Chevron University Chevron & Auto Repair Full & Self Service Alternators & Batteries Starters Brakes & Tune Ups 10% discount with this ad! Open 8-10 Monday - Sunday Located on the corner of Texas & University CAMPUS Monday, Fehm. ■ THE BATTALION FISH by R.DeLuna Moms MO nil a Okav Scoot, lets CRAaJK ODT THIS OKooP PAP£fZ THE WAY IT PLAYS OUT TJTuesday - Texas Music Night No Cover ▼^Wednesday ■ Debut of Two Spy Cover $ 3.00 J Ih U1* S d ct y - Closed for Private Party TFriday - Midlake: (from Denton) Opener- Morning People (from Arlington) Cover $ 5.00 TSaturday- Chris Duarte * Austin's Legendary Guitarist* Cover $ 10.00 X Doa/’T 6£T Sill. Scoot ? \>CooGU: T'L'p This Book AMDE 1 OE kRYPToAjlTt ? 'Flue, /.EriXN Get started.^ HAa)D me J^!TIdU-T 1 o aJA k o S' . , Crz Co t it i nued fronu Non Mia Culpa by B-Hippie assistant at the Office ofli, Programs, said, since thect the University has bannedu,i official Aggie Bonfire organization. Strahan said that, as soojf University gives the word, t^j at Aggie Moms’ boutiquesu again sport the Aggie Bonfire “We have been asked tient,” Strahan said. “Whenik is right, we will resume if logo.” )|H ''ll I St: i Hear you're looking FOR A NEW CAR. ALL THE NEW CARS ARE OVERPRCED AND MY TRADE-IN'S UNDERVALUED. V MMM. i suppose Huffy s just don't hold market value. Ba*x THEY DIDN'T EVEN LOOK AT MY MOUNTED-ON RAD/O. Bs B» -t —. The F* Coniiniinl [roni^ p Apt. #160 by Kyle w The Advising Odyssey Attention Student Organization Advisors Mark your calendars and be sure to attend these educational workshops. Each session addresses a topic -which is important to the success of an advisory experience. Light snacks will be provided, but feel free to bring your own food. Dates: , Tues., Feb. 6 •Fri., Feb. 9 Tues., Feb. 13 Fri., Feb. 16 Topics: Travel. Travel Liability Liability Room &: Time: 4:00-5:15pm Rudder 302 11:30-12:45pm Koldus 144 4:00-5:15pm Rudder 302 11:30-12:45pm Koldus 144 L r$5\ Student Activities For more information At Texas A&M University Kim Novak at l53 th.« Wuss Goofei® 60 Adrian FAR FROM IT.' ARE AN ORGANIZATION PEPlCATtP TO CREATING mayhem ANP PISOPEYING THE II 1 The three-couisc menuuvfirid of salad. Filet mignon. fried | n H a n baked potatoes and an asson mc> desserts. Student admission ca 4 y < meal credit, cash or Aggie! by da.i the dtx^r. M Tl-t. “The ftx)d w'as great,and Doro t orations were very traditional]colic^ Aggie,” said Nick Mims,ati lishiiT. biochemistry major. ilI orn Cynthia Ziiwieja, assoa nu nt tor of Food Services, said, decori mately 600 students resen the th for the gala, a number that« few. tL Food Services officials. sonal « “We expected more tk fg Zawieja said. “On an averar, night, the typical amount of (h Ch; that eat in the dining halls most t higher. But overall, we are dirtak cited to have this many stud: has th tonight in Sbisa.” room. The Singing Cadets beg; . Les tertainment and were folio J 01 - °F harpist and string quartet, strateg Beard said Coca-Colap; m her disc jockey, Coca-Cola pm;.: TV the dance and a drawingfc'^ e . a P ; limousine ride to the ball. White. “We had a reopening ce:.-® 0 ret for the architects and spoils fore Sbisa actually reopeneii P^ anne public,” ZaM icja said."Bulk ln Y 'b; this building is for the stude: thought that the student h lL served an opening celebratio:T rc,x " Dreyer said Legett Halit; 1 " Kl work with Food Services in thr C a J|| e to make the Old Arnn semi , ( make s an annual event. Relief Continued from Page 1 Anurada Mukheriji, an Indian inter national student and an architecture graduate student. “Although we are far in distance from India, we can still help by giving donations.” A open prayer ceremony will be held today at Rudder Fountain at 8:30 p.m. in remembrance of the In dian families. “The earthquake affected Ag gies as though we were there be cause we all have families in India who lost everything,” said Shailen- dra Das, a senior chemistry major. “The earthquake has brought all in ternational organizations at Texas A&M together in a united effort to bring aid to India. We need every one here to donate anything they can give.” The International Student Associ ation also plans to hold a mock slave' auction in a couple of weeks to help raise more relief funds. Campus Calendar Monday The Texas A&M Roadrunners will meet at the 12th Man statue in front of The Zone at Kyle Field Mon day through Thursday at 5:30 p.m. and Friday at 5 p.m. for daily runs. All skill levels are welcome. For more information, contact Chad Henderson at 764-8637. Student Y Association a general meeting at 7 Rudder 404. League of United Latin can Citizens (LULAC) Tuesday at 8:30 p.m 230. For more informatior Amy at 680-1980. Jmm, or call 696-8886(TUTOR) Aect 210 Haves Fart f Mon Feb 5 5pm~7pni Part II Tiie Feb 6 5pm-7pm Part ill Wed Feb 7 5pm-7pm Acct 230 Haves Part I Mon Feb 5 5pm-7pm Part 11 Tuc Feb 6 5pm-7pm Part Hi Wed Feb 7 5pm-7pm Eton 203 Nelson Part i Mon Feb 5 7pm~l9pm Part II Tue Feb 6 7pni-10pm Econ 322 Alien Part I Mon Feb 5 lOpm-lam Fine 309 Part I! Mon Feb 5 7pm-!©pm Part II Wed Feb 7 lOpm-lam TTT ***Coming Next Week*' Acct 229, Econ 202 (Allen), Math | 151, Math 152, Info 303, Info 305, and Mgmt 363 f Tatori oIixl Tkese are weekly classes Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 4:00 Math 142 Marvit math 141 Epstein Math 131 5:30 Math 141 Math 131 Math 166 Math 141 7:00 Physics 201 Physics 202 Math 142 Physics 202 8:30 Math 152 Math 142 (Biweekly) Physics 201 Math 1 42 (Biweekly) 485-8556 For review sessions ckeck Tickets go on sate Sunday at 6:30 PM. 4.0 & Go is located on the corner of SW Pkwy and Tx Ave, behind KFC next to Lack's. Cheek our web page at Time's running out Feb. 12th Class of 2001: Don't be left out ofthe2001 Aggieland! Get your FREE Senior Picture taken at AR Photography, located at 1410 Texas Ave. (by Jason’s Deli) No appointment necessary. Extended sittings available for $10. For more info, call AR Photography at 693-8183. THE BATTALION Jeff Kenipf Editor in Chief The Battauoh (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, IK 77840. POST MASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, 1111TAMU, College Station,TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by stu dents at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845- 3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail:; Web site; Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply spon sorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classi fied advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail sub scriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer and $10 per month. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611. ■ESSSBSMffiiSMSESESiH ” BRAZOS ■evyoo Gw, 1/2 PRICE OPTION CURRENT SCHEDUU M, MO I’M H5BI m FVFDV iib-f t-VCKl 540PM MS PM WN HUE THURSDAY Friiir WOPM WPN WN Wdi- r«PM WPM MtN Smdiv cTOPM MO PM Ullll Non-SmokingAita • Poor Prizes • Crtal food • Seairilf • Pill IMrrjj^a Over Awarded Wee!j| LITERACY VOLUNTEERS OF AMERIQ J The Battalio Classified Advertising • Easy Affordable _ £ ( • Effective For information, call 845-0569 Redefine Your World Meet Former Volunteer Morgan Walls, Ph.D. (Thailand, 1991-93) Celebrating 40 years of Helping Others Help Themselves 1-800-424-8580, option 1 February 6-8 Memorial Student Union 9 am. to 3 p.m. Learn about Peace Corps Jobs in Business, Health, Environment, Education and Agriculture. Plus Find Out How You Can Earn a Graduate While Serving.