The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 01, 2001, Image 12
The Battalion Classified ds ®ay, Feb To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day VISA Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rateapp only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional: days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qua k the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. JS ■ FURNITURE Couch $150, loveseat $125, chair $50, whole set $300. 260-0680. AUTO 1990 Toyota 4Runner, 4-wheel drive, cd, automatic, maroon. Call 693-2384. ‘95 Acura Integra RS, 3-door, black, 65K, cruise, sun- root, alarm, cd, 5-speed, $9125. 1-owner. 979-828- 3243 or 694-0612. ‘96 Honda Accord LX- maroon, 4-door, 5-speed, loaded, $11,500. 693-2078. Be like Starsky and Hutch! 1974 Ford Torino. V8, 351, Great Project Car! $250. 260-1293. Painted just like theirs! Dodge Neon, 1996, 24K miles, 5-speed, $6500. Call 979-693-0889 or e-mail Police impounds: Cars from $500. For listings/ payment details 800-319-3323 ext.3782. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. Help on the spot. General Automotive Repair. 828-4832. BED AND BREAKFAST Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways. For information/ reser vations call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,'70, 409-696-0091. Valentine's Special - 6 Course Candlelight Dinner. Calvert Inn, 364-2868. SINUS INFECTION STUDY Are you experiencing the following symptoms? Facial Pain/ Pressure/Tightness Facial Congestion/ Fullness Tooth Pain/ Earache/ Headache/ Sore Throat Cough/ Bad Breath/ Fever Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 16 years of age and older to participate in a research study with an investigational oral antibiotic. If qualified, your participa tion will last up to 24 days and you will be compensated up to $500. For more information, please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 BED AND BREAKFAST Voted Most Romantic in Brazos Valley. Special Events, Weddings, Etc. Calvert Inn Gourmet Bed and Breakfast. 979-364-2868. CHILD CARE Childcare for 2 toddlers, mornings. Experience &refer- ences required. Call 845-9283. COMPUTERS Compaq: (2) Pentium166, 200MHz: 1.5-2G, 32M-64M, 56K, CD-ROM, Network, Speakers, K&M. Windows98. $185, $235. Add $75 15'’Monitor, $125 17". (979)324- 0083. Notebook Computer- NEC Versa 2435cd -PI33, 48meg, modular design, 11.3"LCD display, CD, 56K and ether- net PCMCIA, lots of software. Original papers, restore cd, Retail Box, $400. 979-690-7629. DJ MUSIC "Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693-6294. EMPLOYMENT Telemarketers Attention: Earn up to $15/hr+. Salary -t-bonuses. Evenings &weekends. Lots of Fun, Lots of Dollars!! 979-694-2980. FOR RENT 1-2/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$325/mo. 696-2038. 2bdrm/1bth, 3-blocks from A&M, Bryan utilities, new appliances, $450/mo. Call John 690-6520. 2bdrm/2bth apartment, furnished, w/d, oh shuttle route, lease until August, cable plus HBO $24/mo., rent nego tiable. SPRING BREAK EMPLOYMENT The Texas Transportation Institute is hiring for students from the following cities to survey child safety seat use during Spring Break: Amarillo, Austin, Beaumont, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Ft. Worth, Houston, Lubbock, San Antonio, Tyler & Waco. 3-5 days work. $8/hr. plus gas. Call 845-2736, 8a.m.-5p.m. for interview. r LAXATIVE STUDY Sciman Biomedical Research is currently conducting a research study of a prescription laxative to determine the lowest effective dose that could be sold without a prescription for the treatment of constipation. If you are 18-85 years of age and you currently use nonprescription laxatives to treat constipation, you may qualify for this research study. If you qualify, your participation will last up to four weeks and you will be compensated up to $125. V For more information please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 y Newsday Crossword THERE’S THE RUB by Patrick Jordan Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 1 Arctic Ocean hazard 5 “Gangsta” performances 9 The Way We _ 13 Leap at the rink 14 Last name in tractors 15 Plow pullers 16 Flat charge 17 SAG member 18 Prepare a camera 19 Schoolyard game 22 Shorthand user 23 Maple-syrup 24 Allude (to) 27 Stick with a kick 29 House addition 31 Bachelorhood ending phrase 32 Flood barrier 35 S&L offering 36 Airborne war heroes 37 No matter what 40 Crosby crony 41 Real estate abbr. 42 Utter confusion 43 Shade of blond 44 Greek letter 45 Resistance unit 46 Comb backwards 48 Smidgen 50 Gobi garden spots 55 Meticulous neatness 58 Mayberry redhead 60 Serviceable 61 “I Song Go ...” 62 Emulate a couch potato 63 Helicopter blade 64 Exceeding 65 Made Easter eggs 66 Animal House group 67 Haff a fortnight DOWN 1 Rickies’ repertoire 2 Praise to the skies 3 Fix a shoelace 4 The Flight Stuff role 5 Hire different 17 Acrosses 6 State Farm rival 7 The Tempest character 8 Kosovo citizen 9 Orchid-loving detective 10 Type of board member 11 Actor Stephen 12 See 32 Down 14 Lake Mead creator 20 Grandparent, perhaps 21 WWW address 25 Shangri-las 26 Deep pink 28 Approaches 30 Tough-wooded tree 32 With 12 Down, unfinished detail 33 Stress 34 Churchillian gesture 35 Election victors 36 Cry of discovery 37 On-line banter 38 Copycat 39 Li'l Abner critter 44 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame architect 45 Less than 100 shares 47 Sandra Bullock thriller 49 Santa Park (horseracing venue) 51 Give leave 52 Spaghetti drainer 53 Cosmetician Lauder 54 Aquarium attraction 56 Gang territory 57 A pop 58 Part of GOP 59 Prove profitable CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2001 STANLEY NEWMAN 1/31/01 Answer to previous puzzle ITsMs' IQ □HHQ □□□!! QGim8B§i DD[3 1/31/01 FOR RENT 2bdrm/2bth duplex, $700/mo., fenced yard, close to campus. 779-1124,575-5543. 3bdrm/2bth duplex, 1250sqft., 1618-Rock Hollow Loop, preleasing for 8/18, $1050/mo. 3bdrm/3bth duplex, 2320-Axis CL, 1400sqft., preleasing for 6/3, $1200/mo. Call 220-1243. FREE online college apart ment search. Ranked #1 apartment site for college stu dents. EARN CASH, be an campus representative. B/CS 1,2,3 bedrooms available. Great locations, All Prices. Summit Properties, 979-777-3371. College Station Sublease ASAP, 3bdrm/1bth, car-port, fenced, w/d connections, shuttle, across from Old Navy Shopping Center, $700/nego. 979-693-9792 or 492- 8715. Free Locator. Apartments, Duplexes, Houses. Alpha Omega Properties, Broker. 693-0868. Garage Apartment, recently remodeled, close to A&M, $325/mo. +deposit. Call 979-691-8095. Immediate sublease needed, Ibdrm/lbth loft, close to campus, $455/mo., Treehouse. 764-0623. Looking for 1-person to sublease 1-room out in a 3bdrm/2bth duplex, $333/mo. 680-0966. Must move out of 2bdrm apartment ASAP! $525/mo. Call 492-5606. Rosewood Villas- Preleasing for Summer and Fall Occupancy. 3bdrm/2bth, W/D, On Shuttle, 1,215sqft. 12mos.- $1000/mo., 9mos - $1100/mo. For More Info. or 846-1100 or Tommye, 680-1758. Special! Walk to campus. 4bdrm/3ba. Move in now. $995. Fenced yard, deck. 693-1804. Sublease thru May 2001, Ibdrm apartment at Enclave, $620/mo., 640sqft. Call (281)450-9126. Sublease: 3bdrm/1bth house, close to campus. 906 Montclair. $675/mo. Call Morgan 574-1168. Walk to TAMU. Great 2bdrm/1bth, $400/mo. +$300/dep. Non-smoker. 764-1082. WASHERS & DRYERS FOR RENT. Don't buy, rent a washer & dryer, $28/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better, 764-3902. Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis Study Are you experiencing the following symptoms? Sore and Scratchy Throat/ Pain on Swallowing/ Redness of Tonsils/ Swollen Lymph Nodes/Fever Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 18 years of age and older to participate in a research study with an investigational oral antibiotic. If qualified, your participa tion will last up to 28 days and you will be compensated up to $200. For more information, please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 ATHLETE S FOOT STUDY Volunteers ages 12 and up needed for a research study, of a medication for the treatment of athlete’s foot. Subjects must have active signs and symptoms of athlete’s foot. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $200.00 for 8 clinic visits. SCALP PSORIASIS STUDY Men and Women ages 18 and older needed to take part in a research study using a therapuetic shampoo in the treatment of moderate to severe scalp psoriasis. Make 6 visits over a 10 week period. EARN up to $150.00. COLD SORES Suffer from cold sores? If so, then you may be just who we’re looking for. We are conducting a research study of an investigational use for an approved medication to determine it’s safety and whether it treats and possibly prevents cold sore lesions. You must be 12 years of age or older (with parental consent, if appropriate) and in good general health to participate. Patients compensated $200.00 for completion of study. DO YOU HAVE DARK SPOTS ON YOUR FACE? These dark spots (hyperpigmenta tion) are often caused by birth control pills or hormone replacement thera py. If you have spots and are 18 years of age or older you may qualify to participate in a clinical trial with an investigative topical medication. Eligible volunteers will be compen sated. For More Information call: 979-774-5933 J&S Studies, Inc. 3201 University Dr. East, Suite 475 Bryan, Texas 77802 FOR SALE Audiovox PCX-1000XL cell phone, includes desktop charger. Only used two months! $45/OBO. For more information, call Traci at 979-774-4279. Beer Signs, Neons and Mirrors, $50-$250. Call now 764-3095, leave message. Extra long twin waterbed includes frame, headboard, heater, liner and water mattress, $40. 695-6994. For Sale: Washer &Dryer, $200 for both, good condi tion; 2-chest of drawers, $40 each; kitchen table, $50. Call Erik 512-302-3535. HoT tub, 6 person. Green marble, excellent condition, $2000/060. 979-229-7708. Kegerator for sale. Works great. All accessories Includ ed, $500 OBO. Call 775-0850. Microwave- $75; TI83 calculator- $50; table- $20; book shelf- $20; double bed w/frame- $100; weight equip ment-$1000. Prices negotiable. Call 492-5606. Twin bed, wood frame, with or without mattress, $25. Cell 575-8101 Nate. Weight Bench w/all attachments including 300+ pounds of weights, curl bar and extra dumbbells. $300/060. 694-1210. HELP WANTED $$$Dancers. dancers. dancers$$$. Flexible hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. 18+only. 100 Instructors/ Counselors needed. Coed sleepaway camp. Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Good salary/tips! 1-800-422-9842 ( 2001 EXPANSION. 27 immediate openings. Apply online at 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. INSTRUCTORS NEEDED: Tennis, Basketball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, Lacrosse. Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Waterskiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Woodshop, Nature, Nurses. Arlene Streisand, 1-800-443-6428; AEROBICS INSTRUCTORS needed to teach land and/or water classes. Prefer certified and/or experi ence. Contact Cathy King at St. Joseph Rehabilitation Center (979-821-7558) for additional information. Attention Telemarketers: Earn up to $15/hr+. Salary +bonuses. Evenings &weekends. Lots of Fun, Lots of Dollars!! 979-694-2980. Burger Boy Northgate now hiring all positions, all hours. 311 Church St. Caregiver for disabled A&M student on campus, help w/dressing, grooming, etc. $5.15/hr, Aftemoons/week- ends. Call David 847-1836. Christian/Nanny needed M-F, 8-5. Must have refer ences. 696-4558. Daniel Jarvis Home Health Agency has immediate openings for RN's, full-time and part-time. 779-5733, ask for Georgette or Geraldine. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M-F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. Falburger-C.S. Help wanted all positions. Drivers earn up to $9/hr. Immediate hiring. 846-4234. Female attendent needed for disabled student. Flexible hours. 847-2147. FUN PROMOTIONAL JOB, $10/hr, to give away cool new products, Have the summer of your life at a prestigious coed sleepaway camp in the beautiful Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, 2.5 hours from NYC. Were seeking counselors who can teach any Team &lndivldual Sports, Tennis, Gymnastics, Horseback Riding, Mt. Biking, Theatre, Tech Theatre, Circus, Magic, Arts &Crafts, Pioneering, Climbing Tower, Water Sports, Music, Dance, Science, or Computers. We also seek theatre directors. Great salaries and perks. Plenty of free time. Internships available for many majors. On-campus interviews on 2/13. Call 800-669-6083 between 9 and 5 eastern time, Monday through Friday for application, brochure, & appointment. Help Wanted. Positions for telephone Interviewers available on Campus. Part-time, evening and weekend shifts. Bilingual (Spanish/English) a plus. Competitive hourly pay. Call Linda Magee at the PPRI Survey Lab at 845-9550. HELP WANTED Key Energy in Bryan Is accepting applications for part- time shop help. 20-25hrs weekly. Applications may be picked up at 6115 Highway 21 East. LABORATORY COURIER/DRIVER needed to work 9am-1pm, Mon.-Fri. Will be responsible for the pick-up and delivery of specimens and/or laboratory reports. Must have valid Texas Driver's License and driving record acceptable to the Hospital's automobile insur ance company. Interested individuals can apply to the St. Joseph Regional Health Center Employment Center. 2601 Osier Blvd., Bryan. E.O.E. Lynntech, Inc. has several part-time positions In our Mechanical Engineering and Design Groups. These positions include; 1) Machine Shop 2) CAD and Analysis 3) Prototype Assembly and Testing. The CAD package we use Is Pro/ENGINEER, Analysis package is Pro/Manufacturing. Our machine shop consists of a CNC Mill, Manual Mill and Lathe. The group works from 6:00am to 12:00am Monday through Friday, allowing for flexible schedules. Motivated, hardworking individuals that can work in a team environment and are committed to continuous improvements of their own skills as well as the company please apply: Lynntech EOE. E-mail resume: Mail or bring resume to: Lynntech, Inc. 7610 Eastmark Dr., College Station, TX 77840. MUSIKER TOURS AND SUMMER DISCOVERY SUM- MER OPPORTUNITIES. Want to travel this summer on usl! Counselors needed for our student travel and pre college enrichment programs. Applicants must be 21 years old by June 20th and possess a valid driver’s license. We need: Mature, Hardworking, Energetic indi viduals who can dedicate 4-7 weeks mentoring and supervising teens. To receive an application or informa tion, please call 800-645-6611, e-mail staff ©summer- fun, com or visit our website NEED 3 GARDENERS. Full-Time, must love their work, botanical &private estate experience a plus... Relocation to Texas Hill Country paid... must be able to pass a drug test, police background check &provide professional references. Job is on a private estate working with full-time degreed Landscape Architect °reed Horticulturalist $30-$38.000 salary, full insur ance package, 3-weeks paid vacation a year +8 paid holidays. Third year 100% employer paid Retirement funded at 10% of yearly salary. Education a plus. Ken Herst, 6750-West Loop South, Ste.#940, Bellaire, Texas 77401., 713- 660-0008. fax-713-660-0009. New Donors Earn $20 TODAY* & Help Save Llvesl Your blood plasma donations are urgently needed by hemophiliacs, bum victims, surgery patients & many more! Call or stop by: Nabi Biomedical Center, 2701 Morgan Ave. 11400, Corpus Christi 361-883-5106 *(for approx. 2-hours). Fees & donation time may vary. NEW LEAR NEW JOB! Part-time work, full-time pay. *$11 BASE-Appt.* Fun environment. Ideal for students, customer service/ sales, conditions apply. 696-7734, Ninfa's is now accepting applications for hostess and waitstaff. Inquire within Mon.-Thurs., 2pm-4pm. NO SUNDAY WORK! $1000 COLLEGE SCHOLAR- SHIP OPPORTUNITY! FLEXIBLE WORK SCHED ULES! COMPANY WITH PRIDE IN NAME! Chlck-fll- A Post Oak Mall or Bryan at Briarcrest and Freedom Blvd. offers schedules for students or persons interest ed in part-time work, possible hours to work: Post Oak Malt- 10am-2pm, 11am-3/4pm, or 4/5pm to Close, (approx. 9:45pm). Bryan-8am-2pm, 10am-4pm, 11am- 3pm, or 4/5pm to Close (approx. 10:45pm). Employment benefits of Closed Sunday, flexible work schedules, opportunity to apply for a $1000 scholarship to College. Experience is a factor In starting rate. Maybe you have an interest in a Restaurant Career? Come in for an application at the Food Court In Post Oak Mall on Harvey Road or In Bryan near the Wal-Mart, and learn more about Chick-fil-A. EOE. Part-time babysitter for 9mo. old in my house, M-W, 12- 5. References required. 822-2481. Part-time Clerical Assistant. Keep Houston Beautiful seeks clerical assistant to provide administrative support to its Clean Neighborhoods Program. Responsibilities include generating reports arid correspondence, and assisting with volunteer coordination. Proficiency with Microsoft Word and Excel. Experience with non-profit organizations is desired. Please fax resume to 713-839- 8880. Sales Rep, student travel company, full or part-time. Work around your schedule. 800-235-Trip ext. 163. THE AGGIE OUTREACH PROGRAM The Association OF FORMER STUDENTS Contact Former Students to ask for their support of student scholarships & other student programs. Earn $5.75/hr PLUS Bonuses! (no shifts Fri. & Sat.) Work flexible hours while developing communication & negotiation skills. Stop by the Clayton Williams, Jr. AJumni Center for an application or call 845-0425 for more information \A/&ane,lIi£,Aggi£,Netu>oxkJ What makes a great classified ad? R ESULTS T Action is what you want when you run a classified ad and action is what youTl get from us! Our classifieds really work and they bring RESULTS! If you've got something to sell, have a service to offer, or are looking to fill a job vacancy, don't settle for anything less than POSITIVE RESULTS! When results count, call 845-0569. The Battalion HELP WANTED Part-time Special agency seeks eorge Event Coordinator, a g o n & y a o o r\o <.ii experienced Spci'j-o , . Coordinator for city-wide spring environmrj isn s inau Responsible for all aspects of logistics a-: recruitment. Mu«t ha avnilahla !n vww Must be svallable to tM^^ evenings and weekends Please lax rss.--!yg U) be l 839-8880. ^dio Wasl program Manager/ uommunity . I W Coordinator. Non-profit agency seeks LJ.T, enced Program Manager for environmr ff%)CttCr O position Responsible lor assisting commr r j" In planning and implementing all aspects JCSC, the A hood Improvement activities Great oppo- y . u . i j going professional with strong written are 1 Minimum B.A or B.S. degree in educatio yjft ( OUT OT tions. natural resources or related ft ... Bilingual a plusl Please tax resume to 7i fDCU Will I Research Tech position available m PlartGiijBcilcircleC Extract &analyze DNA molecules from C'r r In Genetics. Biochemistry or related !*: (Ml ‘ ^ IlXi] Previous expenence in DNA markerspretr /fj | L > Bou Dr. John Yu 260-9237 Students Internet Users Wanted! SZOIT-OrriT' ^ ^ sible surfing the interne! dSf) ll> C(H surfing memperservicesOglodesignz com, latML . address for info Packell (Subject Oepll ^ ’ The Houston Chronicle needs route err. ■&M. B/CS area Routes pay S500-$ :■ -."iD, i j I ( I j i-i hours Call 693-2323. E. t i t Warehouse help needed Tues 4 Thin *41^ I ibl.ll Sat. 10am-4pm. Full time summer SfS-fjSlllO11/O ,| Call 779-7586. miscellaneous: Red Dot Sale. Aggreland Depot. Cd Variety ot Aggie items on sale! 695-142 1999 Honda Nighthawk 750CC2800mi« $3700 trade 268-1013. FZR 1000cc. 1989 w/1993 engine, 26k rae> -, 't brakes, chain, sprockets, paint job. $390K!n| 7697, Pete Just Too Big MUSIC Looking tor used guitar for campoutsimsscr 847-5273. Metal/ Rock/ Blues singer seeking lerales fri- V ments Call 847-1891. PETS Adopt: Puppies, Kittens. Cats, Cfcps Mn*J| breeds! Occasional birds, snakes iXus 1 ;'k.' Brazos Animal Shelter- 775-5755. kKC registered Siberian huskies, iSMIOO gr( white, blue eyes 979-255-2162. Australian Shepherd Puppies For Sale :m ’*t. ligent, hard-working &pro!ecfrve Startr:-i«D 260-7172. Weimaraner, female, lyr old, registc Moving! Includes Igloo doghouse. AH $250. Call 694-8795. ROOMMATES 2-Female roommates wanted to share Slur' house, on shuttle. Call 764-9490 or 25S-'5 ,/ message. 2-roommates, $200 deposit, $200/5250 • pets ok. Cindy 775-2196. F-Roommate needed asap. $295/mo. tliF- Darby 846-8793. Timber Creek Apis. F-Roommate needed immediately! Springli 2bdrm/1bth, $300/mo., washer/ dryer, t( deposit! 260-1293. F-roommate needed, 2bdrm/2bth, $185rr: Please call 696-5441. M-roommate needed for sublease, Istmorr ifies free! $321/mo.+1/4utilities. Call Jess; M-roommate needed. College Park Ire nished, $405/mo. Call 693-3513. M/F Roommate Needed! Own bedroom,.: man preferred, $300/mo. 412-5583. M/F, 2-bed rooms available, 3bdrm/1.5bth, pus, w/d. 979-691-8206. -St-rate trou M/F-Roommate needed, 3bdrm/1.5bth honr+v . . $400/mo. +$200 utilities. 846-8397. rights h( Needed: 2bdrm/1bth, smoking apartmer' S'VC tllC 1T1 +1/2bilts. 695-1931. Near campus. Unlib -■dent hei Non-smoker/drinker to share duplex with $250/mo. Call 255-3000. Bk advise. Roommate needed, 2bdrm/1 5bth, WOi 5LsOn VCCG allowed. 695-8098 or 220-6371 Caton. • , limed respi SERVICES tough he h; j Jackson I' AAA Texas Defensive Driving. LotS-oWun,Ied that Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-Iirf , . W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm)WHO 111 I 2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Ba -1 linb()w/PU Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest pricti/ , law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-611? IS^OSr V+l) 30/min. early. (CP-0017). $ [ (),()()() , TRAVEL ntAllhhls broke Go Skiing At Spring Break!! Luxury towntw Mediately 15. Ski Taos, Red River, Angel Fire, RioCoS 1 - fnt-tn vene $350/night. Call .John or Tommy 846-8916 Call John or Tommy 846-8916. ? opportuni Spring Break South Padre Island and RonjI.UOt tO disi tions. Best ocean front hotels and condos jgj-j pj a ciDV is no I 800-575-2026. STEAMBOAT- SKI AND BOARD THE MCOund is RO l LAR COLLEGE RESORT THIS SPRING Bffi -j . ‘ , . 1 OR CALL DICKSON PROptlltting 11 IS i -88u-sKi-TH/s. Bhisfami WEIGHT LOSS Xweve!! vdry eleme )blems of i Js> Jackson The #1 Bpring Break for 17 Tcjdlja hog. M Lose 2-8 lbs. every week with proven nutr: ucts. 1-800-681-Lose. SPRING BREAK it {his famib IThis late much u iterous aff CJaurioLiiA AIaz:a.t la-ii -A-oa.-pi.iloo , Rreekenrii/^t' 1 ^.* Vail Beaver (IP* 1 m Jack Keystone A- U.feSki 1-80MEACM www.unlversitybeachclubj g with P onica Li Apolitical d .boo 232. tjCri these tv lapses c Bhis mista passed sir Id up to ii Panama City/'ritly hlS affail in his p BrackorWifeQtgj. 3SSa www.sunchase.cor t for cam