The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 19, 2001, Image 2
May Graduates The Official Texas A&M Graduation Announcements Order via the web! All orders and payments must be received by March 2, 2001! MSC Box Office M-F11 am-8pm 979-845-1234 1 -888-890t5667 Page 2 AFP ATQ B©n X4> AX AXO ATA KA KX AX A <M0 OK0 OKO XAE XX XN X9>E TKE w > i— The Texas AdrM University Interfraternity Council (IFC)presents... S RUSH 2001 Schedule of events: January 19: IFC rush tables, Rudder Fountain, 10 A.M. - 2 P.M. 2 January 20: Individual fraternity events. January 21: MSC Open House, 2-6 P.M. January 22-26: Individual fraternity events. January 27: Bid House @ Systems Building, Noon. Any questions? Contact Graham Stiles, VP of Recruitment, at 693-8640 or or Jason Farr, IFC President, at 485-0040 or £ M < 35LL 30X Nil XI 3VI dNU 0>KI> 0Vd> VXV TM V>1 VIV 01V XV 0X1109 ?51V dJV m yn The Princeton Review March classes start this weekend! GMAT j Classes conveniently meet once a week. 800.2Review | Live instruction | Books j Software | Online Courses The ITawJtm Kevwe. not -Jlh ITfcicriOT STiiH:r\«v or V,yM, Part-Time Jobs Available We currently have challenging part-time posi tions available for customer support, marketing, inventory and hardware support. We consider all types of majors and provide complete train ing, so don't miss this opportunity to visit UCS in the MSC to see if you're the person we're looking for. Tuesday (1/16) - Friday (1/26) 138 & 139 MSC This is a great opportunity to talk with some of our employees, fill out some paperwork, or just make an appointment to speak with us at a later date. We will have free snacks and beverages! •The rooms in the MSC can be reached by going to the hotel information desk in the MSC. We will be there between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and we look forward to talking to you. 595-2609 UCS hires non-tobacco users only E.O.E. NEWS Friday, January 19,1 THE BATTALION FISH by R.DeLuna News in Brief— X'Al ItALLV 6oia)6 To /WtV WE/T This setter, LMA. EYEa) Al/^bE A DAILY SCHEbOtE. Db EVERY NuP, AS Lo/00 /b I H/k/e THIS XU Have ^ PRoDUCTU/E year... -fz -If 63®$ (MW) 8| If i it LAwbED Rilht Here f SACK AAib Pick This Fee bill approved by Student Senate Non Mia Culpa by B-Hippie In the first meeting of the se mester Wednesday, the Student Senate passed the Student Service: Fee Fiscal Year 2002 Bill. Thisbillai> proved three allocation recommen dations of the Student Service Fee Advisory Board, and asked thatttie vice president for student affairsae prove the recommendations. The recommendations for the ai location of the Student Service Fee were made because the Texas Leg islature will consider raising two fee caps during its 2001 session The appropriate allocation willag ply, pending the outcome of the cap increases. Evaluation Websi may use U. Arizon Apt. #160 by Kyle w TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Plans to make student evaluations of Uni versity of Arizona professors pubfe via the Internet may be boono' boondoggle, depending on point of view. An Austin company called Pio has filed open-record: requests for years of those evali* tions, along with professors'grac- distributions. The company argues the mation will allow students to cor pare professors. “It’s the kind of thing studer- want and need” in shoppingb teachers, said John Cunningham 23-year-old founder of the compao However, some universityfac. ty and administrators fear releas ; the information would invade structors’ privacy or that numb? would be taken out of context. “The name (pickaprof) itsei really insulting,” said MiklosS lagyi, an electrical and comput Lamb. ttn« Wtuss Cookie engineering professor. “Are merchandise?" As a step toward making itte likely that this company or would get the data, faculty ebs man Jerry Hogle said recentlytt “the university plans to charge high price" Anna Wilkinson, who handles. jjj'T' public-records requests, saidtbr L a lelTArlrian quest remains pending. is not askingf the students’ comments thatrt part of the evaluations but low students to place their co 1 ments on the net Friday By IV The T1 to cc were the t: filmi Ti movi siona berg! Traffi caller the rr tertai liver) /j has n succe thrilh sile C ica’s i in Ho talkin reach fusing Wi yeartl Doug movir ing cc Curtis also f Robei WomL GL tures s on fill best c Crowr new le directi up prr Fn movie fully thrille sonal with s m litical Prison employee suspended after seven escaped Monday Campus Calendar Bush lot. For more information, call Laura Ripple at 695-2833. Hispanic President’s Council will hold a Hispan ic Open House starting at 7 p.m. in the Rudder Exhibit Hall. For more information, call Jessica Miranda at 845-4551, or email her at The Sailing Team will hold a general meeting this Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Rec Center room 255. For more information, call Jake Scott at 846-5364. Tuesday Wednesday Aggie investment Club will hold meetings educat ing students about investment and principles every Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. in Bush 1002. Park in the American Advertising Federation will have an in formational meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Wehner 136. For more information, please contact Kami Caton at 693-5796. DALLAS (AP) — At least o South Texas prison employees: he has been suspendedv pay following seven inmates': cape from the maximum seer lockup. Jerry McDowell, a recreatio' program specialist who was citet an investigative report on the: cape for not reporting a groupof. supervised inmates, saidWedr- day he was suspended fortlnf weeks and was placed on probat for a year. McDowell, 37, said it is not usual to see groups of inmates directly supervised at the Cone Unit and that he should notli! been disciplined for not reportiei “You might have inmates outs the maintenance building... ting around, socializing withouta pervisor in the presence, butt were in the building, so I would® siderthat indirect” supervision, Dowell said. Start the New Year Off Right! MSC Spring Open House Sunday, January 21 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Come find your place at A&M. Gather information from a variety of student organizations. stuoe.. \ Presented by the MSC Marketing Team For more information call 845-1515. <k Please call 845-1515 to inform us of your special needs. THE Jeff Kempf, Editor in Chief Jen Bales, Managing Editor Brady Creel, News Editor Karen Weinberg, Design Director Beth Ahlquist, Copy Chief Ruben DeLuna, Graphics Editor Stuart Villanueva, Photo Editor Anne Hoar, Co-Aggielife Editor Kelly Preiser, Co-Aggielife Editor Jessica Crutcher, Opinion Editor Doug Puentes, Sports Editor Stuart Hutson, Sci/Tech Editor Eric Dickens, Co-Radio Producer Marium Mohiuddin, Co-Radio Product! Brandon Payton, Co-Webmaster Adam Newman, Co-Webmaster THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall!’ spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except Universitjt: idays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College Stafe 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, 1111UI College Station, TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M Univei Division of Student Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail: Thebattalioi.; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified tising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are8 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick:: single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are $ school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer or $10 a month. lo by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611.