The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 05, 2000, Image 7

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    lesd: y, December 5, 2000
Page 7 A
People in the News
Microsoft donates
millions to charity
»EW YORK (AP) — Microsoft
Corp. is donating $100 million in
cash and software to the Boys &
Girls Clubs of America.
■The computer
industry giant
will give $12.3
million in cash
and $88 million
in software over
five years.
■“It’s a great
time to be a kid,"
Microsoft chair
man Bill Gates
said at a Harlem Boys & Girls
Club. “Working together, Microsoft
and the Boys & Girls Clubs are
committed to bridging the digital
divide and providing all our chil
dren with the technology skills to
■ Flanked by Sen.-elect Hillary
Rodham Clinton, Sens. Charles
Schumer, D-N.Y., and Joseph
Biclen, D-Del., and Rep. Charles
Rangel, Gates said the donation
is designed to bring technology ac
cess and programs to more than
3.3 million children across the
Clinton told the children: “Your
access to these computers, if you
take advantage of it, can literally
transform your lives and the lives
of other people.”
Carter falls while
logging, is injured
ATLANTA (AP) — Jimmy Carter
fell and injured his shoulder while
jogging in San Diego last week and
underwent surgery in Atlanta, a
spokeswoman reported Monday.
The 76-year-old former presi
dent hurt his right rotator cuff
while jogging on the beach Thurs
day, said Carter Center spokes-'
woman Carrie Harmon.
Carter underwent surgery Fri
day at Emory University Hospital
and was released on Saturday,
she said. She said Carter is ex
pected to recover fully after a few
weeks of physical therapy.
Carter had traveled to San
Diego on Carter Center business.
Grinch steals a third weekend
Unbreakable, 102 Dalmations/o//ow without major release in ranks
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Grinch helped
himself to another weekend of movie box office
domination, raking in $27.1 million.
Universal’s Dr. Suess’ How the Grinch Stole
Christmas, starring Jim Carrey, ran its three-
week earnings to $172 million at North Ameri
can theaters.
The Disney duo of Unbreakable, with $14.4
million, and 102 Dalmatians, with $8.3 million,
were second and third, respectively.
The top 20 movies at North American theaters
Friday through Sunday, followed by distribution
studio, gross, number of theater locations, aver
age receipts per location, total gross and number
of weeks in release, as compiled Monday by Ex
hibitor Relations Co. Inc. and ACNielsen EDI,
1. Dr Suess ’How the Grinch Stole Christmas,
Universal, $27.1 million, 3,138 locations, $8,635
average, $172 million, three weeks.
2. Unbreakable, Disney, $14.4 million, 2,708
locations, $5,333 average, $66.3 million, two
3. 102 Dalmatians, Disney, $8.3 million,
2,704 locations, $3,068 average, $36.6 million,
two weeks.
4. Rugrats in Paris: The Movie, Paramount,
$6.5 million, 2,937 locations, $2,215 average,
$55.6 million, three weeks.
5. Charlie’s Angels, Sony, $5 million, 2,751
locations, $1,825 average, $115.4 million, five
6. Bounce, Miramax, $4.4 million, 2,014 lo
cations, $2,193 average, $30.3 million, three
7. Men of Honor, Fox, $4.2 million, 2,188 lo
cations, $1,909 average, $41.2 million, four
8. The 6th Day, Sony, $4 million, 2,516 loca
tions, $1,594 average, $30.6 million, three
9. Meet the Parents, Universal, $3.8 million,
2,317 locations, $ 1,650 average, $153.2 million,
nine weeks.
10. Little Nicky, New Line, $2.2 million,
2,470 locations, $900 average, $36.7 million,
four weeks.
11. Billy Elliot, Universal, $1.3 million, 510
locations, $2,630 average, $13.2 million, eight
12. The Legend of Bagger Vance, Dream
Works, $1.01 million, 1,535 locations, $661 av
erage, $29.7 million, five weeks.
13. Remember the Titans, Disney, $1 million,
1,191 locations, $845 average, $111.6 million,
10 weeks.
14. Red Planet, Warner Bros., $748,561,
1,453 locations, $515 average, $16.7 million,
four weeks.
15. Best in Show, Warner Bros., $487,565,
350 locations, $1,393 average, $15.8 million, 10
16. You Can Count On Me, Paramount,
$390,489, 53 locations, $7,368 average, $1.6
million, four weeks.
17. Pay It Forward, Warner Bros., $367,920,
531 locations, $693 average, $32.5 million, sev
en weeks.
18. Cyberworld, Imax, $264,003, 37 loca
tions, $7,135 average, $3.2 million, nine weeks.
19. Bedazzled, Fox, $240,922, 454 locations,
$531 average, $36.7 million, seven weeks.
20. Requiem for a Dream, Artisan, $214,077,
78 locations, $2,745 average, $2.1 million, nine
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Alta Vista Christian Academy
Fall Fun 5K Walk/Run
Saturday, December 9th, 2000 • 8:00 a.m.
(Rain or Shine)
Pre-Registration 7:00 a.m.
Proceeds to Benefit Alta Vista Christian Academy
CP 017, C 0017
Fee: $15..00
S20.00 On Race Day
Last Name
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Street Address
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Please accept my entry in the Alta Vista Christian Acaiicmy Fall Fan 5K Walk/ftun 5K Run/Walk. I hereby state that I have con
ditioned myself to participate in the event I ltave chosen. I. for myself, my exccirtors. administrator, personal representatives, suc
cessors. and assignees, do hereby waive and release any and all rights, claims, and causes of action I have against the Alta Vista
Christian Academy Fall Fun 5K W,alk/Run 5K Rujt/Walk anrf'ils affiliates. their agents, volunteers,employees, officers, directors,
officials, successors and assigns. Alta Vista Christian Academy. A&M Con|pllHigh School Campus, The City of College Station,
any and all sponsors, their representatives emtisuccgssors that may arise from damages, .injuries, or expenses occasioned by my
participation in the Alta Vista Christian Academy Fall Fun 5K Walk/Run 5K Run Walk for any and all purposes. I realize that
running or walking a road race involves risks of Serious injury. Potholes and otflcr surface defects may exist on the course. Mo
torcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians and animals accidentally dr deliberately create hazards. I also authorize officials se my
photographs and videotape of my participation, in the Aita Vista Christian Academy Fall Fun 5K Walk/Run 5K Run/V ..u, ror any
and all purposes. By signing my name below. 1 hereby certify that I have read and understand all the terms and conditi- — of this
release and do intend to be legally bo
Signature/Date Parent/ Legal Guardian
Mail entry form to Alta Vista Christian Academy at P.O. Box 9479, College Station, TX 77842
or drop off at the school at 3110 Rock Prarie Road West, College Station, TX.
Payment may be in the form of cash, check or money orders.
Please make checks and money orders payable to Aita Vista Christian Academy.
For more information call 695-1919.
We are not responsible for late or misplaced mail.