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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 2001)
May Graduates The Official Texas A&M Graduation Announcements Order via the web! All orders and payments must be received by March 2, 2001! MSC Box Office M-Fl lam-8pm 979-845-1234 1-888-890-5667 Page 2 CAMPUS Friday, FebruaiyM THE BATTALION FISH Houl's Cooa)TRV U)E$T£Za) MaJCI/VG ClASb &QIM& ? by R.DeLuna Forum TEXAS A&M FOOTBALL WALK-ON/12TH MAN Informational Meeting DATE: Monday, February 19, 2001 TIME: 3:45 PM WHERE: The Auditorium - West Side of Kyle Field * MANDATORY ATTENDANCE * MUST BE ENROLLED IN 12 HOURS AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY AT COLLEGE STATION * MUST HAVE STARTED COLLEGE NO EARLIER THAN THE FALL OF ‘98 * We will not hold tryouts for Kickers or Punters this Semester pRErry $Ab 'But IVE ’Ia)oR.k££> °^ r ^ D'SCMiMEfc XV£ 8££aJ usiaj6 04J The GtflS la) The CLAbS. Check it out- T f\PoLOGiZ£ Fog WHATEVER D'YosiFogr I AM about To Cause You , Fo^ I fa ve^y (JWCooRDliMfED. r caa) see The steps n My HMD.. 1 8uT Z CfiAi'T see/a To CoAiTgou My goDV reoM the UAfsr Dou)aJ. Continued fromhf Vou MAY UJAaJT To FeTMaJK That ^-^st hr r You'l?E 8eC/a)a)Ia)0 'To $00rib Like THE Pat)£E ofPiCER Aou)- Qi/ www.rdelunciTcom tradition, said Institutional Cute co-chainnan Jonathan Smith. “For people who arehonestljd cerned about Bonfire, a fail-safe® struction is absolutely essenii Friday, Feb (( Non Mia Culpa B-Hippie m. Horns., why are you Hiding UNDER THE DESK? SOMEBODY'S TRYING ro Kill Me/ I think it's safeto assume that Bonk, is on permanent m bation from here to \ eternity, and m don't want to viok that probation in any way." Agi OK, YOU EXPLAIN HOW A PLUGGED IN HAff DRYER GOT INTO THE URlNAL I THOUGHT I SMELLED SOMETHNG. — Jonathan Sna Institutional Culture co-chawf iy Jason ] he Batta Sandy 1 xciting pi ere is fa sk for a d Cathy f exas A&l the Wuss Cookie •4. Adrian HELLO! I'M KEATON AND YOUR HOST OF THE WHAT'S BEHIND THE YOU SHOULD BE PRETTY FAMILIAR WITH ME ALREADY BUT ALLOW MYSELF TO INTRODUCE LET'S START WITH CMU6&ER, THE ONLY PERSON THAT HAS LOWER I.Q. THAN HIS RING THERESA IS PERHAPS THE OLDEST STUDENT AROND. SHE HAS BEEN IN COLLEGE LONGER THAN SOME THIS IS MY ROMMATf S DOG, HANS, NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT HIM REALLY...SOMETIMES HE LOOKS LIKE HE IS .ABOUT TO TALK THOUGH, Smith said. “I can’t speakforpt: or future administration, bull# guess in the aftermath of the lW®t u dents’ 1 lapse that, if (here wasonemort J|;ff ervn . associated with Bonfire. B would be wiped from thememB i c ,. this University without inqute B ' , K SUI< “Absolute safety is nolotijM 1111 lc important detail,” Smith said.'M r ®S rams 1 it's safe to assume that Bontr|| a 'y' ( - ,ern permanent probation from feB Despite eternity, and we don’t want to 1 tiiach a spt that probation in any way.” 'language. Bp- ■ “Most p LO F Kir might 1 Continued from ft] Ci 111 §°- as ' Schutt s of the trip, T A&M p PTTS plans to communte closings and openings with which will be posted inthelQiitL lrnpmm 1 wo days before a large evem.* Alth u will also use the Internet toe™o. 0 T&M s pre : School 1 nicate witli students. Pam Homer. PTTScon. r . terns manager, said the Neo™ Ioat * °PP will make it easy to notify stud ex Pjore tho parking changes. ■ Schutt s< “The Neo system is supposBdes infon be the clearinghouse for sit email addresses,” Horner said can email these students with 1 cation of parking changes.” Students may access the pi listserv at http://www.ptts/tami Notification of closures at parking area will be included® sages on the listserv. Wine said telling students the closures will he the mos! lenging aspect of opening tifi student parking. 1 A&M p: “If we ar (vantage 0 lough, that &M syste jfferent pr< Ryan Lo s* ^ “Until we can see that itis»t ing effectively, we will wait ton anything permanent,” Wine “We are trying to be proactive! dents have suggestions, they us know.” mantling 6cm, Oms, ■ BMMChm, Chubby carrier, jugglersJance teams, MantriiteZyilecoChaam, blots amt lots of Beads rile,amtiM/iynmtome and Ms of beads. Gumbo, crawfish, b blackened shrimp at Restaurants on 6th mCOimf 1/2 OFF SUPREME o Includes Value Prep • Re 9 . -399- ^ V Wjk M A/ous... Must Pre-s»n» roupun at timts of estimote. Hurry.Limited tirrse offer! BRYAN • 823-3008 1 300 South College {1 mile north of Vilta Maria) FREE ESTIMATES Insurance Claims Welcome! Vaw, irurb. 5UVt osa tcmmcrtiol rthktss by Ktimcie Bcriywark, rusi tepoir ssa enprsog of i^i (sci^ 8«!ra. No* valid wth any atber offer. Sadyw^u ieniers «re ladepewieit! b«bis« ct MMCO hterposK. Ist. Prices, t^w-n m rerviter may rory. yn (F The Princeton Review BetterScorts, Better Schools 24-hour access to an extensive online libranj H-E xas Com / Br The on February 25, 2001 3:00 PM & 7:30 PM Rudder Auditorium Win free tickets online at CALL 845-1234 or toll-free 888-890-5667 It’s not too late to get a taste of childhood] Revisit Never Land February 25 when Peter Pan comes flying into Rudder Auditorium Join Peter, Tinker Bell and the Lost Boys for an evening of magic and adventure as they battle the villainous Captain 2000-2001 Season Media Par KAMU iKBTX ESZSlf 620 GMAI May GMAT class starts next Saturday, and space is limited. CaU and reserved spot today 800.2Review | www.PrincetonReview.cof Live Instruction 1 Books j Software \ Online Course TSc Princeton Review Is not aliiflaletl will Prlnretoo U Bi J.D. Ski Sewell. Automati W; Do M THE De 2 S’ Jeff Kempf, Editor in Chief Jen Bales, Managing Editor Brady Creel, News Editor Karen Weinberg, Design Director Beth Ahlquist, Copy Chief Ruben DeLuna, Graphics Editor Stuart Villanueva, Photo Editor Jessica Crutcher, Opinion Editor Anne Hoar, Co-Aggielife Editor Kelly Preiser, Co-Aggielife Editor Doug Puentes, Sports Editor Stuart Hutson, Sci/Tech Editor Eric Dickens, Co-Radio Producer Marium Mohiuddin, Co-Radio ProA) Brandon Payton, Webmaster THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday duringttiG spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except UnivT: idays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College St; 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, ll 1 College Station, TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M Univert, Division of Student Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in M- McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail: Thebattalii; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement tr Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classifaf Using, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office, houisaiei 1 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to phj single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are» school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer or $10 a monttiJc j, by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611. R Maxim Ailc Price 1 Adjo Sh i\ IE i