The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 08, 2001, Image 8
Page 8 Thursday, The Battalion Classified Ags tra to face nrsd,i\. March 8, To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Bldg. Business Hours 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTO 25% oft Carlson Craft® Wedding Invitations. Virtual Proofing, AUTO AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 1968 Chevy Corvair. $500. 774-1527. Needs work. Good project car. 1993 Chevy Ext. Cab 1/2ton. Runs great, $8500 O.B.O. 695-7079. BED AND BREAKFAST '91 Toyota Corolla, good condition, a/c, $3600. 693-2532. '95 Ford Mustang Cobra. 57k white Cobra R. Rims. Must seel Immac. $14K. 979-260-9058. ATHLETE S FOOT STUDY Voted Most Romantic in Brazos Valley. Special Events, Weddings, Etc. Calvert Inn Gourmet Bed and Breakfast. 979-364-2868. VoliJnteers, ages 12 and up, need ed for a 6-week research study of investigational medication for the treatment of athlete’s foot. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. DJ MUSIC "•Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693-6294. EMPLOYMENT SCALP PSORIASIS STUDY The Deluxe Diner on Northgate hiring cooks and wait- staff for am/pm shifts. Apply in person, 203 University Drive. Men and Women ages 18 and older needed to take part in a research study using a therapuetic shampoo in the treatment of moderate to severe scalp psoriasis. Make 6 visits over a 10 week period. EARN up to $150.00. COLD SORES Suffer from cold sores? If so, then you may be just who we’re looking for. We are conducting a research study of an investigational use for an approved medication to determine it’s safety and whether it treats and possibly prevents cold sore lesions. You must be 12 years of age or older (with parental consent, if appropriate) and in good general health to participate. Patients compensated $200.00 for completion of study. For More Information call: 979-774-5933 J&S Studies, Inc. 3201 University Dr. East Suite 475 Bryan, Texas 77802 CAMP COUNSELORS Summer in New England! Have fun. Make A Difference. Camp Greylock & Romaca seek caring, energetic counselors and coaches. Co-ed staffs, competitive salaries + room and board. Internships are available. Located in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts, 2.5 hours from Boston and NYC. Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Climbing Wall, Creative Arts, Drama, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Hiking, Inline-Hockey, Lacrosse, Mountain Biking, Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Waterskiing, plus nursing and administrative positions. Beautiful waterfront campus, out standing group of people, very rewarding summer. Camp Romaca for Girls: 888-2-romaca Camp Greylock for Boys: 800-842-5214 What are you doing this summer? Newsday Crossword ACROSS 1 Talented one, slangily 5 List ending abbr. 8 Map book 13 Role model 14 Duet complement 15 “Be kind to your web- friends. . 17 Like Pavarotti’s voice 19 Apartment dweller, perhaps 20 Talk too much 22 Vegas 23 Negative votes 24 -fi (genre for 36 Across) 26 Harmonica 33 Traveler’s document 36 Captain Nemo’s creator 37 Most agile 38 Invented word 40 Toward the back 41 Loaded down 42 Unable to speak 45 Thirsty 46 Neither fish - fowl 47 Bard’s verb 49 With all one’s energy 56 In full flower 57 Tactful person 61 Little laugh 62 Indivisible 63 Hindu discipline 64 Flip-chart stand 65 Auto fuel 66 Make a trade DOWN 1 Reporter’s question 2 With it, once 3 Intense anger 4 ; the Greek 5 Ms. Kett of the comics 6 Pain in the neck 7 Palm product 8 All over again 9 Little piggies 10 Before (soon) 11 Alaskan island 12 Look as if 16 Members of the AMA: Abbr. 18 DDE’s opponent in ’52 and ’56 21 “ on your life!" 22 Pay attention 24 Chair back 25 Egypt’s capital 26 Yr. divisions 27 Food morsel 28 Roman poet 29 Belgian painter Magritte 30 Rio 31 Really rile up 32 Impoverished 34 Salon cut 35 Llama land 38 Billiards stick OPEN WIDE by Lee Weaver Edited by Stanley Newman 39 Fort , CA 41 Type of retriever 43 Tooth covering 44 Freight weight 47 Lubncate 48 Schemes 49 “You’re it!” game 50 Theater award 51 Gymnast Korbut 52 Jeans and jerseys 53 Golfer’s goal 54 Columbus’ ship 55 Tarzan’s neighbors 58 Trim the grass 59 Turkish title 60 Water spigot F CREATORS SYNDICATE ® 2001 STANLEY NEWMAN 3/5/01 * c 0 S T A S T O B A R N E G O • R E P T Answer to previous puzzle 3/3/01 FOR RENT FOR RENT HELP WANTED Police impounds: Cars from $500. For listings/ payment details 800-319-3323 ext.3782. *** Hickory Park Duplexes ***. 3bdrm/2ba, 2bd/2bth. Pre-lease now. Great floor plan. W/D connections. Fenced yard. Rental access. 268-7400. May sublease, 1bdrm/1bth apartment, on bus-route, no deposit, $395/mo. 219-4746. Mason's Mobile Car Repair. Help on the spot. General Automotive Repair. 828-4832. 1-2/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$325/mo. 696-2038. Nice 2bdrm/1bth duplex, $550/mo., w/d connection, on shuttle route. 764-9741. tbdrm/tbth apartment, $460/mo., on bus route. Kristina 695-1471. Northgate. 2bdrm/2bth, 3bdrm/2bth new 4-plexes, walk to A&M. 2bdrm/2bth brand new. Walk to Blinn College. Call MGMT 979-846-4076. Fraternitlea -Sororities -Clubs -Student Groups. Earn $1000- $2000 this semester with the easy three hour fundraising event. No sales required. Fundraising dates are tilling quickly, so call today! Contact at (668)923-3238, or visit | he federc circuit court of bals in 2bdrm duplexes, w/d, fenced backyard, on shuttle bus, $500/mo., available May 15th. 822-2492, after 2pm. . Parkway Apartments now pre-leasing 1.2&3 bed room apartments tor Summer &Fall. 693-6540. Horticulture major wanted for part-time landscaping and maintenance. Flexible hours. Position open until 3/15. Call 690-1919 for Interview time. Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways. For information/ reser vations call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,'70, 409-696-0091. 2bdrm/1-1/2bth 4-plex. Gina (281)355-0871. $610/mo. Available now! Call 3bdrm townhouses, w/d, carport, fireplace, 2-miles from school, on shuttle, available August 1 st. Call 822-2492 after 2pm. Pre-laasing for May&Aug., near new 3bdrm/2bth Rock Hollow Duplexes, fenced, minutes to A&M, no pets, $1000/mo. 846-5722. Lifeguards Neededl! Call 281-376-6510. 3bdrm/1,5bth house behind Chili’s. Ceiling fans, wood floors, etc. Great for 4 people, $750/mo., sublease mid- late May-July w/next year available. 693-5796. Pre-leasing! Brand new 3bdrm/3bth duplex In CS, shut tle-bus, available 8/15, $1200/side. 2yr New 2bdrm/2bth, first floor of four-plox, w/d, 3-min. from A&M, available 5/15/01, $650. Call Jack at 255-3976. NEW YEAR, NEW JOBI Part-time work, full-time pay. *$11 BASE- APPT.* Fun environment, ideal for stu dents, start now, flexible around classes. Customer Sen/ice/ Sales. Conditions apply. 696-7734, 3bdrm/2ba duplex, available nowl o.k. $925/mo. 695-8752. Cozy, large 2bdrm/2bth townhouse, 6-blocks from cam pus. Available 6/1. $565/mo. 1-800-521-3988. Doux Chene Apartments. Come check out our studio and 2-bdrm apts, our weight room, rec room facilities. 693-1906. 2101 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy. S. Free Locator. Apartments, Duplexes, Houses. Omega Properties, Broker. 693-0868. Alpha Great 2bdrm/1.5bth duplex, w/d, ceiling fans, fenced bkyd. Sublease mid-late May-July w/next year avail able, $595/mo. 492-6968. House for rent, 2bdrm/1bth, large yard, storage, new carpet. $695/mo., $500/deposlt. 979-693-8138, 817- 481-4072. SINUS INFECTION STUDY Are you experiencing the following symptoms? Facial Pain/ Pressure/ Tightness Facial Congestion/ Fullness Tooth Pain/ Earache/ Headache/ Sore Throat Cough/ Bad Breath/ Fever Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 16 years of age and older to participate in a research study with an investigational oral antibiotic. If qualified, your participa tion will last up to 24 days and you will be compensated up to $500. For more information, please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 FACIAL ACNE STUDY Volunteers, ages 12-40, with moder ate to moderately severe facial acne needed to participate in a 12-week clinical trial with an investigational top ical cream. Eligible volunteers will be compensated for their time and travel. Call for more information. AN OPPORTUNITY TO HELP FIND A BETTER TREATMENT FOR GENITAL HERPES If you are 18-65 years of age with a history of frequently occurring genital herpes outbreaks, we invite you to participate in a medical research study of an investigational medication. Participants will receive all study-relat ed medical care at no cost. Participants may also receive com pensation for time and travel. The medical staff conducting the study is courteous, respectful, professional and expert at treating genital herpes. Call today to find out more. J&S Studies, Inc. 979-774-5933 3201 University Drive East Suite 475 Bryan, Texas 77802 PICKED UP OR PURCHASED YOUR 2000 AqqielotuL JJ vearbook ORDERED YOUR 2001 AGGIELAND? plus t»x, if purchased by March 9.2001. Studeni Media Advertising/Diitribution Office: Room 015 Reed McDonald Houra: 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday C**h. Check. MSA. MesteiCerd, Otecover and American Exprew accepted h tlpagg,eland, ram W/D, fenced, pets 3bdrm/3bth, 1400sqft, w/d, 2322 Axis CL, available 5/18, $1200/mo„ $900 deposit, 979-412-0604. Rosewood Villas- Preleasing for Summer and Fall Occupancy. 3bdrm/2bth, W/D, On Shuttle. 1,215sqft. 12mos.- $1000/mo., 9mos.- $1100/mo. For More Info. or 846-1100 or Tommye, 680-1758. 4bdrm/4bth condo, w/d, pool, hot tub, volleyball. Great college community w/no apartment hassles! 695-7861. SPECIAL 2bdrm/2bth, w/d, large, extra, 2-car carport, starting $527. 485-8449. Notes-N-Quotes is now hiring campus sales represen tatives to start In the beginning of April. Must have neat appearance, knowledge of university community and excellent communications skills Approximately 20hrs/wk with flexible scheduling, but hours must be worked between 9am and 5pm, Monday through Friday Please call 979-846-2255' or come by 701 W. University Drive (across from the Blocker building) for more infor (nation. Available May 20011 3bdrm/2bth, fourplex, $695/mo., 1000 sq.ft,, w/d, fenced yard. 400 Manuel Dr. Contact 764-3902 or Sub-lease available 4/1, $325/mo. +utilities, 1bdrm/1bth, 1.5-mlles from campus. 979-822-9191. Available May 20011 Southwood Oaks, 3bdrm/2bth, $828/mo., 1130sqft., w/d, water paid, 2100 Southwood Drive. Contact 764-3902 or Sublease 1bdrm/1bth, w/d, pool, lease ends August. 485-0119. Move in mid-April, Now Hiring! Leasing consultant for apartment commu nlty. Part-time hours March-April, Full-time hours May August. $6/hr. 696-3455. Sublease 2bdrm/1bth 4-plex, $445/mo. Call 693-3688. Part-time job helping handicapped. Male student pre ferred. $270/mo., lOhrs/wk. 846-3376 Available May, large duplex, 2bdrm/1bth, w/d connec tion, fenced backyard, $450/mo. 779-9259. Sublease Available May 2001,2bdrm/1.5bth, $785/mo., w/d. The Ridge Apartments, 2250 Dartmouth. 693- 4912. Partners now hiring. Apply at 113-Walton, C.S. B/CS 1,2,3 bedrooms available. Great locations, All Prices. Summit Properties, 979-777-3371. Summer sublease at University Commons, 4bdrm/2bth, $321/mo., furnished, w/d. 693-9816. Pruitt's Fabric Shop. 318 George Bush Drive. Sewing experience helpful. Cheap Summer Sublease. 2bdrm/2bth University Commons, will negotiate. 575-7982. Summer sublease for tbdrm in a 3bdrm/2bth duplex, $300/mo.+1/2bills. 600-San Benito. Call 696-0673. SEMESTER BREAK WORK. 12 immediate openings. Apply online at LOST & FOUND Summer sublease. Enclave Apartments, 2bdrm/2bth, $785/mo. including some utilities. 680-1593. Summer sublease, University Commons, 4bdrm/2bth, fully furnished, w/d, $301/mo. (each room). Call 693- 1087 or 485-0120. Lost Aggie Ring. Amanda Marie Crose. Class ‘01. Reward!! 696-8565. MOTORCYCLE Summer sublease. University Commons, 4bdrm/2bth, furnished, w/d, $321/mo., all rooms. Call 680-8186. 1997 Yamaha FZR 600 bUwt, 9100 miles. $3500. 694- 0414, Mark. Summer sublease, route, 694-8624. tbdrm/tbth, Huge, $42Q/mo, bus 93/95 CBR 600F2, lots of extras, very fast, $3100. 694- 1781. Walk to campus. 3bdrm/2bth townhouse. Parking, pool, w/d connections, available 5/15 693-5730. Walk to TAMU. Great 2bdrm/1bth, +$300/dep. Non-smoker. 764-1082. $435/mo Yamaha Blaster, needs work, make offer. 696-2672. MUSIC WASHERS & DRYERS FOR RENT Don't buy. rent a washer & dryer. $28/month (plus tax). UniversItyLeasing, Local, Faster, Better, 764-3902 FOR SALE Texas Singer/ Songwriter (Class of '97) needs musi cians except for drummer. Serious only 713-851-0538 PETS ■■■ Adopt: Puppies. Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure breeds! Occasional birds, snakes, rabbits & others Brazos Animal Shelter- 775-5755. 10" punch xlc wolfer, with rockford cannon, used. $85. Call 492-7831. Found black lab puppy, approx. 6-months old. Call 693- 9692 '95 Kawasaki 900ZXI jet-ski 2-seater, excellent condi tion, $3200/080. 693-0942. Free to a good home, 6mos puppy, neutered, with all shots. Please call 220-7972. Leave message. By Amao Owidi The Battalion After sweeping the Sa, Austin University Ladyjackj|,' hie header, the Texas Ai'-f team takes its act on the roil the University of Texas-,® Lady Mavs today at6p.!:JP Saxe Field. The Lady Mavs come id game after a 2-1 loss to . ?P A&M-Corpus Christi IsteWiington, loss dropped the Lady decided t 7-5-1 overall. venurn a dis- The Mavs are lead b\ Tss-al of a case outfielder April Jones. Wiigainst the fed- erage and five steals, Jon: ral govern- to guide the Mavs offendent. This case Aggie pitching. Bs, William “They are an aggress.:§• said A&M softball coachlyjj , _ “We are going to havei game to win.” The Aggies and Ul crossed paths once last seasrJ suit was an 8-0 A&M victor] The Aggies enter today .]' winners of nine of their last Ij The latest hot streak for Ij has improved theirrecordtoj vaulted them to No. 19intl al softball poll. The Aggies’i: in their last 10 games was a 1 .-] at the hands of 12th-rankedi' “We are looking tocontirl ing up in the rankings,”saill more catcher Selena Collins; taking it one game atatime.l team, are doing the little thine] going to make us better andls The Aggies will looktos out any rough edges in ther] weeks as their conferences! looms in the near future. “We are not going to bea ford to make the mistakes i have made early this seasonj said. "As we move up teams will begin noticing us," 1 The Aggies’ recognitiono no surprise to the team. “We knew we were at before the season,” said Colb:| have a lot more to prove, a time to do it.” m AGGIELAND DEPOT -Home of the Gig'em Antenna Topper would like to frame your moat prized possession or provide the Aggie gift for your favorite Aggie. Culpepper Plaza Heeler puppies, 6-weeks old, red &blue, $50. or 693-3688. Lab AKC Puppies- black & yellow, wormed, dewclawed, $250-$300. Call 695-7776. Beauiful ivory Pronovia wedding gown. Brand new, never worn, size six, $900. 690-6070. Puppy Toy Fox Terrier needs good home, shots, $300 includes cage. 694-3718. male, 1st Pro Day For Sale: Soft top for 1997-'0t Jeep Wrangler. Factory original, still sealed in plastic, frame included, $325. 777-9339. ROOMMATES Kenmore Heavy Duty white washer, great condition, $125 or best offer. 694-0927. F-Roommate needed, summer sublease, share 3bdrm/2bth new duplex, Rock Hollow area, W/D, $325/mo. +1/3utilities. 775-9573. Kenwood car CD Player, flip-down, multi-color, big dis play, 40wx4, $165. Call Jimmy 695-2759. New 4bdrm/4bth condo, all new appliances, w/d, pool, volleyball. Emily 695-7861. F-roommate wanted, close to campus, $250/mo. +1/2utilities. 972-291-2947. New Shipment! Beer Signs and Neons. $50-$250. Call 764-3095. F/M roommate needed for renewable summer sublease, furnished apartment, great location, $360/mo. 680- 8918. Senior boots. Approx, size 12 men’s, and boot covers. $600. 364-2947. Am willing to allow try-ons. Female non-smoker, 1100 Hardwood, $300/mo., 2bdrms available. Call 694-7837. i Upright Wurlltzer Piano, good condition, $500. 2646. Immediate move-in, 2bdrm/1bth duplex, $150 1st- month, $250/mo. afterwards. 214-908-6260, 979-693- 2185. ISiSI HHKP HELP WANTED Looking for female roommate to move off campus, fall/ spring. Kristen, 847-0506. $$$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Flexible hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. 18+only. **Shlft Supervisors &Crew Members** wanted. Flexible time around class schedule. Accepting applica tions at Burger King, 1719-TX. Ave., Culpepper Plaza. M/F Roommate needed, 4bdrm/4bth University Place Condos, new, $360/mo. +1/4 utilities. Mike 847-1148, leave message. M/F, 2-bedrooms available, 3bdrm/1,5bth, walk to cam pus, w/d. 979-691-8206. 100 Instructors/ Counselors needed. Coed sleepaway camp. Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Good salary/tips! 1-800-422-9842 ( Need roommate, share 3bdrm townhouse, have own room, $250/mo. Farl 777-7151. Computer Systems assistant. TAMU student worker position is available at the Real Estate Center located in the Wehner building on west campus. See http://recen- Needed: 2bdrm/1bth, smoking apartment, $250/mo. +1/2bills. 695-1931. Near campus. SERVICES Daniel Jarvis Home Health has immediate openings (or RN's and LVN's. Full-time/ part-time. Call 779-5733 for Georgette or Geraldine. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M-F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. Embroidery operator needed. Part-time, flexible hours, will train. Stephanie 979-696-6632 AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am- 2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerioa. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Part-time worker needed. Must be neat, organized and punctual. Flexible hours. Computer skills necessary. Position open until 3/15. Call 690-1919 for interview time. Telephone/ Cable outlets installed. Aaron at 764-5797. Great ratesl Call WEIGHT LOSS Continued from After Toombs, who left season early, weighed in pounds at the NFL Scouting bine, all eyes were on his waisl Wednesday. Toombs weighing 257 pounds, a 25' loss in the nine days since bine. The weight loss had soli on his performance, as T< not participate in the bench pi a few other drills. The Aggies’ other early enri the draft, Ferguson, perfonmeip and even caught the watchful Sherman. “Ferguson is definitely agnj could be considered a firsi pick,” Sherman said. “He tremendous upside. 1 think! days are ahead of him.” Another player who an questions was Glenn. Only months removed from surgeiy pair damaged ligaments in hi) Usua "y blamed Glenn sliowed little to no sir: c °untries thatr effects from the injury. ganization of tl “My knee’s doing pretty ; Exporting Con Glenn said. “I’m about 90piffEC produce right now. I have a little hitch in ce nt of the wor other than that I feel all right, holds more tha uel prices have beer, This price STUDENT TAXES Lose 2-8 lbs. every week with proven nutritional prod ucts. 1 -800-681 -Lose. File your tax return online with us and you will be eligible to WIN 1 of 10 SPRING BREAK TRIPS we’re giving away in 2001! • Filing your taxes online is QUICK, SIMPLE and CHEAP! • $9.95 for a federal return and $9.95 for a state return. • You will receive instant e-mail confirmation after filing your return. • No software to download. • And by filing your return electronically you will receive the benefit of Rapid Return (a check or deposit within 7-10 days)!!! • estudenttax is a member of the IRS e-file program. (we have a secure website) Lose Weight Fast! Safe, Guaranteed, Natural, show you how! Call Val at 1-888-536-9715. Need to lose 20- 200 pounds 100% natural, FDA regu lated, 100% guaranteed, doct.or recommended. (866)283-5713, ask for Herb. former students welcome e*Student*Tax*com www.estudenttax.coin loll Free Number 1-866-464-521.1 WHAT ARE YOU D0IN6 FOR SPRING BREAK?? Ready for Fall Occupancy Cauvt hWe/l&fv FOR SALE/LEASE: New Luxurious 2 &L A Bedroom Townhomes in a Gated Community Walk/Cycle to A&M on Shuttle Route Call 268-7833 Wednesday Practice Rep; A sizable pc ed in the Middl • Wednesday was thefirstaBmerica’s hist pads for the Texas A&M feelgood scapegoa team since the Independences’cost increases! and Slocum liked what he saw. OPEC, as theg “I thought it was a goodWorld. The onl Slocum said. “There’s somei#eases on 0P1 about football. Until you put defect on Americ on, it doesn’t look the same.Iecompanies try to the team about the physicalrT Part of the p of the gafne. That’s what:: consumer, higf about.” lost in an expe • The departure of ToombslfifAmerica, espei the Aggies with a hole at fiilflstrengthen the Slocum has looked to a runningttose ties to th( to try and fill that hole as sopt4 weakness of th Joe Weber has been getting t fullback. With Stacy Jones t ticing due to an ankle injury, 1 and walk-on Stowe Campbell" been the main participants at fii ly Americans, i We’ve worked Joe there a! j | mer j can s con week,” Slocum said. “We’replfl drive, even asf Joe at both places, but he’s geCI M an y C( ver organized, actor for Texa Since highf pil companies! hey are aided 970s gas crisii whole lot of work at fullback, f ' he’d be the first fullback right#' looks like it s going to be agodf^ chance t0 for us.” • The Aggies will havethet' practice before spring break lo] The team will return the Mont L ter spring break with 11 more:') 1 practice dates. One of thei tigh oil prices, increa: 'eserves aroun Surplus oil pre