The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 05, 2001, Image 4
IHi§) BEAT THE CLOCK 1 Mondays 6-8pm The Time You Call Is The Price You Pay!!!! ’"College Station 764-7272 TAMU/ Noithgate Brvan 846-3600 O «o 2ovo Open till 2 a.m. Thursday c/t O O — / ( t—J 3 a.m. Friday & Saturday Granger comes home Local singer plays Shadow Canyon while friends, fans pan By Anne Hoar career center WEEKLY PREVIEW week of: February 5 - 9, 2001 BIG EVENTS Liberal Arts Career Week - look for liberal arts events on this schedule Career Fair Networking - Tues. 2/6, 7:30 p.m. Wehner 159 Liberal Arts Career Fair Networking - Wed. 2/7, 7 p.m. Koldus 111 Liberal Arts Alumni Forum/Social - Thurs. 2/8, 6-9 p.m. Reed Arena Career Fairs Construction Science - Mon. 2/5, Langford Liberal Arts - Fri. 2/9, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Rudder Orientations for On-Campus Interviewing Mon. 2/5 - 5:30 p.m. Rudder 502 Wed. 2/7 -11 a.m. Rudder 402 (Liberal Arts Students) Thurs. 2/8 - 2 p.m. Rudder 502 5:30 p.m. Wehner 133 (Business Students) Resume/Letter Writing Seminar Mon. 2/5, 7 p.m. Rudder 502 (Liberal Arts Students) Internship Search Strategies Wed. 2/7, 4:30 p.m. Rudder 402 Behavioral Interviewing Workshops Mon. 2/5, 6:30 p.m. Rudder 402 Tues. 2/6, 7 p.m. Rudder 502 (Liberal Arts Students) Thurs. 2/8 - 6:30 p.m. Rudder 502 (featuring: Cintas) TAMU Career Center 209 Koldus 845-5139 A place to meet your next employer WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY. CUSTOMIZED FOR ANY BUSINESS. You can have a plan. You can have all the right information. But unless you hold these things up to your goals, assess them against your needs, and understand their effects on the future, you can’t make a truly informed decision. That’s where your CPA comes in. Because windows of opportunity aren’t ahVays found. They’re created. Consulting Services Financial Planning Performance Management Technology Services International Services Information Integrity Assurance Services The CPA. Never underestimate the value I Construction Science Career Fair i- January 31 & February 5 (Open to all majors) Langford Architecture Building A 8 a.m. : 5 p.m. More than 100 companies coming! For more information: The Battalion Granger Smith played to a welcoming crowd of friends at Shadow Canyon Saturday night. The six-piece band The Night Shift opened for Smith and played a va riety of covers, from “Play That Funky Music” to “Sweet Home Al abama,” that got the audience two- stepping on the dance floor. The audience crowded close to the stage, when Smith, in cowboy hat and boots, took the stage. Smith received a lot of adoring looks from the girls and good-na tured teasing from the guys, and the crowd sang along with Smith’s orig inal songs and cover tunes. He played his original songs solo and the covers with the band, which he had just met that day. The crowd had the makings of a reunion. Many people in the audi ence felt a connection to Smith, a member of the Class of ’02, who is not currently a student, as he is now living in Nashville. Many people also seemed to know each other. “My dream is playing at Shadow Canyon and people throwing beer at me from the balcony,” Smith said. “This is what it’s all about.” He smiled and waved to people in the crowd during the performance. else in the world. “Playing here is the best feeling. Nothing beats it.” Smith said there are many things he misses about College Station “1 miss my buddies and my old band, the Number 7 band, a lot," Smith said. eac« wher unive expei incid Te polic fired cause vestij unive G< Smith said he enjoys his nev perience in Nashville writings recording songs. “It doesn’t seem likeajob." Smith said. “1 write songs ever and record the best ones.” However, Smith said, his so: w riting keeps him from perforaHyear , frequently. Bty of ‘Tve basically beeninabit clain doing studio w ; ork,” he said.'!: from my first performance since the:, not tc Smith n.ikI mo\ mg to NajhBball F is the biggest change hehasng on ca "I went Irom h\ mg here a. In ing in the Corps, basicallycoa(Hd e ny dependence.'" he said. "Now! doing got complete 11kIependence;!!■ s ° ns to pay my own bills. It’s a bio justment.” Smith currently has one CD: progress, w hich he said is setd released in the fall. Smith said his music is “trail Smith invited a freshman from his former Corps outfit onstage to give a speech to motivate the crowd. “This is my one junior detail,” Smith said. Smith and his band played a lot of George Strait songs, including “Fiieman” and “Amarillo By Morning.” Smith played songs from his first album. Waiting on Forever, includ ing “Count the Stars” and "Monterrey.” Smith also played "As It Is in Texas,” which radio stations in College Station and Dallas are playing. “The women here are better than anywhere else in the world," Smith said. College Station was a special trip for Smith. “1 came back here to see all my friends,” Smith said. “College Station is the No. 1 town to play in Texas, and I’d rather be here than anywhere tunnj them Bi ficial story Hous tional country with a Texas fl* es S P ( a lot of Granger.” T a statl “Writing music is the ultiir, schoc vent,” he said. Smith said women are the major inspiration for his songs. “It’s a lot of life, but mainly girls,” he said. “Losin* ’em, gettin V and wishing you had ’em back.” Smith said he plans to finish his degree at A&M. “As soon as it calms down. I’ll go back, but it probably won’t be, time soon,” Smith said. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,®: was too good to pass up.” His mother, Debbee Smith, said she supports her son’s decision! pursue his musical career. “Granger’s always been very focused and known what he wantd Debbee Smith said. “We encouraged him to go to school, and weak said that if a wonderful opportunity came up, we'd discuss it. WtV excited and proud of him.” own polio A with ; H Of People In the News Seinfeld perfoms for first time since 1998 hiatus WEST ORANGE. NJ. (AP) — The star of a show about nothing is doing just that these days. “I do nothing,” Jerry Seinfeld told an audi ence at Rascal’s comedy club Saturday. “A lot of people think doing nothing is really good. I tell you, you can get pretty crammed doing nothing.” Seinfeld, 46, has kept a relatively low profile since his immensely popular series “Seinfeld” ended its prime-time run in May 1998. He turned up for four weekend shows at the club, where he appeared regularly before he became a star. The 1,500 tickets at $20 each sold out in less than a week in December, even though the shows were not adver tised outside the club. The club owner said he turned away 10,000 other ticket-seekers. Seinfeld had new jokes, but the same style of humor. Some of the up-to-date jokes took on the Web — “Why do they cal! it eBay? They should call it Garbay” — and his 1999 wedding — “if you want to have a great party, why invite all the oldest people you kndw?" Pavarotti makes Kiss’ drummer Crissi welcome on farewell! amends with fans after poor performance SEINFELD ATLANTIC CITY, N.J: (AP) — Opera star Lu ciano Pavarotti kept rtlfe promise to fans who were disappointed b^'b’n earlier performance. The legendary tetibr re turned to the Trump Taj Ma hal Casino Resort on Satur day, performing a concert to make amends for the Nov. 11 show he struggled through while suffering from a cold. All previous ticket holders were allowed to return for free. A healthier Pavarotti, 65, joined by soprano Cynthia PAVAROTTI Lawrence, per formed for nearly 90 minutes, including four encores. The crowd of 5,000 responded with five standing ovations. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Kiss drurv* ter Criss says he still wants to rock'd" with the band, but its leaders don't wan'! on the start of their farewell tour. A statement posted on the band's Wet: said Criss had left the group he helpedfo. but gave no reason. On Saturday, Criss said Kiss leads' Gene Simmons and guitarist Paul Stanlei short negotiations for him to performer tour. Criss will be replaced by Eric Singer, played with the band from 1991 to 1996 “It is unfortunate that Gene and Pauley to terminate their association with melts Japan and Australia tour dates. I am he- and will truly miss performing," Criss said statement. “We were in the middle of negotiating there was an offer taken off the taWk lawyer, Mike Ce))i, said Saturday. He wok disclose details of the talks. Kiss is playing Japan and Australis month, and reportedly plans to close the' with a multi-night stand at New York’s Maa Square Garden in April. D, Texai for a i Te some subje to en: creas anim “V Indus who i “A grew subur ue on So feetty from Of exten whicl “S board Pacel of the attem its ch the st Ar for hi of coi i-- Pre-Health Care Free 5K Fun Run! Administration Society Engineers Week Kick-off Event Saturday, Feb. 1 7 th , Sam Attention to all those interested in the field of Health Care Administration: Research Park The PHCAS is having its first meeting of the semester Open to Everyone! on February 6th at 8:30pm in Koldus Room 155. Hosted by: Society of Women Engineers There will be a speaker and refreshments. & Student Engineers Council If you have any questions, you can contact Registration forms available in 204 Zachry. Jeff Patterson at 680-1864 or Or register on-line at SeC.tamU.eQU/e~WeGk Cl S€ fr< E won com two a pn a he T broi at S May Graduates The Official Texas A&M Graduation Announcements Order via the web! http ://graduation. All orders and payments must be received by March 2, 2001! MSC Box Office M-Fl lam-8pm 979-845-1234 1-888-890-5667 Talent Show • Parents Weekend • April com,: TO... AUDITION March 3, 4, and 7 Get applications online at http://tmvnliall.taniii.cdii or call 845-1515 '^Application deadline: February 23rd ** l.