The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 05, 2000, Image 12
The Battalion Classified To olace a classified ad: Business Hours Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 . 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day I Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate d Cl.xssifi ' only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an addition; C aii Micheiie i days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled toendtoti.aB^j - ^: the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. jluplex Privai Bov: to dea 'T^k FURNITURE BED AND BREAKFAST FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT kmq lor ! With (arage. HELP WANTED — Sofas, Bedroom Furniture, Tables, Lots More. Aggieland Discount Furniture, 1001-S. Texas, Bryan. Hours: Friday 2-6 SSaturday 10-6 or call 776-9663, 777-6207 for appointment. We also buy furniture. Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways. For information/ reser vations call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,’70, 409-696-0091. 1st Month Discount, nice 2bdrm/1bth duplex, shuttle route, fenced yard, $540/mo. (214)908-6260, (972)537- 0287, jlaceweil @ Nice House- 3bdrm/2bth in good condition, near cam pus. Please call 1 -800-975-1211. Sublease, spacious 1 -bdmn cottage 900sqft, $450/mo. Available Jan.-I-Aug.-1. 774-3938 AUTO 1988 Honda Prelude, only 2000 miles on new engine, $3,000/080. 229-6391. Browning Plantation- 150 Year Old Home- B&B and Special Event Facility (weddings, family reunions, cor porate retreats, etc.) 1-888-912-6144 www.browning- 2bdrm/11/2bth spring sublease, campus, ceiling fans. 764-1878. $460/mo. Close to Spacious house for sublease. 2-blocks from campus, 2bdrms, a living, large kitchen, available immediately, $575/mo. 268-0005. The Colony complex . Sublease Jan.-Aug., 1bdrm/1bth, $485/mo. Call 694-9381. 2bdrm/1bth $395/mo. 595-1179. water included. Call Maurizio at Spring Sub-lease 2bd/1ba. Hunnington Apartment. Available mid-Dec. $579/mo. Call Mandy 695-2416. University Commons, assume lease Spring 2001. 2bdrm. furnished. Call 281-843-2009 after 4pm or 979- 694-9672. 1993 2-door Saturn. Red, sunroof, leather, good condi tion. $4500. 774-0543. CHILD CARE 2bdrm/1bth duplex. 2bdrm/2bth 4-plex, available December. Great condition, w/d available, $560+, 777- 5477. Spring sub-lease 2bdrm/2bth apartment, w/d hook-ups, on shuttle bus route, $779/mo. Call 764-9737. 1995 Mazda 626, auto, power windows/ locks, alarm, tint, cd, 60,000-mi., $6995. (w)845-3094, (h)693-4411. Child care needed: experience and references required. 845-9283. 2bdrm/1bth with w/d, close to Blinn, $525/mo. +deposit. 602-788-1797. Spring sublease 1bdrm/1bth Colony Apartments. Private balcony, great amenities, swimming pool/ tennis court view. $485/mo. Call Gary 695-1341. WASHERS & DRYERS FOR RENT Don’t buy. rent a washer & dryer. $28/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster. Batter. 764-3902. MUSIKER TOURS AND SUMMEROtSCC MER OPPORTUNITIES. Want» five Counselors needed for our student five lege enrichment programs Appears--, old by June 20th and possess a We need: Mature, Hardworking, Eren who can dedicate 4-7 weeks menton teens To receive an applicationot call 800-645-6611, e-mail staflOsum our website www Office assistant/ technical sales ms: HSroute on Compuview 846-5454, ask for Dan ema i colonel 1995 Mustange GT, 5.0, white, auto., cd, 92K, very clean, $9200/o.b.o. 979-696-1230. ‘89 Ford F350 4x4, $4,000o.b.o., 268-9938. single cab, blk/gry. extras. ElEd major preferred. Enthusiastic, mature, responsible person w dependable transportation to care for 2-ele mentary age children from 3-6pm +1 or 3 evenings per/week. Prefer Soph, or 1st semester Junior. 680- 1107. 2bdrm/2bth 4-plex sublease on bus route, $596/mo, water paid. John/ Lance 268-3280. 2bdrm/2bth spacious, fully furnished, w/d, on bus route, ALL the amenities $390/person. 764-8999. Spring sublease 1bdrm/1bth loft. Treehouse Apartments, $525/mo., walking distance to campus Call Farah 693-6146. Woodstock Condo, 2bdrm/15bth. non-smoker, no pets Call 281-843-2009 after 4pm or 979-694-9672 P-time |Ob helping handicapped. Mm ferred $270/mo., lOhrs/wk. 846-3376 FOR SALE icmmate ment, rr utilities. DJ MUSIC ’93 Dodge Dakota Sport, power, $4,200. 778-4740. Auto, great shape, lots of 2bdrm/2bth spring sublease, new carpet, $595/mo., pets ok, 775-7523. Spring sublease Ibdrm/lbth, The Gables, no deposit needed, $459/mo. negotiable 694-6852. 14x60 mobile home. 2bdrm/1bth, new deck Set up in nice park. Must sell! $6000 negotiable. Call 776-3737. Receptionist for busy ophthamology olfc preferred, must have good phona pie ivi^Boommatc player. Send resume to office rwaje ri 0X jehind I- 29th St «101. Bryan. 77802. ■- C ommate, ’93-Honda Civic Hatchback. Runs great. $4,000/nego. Must sell because leaving 12/17. Call Enis 695-7861, '"Party Block Mobile DJ"- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere Book early!! 693-6294. 2bdrm/2bth Spring Sublease. Very Nice!! lease. Eastwood Estates. Call 779-5612 Spring Sublease available mid-Dec., Ibdrm/lbth, Treehouse II, $530/mo.. walk or take shuttle. Call 695- 7736. 14x80 mobile home. 3bdrm/2bth, patio/deck Great for students 979-774-3667 Seniors and graduate Studen s No!M J v :. :^ rorr campu 3bdrm/2bth duplex, fenced yard, pets ok. w/d. $975/mo., no deposit. 764-8684. Spring sublease! 2bdrm/1bth. $575/mo.. clean. Call 680-0836. big, safe. 2bdrm/1bth mobile home, Rolling Ridge Park, fenced, covered deck. shed, many updales. $11.900/080. 694- 2173. rently hiring notetakers for tt>6 Spin; 3 Apply at 701 University Drivt. dim Blocker building or call 846-2255. (utilities. pommate n/2bth h Police impounds: Cars from $500. details 800-319-3323 ext.3782. For listings/ payment MSR DJ Service, experienced, reasonable rates Shawn at 731-8414. Cal! 3bdrm/2bth house, near campus, garage, fenced yard, inground pool, available mid-Dec., $1100/mo. 8223441. Spring Sublease! 3bdrm/2.5bth townhome apartment. January rent paid! No deposit. Call 680-9688. Square One Restaurant now hmnjkkrrj] 0264, 211-W. Wm.J. Bryan. Bryan EMPLOYMENT AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 4bdrm/ 2bth, 4 blocks from tamu. Nice brick home with big fenced backyard. Available now. Call 694-0866. Spring Sublease! 2bdrm/2bth apartment. TAMU. $654. Call 694-6443. Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. Help on the spot. Automotive Repair. 828-4832. The Deluxe Diner on Northgate hiring cooks and wait- staff for am/pm shifts. Apply in person, 203 University Drive. 4bdrm/2.5bth apartment, pool, 2-min. walk to campus, $262.50/person. Call 846-0291. Spring sublease, available Dec.-Jan. 1bdrm/1bath, w/d. backyard. $240/mo. Call Brad. 779-5912. Aquarium 30-gal. hex. skitter 250. power head stand, set up for salt $150. queen size waterbed. all oak. very nice $300. solid oak entertainment center, the highest quali ty, paid $1800, asking $500. Graduating, it’s all gotta go. 680-3205 or 571-0420. Mark. Students: Internet Users Wanted 1 Sfti: sible surfing the interne!. memberservices@giodesignz.coni, lea address for info packet! (Subject Dect't ll-bedroc ■pus, W/C FOR RENT SINUS INFECTION STUDY Are you experiencing the following symptoms? Facial Pain/ Pressure/ Tightness Facial Congestion/ Fullness Tooth Pain/ Earache/ Headache/ Sore Throat Cough/ Bad Breath/ Fever Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 16 years of age and older to participate in a research study with an investigational oral antibiotic. If qualified, your participa tion will last up to 24 days and you will be compensated up to $500. For more information, please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 Apartment available for spring semester, private balcony, $455/mo. water included, bus route. Call 693-4242. 1bdrm/1bth. Located on Spring sublease. Melrose Apartments. $369/mo. Free phone, free ethernet. Call Justin 680-3268, Armoire style computer desk $100, gas grill with cover $80. neon beer sign $150, Beer mirrors $20. Call 694- 9503. Teachers and assistants needed fwQtri'i Must love children 693-7491 "’Rental Access'" 4bdrm/3bth house with like, $1600/mo.; 2bdrm/2bth duplex, $700/mo. 268-7400. 1-2/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$325/mo. 696-2038. Available January 20011 3/2, $828/mo., 1130sqft. at 2100 Southwood Drive or 3/3, $1200mo., 1350sqft. at 2306 Trace Meadows. Contact 764-3902 or Spring sublease. Melrose Own room/bath. on bus route. $369 +1/4util. Free phone/ethemet. 680-3134. Avalanche-161 Snowboard $200. K-2 Step-N clicker, bindings with K-2 Hard boots $150 size 10.5. or both $320. Daniel 696-0633 Waitstaff needed 7pm-1 am shifts. TMC i preferred. Call 690-1478 fully fui / 777-11 1/2-Jan. rent paid. Sublease Sundance, Ibdrm/lbth, shuttle, 1/6-5/15, $475/mo. 485-0358. Ibdrm/lbth condo near campus, TAMU shuttle, huge closets, available mid-Dec., deposit paid. Dec. paid, pets allowed, quiet. Save $650, water paid, w/d includ ed, $500/mo. 693-7963,575-6194. Bargain! Sublease room in University Tower. Available now. Free rest of fall semester with lease paid for spring semester. 85% current lease price. (830)537-4895. Spring Sublease. Option to renew. Peppertree Apartments $575/mo., 2bdrm/1 5bth, I will cover half of deposit. Dillon 224-1470 for info. Bryan 2bdrm/1bth duplex, non-smoker, $550/mo., $500/deposit. Available 12/15. 693-7345. Stering University Sublease, roommate needed In 4bdrm/2bth apartment, furnished, Jan.-May. $420/mo. Call 764-0835. DIAMONDS- RUBIES- Sapphires- Emeralds. Estate jewelry and other precious and semi-precious gems In- home or office pnvate showings by independent broker. Diamonds from let. to over lOct. The best In precious and semi-precious gems, many cut by award winning cutters. Free Informative diamond buying guidelines available. 8am-10pm. Max (713)776-2544 Warehouse help needed Tues.-Fri. 9 10am-4pm. Over Chnstmas 4 Spring! $7 00/hr. Call 779-7586. |-E roomr USE lots LOST & FOUND Lost 5/16: m/n. white/ tan/ black tabby ’ sides, blue eyes, 'kink' In tail. Pease reward! 4bdr 10/mo. +1 Ibdrm/lbth efficiency, kitchen, near Thomas Park, bicy cling distance -TAMU Available Janlst. Partially fur nished, $375/mo all bills paid 693-4485 after 10a.m. before 7p.m. Bryan Historical District. Older home. 1700sqft., yard, fireplace, 2bdrm/2bth, study, w/d connections. Credit check required. $60Q/mo., $600 deposit. 775-6652, 9am-8pm only. Sterling University sublease large 1 bdrm in 2bdrm/2bth apartment. $270/mo for two people. $520/mo for one person. 409-886-5283. Drum set: pearl export series in good condition. $800/o.b.o. Oak entertainment system cabinet $75/o.b.o. Call Matt 979-255-1357. MOTORCYCLE pd roomr Gres 1-693-270 1bdrm/1bth spring semester sub-lease, no deposit. $410/mo, fireplace. 574-4588. Bryan: Monito Way, 2-1.5, w/d connections, $450. Equity Real Estate. 696-4464. Sub-lease Ibdrm/lbth loft apartment, W/D connections, on bus route, available January. $495/mo will pay half of first month's rent. 268-7640. Everything must go!! Daybed $50. entertainment center $45. sturdy dresser $40. coffee table $20. place set +sil- verware $15. Call 694-1919. 1967 Harley FLH, $10,000. 268-9938. newly rebuilt, looks- In room cl Mi 2. 2000 Yamaha YZF-R1. blue, excellent a miles. $9,800. Call 979-775-7145. pm for re npus, lar Ibdrm/lbth Sublease- fireplace, W/D included, great locationl Going Fast! $495. 694-9545, leave message. December Rent Free!! Available 12/15. 2bdrm/1 5bth. 850sq.ft., upstairs, comer unit, rent $570/mo.. near cam pus, pets welcome. 595-1160. Sublease 1bdrm/1bth in 2bdrm/2bth apartment, close to campus, $312.50/mo. 485-0890. Sublease 1bdrm/1bth. 600sq.ft and complex. 695-9599. Very clean, great price Great Christmas Present! Cleveland Quad-Pro 10.5 dri ver. Only used about 36 holes. $150. All reasonable offers considered. Call 255-5742. 94 Suzuki RM250, FMF pipe, jetted. vtiy+'| sell' $1800, 680-3135. Ibdrm/lbth, Gables, for spring semester sublease, downstairs apartment. Jason 571-1177. 1st floor apartment, on shuttle route, walking distance to campus,. $400/mo. includes cable &water. Willing to give furniture to subleaser. 694-7488. First mpnth's rent free!! Available December, 3bdrm/2bth, w/d, shuttle route, new duplex, $340/mo. 696-3761. Will discount deposit!! Sublease Ibdrm/lbth, available 12/18, close to campus, $410/mo. +deposit. 979-775-7746 Kenmore stack washer/ dryer, perfect shape, lyr.-old, $450. 575-8597. MUSIC 2-rooms available in Dec./Jan., $200-deposit, $200- $250/mo. +bills, some pets ok. 979-775-2196. FREE LOCATOR SERVICE! Call UNITED REALTY @ 694-9140 and let our agents locate your next place to live FREE! Experience the Difference! Sublease 2bdrm/1.5bth four plex. $610/mo. 680-8741. Move in December Leather chairs $50ea. Glass dining set w/chairs $100. Bar stools $25ea. Couch $30. Computer desk $50. Boa-constrictor w/cage $50 @694-0626. Voice lessons^ filling up fast, beginningJi 210-269-6308 PETS Sublease 2bdrm/1.5bth, Peppertree Apartments. $590/mo., very nice. Daniel 696-3830. Wind-surfboard beginners set includes Blc melody board. 4.5 sail, boom mast, etc. $300 call Miss Conner 485-0007. Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats. Dogs, breeds! Occasional birds, snakes. rabtitsl| Brazos Animal Shelter- 775-5755. r LAXATIVE STUDY Sciman Biomedical Research is currently conducting a research study of a prescription laxative to determine the lowest effective dose that could be sold without a prescription for the treatment of constipation. If you are 18-85 years of age and you currently use nonprescription laxatives to treat constipation, you may qualify for this research study. If you qualify, your participation will last up to four weeks and you will be compensated up to $125. Immediate sublease. Ibdrm/lbth, available 12/15, close to campus. 696-0401, Sublease 2bdrm/1.5bth, Peppertree Apartments. $550/mo., on shuttle, pets ok. 696-6112. HELP WANTED For more information please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 In Bryan, Ibdrm/lbth at Glendwood Apartments. Sublease for spring semester. December & security deposit paid, rent $310/mo. 775-8419 ask for Desmond. Sublease 2bdrm/2bth, furnished, w/d, $382/mo. per per son, shuttle, $$$Dancers. dancers, dancers$$$ Stocking 690-1478. 18+only. Flexible hours. Silk Large mix breed dog needs loving home. I neutered all shots, well trained, lots ol fun.! 4414. Sublease 3bdrm/2bth 1-den house in the country, $1100/mo. Call 774-1593. January rent Free!! Available 12/16. 2bdrm/1bth, fully furnished. $357ea/mo., individual leases, W/D in unit, on bus route, cable included. Call 696-9958 Sublease 3bdrm/2bth. Parkway Apartments. 1st month’s rent free, 1/2-off deposit. 695-1048. Need 2-male students to share 3bdrm/2bth house near campus, carpeted, central h/a, no pets. Available Dec.1 690-0085, or 693-8076. Sublease ASAP 2bdrm/2bth apartment, Dec-May, $599/mo. Call 693-4680 or onslaught 1102 @ A Fun, prestigious teaching position. Some evenings/ Saturdays. $7/hr. Must have had drivers license 4+ years. No criminal record. Also, telemarketing or data- entry positions. Apply AAA 111-Univ. Dr.E., Ste.#217, 5:30pm-7:00pm only. (979)693-3992. Persian kittens: CFA registered, with shots,jl Call 979-693-0239. The Cat's Cradle, a rescue Sadopion shskl ;* Skittens, has labulous felines of al agostet h Spayed/neutered, de-wormed, de-llead,vaccrt ■ miles south of CS. 936-825-8610. Sublease ASAP!! Dec-July, $560/mo. 2bdrm/1bth Townhouse, sublease Call 846-3825 AEROBICS INSTRUCTORS needed to teach land and/or water classes. Prefer certified and/or experi ence. Contact Cathy King at St. Joseph Rehabilitation Center (979-821-7558) for additional information. ROOMMATES $375/mo. includes everything, no bills, mil 0 696-3644. ATHLETE’S FOOT STUDY Sublease available 12/15, Walden Pond Apartments, Ibdrm/lbth, loft, fireplace, vaulted ceilings, huge kitchen, duck pond, w/d connections. $679/mo. 696- 6828. Aggressive individual to work for small contracting com pany. Will work with schedule. $6.50/hr. 775-7126. Babysitter for lyr.old, spring MWF, 9-1. $6.00/hr, light housework, child care references. Call 693-8636. 1 -bedroom available in 4-bedroom apartratli* Commons. Call 1-800-240-3887 after 7pm leK Phase One. Newsday Crossword ON THE RISE by Lee Weaver Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 49 Stranded 8 Be inaccurate 32 Necklace 1 Rain cats and~ 54 Boot bottom 9 Change the components dogs 55 Prefix for focus of 33 “Mama” 5 Traffic-light continental 10 Cosell or Elliot color 56 Looked at Hughes 35 Glib type 10 Fling with 57 Related, as 11 In a difficult 36 Tacked on force a story situation 38 Ken-L Ration 14 Seabird 58 Alleviated 12 Rosie’s competitor 15 Watered silk 59 Society concern 41 Hammed it up 16 Mayberry newcomers, 13 Robert E. and 42 Delay moppet for short Spike progress 17 Without tricks 18 Latin being 43 in a while 19 Gesture of DOWN 22 Shopping 44 Off-limits greeting 1 Soup veggie plaza 45 Snicker 20 Capri and Man 2-Sun or moon 23 Conical 46 Retail price 21 Mirror 3 Juan’s “one” quarters 47 Some NCOs reflections 4 Altering a 24 Past one’s 50 Buy a pig 23 Prepared manuscript prime poke salad 5 Meandered 25 States firmly 51 Pre-Easter buy 25 Ark’s landing 6 Sounded like 26 Tennis shots 52 Confederate place a cow 29 Gives off soldier, briefly 26 Imposed, as 7 Dressmaker’s 30 Leaving 53 Gridiron units: a tax cut Vegas Abbr. Volunteers ages 12 and up needed for a research study of a medication for the treatment of athlete’s foot. Subjects must have active signs and symptoms of athlete’s foot. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $200.00 for 8 clinic visits. For more information call: 979-846-5933 Sublease available Jan, 13th, 3bdrm/2bth, Rockwood Estates area. $850/mo. 361-4191, 8-5 or 779-2245 after-5pm. Sublease available spring-2001. 3bdrm/2bth condo w/atrium, w/d connection, +fireplace. Close to campus, on bus route. $850/mo., 680-0717 or nevets_m@hot- Best Summer Job: Would you like an adventure in the Rocky Mountains working with kids and meeting great people? Cheley Colorado Camps is the place for you! Call us at 1-800-CampFun or visit our website at 1-female roommate, 2bdrm/1.5bth apartnriM campus, $250/mo. +1/2bills. 764-9381. ? 1 -male roommate for spacious 4bdrm/2btli. Ctf Call for details. Adam: 776-6855. Sublease desperately needed! Redstone APTS. $520/mo. No deposit needed, near W/D, mailboxes. Busstop. January-June, Adam 696-1038. C.S.I.S.D. is accepting applications for qualified, drug- free CDL BUS DRIVERS. Need to be hard working, honest and dependable. Apply M-F 8am-4pm at 1812 Welsh Street, 764-5411. $8.70/hour. 1-male roommate needed ASAP. 4bdmV2tftl' <| semester, free ethernet &cable $335/mo.♦tW- 1095 Sublease Enclave Apartments, Ibdrm/lbth, w/d, $630/mo. Available Dec./Jan. Call 694-0775. College Station Pawn is currently taking applications for sales rep. Apply at 2316-Texas Ave. South or call 696- 7296, ask for Rob or Brad. 1-roommate needed for new 4bdrm/4btti University Place Condominiums. On Si 5 Parkway. $380/mo.+1/4bills. Call 680-1776. 2bdrm/2bth Duplex Roommate wanted AS*’ 1 $350/mo. +1/2bills, 255-9036 Sublease for spring 2001, Ibdrm/lbth. Close to cam pus, on bus-route, clean, pets allowed, 696-3202. Delivery tech needed, part-time, willing to train the right individual. Apply at P H.M E. 3505 E.29th, Bryan. Sublease for spring, quiet and roomy 1bdrm/1bth. $450/mo. Call John 680-1441. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M-F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. 2F-roommates for Spring/ permanent 7-ljtoS 1 campus. 3bdrm/1,5bth, fenced, hot tub, $233.33/each +utilities. Contact Heidy 846413 J&S Studies, Inc. 4309 Wellborn Road Bryan, TX 77801 Sublease January, 2bdrm/1.5bth townhouse, fireplace, large closets, shuttle, deposit paid, w/d connections, $500/mo. 779-5587, charity_2001 @ Fireworks stand managers needed for NW-Houston, Katy, Rosenburg areas. Make $1000-$2500 in two weeks with a minimum guarantee. Call 979-492-4008. 3bdrm/2bth new duplex, room available spat' $307/mo.. Christian female. 694-1544. 3bdrm/2bth duplex, room available, wafer* $307/mo., female. Call 764-2728. Sublease Melrose Apartment, 3-bedroom, only $399/mo., fully furnished. Call 979-680-2335. Full/Part time draftsman for cabinet shop. Must be pro ficient in AutoCad. Fax or e-mail resume to: 979-775- 3666 e-mail: 3bdrm/2bth. own bedroom. Spring semeslerf® 4 32+ 1st Year 60+ 3rd Year 27 Aida composer 28 Unlocked 29 Choose 31 Brokaw’s network 34 Ice mass 35 Intelligent 36 On the ocean 37 Gelled 38 Not quite right 39 Bake-sale orgs. 40 Spartan serf 42 White water 44 Music markings 45 Group doctrines 46 Go in with (become partners) 47 First American saint 48 Newspaper notice New Times, Inc. is the nation’s largest publisher of alternative newsweeklies with papers in 12 major markets. We are currently seeking advertising sales candidates for our Houston and Dallas papers. If you want to work in an exciting, fast paced positive environment, then this is the place for you. Compensation includes: •Salary/Comm. »IVIedical/Dental •401K •Vacation •+More Interested candidates can fax resumes to: Houston Press 713.280.2444 Attn: Advertising Director Dallas Observer 214.749.5681 Attn: Advertising Director Sublease semester (Jan.-May) new Exchange Apts., CS. Rent reduced 25%, must transfer. 2bdrm/2bth, M-roommafe, furnished, covered parking, ethernet. 696-4255. Handy person, house& yard work, flexible hours. 5175. 693- Are you looking for a place fo stay nextsC* 4bdrm/4bth, &4 walk-in closets, $370/mo. t* Interested? Call 696-3783. Sublease Spring'01, The Exchange, fully furnished, own bed/bath, great roommates, $290/mo. no deposit. 979- 764-7253. Sublease. Own room/bath, Melrose, $409/mo. +1/3util. Free phone, cable, ethernet. 680-3167. LABORATORY COURIER/DRIVER needed to work On-Call (PRN), no weekends required. Must have valid Texas Driver's License and driving record acceptable to the Hospital’s automobile insurance company. Interesed individuals can apply to the St. Joseph Regional Health Center Employment Center, 2601 Osier Blvd., Bryan. E.O.E. F-roommate ibdrm/.Sbth in 3bdrm houss.sptwB mer, $275/mo. +1/3bills, 822-9204. F-roommate needed a.s.a.p. for Dec.-May, t*' jy and bathroom, 3bdrm/2bth duplex. deposit. Rachael 696-0923. Close to campus i.,j F-roommafe needed ASAP to share 2bdtmW i B The #1 Spring Break for 17 Tears! SPRING BREAK 2001 C'ja-iicvin uVIa-zsttlstn. -A-osvpviloo Breckenridge T- ff ft Vail Beaver Creek - UxK C3JV1 Kevstone A-Basin (1 .800 232.2-428) Local company seeks part-time/ full-time telemarketer. Hourly +commission. Apply in person at United Roofing, 3501 S. Texas Avenue, Bryan. on bus route. $275/mo. +1/2bills. Abby, I F-roommate needed asap. 3bdrm/2bth m.ti.vf: Rent nego. Amanda, 574-7971 or 690-9133. Marketing majors & sales people needed for Christmas break or longer. Gain experience & make some money. WinterGate Marketing, 764-5902. F-roommate needed for a 4bdrm/2bth house.! + 1/4bills. 847-0282. Mom injured in accident (children ages 5&11) needs help 2-3hrs each afternoon with errands, dinner prepa ration, etc. Must have car Sinsurance. Position will con tinue through spring semester. S.W. Pkwy/Welsh area. References required. 694-8875. F-roommate needed for spring or longer. 2K': duplex on bus route, w/d, $250/mo. +1/2 bills. 6625. F-roommate needed for spring, Own W : ’ : $295/mo.+1/2bills. Timber Creek. DarbyMfrf' Research Technician position available in plant genome lab. Extract and analyze DNA molecules from cotton plants. BS in Genetics, Biochemistry, or related field required. Previous experience in DNA markers pre ferred. Contact Dr. John Yu, 260-9237. F-roommate needed for spring. 4bdnrV2M l 11 close to campus, on bus route. $235/mo. induki ties. Call 764-9385. Wanted: Gymnastics Coach. Must be dependable, experienced, creative &love children. Great Pay! 936-348-6587. F-roommate needed fo share 2bdrm/1bth apaiK campus shuttle, no deposit. $260/mo. +1®* 694-1729 F-roommate needed to share 2bdrm/1bth spring, $285/mo. +1/2 utilities, on bus route. Ca'-'J 680-9076. CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 12/5/00 CRuck’s Pizza PIZZA STROMBOLI HOAGIES Answer to previous puzzle ■ I I Medium Mopping Pizza s 3.50 * order 3 for free delivery '693-BUCK 12/5/00 The word is OUT!!! Quail Hollow Apartments Bryan’s Best Kept Secret VA / NEWLY Redesigned 1, 2, & 3 Bedroom Apartments NEW Fully Applianced Designer Kitchens NEW Spectacular Modern Baths NEW Plush Wall-to-Wall Carpeting NEW Elegant Mirrored Accents and Organizers NEW 24 Hour Fitness Center & Resource Room Full-Sized Washer/Dryer Connections NOW LEASING ® 5S5 * Npsowwoecofc Sparkling Swimming Pool & Tennis Courts On TAMU Shuttle Route AWESOME STUDENT SAVINGS Wy CALL ' IODAY 3535 Plainsman Lane, Bryan, Texas 979-846-1771 ‘ WESMIm •January 2-IS, 2001 3/4/S/6 or 7 nights • 800 • SUNCHASE F-roommate needed to share 3bdrm/2blti' townhouse, 1-block from campus, on busn Melanie 979-764-9490 or 979-255-1532. F-roommate needed, 2bdrm/2bth duplex. Ov : room/bath. Walk-in closet, $305/mo, cable f W/D. 776-9712. F-roommate needed. Large 2bdrm/2bth apa r '| close to campus, on shuttle, $350/mo.+!/2bi!ls Jessica 696-7227. r SPRING BREAK 2001 CANCUN F-Roommate needed. You will have 2-we r : I roomies in a brand new duplex, in a quietneigW I Call 695-9347 or 575-7463. I or ACAPULCO VvcW" I F-roommate, 2bdrm/2bth, fully turnished, I bus route, w/d. $400/mo., no deposit. Nik Female non-smoker new 3bdnn/2bth A&M. Bills paid $425 680-1325. I complete packages from $399 i Female roommate needed for spring, S3’ : ] + 1/3bills. Call 764-0889. Holiday Express Since 1975 1-800-235-TRIP l Female roommate wanted for spring. 3bdmv2b' :: home, garage/ backyard, on shuttle route,$310^' ities. Call 680-8019 or 492-3293. Female to sublease 3bdrm/3bth, own bedid'" bath. Call 695-9764. Classified countinue oni