The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 05, 2000, Image 2

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Tuesday, Deit
A+ and Net+ classes coming soon
Call for details.
DAY CLASSES 9:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Dec. 5
Dec. 6
Dec. 7
Dec. 8
Dec. I I
Dec. 12
Dec. 13
Dec. 14
Dec. 15
Dec. 18
Intro Excel ‘97
Intro Access ‘97
Intermediate Access ‘97
Intro Word ‘97
Intermediate Access 2000
Intermediate Publisher 2000
Intro Excel 2000
Advanced Access 2000
Intro Power Point 2000
Intro Word 2000
Dec. 19
Dec. 20
Dec. 21
Jan. 4
Jan. 5
Jan. 8
Jan. 9
Jan. 10:
Jan. 12:
Intro Quick Books Pro 2000
Intermediate Excel 2000
Intro Access 2000
Intermediate Access 2000
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Intro Frontpage 2000
Call (979) 846-9727 for more information or register
online at
TESTING m^Mnialrg
I Microsoft
College Station
Service and solutions that work
Non Mia Culpa
by B-Hippie
The Student Senate is J
process of reviewing the e
Chad Wagner, speaker of [I
and a junior political sciei
said the issue has beenr
only in conversation her.!
dents and faculty.
“We will not begindisj
this issue seriouslyi
ter.” Wagner said.
Cralson said havingthej
the Faculty Senate and li
Senate will present astra
Bowen in favor of the red
whenever You find r
} .7\
A pile of torn out 1) ^
// _)
HA/R, BE ON THE 0 *‘/( )
C ~—A
71 c ryf
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/FT Tlr
• fpqT ^
Cf^j] •
Continued fronfi
deeds that bring hapf
this is the spiritoiRamfl
Haque said the memtei
Muslim Student Associf;
at the mosque in North: |
c\ Cll'ii ,it sunset to C/ (
Apt. #160
by Kyle w
The Following Locations
will be Open to Students
tor Finals Study:
Some o d. same old.
Pob somehow convinced
himself he was God and
started demanding everyone
bow down and worship him.
Oh. so he was the
one standing on the
one siaruj'ng on The
toilet giving a speech
«n German?
Cup of Jo
Sterling C. Evans Library
& West Campus Library
Open December 7 and December 10 - 12, 2000
8:00 pm - 2:00 am Complimentary Starbucks® Coffee
proviefed by Sterling C. Evans Library and Department of Food Services
Food Services locations open late Thursday, December 7
and Sunday, December 10 through Tuesday, December 12.
Poor Yorick’s
Coffee House
Open Tuesday - Thursday,
December 5 - 7,9-00 am -12 midnight
Friday, December 8,9,00 am * 5-00 pm
Sunday, December 10,4:00 pm -12:00 midnight
Monday - Tuesday, December 11-12,
9:00 am -12:00 midnight
Open until 2:00 am
"We have dinner eu- u
M i d;i\ v and we haveaboti® ^ lAI 1
dents] every night,”
" I hen afterwards,webavtiflCarrie loraboUiRntscei
that ends the day.” Ilgtheex
Youssef said the thelskBg Mat)
munity of B-CS celebrate has not h;
in a similar way. JSposite
"In our community,a':, this sumi
her of community memk: gtan ed w
break theii last intwoffijMntly tal<
lege Station,” Youssefsaii a y,.,
a meal at sunset at j
uill prepare Ioodandeva* ,
in." Muslims breakthefestlW
food such as dates andwabE
Youssef and Haque said*
madan is an opportunityfotfti
get to know each otherandvM
“For us, it is an opportutp
lift our spirit and get ritual wV
en care of.” Haque said, "lilt
closer to God.”
• In Monday's storyate
Texas A&M's men's 1
game in Virginia, I
was spelled "Dean.
Complimentary Starbucks® Coffee
will be available 8:00 pm to ddse
Dining Center
Open 8:00 pm - 2:00 am
Complimentary Starbucks®
Coffee and Beverages will be available
Open until 8:00 pm
Complimentary Starbucks® Coffee
will be available 4-.00 pm to close
Commons C-Store
Open each day during finals at
7:15 am -12:00 midnight fc#r
school supply needs
Continued from Page 1
Brabo said. “In fact, 1 like wearing them because
you can tell immediately if someone is supposed
to be on campus.”
McGowen said he thinks the badges will
work because they will allow a faculty member
to identify a student and they will create a much
more personable atmosphere on campus.
Brabo, who student teaches history and sci
ence, said the hardest part will be getting the stu
dents to wear the badges.
‘‘The faculty and staff are required to wear
their badges now to show modeling behavior for
the students,” said McGowen. “We feel that the
students will be more accepting to the
wearing badges if the people enforci#!
wearing them as well.”
Brabo said students who come toctei
out visible identification are senttoadel
center, where they can purchase a new bail
$5 or remain in the detention centerfor;«
of the day.
Duncan Dining Center
Open 8:00 pm -12:00 midnight
Complimentary Starbucks®
Coffee and Beverages will be available
Stone Willy’s
Open until 1:00 am
forlate night pizza
Thank you for
dining with us.
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an Drive • (979) 693-9BB/I
Beth Miller, Editor in Chief
Jeff Kempt, Managing Editor Jenniter Bales, Night News Editor
Jason BennyhofF, Aggieiife Editor Beth Ahlquist, Copy Chief
Stuart Hutson, Aggieiife Editor Ruben DeLuna, Graphics Editor
Marium Mohiutidin, C.ity Editor Brandon Henderson, Graphics Editor
David Lee, Opinion Editor Bradley Atchison, Photo Editor
Noni Sridhara, Sci/Tcch Editor Cody Wages, Photo Editor
Blaine Dionne, Sports Kditof- Eric Dickens, Radio Producer
Jason Lincoln, Sports Editor Brandon Payton, Webmaster
— Staff Members —— —
Aggieiife - Matt McCormick, Dahlia Denton,
Hillary Gant, Justin Garrett, Anne Hoar, Brooke
Holbert, Rachel Landry, Melissa Pantano, Mathew
City - Arati Bhattacharya, Bryan Blanton Rich Bray,
Sommer Bunco, Mariano Castillo (asst, editor),
Brady Creel (asst, editor), Noel Freeman, Rolando
Garcia, Maureen Kane, Stephen Metcalf, Joseph
Pleasant, Elizabeth Raines, Nathan Rogers, Kristin
Rostran, Brian Ruff, Jeanette Simpson, Courtney
Copy Desk - Katie Edwards, Carrie Jacobs, Kelly
Preiser, Kate Siegel, Laura Mooney, Jennifer
Ramby, Leslie VanDusen
Graphics - Edgar Calcaneo, Angelique Ford, Selso
Garcia, Carson Higgs, Rich Horne, Joe Peden,
Kyle Whitacre, Libby Woodward
Night News - Katie Edwards, Brooke Hodges,
Mandy Rouquette, Kate Siegel, Scott Towle,
Karen Weinberg
Online - Adam Newman (asst, editor)
Opinion - Reid Bader, Melissa Bedsole,C#
Carr, Chris Carter, Jessica Crutcher (asst. e ;:
Eric Dickens, Shannon Greenwood, Andre*
Hancock, Matt Loftis, Sunnye Owens, Mart
Passwaters (asst, editor), Brieanne Porter,
Jennifer Ramby, Nicholas Roznovsky, Andre»
Stephenson, Marcus White
Photo - Chad Adams, Kevin Burns, BernieG«' ;
Andy Hancock, Elizabeth O'Farrell, Susan
Redding, Patric Schneider, Ryla Scull, Stuart
Radio - Jennifer Bales, Jason Bennyhoff.KsS
Edvyards, Maujreen Kane, Jeff Kempf, Mariin 1
Mohiuddin, Kate Siegel. Diane Xavier
Hutson, Rosalynn Vasquez
Sports - Jeremy Brown, Bree Holz, BrianR#
Diane Xavier
THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semestersardIF >
through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas ASM UniverstyPr^ j
Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, Texas ASM University Ml 5 ® 1
College Station.TX 77843-1111.
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office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678.
Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy of lire Battai»” :
copy free, additional copies 25«. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester and SITS'
summer. To charge by credit card, call 845-2611.