The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 19, 2001, Image 2
Friends of Sterling C. Evans Library 8th Annual Fun Run Saturday, February 24,2001-9 a.m. 5K Run/IMUe Fitness Walk The 5K Run and 1 Mile Fitness Walk will begin in the parking lot behind the Wehner Business Administration Building on the west campus of Texas A&M, College Station, Texas. EARLY REGISTRANTS WILL RECEIVE T-SHIRTS AND OTHER GIFTS!! GREAT PRIZES!! SV Entries after February 14,2001 s 12.00 for youths & college students and $ 15.00 for adults Packet pick-up and late registration will be held at the MSC on February 23,2001 ' from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Any questions, please call Adelle at 862-4574. Return entries and/or registration fee to: Sterling C. Evans Library, Adminstration Office, 2nd Floor - Adelle Hedleston or register online at Sponsored by: H.E.B. Pantry Foods,TAMU Athletic Department, The 12th Man Foundation, Optima Systems, Inc., Acklam Construction Co., Inc., David Gardner’s Jewelers, A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc., Aerofit, First National Bank, KTSR • WTAW Page 2 CAMPUS Monday, Februar, THE BATTALION FISH by R.DeLuna WHAT'S U)irn The >$tume , Tisdale ? XT's Peesiof/ors Ui MD Aio oaje T£V!A)6 T o SPKE/ID /iumeaiesS EXCUSE ME. Do You Kajou VHAT^ DAY^ It (5 (DM, A)o..., U)EIE. MAYBE MY Ml?. MI6HT IdA^O UJ j[Ol MW ERlEAJD MIR. U/\sHIM(>Toa) Woo SEE U)HAT^ I'M GETTING X Thmk x Tust Th/,t xjould the Real /ISKAHAM 5AY... Campus Caler Monday Biday, Februs The Texas A&M Roadruime meet at the 12th Man front of The Zone at Ky Monday through Thursdays: p.m., and Friday at 5 p.m ly runs. All skill levels are wel For more information, Chad Henderson at 76 The Student Y Associatic be holding a general mee:, 404 Rudder at 7p.m. m-c! tke Wuss Cookie 60 Adrian have a guest speaker i Rudder at 8:30 p.m. a space. However, the necessity of overflow housing in the past has led potential residents to off-campus apartments with comparable ameni ties and a similar environment, Cow ley said. “Many students would prefer to live on campus,” she said. “But if the [housing] assignments they re ceive are far from what they want or if there is not enough room, their parents want them in the same type of place, with a roommate and cafe teria access.” When students are assigned to housing they think is unacceptable, Cowley said, they look to a place that gives them close to what they had at home with their parents. In the housing assignments of fice, students are served on a first- come, first-serve basis. Upperclass men have first choice on the modular-style halls. . Freshmen are assigned to resi dence halls in the summer, and a computer-based program places re maining students in the next hous ing prince range by a priority date. As a result, more than 80 percent of people vie for 30 percent of the room space in the modular halls, Thomas said. If students have a roommate pref erence, their housing preference is forfeited and their priority date is re set to match their roommates’ date for assignment, Thomas said. Students who have their own room at home and want to keep the same amenities come to off-campus communities like Callaway House, said Callaway House assistant gen eral manager Marc Wade. Callaway has an in-house cafeteria and room mates are hand-picked on the basis of their responses on preference cards. “[Residents] want it like Mom made it at home,” said Ronda Cook, a Callaway community assistant and junior management major. “Parents want to feel like their stu dents will be taken care of, and that’s what we look to do.” Callaway has community pro grams similar to on-campus resi dence hall council programs. On her tours, Cook emphasizes the conve nience of having everything located in one building. Students are across the street from campus and can do their laundry, check their mail, eat in a cafeteria and take advantage of study rooms in one place. Rates, which include a meal plan and can be as high as $ 13,000 a year for a one-bedroom suite and as low as $6,200 for a shared bedroom in a four-person apartment, are more daunting than they seem. Cook said. “If you lump all of your living ex penses into one yearly bill, then it will seem overwhelming,” Cook said. “But it’s a convenience here — everything is taken care of.” Unlike the Hying communities. Residence Life js not in business to make a profit. Its rent prices reflect only the expens es it pays to keep the halls open. For the 1999-2000 academic year, rent for double occupancy in a modular-style hall is $3,420, which includes phone and utilities. In ad dition, residents are provided with Alpha Chi Omega will to* "Hugs and Pampers” diapt by Rupert C from Feb. 19 to 26. Please;^ off diapers at 1505 OlympiM. ... . to help fight domestic violer: : 1 ^ 111 c 1 more information, contact^ 01 ^ o da at 695-8147. life is ovcitm jdent adviser Tuesday |MattMci Bilitate leai The Orthodox ChristianFtenlorce the l ship will have a lituig |"But whei 5:30p.m. at the All FaithsdBer to help ... - , Dylan Mi The Microbiology Socla^ d()ml res rrown o rfi loot c rvoounr ir ^ ■fit is fun i have to d The Aggie Investment C!i: st ^ Mi hold a meeting at 8 p.m.inlB^ e sa i c * Yv Bush. Park in Bush lot. FrStiKleiUs out information, call Laura Rip: "It's a bla 695-2833. together and hours,” Miss ■ Misslin s; ||s them ha\ a direct connection to the ^ keeps th network, a feature new il "Students communities and apartmei That usually plexes are scrambling too|B McDevitt their customers. ucational pro Students accustomed tt of enthusiast alone and those who can arY “Program may-choose off-campus apai longing, not Thomas said. But he saidpa director at FI education is learning to iivew: Mers said er people. ||rd work th “Some of it’s a status sw “We got a Thomas said. “We're lookii.and the sock generation of people who are pi e j n the do private rooms and maybeevtB rm iscoed vale bathrooms. But anyone Scott Bas been through it knows there. “j| ie mos t j vantages in learning to live in /^ nv time I n munity. It’s part of the expen ret [ or or m y Audrey Gibson, leasings • Misslin s; Sterling University Village,st quirement, a in general, students looking', ''f “Students off campus are looking for - ' idence halls do not provide. "Most students think itV to pay a little more for sometfe makes them happy,” “They’d rather have what to than end up in a place where smushed.” Aggie Hostess Informational Monday, February 19 8:30 pm Rudder 301 career center career center career center career center career center career center Career Center Texas A&M University Aggie Hostess is an elite group of young women promoting Texas Aggie Football. They represent the athletic department and the university by serving as hostesses for football recruits and their families. MSC Hospitality Presents Student Etiquette Dinners Monday, Mar. 5th & Thursday, Mar. 8t!i Faculty Club 11th floor of Rudder Tower 5:30-8:00 p.m. An expert in the field of etiquette will provide i and helpful hints to use in a formal setting. The nteal i consist of seven courses and the cost is $10.00. Tickets: be purchased beginning February 19th at the BoxOffo t Please call 845-1515 with any questions ~Dress is business casual~ 2001 Employer Workshop Series Resume Writing Workshop Students, please join us to celebrate the opening of our new Academic & Career Resource Center, Mon., Feb. 19 5:30 p.m. MSC 228 Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 featuring: Cintas Time: 5:00p.m, - 7:00p.m. Location: Student Counseling Service Henderson Hall, Room 114 A place to meet your next employer. 845.5139 209 Koldus career center career center career center career center career center career center THE T Jeff Kempf, Editor in Chief Jen Bales, Managing Editor Anne Hoar, Co-Aggielife Editor Brady Creel, News Editor Kelly Preiser, Co-Aggielifc Editor Karen Weinberg, Design Director Doug Ftientcs, Sports Editor Beth Ahlquist. Copy Chief Stuart Hutson, Sci/Tcch Editor Ruben DeLuna, Graphics I'.iiimr Eric Dickens, Co-Radio Producer Stuart Villanueva, Photo Editor Mariunt Mohiuddin, Co-Radio Producer Jessica Crutcher, Opinion Editor Brandon Payton, Webmaster Staff Members Aggielife - Eric Aikin, Jason Bennyhoff, Brooke Corso, Cindy Gallegos, Hillary Gant, Rupert Garcia, Brookelyn Hodges, Brooke Holbert, Kendra Kingsley, Rachel Landry, Lance Lunsford, Matt McCormick, Lauri McDaniel, Leslie McDonald, Chris Moore, Matthew Parker, Melissa . Sorola-Bilano, Kyle Whitacre Copy Desk - John Griffin, Carrie Jacobs, Laura Mooney, Jennifer Ramby, Sharika Sridhara Design - Janna Frazier, Laurie Griffin, Sara Schoenfield Graphics - Edgar Calcaneo, Kathryn Easterling, Angelique Ford, Selso Garcia, Brandon Henderson, Carson Higgs, Richard Horne, Kristin McNeff, Joseph Peden News - Heather Barber, Aratl Bhattacharya, Risha Bryan, Sommer Bunce, Shannon Galary, Rolando Garcia (asst, editor), Sarah Goldston, Emily Hendrickson, David Johnson, Maureen Kane (asst, editor), Brandie Liffick, Rob Munson. Rob Phillips, Elizabeth Raines, Nathan Rogers, Tamra Russell, Jeanette Simpson, Amanda Smith, Courtney Stelzel Opinion - Melissa Bedsole, Richard Bray, Christopher Busta, Matthew Cannon, CaylaCr (asst, editor), Chris Carter, Mariano Castillo, George Deutsch, Jonathan Jones, William IW David Lee, Mark Mitchell, Sunnye Owens, Man Passwaters, Brieanna Porter, Nicholas Roziwt 1 (asst, editor), Andrew Stephenson, Jesse Stephenson, J J. Trevino Photo - Charles Adams, Bernardo Garza, Robf Graham, Ruthann Halprin, Andy Hancock, Kiisf Hines, Susan Redding, Patric Schneider, C(xt( Wages (asst, editor) Radio - Kristin Cunningham, Jennifer Jenkins, Niven Sci/Tech - Steven Piwonka Jipi/ I cvn - oicvci t riwunrxcJ Sports - Jeremy Brown, True Brown, Thomas Campbell, Kevin Espenlaub, Jason Lincoln,k'i Owidi, Brian Ruff (asst, editor), Kate Siegel (is editor), Cody Stark, Diane Xavier Advertising - Donna Berny, Matthew Bullingei, Traci Burkhalter, Laura Carter, Jennifer Dobbs, Rachel Dolle, Matthew Ling, Sarah Loaring-tt' Leigh Montgomery, Thelma Roman, Curtis ttov THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fail and spring semesters and MF'' through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. PetidK,' Postage Paid at College Station. IX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Banal ion,Texas A&M University, HUT College Station, IX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student Media, a the Department of Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fa*: 845 ® E-mail:; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For campus, local, and*<' al display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are In 015 Reed McDonat K office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 645-2678. Subscriptions: A part ot the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy of ffie Battalw Ft copy free, additional copies 25t. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester and Slf.SOli* summer. To charge by credit card, call 845-2611. 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