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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 2000)
Rage 6A Gun control BERNARDO GARZA/Thk Battalion Heath Brown, a senior nuclear engineering major and member of the Navy ROTC program, practices rifle drills in front of the Military Sciences Building Wednesday. _r Pete* Pose, says, “it’s MAACO for MaacOvers! * AMBASSADOR PAINT SERVICE $ 189 9S v 5? FREE > ESTIMATES! —r A-' 1300 S.College Bryan,TX 7780l' 823-3008 insurance Claims [ffigace-- Welcome! V ° B l.S!ft\ SUV L 00d com T f 5 io1 v !* ,k,#s ^ Bodywofk. rusl f«pow, ond stripping ol old point MfTO. Hot volkj with ony ottwi offoi ^AACO^uto^oKiiiogijodyworVs ccntm ore indopoodont frowthnos of MAA(0 [mo rprim Irx PrkM. hours ond sorvices moy vory your favorite sfiape... 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The UWC would op erate from a central lo cation on campus from 10a.m. to 10p.m. Mon day through Thursday and would provide tu tors and equipment to assist students to im prove their writing skills. This center would support the Faculty Sen ate Core Curriculum Review Committee’s recommendation of adding writing-inten sive courses to gradua tion requirements. The bill states that the goal of the UWC and the writing courses will be to develop stu dents writing skills. At press time, other agenda items, such as the Transportation Fee Bill, had not been decid ed upon by the Senate. RHA Continued from Page 1A alcohol-related injuries and further deaths. Currently, students 21 and older may consume alcohol in on-campus rooms. Restrictions prohibit older residents from distributing alcohol to underage students and mandate that the door to the room where alcohol is being con sumed be closed. No open alcohol con tainers are allowed in hallways. Other recommendations made by the subcommittee include strength ening University sanctions on alco hol violations and creating sub stance-free housing, which have both been in action since the beginning of this semester. Of the 418 residents surveyed by RHA, 55 percent opposed the subcom mittee’s proposal. Twenty percent of students said an alcohol-free residence hall would decrease their desire to re turn to residence halls. As a result, RHA will present a res olution against the alcohol-free resi dence hall proposal. The RHA’s pro posal will be voted on by delegates at its general assembly on Dec. 6. On- campus residents are asked to contact the voting delegates within their halls to voice their opinions. The RHA General Assembly had previously passed, on Nov. 8, a Dry Campus Resolution that stated if the ad ministration of A&M decides to make all residence halls alcohol-free, then the entire campus should be made dry — ihcluding the homes of Southerland and President Dr. Ray M. Bowen, any Uni versity-sanctioned event on campus and the Bernard C. Richardson Zone at Kyle Field. Though the University has the au thority to make a decision without the A 21-year-old student^,, night’s forum, questioning^ ty of the Universitv tO dpnnvi. IVICTOF Taking away someone's rights is a big issue. To do so it must be clearly for the greater good. We all know this is a strong is sue, and the ad ministration has the same questions [students] do” — Dennis Reardon Alcohol Drug Education Program representative ty of the University to deprive rights the law has granted | E | scribing himself as a mildd senior said, “The University® am less of a person becausellii j campus.” The student said that livii idence hall is the same asU—, ve .. rs where, and even though heL a less-expensive option of Uving(][| uis ne ar pus, Ik and others older than. clEieologisl the light to decide whetherto. they have c c °hol. ontliesitcl “This is coming into mylrl Texas H telling me what I cannot do, vjcfaeologis law specifically says I can,”tlie|ic|tged to t said. they hope Reardon told the smaller the puzzle the administration has as marP oil tions as students do. | France am “To take away someone’sriJfe W<)1 | 1( big issue,” he said. “Todosoitii™ 11 s a 1 clearly for the greater good, know this is a strong issue,anii ministration has the sametp [students] do.” In conjunction with effons:: true,” said tiled Unive fessor who B-ee deci about its Louis in 1 ( support of RHA, Jeff Bennett, Moore Hall RHA delegate and a senior land scape architecture major, said RHA will do as much as it can to discuss the al cohol-free halls with the administration. mine student opinion on thei&l Althom gie TV began airing its firstpr: infested c “The Future of Alcohol onU Garcitas C Wednesday. stream fre The program will run on I linked toll Channel 88 at 7, 9 and 11 pirtTexasby s Dec. 8 each night and provide: others wer RHA contacts for on-campusre to express their opinions. nnons w But 1< ■ilmore s ic story.” I; Directs ■vation ■>50,000 in private may be at ’wssible d testing to ■ Scienti Hine how flpme of i : what they I Most Chri fron CON Christo childrer Thie betwee stole g gomen Tuesdc Does copyright have meaning in a digital world? 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