The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 08, 2001, Image 3

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1 R.Del
hursday, March 8, 2001
Page -3
Pack it up
indents can bring the necessities on vacation without straining muscles
Jy Brooke Hodges
hi/ 1/ | Battalion
•Vyif-' More college students will be packed into cars, hotel
rooms and tents next week than any other time of the year,
nat going to if: Full of dreams of beach bunnies and snow bunnies, spring
breakers’ minds may be on everything but packing.
manlLetim:* Mike Morgan, a graduate student in the wildlife and
n just a link fisheries sciences department, said one should pack light-
Hinless carrying a heavy bag sounds like fun. He said this
ice is especially important if camping is the plan instead
of a hotel.
have to carry around everything yourself,” he
■ said. "And there aren’t any bellboys in the woods.”
mihe idea of packing lightly for a week of adventure is
ier for guys to grasp than girls. Guys could bring two
rs of shorts, three shirts, one pair of shoes, a dirty cap
and a toothbrush and survive for more than a week,
r This scenario is a little stereotypical, but remember
that packing a whole closet into one or two bags is not
necessary. Instead, bring versatile clothes that can be
||xed and matched and worn more than once.
Even though the beach is the hottest spot on the map,
do not forget to bring at least one warm sweater or jack
et because coast nights can get chilly, even if you are cud
dled up with someone. Also, sudden rain showers are
common along the Texas shores.
If you are going camping or skiing, wear layers of
clothing so you can remove or add a layer if the temper
ature changes, Morgan said this is a good in case a hiker
falls in a river and gets wet. It is easier to dry thin layers. suggests taking sample sizes of
toiletries that will last the trip instead of taking a huge
bottle of shampoo. Call and ask the hotel what toiletries
they provide to be sure everything needed will be there.
Another suggestion for campers is putting toiletries
in plastic baggies and rolling them inside of clothes.
This keeps bottles from breaking and conserves
This works not only for camping, but also for any
traveler who wants to combine a toiletry bag with
a clothes bag.
Not all of the toiletries will fit into one shirt,
so space them throughout the wardrobe, and
the rolls will be thinner.
Stuff underwear and socks inside shoes to save space
and keep the shoes from bending.
If leaving on a jet plane is part of the travel plan, ex
perts and moms alike suggest bringing a change of
clothes, clean underwear, a toothbrush, toothpaste and all
important documents in a carry-on bag.
' Check luggage restrictions for the airline.
Another way to save space is to combine bags witlna
roommate. Just be sure to not give any embarrassing
items to the person just in case he or she is a prankster
who is always looking for a laugh.
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