/mo. 846-5722.
Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats. Dogs Many pure
breeds! Occasional birds, snakes, rabbits & oth
ers. Brazos Animal Shelter- 775-5755.
1-2/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some
near campus. $175-$325/mo. 696-2038.
Rents start at $380.
3bdrms $845. 693-1906.
2bdrm/1bth apartment <1 block from campus,
$350/mo. +deposit. Call Professor 846-8432.
Sublease available August. Parkway Apartments,
2bdrm/1.5bth, w/d connection, $600/mo. Kristi
Grad Student to teach real estate classes.
Teaching certificate not required. E-mail resume
3bdrm/2bth duplex, W/D included, close to cam
pus, 690-9466.
3bdrm/2bth duplex. Excellent location, Dexter @
SW Pkwy. Full-size W/D. Available mid-August.
$ 1095/mo. 846-7454.
VERY CUSTOM- 3bdrm/2bth, 2yr old duplex, new
appliances, w/d, $1100/mo., on shuttle. 693-
4bdrm/2bth home on 1-acre land in Bryan,
$1200/mo., deposit required. Please call
Very nice 2bdrm/1.5bth, Manuel Drive, w/d includ
ed. Also, 3bdrm/2bth duplex. Cathy 268-1074.
Walking distance to campus, alarm system,
2bdrm/1bth, $600/mo. Call (979)229-7882.
4bdrm/4bth for lease at University Place,
$1400/mo., w/d, in fall, 764-6910 Becca.
FOR SALE Summer leases available.
Pre-leasing now. 693-1906.
1997 Mobile Home, convenient to campus, set up
in quiet park. 822-8136.
B/CS 1,2,3 bedrooms available. Great locations,
All Prices. Summit Properties, 979-777-3371.
Country Living. 2bdrm/1bth mobile home on 1-
acre, w/barn and access to fishing lake. Pets ok.
$475/mo. 279-5430.
300lb. Olympic Weight Set with cage and bench,
preacher curl, and other accessories. Excellent
condition. $290. 764-2794.
8x8 Hot-tub, jets, blower, heater, lounger, $2500
OBO. Must sell! Drew 268-8988, leave message.
The Association^
Contact Former Students to ask for their support of
student scholarships & other student programs.
Earn $6.00/hr PLUS Bonuses! (No shifts Fri. & Sat.)
Work flexible hours while developing communication
& negotiation skills.
Stop by the Clayton Williams, Jr. Alumni Center for an
application, call 845-0425, or check out our website: for more information.
We, ettelTte, Aggie,/\/etuto>d<J
Newsday Crossword
BARD’S EYE VIEW by Patrick Jordan
Edited by Stanley Newman
1 Right-angled
5 Styptic
9 Hindu prince
14 In __of
(instead of)
15 Catherine
16 Wed on
the run
17 Pennant
18 Way off
19 Ed Norton's
20 Start of a quip
23 Deli breads
24 Skilled
25 Actress
28 Schoolbook
30 Confederate
33 Wouldn’t stop
34 Except for
35 Ticked off
36 Middle of quip
39 Roommate of
31 Down
40 Belmonts’
lead singer
41 Olympian
42 Broadway sign
43 Fairy-tale
44 Bums jasmine,
45 Hot tub
46 Onetime
47 End of quip
54 Celestial
55 M6lange
56 Wriggly fish
58 Kitchen
59 Brings out in
the open
60 Israel’s first
61 Gave up
62 Sensed
63 Poker card
1 Santa
2 Caron musical
3 Table insertion
4 Make easier
to take
5 Flowering
6 Boxing blows
7 Six-sided state
8 Flicka, for one
9 Vacation
10 Wide-eyed
11 Cheek
12 Did an
impression of
13 Towel pronoun
21 Twisting the
22 Paraffin-based
25 Burnoose
26 Type of pointer 47 Anjou
27 Musical alternative
35 Most elegant
37 He spoke for
38 Lethargic
43 Began playing
on Broadway
44 Talk-show
45 It may be
46 Saloon
28 Lake near
Carson City
29 Neck and
30 Thoroughfares
31 Roommate
of 39 Across
32 Frat letters
34 To-do
48 Pennsylvania
49 See 29 Down
50 Be a couch
51 Nastase of
52 Within reach
53 Envelope part
57 Guileful
Answer to previous puzzle
Ever dreamed of becoming a professional dog
trainer? Triple Crown Academy offers the most
extensive certification programs in the nation.
Located in greater Austin, Texas. Triple Crown
Academy is part of the largest dog training and
behavior event centqr in the world. On-site hous
ing, career counseling, student financing and job
placement available. Visit online at or call 512-759-2275. Our
graduates are the most demanded in the industry.
House help needed for family, cleaning, laundry,
etc. Approx. 20-30 hrs/wk, flexible schedule.
Must have references & transportation. Looking
for year round worker, not just summer. Non-
smokers only. $7.50/hr. 690-7890.
Free Puppy: Cocker/ Lab mix, free to good homo,
includes supplies. 574-5376.
Sugar Glider (flying squirrel) and cage $225.
Household cleaning help needed for summer/ fall/
spring terms. Reasonable pay. Call Andrew 764-
3975 day/ 764-4022 evening.
Kind, loving, thoughtful attendants needed for
church nursery (Infants- 6yr). Nursery is open
Sunday mornings. The attendant positions will
begin in June/ July. Pay is $6/hr w/yearly increas
es. Please pick-up application M-F, 10am-5pm at
St.Francis Episcopal Church, 1101 Rock Prairie
Road, CS. (979)696-1491. Applications are due
Friday 6/8.
Roommate needed, 3bdrm/2bth duplex,
room, w/d, $300 month, move-in nego
Marketing majors needed for sales! Must be
enthusiastic and hard worker. Good pay, Plus
scholarships. Call Wintergate Marketing, 764-
5902. Ask for Rick.
AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun.
Laugh-a-lot!! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount.
M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.-
Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-
2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel
come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law.
111-Univ. Dr.. Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up
Medical office now hiring: Injectionist, Medical
Technician, Lab Technician. Great experience for
student applying for medical school. Salary com-
mencery with experience. Fax resume to
(979)776-4260, or apply in person at 2706 Osier
Blvd., Bryan. (979)776-7895.
Now hiring substitutes for A&M United Methodist
Weekday School. Come by 417 University Drive
or call 846-1762.
P/T Office Assistant. Must have phone &comput-
er skills. Call 693-7653.
Part time job helping handicapped. Male student
preferred. $270/mo., lOhrs/wk. 846-3376.
Part-time help wanted, service station attendant,
basic automotive knowledge, flexible hours. Call
Seniors and Graduate Students, Notes-N-
Quotes is currently hiring notetakers for Summer
! and Summer II. Apply at 701 University Drive,
directly across from the Blocker building on the
A&M campus or call 846-2255.
Summer work, pole and instrument man for sur
vey crew. 255-9416.
Summer Work. Be part of the B/CS expansion of
NexGen Communications with our college mar
keting teams. Flexible schedules, valuable expe
rience, paid vacation and rapid • advancement.
$730+/mo PT, $1699+/mo FT. 821-2901.
The Battalion
Call 845-0569
It has received reviews from
lukewarm to scathing. It has
been accused of historical in
accuracy and cultural bias.
And yet, despite all of this,
Pearl Harbor snagged the No.
1 box office spot for the
Memorial Day weekend. But
in some ways, this movie is
not what it has been hyped to
be. Sold as a love story in the
midst of a tragic war, the love
story itself is not the most
moving storyline.
Affleck plays Rafe, the car
icature of an American hero,
who gladly volunteers to join
the army, along with his best
friend Danny (Hartnett).
When Rafe decides to join in
the fighting in Europe as a pi
lot in the British Ea^le
Squadron, he leaves behind
his nurse girlfriend, Evelyn
(Beckinsale) swearing h" e r
undying love. From there, the
lives and loves of these three,
young Americans are woven
in a countdown to Dec. 7
1941. WTiile this love triangle
provides many heart tugging
moments, it is hopelessfv
cliched. As expected, it takes a
backseat once the fighting be
gins, but when the thread is
picked up again, it is half
hearted, at best.
The true impact of this
movie can be felt in the actual
' bombing of Pearl Harbor, de
spite the heavy-handed special
effects. Several people in the
theater began crying, whether
it was from the dying sailors
being thrown from their ships,
or from the commercialization
of the deaths of over 2,400
American sailors, is hard to
tell. Fortunately, the soul
searing mass destruction is in
terrupted by’ Affleck and Hart
nett’s heroic entrance in the
only two fighter planes left,
guns blazing, and shoutint;en
couragement like any good
red-blooded American.
There are some missing el
ements to this story, most no
tably the patriotism that has
colored most war movies to
date. There are a few mention:
of the virtues of volunteering,
but the flag waving is minimi.
Meanwhile, the movie man
ages to dance around whetherl
the Japanese were right or|
wrong in their actions. The
Japanese admiral even man
ages to sound noble in hisrea
soning for bombing Pearl
Harbor. And finally, while
Cuba Gooding Jr. plays onecS
the few nonfiction character I
in this movie, Texas’ air.I
Doris “Doric” Miller, the end 1
ing credits fail to mention thai !
despite his heroics at Pear ]
While th
trite and th<
over done. Pearl Harbor % A
a movie that should be seen,!:
only to be reminded of whv
Dec. 7, 1941, will foreverbe’i
date which will live in infamy'
(Grade B-)
storyline is ofte: |
special effects ar.
Jemi Cm
Are you experiencing the
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Sore and Scratchy Throat/
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Sciman Biomedical Research is
seeking individuals 16 years of age
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research study with an investiga
tional oral antibiotic. If qualified,
your participation will last up to 24
days and you will be compensated
up to $500.
For more information, please call
Sciman Biomedical Research
776-1417 j
It appears th
is pot doing
led to dc
solution has
■nan the pro
I The latei
B-oin a high
■rs, Fla., an
Bent with a
week ago, I
High Scho«
fcony poss
e( 1 for five <
Accused killer
says confession
was coerced
Are you or a family member or friend suffering from diabe.tes? If so, you or
they may qualify for a research drug study currently being conducted at
Sciman Biomedical Research. This 33 week study requires 6 or 7 visits.
Qualified participants will receive physician assessments, lab testing and
study medication at no cost and will be compensated up to $500.
If you are between the ages of 18 and 75, in good general health, and are not
currently using insulin, pioglitazone, rosiglitazone or any investigational drug
to control your blood sugar, you may qualify for this clinical research study.
For more information, please call
Sciman Biomedical Research
V 776-1417 ^
Menstrual Cramp Study
Females, ages 18-50, having regular menstrual
cycles needed to participate in a research study
comparing the effectiveness of a wearable, heated
menstrual patch to Tylenol for uncomplicated
menstrual cramps. Eligible volunteers will be
compensated for time and travel.
Call for more information.
J&S Studies, Inc.
Tub Physicians Centre
3201 University Drive East, Suite 475, Bryan
979-774-5933 r
AUSTIN (AP) — Robert
Springsteen was living a quiet life
in West Virginia in 1999 when
police came calling — again
Living with a wife nearly twice
his age, the high-school dropout
had bounced from job to job as
investigators continued pursuing
one of Texas’ most sensational
unsolved crimes — the slaying of
four teen-age girls at an Austin
yogurt»shop on Dec. 6, 1991.
Police had questioned him be
fore without any break. They
tried again in 1999. This time, he
On Wednesday, a jury con
victed Springsteen of killing 13-
year-old Amy Ayers while rob
bing the I Can’t Believe It’s
Yogurt Store.
Springsteen, 26, now faces
life in prison or the death penal
ty when sentencing begins
Two other suspects, Michael
Scott and Maurice Pierce, await
Ayers, Eliza Hope Thomas,
17, and sisters Jennifer and
Sarah Harbison, 15 and 17, all
were killed at the shop. The
girls were bound, gagged and
shot in the head before the store
was set on fire.
The investigation had stumped
liber high sc
(will at least
ams and re
§j§ut she wil
Tjer grad ua
I The fact
Brought to
brought it.
bring the k
she left it i
police for years as they tracedfek view). Bro
leads as far as Mexico and di- not aware
missed several false confessions, car been us
“We wanted some kindi her parent
ending,” a tearful Barba: and the kn
Ayres, mother of the Harbisc out of one
sisters, said after the verdictw Now 11~
read. pressured
Springsteen stood tall astl turn the s
verdict was read, clasping I graduatiit
hands behind his back, b threatenix
glanced twice at the jury. cott of gr=
1 he jury deliberated 13 honf| Brown ^
over two days before reaching be comm e
verdict. Several jurors cried wh system in
the verdict was announced. Of the point
male juror covered his face wt Zero-tolex:
his hands. Hhools si
The courtroom was pack Theory
with victims’ family member icizing th<_
some of whom hurst into sobs that his
the verdict was announced. MoTUst follow-
refused comment as they lefttr school bc»-
courtroom. in place tc^
Springsteen patted one off; s uch as C
attorneys, Berkley Bettis, ont means a
hack before bailiffs led him fro ha ( I as a s
the courtroom. His lead atto: chine gut—
ney, Joe James Sawyer, wasn ttifent tha»
in the courtroom when then the answer
diet was read. He did not imnv c ept. In 1
diately returns a phone call tot 'ft behavi
office. ftisciplin^
Prosecutors Robert Smi ( Te. “Zer«=
and Darla Davis left withofW