The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 05, 2000, Image 4
...IS THE MOST GROUND-BREAKING ALBUM TO DEBUT AT ttl WORLDWIDE IN DECADES. ' Give The Gift Of Sound, radio Page 4A Students who either complete all of the following ring requirements after the Fall '00 semester final grades are posted of after commencement may order their ring beginning approximately January 18, 2001 for April 6, 2001 delivery. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT REQUIREMENTS 1. You must be a degree-seeking student with at least 95 cumulative undergraduate credit hours. 2. Transfer students need 60* hours of credit at Texas A&M University, or degree must be conferred and posted. 3. You must have a cumulative 2.0 GPR at Texas A&M University. 4. You must be in good standing with the University. (No outstanding parking tickets, blocks, etc.) GRADUATE STUDENT REQUIREMENTS** 1. Your degree must be conferred and posted on SIMS or if you have completed all degree requirements, you may present an original letter of completion from the Office of Graduate Studies. 2. You must be in good standing with the University. (No outstanding parking tickets, blocks, etc.) PROCEDURE TO ORDER RING Undergraduate students may submit their ring audit request online beginning December 11, 2000 at or visit the Aggie Ring Office in the Clayton Williams Alumni Center in person between December 11 & 19. In the event you will not be in the College Station area between January 18 and February 2 to place your order in person, please request a mail order form and be sized for your ring between December 11 & 19. Graduate students graduating in December 2000 should stop by the Aggie Ring Office between December 11 & 19 to be sized and complete a mail order form. Ring prices for January 2001 will be available online beginning December 11, 2000. The full amount must be paid when ordering by cash, check, money order, or your personal Discover, Visa, or Mastercard (with your name imprinted). Ring loans are available to qualified and currently enrolled students at the Short Term Loan Office, Room 230, Pavilion. Please submit your ring audit to the Aggie Ring Office before applying for a Ring Loan. * You may qualify with 30 A&M hours, instead of 60 hours, if your first semester at A&M was 1993 or before. **See our website for complete details or call the Ring Office at 845-1050. The Association OF FORMER STUDENTS 505 GEORGE BUSH DR., COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-2918 (979)845-7514 Without Remorse Tom Clancy Published by Putnam Books Clancy enters the realm of the prequel with this novel about the first adventure of his hero. Jack Ryan, made famous by the film versions of his books. Patriot Games and The Hunt for Red October. As in those books, the plot is complex and parallel but excellent. This book concentrates on Ryan’s early years as a spy during the height of the Vietnam War. Several characters from later nov els make appearances in this book: Admiral Greer, portrayed by James Earl Jones in Pa triot Games and The Hunt for Red October, John Kelly, Mr. Clark of the later novels; and Rit ter, a military adviser. The plot centers on an American attempt to re trieve prisoners of war from North Vietnam, and on Kelly’s grudge against a group of Baltimore drug dealers. The first part of the plot is over relatively quick. Kelly’s story, on the other hand, takes up a arger part of the novel. Kelly's saga begins when he gets involved with a woman who works for the Baltimore cartel. After she is murdered by the drug dealers, Kelly goes on a rampage to avenge her death. Fans of Clancy’s earli er books may be taken aback by the new “inti mate” Clancy. However, the book is better for its emotional side, and fans will adjust quickly. This book’s plot is eas ier to grasp on a personal level than most of Clan cy’s other works, which concentrate on interna tional plots and political intrigue with accompany ing military jargon. This book avoids being too es oteric and is more in- Michael Eaters of the Dead Michael Crichton Published by Random House Literature The film The 13th Warrior, was a moderate box-office success, but the book it is based on is consider ably better. Eaters of the Dead is the story of Ahmad ibn-Fadlan, an ambassador from the kingdom of Baghdad who is sent on a mission of good will to a northern king. Ahmad is a simple man, extraordinary in no way, a de parture from Crichton’s prototypi cal brilliant characters. Fadlan eventually meets a group of Vikings. After a ritual reading of the future by a resident Viking witch, he is chosen, or forced, to accompa ny them on a mission to battle a mysterious force destroying their homeland. Fadlan finds himself in a state of culture shock and shocking battle as a group of half-men-half-beasts called the Wendols attacks the Vikings’ village. Fadlan is eventual ly respected by the Vikings, and a series of internal struggles and bloody battles follow Fadlan’s ar rival in the village. The book holds all of the mysti cism that has made Crichton's books popular, while incorporating a bit of history. The reader cannot Tb its co hasci half i year. Tli millh help but wonder if the WendolJ « ram lictional representations of sodM}^ n war-like tribes as the .Celts or\Mj ng( ji dais, w ho w aned with the Vtj The book is interesting andfe ening at times, but it drags(M likely will alienate people who not Crichton fans’. Luckily, there is enoughactiK keep the hard-core fans interests and convert most non-fans. The dark mood and medieval setting coupled with the semi-historicai ryline, is a draw for history huh This pseudo-history could hit the book, though. To a degree.! makes the book’s events moreti esting, but in the end, it could# noy history-minded readers, because the Wendols are thesott scary, fictional characters Crich: makes them. Despite their min# historical resemblance to somet; people, they never turn out lobe anything more. Still, the book is worth a (Grade: B-) \ Jason Bens A B C Literary classic A cut above Passable reading P = Don't buy it F := Waste of paper ^ “Alterations "4 BY BEA CUSTOM ALTERATIONS I SINCE 1982 ALTERATIONS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS • REASONABLE RATES - PROFESSIONALQUi' BRING IN THAT GREAT FOIMl OR CHRISTMAS DRESS ACROSS FROM POST OAK MALI RUSH JOBS 693-7228 WELCOli 1409 HARVEY RD. RELIGIOUS ART • TAPESTR® • GREAT JEWELRY IT’S STRANGE TO FIND In Such A Peaceful Place KILLER JEWELRY 216 N. Bryan Downtown Biya 77M208 posters • unique aggie t-shirts • framed art • texas a&m caps and visors C Eartt-iArt) your source for Aggie fashions that won’t leave you broke. POST OAK MALL 764-4444